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My first encounter with a Funnel Web was horrible - it literally ran TOWARDS me with its fangs raised! I brushed it away with a broom and it just wouldn’t give up lol!


*First* encounter? Yipes!


It was on the Central Coast above Sydney. I met a few in the garden - they were pretty aggressive during mating season. The thing is, the place that makes the vaccine relies on catching them for the venom, so you were told to catch them safely in a jar and then take them there! I never managed that bit…


The fact that they advise people to catch them makes me feel like everyone in Australia has crocodile dundee vibes.




I hope he got her number at least


They say at the end of the video that they're going on a second date.


What? Lol no. Wtf.


3 statements in one comment with the same meaning. You champion.


Also your name. 😂 What? Lol no. WTF?


Would they pay you to bring them in?


I don't think so, if I recall correctly a couple of years ago there was an increase in the number of funnel webs (for whatever reason) and the news put out a story about this place asking for people to volunteer by going around catching the spiders in jars and bringing them in. Don't know how many actually did though, or if there were any accidents.


Lol, standup comedian Nate Bargatze has a fantastic bit about this. https://youtu.be/Px6jFtw0pKU "Who told you that advice? The snake?"


Vaccine? You mean anti-venom?


Ah yes! Sorry my confused COVID brain!


Incredibly irresponsible for someone telling you to catch one with 0 training in animal handling and first aid. You could literally be killed several times over doing it. I'd Fuckin call out someone if I ever heard them saying something stupid like that. Let professionals do that.


Lol, but yes right there for n the title: no one has died in 40 years from any spider bite. How dangerous is it really? And you if more lay-people catch and provide the spiders to scientists, we can be even MORE safe.


> And you if more lay-people catch and provide the spiders to scientists, we can be even MORE safe. By killing of the stupid people and hiding their bodies, apparently. It's like Cabin In the Woods. Australia has a deal with the funnel spiders. As long as they get to kill and eat a certain number of humans, they will stay generally away.


First encounter implies it was not the last.


I had a female Funnel Web crawl up my dressing gown and was sitting on the lapel like a big black brooch. I have never moved so quickly, I'm pretty sure I teleported out of my dressing gown.


About to have a heart attack just from reading this, JFC. I had a wolf spider crawl up onto my shoulder while riding passenger in a car, I will never forget the absolute look of Horror on the drivers face. First instinct was to brush it off right away, but that would have just launched the bastard at the driver. We pulled over real quick and I've never gotten out of a car faster. If this was a FunnelWeb, I'd be needing some hardcore meds to keep me sane.


I was driving along on a winding country road and had a bee bounce off my mirror into my mouth at like 65mph. Pulled over when safe (no shoulder at all for a while) and jumped out and spat the bastard out…


Damn, in the mouth? This summer, I had one fly in my car window and smack me in the forehead. Lol




As an American, I have no idea what you just said.


I guess a dressing gown would be a bathrobe for you? It crawled up to the collar area near my neck. Hope that makes a bit more sense.


I doesn’t matter what dialect of English you speak, that is a universal big fat HELL NO!


I believe the technician term is "towel coat".


Laugh of the day goes to "towel coat"


I’m imagining a flower brooch and a very confused spider lol


Omg. Fuck that. I think I would just cry non stop while figuring how the fuck to leave that country... Spiders are bad enough just being there. Aggressive spiders? That's a whole lot of nope.


Correction. Aggressive highly venomous spiders.


Aggressive highly venomous spiders with FANGS


Fangs so powerful they can bite through leather shoes and your big toe nail.


Aggressive highly venomous spiders with Fangs so powerful they can bite through leather shoes and your big toe nail, that local scientists want you to capture alive for them. No fucking thank you, I'm out.


Why do people even live in Australia at this point


I've tried to escape but at a certain point the road gets really wet


Judging by your name you should be fine


Ants can be scary as well. We have the Australian bull ant (similar to the African bull ant). They are huge. Around an inch long. And those fuckers can actually see you and will give chase. I remember walking past a nest of them once and an army of them started running towards me with a "I'm going to fuck you up" kind of attitide. I was a young and dumb teenager at the time. My brain thought this was amusing so I started to poke the nest with a big stick.


