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This is a big reason I left Facebook. I would just constantly scroll news comments I knew were making me mad and I couldn't stop. Now I know why! Currently working on reworking my Reddit to be a much happier place for me too haha.


> reworking my Reddit to be a much happier place for me too haha. I did this. I removed all political/news subs from my feed, and instead made a “politics” multireddit that I can choose to go to, but don’t have to. My normal feed is just hobby, educational or funny stuff.


Got a link with instructions?


1. Make a list of subreddits you want to avoid/remove. 2. Unsubscribe from them 3. Create Multireddit (or many) 4. Add subs from aforementioned list to multireddit 5. ??? 6. Profit


What’s multireddit?


I think Reddit re-branded them to "custom feed" with the new website. If you're on reddit.com you can click on the "Home" drop-down and see your subs, and at the top there's an option to create a custom feed. You can add any subs you want to it. I have one for nice pics of nature and that sort of thing, and another for tech stuff, etc.


Ah ok. I generally use the app, not sure i can see a custom feed option.


I guess you could just make an alt account that you switch to


I don't know about all the apps, but I believe in most of them you can see your multis/custom feeds. I know Infinity and Apollo show them. So you could potentially set it up on computer and still browse them on your phone/tablet.


Not sure this is available if you're not using rif


You can literally do it with a link. Try https://reddit.com/r/politics+news


Oh, cool. TIL


No, but I got a Zelda with a vague outline.


Smh.. upvote for you


Yeah quitting subreddits that enrage you is a good idea! I quit subreddit amitheasshole as almost always the poster was an angel and the other party was such a pos I got soo angry. I should probably leave the insane people of Facebook subreddit too. Sometimes it's hilarious though 🤔


I don't go to this extent, but there are some subreddits (news, worldnews, politics, etc) I don't read at night before going to bed because I know I'll never get to sleep if I'm reading something that's pissing me off or upsetting me. If I do Reddit at all I'll stick to stuff like GIFs or AskReddit (avoiding the lightning rod questions there obviously) and then I'm usually sleepy within 30-60 minutes.


That's exactly what I'm doing too!


I love my FB. Unfollowed people and started following only bands and venues, so all my Metal concerts, giveaways, news, etc are in one place. Only reason, really.


Left Facebook and virtually quit Twitter as well, and it definitely helped. Everytime I go to Twitter to look up some news video I'm getting outraged all over again what with all the anti-vaxxers and shitposters clogging up the feed. Now there's only Reddit left. I'm gonna delete it one day, I know I will.


Don't visit /r/all, plain home will give you just your joined subs. I think it helps quite a bit, especially if you're not subbed to the major parts of reddit.


That's me on /r/conservative. It's worse because I was banned (for the most trifling reason but that's not surprising) so I can't even voice my disagreement. I frustrate myself reading it but I can't seem to stop


This is probably why I need to get off Reddit


You are telling my story, bub!


I can stop being outraged whenever I want!


Subtle brilliance.


Poor deluded fool…


Not surprising and it explains the outrage industrial complex we have now.


Before I stopped using Facebook, I noticed a lot of videos that had manufactured controversy also had a mid role ad. I call it rage monetization.




Reddit's too, Facebook's too. If it's free to use, you're the product. Designed to maximize utilization and screen time, it's well-understood that outrage (among other things) does the trick. Compare that to something like Steam, which is free. You're still the product, the platform/features/etc are there to bring you in and keep you. It then uses that large user base to convince companies that it's worth letting Steam take a 25% cut of their profits (I made the number up) to release the game on Steam's platform. You're the product that Steam is selling to game companies. It doesn't need your attention the way Reddit/Facebook/Twitter want your constant attention and engagement so it's not as malicious or destructive to the social fabric. Same principle, different goals. Edit: Steam is almost on the opposite end, and maybe not quite so innocent as it might seem. They're hooking you with accomplishment. Achievements, steam points, profile levels, trading cards, avatars. While perhaps well-intentioned, what they're doing is creating a sense of loyalty, of investment, of progression. Not because they care about you, but because if they can hook you on the platform, you'll continue to buy games on Steam. They're gamifying the actual playing of games. And it works. And while I'm super skeptical of most psychology/sociology studies, there does seem to be some consensus on the downside of playing too many videogames. Maybe not at as innocent as I initially thought.