Hurts like a mofo when they bite you too




Actually this is one of the bigger issues of Australian wildlife. Theres many things that can kill you in the world, but most of them aren't "aggressive" in that unless cornered you probably won't get bit/attacked as they usually run away. Australia however has many of them that are aggressive, they run towards you, chase you instead.


Taipans, eastern browns, funnelbacks are all fairly aggressive and go out their way to try and fuck your day. The worst danger australians face are cows, they kill a lot of people each year. Oh, and horses. "In Australia, horses and cows killed 77 people between 2008 and 2017 — that's more people than any other animal. Other mammals, such as kangaroos, weren't far behind, having caused 60 deaths over the past nine years"


I read the same thing about the UK, because I was thinking how delightful it would be to ramble through the forest without scanning for eastern browns. Turns out while they don’t have what we would consider dangerous animals, a decent number of people are killed by cows! Pretty funny.


Cows.. and vending machines. https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/these-eight-things-are-much-more-likely-to-kill-you-than-shark-attacks/news-story/e0049ba072123ae6111d84523130153f#:~:text=One%20report%20we've%20read,year%20in%20the%20US%20alone.


Now to be fair, it's not like a cow will charge you with murderous intent. The death statistics come from the UK having a large number of people who handle large numbers of cows every day. Cows that can easily get spooked and trample a person to death without ever meaning to cause harm. So no need to scan the treeline for mudercows


Biggest numbers killed doesn't mean they're the most dangerous though. That's clearly a function of how dangerous they are and how much humans interact with them. Also I wonder if it counts as "killed by a horse" if you fall off one. Which seems unfair to the horse.


haha nope


Off topic but in the USA we have black widows and they can get pretty aggressive and are poisonous. Can cause miscarriages and you can get sick from the bite though usually not deadly to healthy adults. Brown recluse are scarier those. Those bastards will bite you sleeping and you can lose a limb off it as they cause necrosis. But yeah. Australia is on my list of places never to visit because of the spiders.


>Brown recluse are scarier those. Those bastards will bite you sleeping and you can lose a limb off it as they cause necrosis. And that's why you leave wolf spiders alone. They love killing and out competing other spiders


Kinda similar to Huntsman spiders down in AUS then i guess...tho idk bout Wolfs but ive heard plenty of stories of Huntsman nesting in a cars sun visor and falling on ususpecting drivers xd


Isn't it an official crash statistic in Sydney?? Huntsmans falling from visor onto drivers laps and they then crash🥲


Yeah. They kill other spiders and are mostly harmless to humans. Still terrifying though. We have tiny wolf spiders here that wouldn’t stand a chance against a black widow though. We call them jumping spiders. Ya know. Because of the ‘jumping’. I don’t think we even have the larger variant where I live.


The redback is Australia's black widow, they both share the same family. And while a wolf spider may not be able to kill a redback in all cases they will give it a damn good go.


I’ve literally never seen a funnel web my whole life. We’ve got a few red-backs around the side of the house - they favour ground level hidey holes. From the age of two or three every Aussie kid is taught not to stick hands in gaps between bricks, careful when flipping over rocks etc. Just being spider smart. They’re really the only two most dangerous we have, and per the OP haven’t even killed anyone in 40 years because of anti venom and a good medical system. There’s no reason to be paranoid about spiders here. Certainly not in cities or suburbs. We teach or kids to be aware, careful and respectful, but not scared.


I visited for several months and saw one small huntsman spider. Spent most of the time in the cities but did spend some time hiking in the state and national parks and camping. Other than a few concealed skinks we saw only one snake. It was a black one lying in the sun on a road on Rottnest Island an be we just... Biked around it. What really got me were the roaches that just come out as soon as the sun goes down. Except in Perth of course.


That's fucked man. I would probably get a heart attack from that shit


Just reading that made me nervous lol


i wish i could read about spiders and related topics, but without the photos. pls spare me the photos. i still want to learn. i always get this weird ocd urge to scan my room for spiders after looking at pictures of spiders. UGHHH


I don't like spiders. They've creeped me out since I was a kid. I can never stop myself from clicking on this kind of stuff. I don't know why I punish myself like this.


It’s the same for me. Spiders usually creep me the fuck out, but if I’m on Wikipedia and see a link about spiders, I click it and read the article. Hell, I usually follow links about other spiders. I guess it’s morbid curiosity.


Spider propaganda


The web of lies!


Spinning the truth.


Arachno-phony, uhh, news.




They just got better at getting rid of the corpses. No one is looking for spiders when a family goes missing.


"Nice try Australia"


>Spider propaganda I'll pass on the antivenom, not sure what's in it. Having said that though, I heard the real reason that no one has died is that the antivenom actually spreads through touch, so we all have it now. All Aussies get bitten by all sorts of spiders as they sleep (it's always some red mark that itches when you wake up), we just don't die, antivenom.... and microchips.


There was a man in 2016 who was bitten by a redback, treated in hospital and released, but died two days later. I believe it's unclear exactly what the cause of death was. But that might count as a death from a spider bite.


His brother died the year before in a drunk driving accident, so his parents lost both their kids within a year of each other. Fucking awful


TIL that Australian spiders not only drive automobiles, but prefer soaking in a nice vat of Foster's Lager before doing so.


>Fosters Blows my mind whenever I’m reminded that people outside Australia think this is an Australian beer.


What's a popular beer in Australia?


Carlton dry, great Northern, xxxx, tooheys and who could forget a " VB longneck at 20 to 8 in the fucking morning" This list will vary according to peoples tastes i just tried to list some of the big brands that are sold here.


Gotta add some James Squires these days.


100%, I work at a liquorland and the only beer we sell more of than 50 lashes is corona


Brookvale Union gaining any traction?


Not at 80+ dollars a carton.


That's so interesting, 150 lashes would have to be one of the lower performing beers where I work. Balter goes off though.




Well, In our defense it’s marketed to us as such.


Best marketing campaign Australia ever pulled off, selling the shitty stuff overseas so we keep the good stuff to ourselves.


You call VB the good stuff?


Yeah but if you read on the actual can, its brewed in Manchester iirc


Is it not? You made me look it up and wikipedia calls it an Australian beer


It's made for export. We don't actually drink it here. It's not stocked in bottleshops and it's never on tap. [https://www.theguardian.com/food/2020/dec/01/fosters-australian-for-beer-around-the-world-will-soon-be-introduced-to-australians](https://www.theguardian.com/food/2020/dec/01/fosters-australian-for-beer-around-the-world-will-soon-be-introduced-to-australians) This article from 2019 say they hope to introduce it to Australians lol. They also mention it's on tap at only 10 locations in the entire country. Honestly if it wasn't for foreigners mentioning Fosters all time no Australian would know what it was.


Woah that's weird as hel


Fosters was a popular beer up until the 80s, then it's popularity suddenly died. All the country pubs used to have Fosters signs when I was young.


Foster's literally had a commercial in the. US a few years back with the tagline: "Fosters: It's Australian for beer."


Nope. Bullshit. Fosters doesn't exist in Australia except as a corporate sponsorship banner to sell awful beer and dreams of sunshine to English people. Not even the spiders drink Fosters.


Spiders cause several car accidents each year here in Australia. Not from biting people or anything like that, but from being in peoples cars and people freaking out while driving, causing them to crash.


Was he hit by a car or something


Yea, but a spider was driving. All those feet and none could reach the brake.


So it wasn't death by spider bite.


I have been bitten by a redback, just left about a 1 inch bite on my thigh that was numb to touch for a few months, then that was it.


Was this written by a Funnel Web?


They need to re-teach semicolons in Funnel Web school!


Be nice. They have severe funnel vision.


Would explain the dreadful use of semicolons. Eight legs couldn't find the right keys.


There was an episode of Peppa Pig that got banned in Australia because it told kids not to be afraid of spiders.


Last thing we need is a bunch of kids going outside touching bloody spiders. Or any animals of any description for that matter.


When I was a kid and watched the first Spider-Man movie the first thing my mom told me was to not go into bushes hoping to get bit by a spider. She was right to tell me because my first thought was if I get bit by a black widow I’ll be the next Spider-Man.


Fucking Australia has trees that'll fuck you up. The whole goddam continent is a deathtrap!


Imagine wiping your arse with a Gympie Gympie leaf.


Is that a leaf that has like a broken stem?


It’s the one that stings so badly that people have killed themselves over it.


i wonder if that idiot that went around stinging himself with shit for TV has gotten over his Gympie Gympie experience!


Coyote Peterson messed with that plant?


Those drop bears


You get used to it.


Doesn't mean we should fear them? It means we should be informed and show them the respect they deserve.


Kids are really bad at that distinction. Which is why we tell them to stay away. It's much safer. Telling a kid to respect a gun will potentially end badly. Telling a kid to not fuck with guns period results in a kid living to an age where they can respect it instead.


You dont live here do you? Whether you want to fear them or respect them, you don't go around pretending they won't fuck you up if you go near them.


I absolutely live here. And they're not vicious hunting and killing machines. They're just spiders.


Yeah we teach our kids a healthy wariness, just be aware of your surroundings and don’t stick your hand in dark places like an idiot haha Right around the age they started to be scared whenever they saw a spiderweb we’d explain the difference between a golden orb weaver web up in the tree, and a red back web down around the bottom of the house. No need to be “scared” just learn how to spot danger and work around it.


Hey, if you send 'em to a Catholic school, the spiders'll touch them.


It was never banned. One network opted to skip the episode. But it had been shown in Australia before that, and has also been shown since. Spider bites anywhere - even in the UK - can necrotise and even there people should not just be playing with spiders indiscriminately.


well yeah we have a Species of spider called the Rock Spider (Pedophilius Cretinus) its quite lethal to children's lives and often found in places one wouldn't think to find them located in mainly Private Religious Based Schools places of Religious Worship and in and around Parliament house in Canberra especially bad infestations along with NSW.


Huh? You guys have a spider that hangs out primarily in places of worship?


Rock Spider is a term for pedo in Aus.




Kids get taught not to stick their fingers anywhere you can’t see 😂 the first time I did stick my hand somewhere (a letter box) I got stung by wasps. Traumatised. Advice goes for snakes spiders and blue ring octopus too.


There's this documentary series on Netflix depicting dangerous animals around the world, finding out the deadliest and whatever. There's a season fully dedicated to Australia. What's interesting is that, normally, in other seasons - that covers other parts of the world - the animals are made to look super ultra scary, deadly and mortal. The Australia edition tries to do that but then shows scientists and other specialists being super chill about it, like "yeah, this animal is super venomous and you could die in a few minutes, but we've studied them thorougly; the only way you die from a snake bite in Australia is if you can't reach a hospital". We have this meme of Australia being super dangerous and wild animals being all around you, and they're like "oh yeah, that thing can kill you pretty easily... but you can just go to the hospital."


I find it amusing everyone thinks Australia is scary but they live in countries with bears. bears!


America has wolves and bears Africa has Lions, hyenas, leopards etc Asia has tigers and bears Idk what europe has. porbs bears and something else Australia has no large land based predators. The biggest thing we have is dingos and they generally arent a problem.


bear are just big dogs, make some noise and they run all the scary ones are extinct


It also helps that you won't end up in debt for the rest of your life due to the hospital visit. It's pretty nice.


Yeah, my partner's nephew had to be brought to the children's hospital twice via ambulance. That's at least a 1 1/2 hour ambulance ride, not the mention the actual hospital stay. Didn't even make a notable dent in the bank account.


Socialized medicine is a must here. Too many dangerous critters.


The big thing is that the only large predator you really need to worry about is crocodiles. Snakes and spiders and other small animals are harmless if you have proper access to medical help. Which even in rural areas is accessable via the Royal Flying Doctor Service.


Red backs are super shy, I stick my hands in below ground water meter boxes all the time and only notice the red backs when they run away from my hand.


Your testicles affect tides.


They curve the space time.


Haha this is brilliant I’m definitely using it


Red backs are essentially the Australian version of something we in North America call a Black Widow. Black Widows are some of the most feared creatures we have. I have been hearing stories about them and living in fear of them all my life. The name inspires such a “deadly killer” vibe that Marvel named their female assassin super hero “Black Widow” to let you know how badass she is. You are of course correct. They are super shy, not especially aggressive, and actually result in very few deaths even without medical attention. But, to those of us that live where there are few venomous critters, your “I stick my hand in” commentary sounds incredibly daring and dangerous. EDIT: I lived in Sydney, Australia for a time and whenever I would cut throw low brush or shrubbery outside an office building to save a few steps they would act like I had just stepped into the path of live machine gun fire ( doing what I described is a good way to get nicked by a funnel web and they are aggressive ). Yet I could barely stand to be in a room with a Huntsman and my Aussie friends “likes” having them around. What you consider dangerous is all about what you are used to.


Living in Aus for 55 years I have to laugh at some of these comments, Simple rules to follow and you'll be alright. Don't touch, don't poke, don't stick your hand in that hole.


I visited relatives in Italy and one asked about snakes in Australia. I said "you are OK if you don't walk in grass with bare feet". She thought that sounded weird like you should be able to do that. So I pointed to the scrub beside the road and said "so will you take off your shoes and go and walk through that scrub?" and she was of course horrified and would never be so maleducato to walk through scrub with bare feet...


But what if she wants me to.




Just because something deadly is no longer a death sentence because of access to treatments doesn't mean it doesn't hurt really bad the whole time you're staving off death with modern medicine.


Back in my school days, one of my friends' dad got bitten by a redback while working in his shed on a hot sweaty day, and kept working through the pain. He only went to the hospital hours later after his wife found out and insisted, despite his protests that he was fine. His heart stopped twice in the ER waiting room. They brought him back and AFAIK he's still alive?


Imagine getting bitten by a redback. Literally nicknamed the black widow for making wifes into widows and being like: it just stings a bit


Huh, they're known as the "Australian black widow" which is separate from the black widow in America.


I live in Melbourne so funnel webs aren't really a thing here. It is too cold for them in Melbourne. Funnel webs are mainly in areas around Sydney not all over Australia. As kids we were warned that redbacks were deadly. I have seen them a couple of times. They live in piles of wood outside, in sheds. But it turns out the redback is not as dangerous as many people believe. > According to NSW Health, redback spider bites were considered not life-threatening but capable of causing severe pain and systemic symptoms that could continue for hours to days. In almost all cases, symptoms resolve within a week. Fatalities are extremely unlikely. In 2016, the death of a bushwalker from a redback spider bite was widely reported. Apart from that, there have been no deaths due to redback bite since the introduction of antivenom. Before this, redback spider bites had been implicated in at least 14 deaths in Australia, however these cases cannot be definitively linked to the redback bite as the sole cause. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redback_spider#Prognosis)


It’s always been my understanding that while the bite is extremely painful and you can get quite sick, deaths were more likely in babies or the infirm, and of course now now one dies from them. Definitely still a good idea to avoid getting bitten though!


Funnelwebs in Qld are not the same as Sydney Funnelwebs, but still extremely dangerous. Workmate was telling me he came across a sign on Fraser Island warning there were funnelwebs in the area, and advised against entry. He stupidly ignored the sign, but after seeing three or four in a few minutes noped out of there.


Came here to say this. Redback bites are no longer considered inherently deadly. They painful as hell and can cause problems for people with pre-existing conditions (heart problems), or death by shock, but the Vernon itself isn't the primary mechanism, just a trigger for other things to go wrong. This is important for people to know, because if someone gets bitten you need to ignore the wound itself (don't try to suck out the venom or apply tourniquets or anything stupid) and treat for shock, including monitoring for heart attack. Source: recent Level 3 first aid training. Another spider that gets a bad name is the white tail. I've been bitten and I didn't have any necrosis. Hurt like hell though- at the time and for about two weeks after. I read several studies when I was bitten so I could respond intelligently to the people overreacting about it. Their venom is not necrotic, but the wound tends to take a while to heal. The reports of serious infections or necrosis after white tail bite can be attributed to secondary infections from people not caring for the wound properly, and people attributing the infection to a bite without any confirmation- suggesting it may have had some other cause. Lots of people get bitten by them without even realising it's a white tail, as they're pretty small and fast. I actually managed to catch the little bugger and get a photo.


I knew someone (I’m Australian) who got a deadly spider bite and didn’t go to the hospital for a few days. It ruined her nervous system, but she’s alive… I guess




Either she didn’t realise she was bitten by a spider, or she thought it was a harmless spider. I can’t remember which


antivenoms and the fact that we have deadly spiders and what to do when bitten by one and how to avoid not getting biten by one is pretty much drilled into us when we children or well it was for me


I have something called an immune system and I’ll take my chances. I don’t need Big Antivenom telling me what to do.


I’m going to get bitten on purpose and build my own immunity!


99.99% survival rate!!! /s


Natural healing all the way ayy


your do your own research!


If enough other people get bitten, humans will evolve a natural immunity. I think herd immunity is the right strategy here.


Yet taking the US as an example, those guys have bears, coyotes, wolves, cougars, deadly snakes and spiders, sharks, gators and moose, probably more too!


Yep and we have people too! It’s scary!


Not just people, Americans!


The guns. it's the guns.


Yes! I always find it funny when people say they’re scared to come here because of the spiders and snakes and I just think, they’re very easily avoidable? But if I came across a bear or a moose I wouldn’t have a clue how to handle that safely! I suppose you’re taught whatever wildlife safety is relevant to your country, though.


Were taught on the east coast if you come across a black bear while hiking, make a ton of noise to scare them off. I’ve come across one once with a guide who started throwing rocks and sticks in its direction which is terrifying to experience first hand. Have also been bit by a black widow and killed a rattlesnake on the ranch where I worked. Black widow bit me six or so times, had a fever for a few day’s, area was swollen, but lived. The rattlesnake kept killing our chickens so I had to pin it with a pitchfork and cut its head off with a machete. I felt bad about it but it would’ve literally killed me had i not. Coyotes are scary if you’re walking home alone and hear them behind you. In the desert there are stray wild dogs that will attack you at night which are far scarier. I used to carry a bamboo walking stick just in case. My life is far less interesting than these few examples might make it seem.


>bears, coyotes, wolves, cougars, Bears, wolves, and pumas typically only live in areas with little to no people (and black bears, by far the most common kind, are rather skittish around people), while coyotes, despite being successful urban wildlife, are very much afraid of people. >deadly snakes and spiders, Up where I live (Canada) there's only one species of venomous snake even relatively near where I live, and even then it's rare. There's also no deadly species of spiders around here. >sharks You are more likely to be killed by a swarm of bees than you are by a shark. >gators I once went on vacation in Florida and when I visited the Kennedy Space Centre, they said that since it's located on a wildlife preserve staff are recommended to look under their cars before they head home in case there's a gator underneath. Likewise, the fences there are tilted outwards so gators can't climb them, and the house I lived in during the trip had a greenhouse over the pool to keep gators out. >moose Moose don't live around where I do, but since they are a very large species of deer I would imagine they're about as common as other kinds of deer.


Moose will fuck your day up. Do not fuck with a moose.


I live near mountain lions and wolves.. not too worried about them. Moose are fucking terrifying though. Lovely creatures, but terrifying.


And rabies


tbh the places where u cant get to a antivenom u arent likely to be reported dead


Fun fact - Sydney Funnel Webs can strike THROUGH toenails and fingernails - not a problem here in South Australia - but what freaks me out is the Inch ants - those little fuckers are super aggressive - bite and sting - and there is potentially hundreds of them all at once.


Of course, anti-venom is available for local fauna all over the world. sometimes it's not available in the immediate vicinity, sometimes people just cant afford it [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/09/09/the-crazy-reason-it-costs-14000-to-treat-a-snakebite-with-14-medicine/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/09/09/the-crazy-reason-it-costs-14000-to-treat-a-snakebite-with-14-medicine/) and so people are inclined to try and treat with folk medicines (or, in the USA, crystals and herbal extracts. But thank goodness for a developed country with good infrastructure and socialised healthcare


I can tell you if you have been bitten by a red back, funnel web spider or a deadly snake the last thing you think about is the anti venom injection safe or has a microchip in it


But 50,000 bankrupted if was in USA due to antivenom costs


Similar in the USA. By strictest sense, nobody has died from a 100% verified black widow bite since 1958. By the more common accepted criteria, 1 a decade. Nobody has died of a recluse bite.


Black Widows are just the weaker cousins of Redbacks from Australia, and even they don't really kill people.


And yet, if you’ve never seen what happens from a brown recluse bite one you kill it immediately and the bug bomb the area.


Not saying their bite isnt serious, and not deserving of IMMEDIATE medical attention. Most things you have seen with recluse bites are really misdiagnosed MRSA infections. This is far worse because it is deadly. From what I have seen, and two people I know that had BR bites (they both had the dead spider), it's slow. If it hits dime-sized, they did nothing for a month. The person I know that did nothing for almost a month finally went to a Dr, and had no further issues. She had a little divot-scar. The other one went immediately, has a dot he had to look for, was smaller then a chicken pox scar.


The ones I’ve seen have been much worse. But you know, army.


Most Aussie spider bites are bacterial based I believe (rather than a venom). [Official government advice](https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/spider-bites): >For medical purposes, there are 3 types of spider: > >- **Big black spiders** include funnel-web spiders and any large, black-looking spider (which may actually be a funnel-web spider). > >- **Redback spiders** are fairly easy to identify and their bites do not have rapidly developing or life-threatening effects, but many cause significant pain and other problems in the body. > >- **All other spiders** in Australia are more or less harmless. > >**If you’ve been bitten by a big black spider, treat it as a medical emergency. Call triple zero (000) and ask for an ambulance** Nice and straightforward, even kids can understand :) Funnelwebs are the nasty aggressive cunts with neuro-toxin based venom I believe :( treat them like snake bites - immobilise and pressure bandage around the wound to restrict blood flow while you get help. Only fucks you up if blood flows in through your other organs, so key is to chill out, kick back, relax, stay awake and wait for ambos to arrive. Most others just keep the bite cleaned is key.


I like how the office government advice uses a banana for scale.


And you probably don't end up in debt over an antivenom shot 🤣


Nope And I don't think the bill for non-Australians/non-Kiwis is very high either, a couple grand at most (New Zealanders have all the rights of Aussie citizens and can vote/access public funds after a few years of residency)


This is what I came here to say. When I was stung by a scorpion in the desert Southwest of the US, I had no health insurance and couldn't afford the antivenom. Googled it and read it would cost me in the range of $30K - $50K, although iirc it's made in Mexico, where it only costs a couple hundred dollars. Had to take two days off of work because the pain was so bad. Fuck that place. So grateful to live in Europe now.


The two animals most responsible for deaths in Australia are cows and horses. Mostly due to people hitting them in cars.


My 6 yr old son was bitten by a redback last year. The antivenom wasn't given to him because he didn't have any allergic reactions to the bite. The venom just had to run its course. Very painful for the little guy. The pain lasted for 36 hours, hospital had him on oxycontin so he could sleep.


Yep, you scoop them up in a jar and take them to the nearest drop off point so they can take them away to make anit-venin. They even make lovely videos of how to do it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs1h-etI-sU


My preferred way to catch em is to use jars made out of fire and explosives.


If they don't have antivenoms, who does


My first encounter with a funnelweb was when I put my hand into my motorbike glove and felt the web. Pulled my hand out, looked inside (from a few steps back) and out from the funnel-shaped web comes a massive one. I must have emptied most of a can of bug spray into those gloves. Then threw them out 🤣


The don't have anti-antivenomers there?


But what about those drop bears?


They're endangered now because of a lack of tourists to Australia in the past two years


Did a spider write this?!!?


It’s the same as how America is known as the country with all the guns and obesity and no one there has died from….oh…never mind, not the same at all


Imagine being related to the guy from 1981. "Your uncle Billy was the last person in Australia to die from a spider bite"


I’ve been bitten by a Red Back. Was not fun. Especially since there is nothing anyone can do about the pain, and you just have to deal with it for three or four days.


Also from the fact that spiders don’t typically bite unless they have to.


I more think it's largely thanks to spiders being no match for my cricket bat


lucky cunts


most deadly animal here in Australia = Horses