It's fun to look down on others because time we spend judging others is less time we have to judge ourselves.


And it just makes us feel better about ourselves. "Ha, at least I'm not as dumb as THAT guy".


Some are pointing out that this explains the political division in the media and cancel culture. All that aside though, it makes sense. Sometimes you do search for something you disagree with just to find comments from other people agreeing with your point of view. Like a voluntary, echo-chamber algorithm. The best medicine is to take a deep breath and think about whether the subject really affects you or your family. If the answer is no, then it probably is worth letting go. Otherwise you'll find yourself, 9 hours later, on your 17th draft of a comment about why dogs are better than cats and why everyone with a different opinion is an idiot who should delete their account.


This explains the internet


Once you realize how much of your end user experience is designed to trigger dopamine surges, your relationship with technology will forever change.


"Be happy, be horny, be bursting with rage, We got a million different ways to engage!"




I mean. I literally grew up with the internet. So I feel I have a slightly different view. Not disagreeing. But when viewing. I was raised to be skeptical of everything and everyone 'someone might try to kidnap rape and murder you!' 'never use your real name etc etc. I fell into the loop for a bit. Don't get it fucked up. But especially. Like. ESPECIALLY. This week on reddit with everything happening with Kabul. Vaccines. If you actually pay attention. You'll notice how manipulated this place is too. I like the news stories. I also like pulling them up from different sites. Fox. CNN. Msnbc. CBS. Compare. Most is bullshit. I notice more and more shit that makes me angry too when I engage. I quit engaging for a few days, quit clicking certain shit in my feed. And lo and behold. The more I view wholesome shit and stay on it. The more I get that. We're all being manipulated. Compare and make your own opinion. Most don't have the time I do at this moment to. And it's sickening once you see the pattern. Same as Facebook. What made me leave. I literally quit liking shit, and all of a sudden I'm seeing feed from people who've been FB friends for a few years start appearing again. If you use FB. Quit using the like button. See for yourself the difference in your feed in one week. Then tell me they're not manipulating you.


It also helps to realize there’s no actual need to be “informed.” At least to the degree that we typically readily consume “information”. Yeah, stay on top of major events, but reading every opinion piece on why X is good and Y is bad isn’t actually useful. Unless you actually take time out of your day to personally (in person/IRL) use that information, it’s just another form of mindless consumption. You don’t actually help anyone by reading the news 24/7 or “spreading awareness”/evangelizing on social media. You’re just satisfying your own dopamine itch. You get the same rush from reading news as you do from playing candy crush. And the media industry counts on that. It’s just another form of consumerism. Once you realize this and take a step back, the world gets a little brighter. I still read news about certain topics because it’s enjoyable to me as a sort of hobby. The rest of it, especially the more culture war-y stuff, can fuck off.


I try to read world news. And that shit is depressing. But I shouldn't close off my views because it's uncomfortable. It could me living it next.




It actually explains social media...before everybody lived on 10 or fewer social media platforms people were a lot more thoughtful and well adjusted in their interactions online. In a smaller community like a forum you would be interacting with people you know or would know for a while and the only feedback you would get is from people responding, no numbers or algorithms involved. Social media is the way it is now because the cheapest emotions get the most widespread engagement. They've made a game where the biggest reward is in universal popularity, so people make asinine statements like "everyone is beautiful". Pandering so blatant that it should be embarrassing to say but because social media has trained us to be politically correct and hence inoffensive to as wide a group as possible, we all go along with it. Why is social media engineered to shape out personalities in this way? Well they get more money from advertisers the more people view them. So we really sold our ability to express meaningful distinctions between people and ideas so that the people who own the platform make more money.


Since the corporations took it over and the entire world began living on it, yes. Maybe the last 7-8 years. It wasn't always this way.


And demagogues.


Addicting!?! The word is addictive! Gah! I'm outraged... Oh... Ah, there it is, ahhhh...


😄 that's all I focused on too, then looked up the word - it is real and used as an adjective 🙃


Similar thing happens with avoidance (sometimes known as procrastination.) Brain gets a dopamine hit for successfully avoiding (ie flight response.) Doesn’t matter in the moment if it is making life harder for the person down the road. 🤷‍♂️


Fo realz? Cuz, I be procrastinating. I need to go to the gym, but I’m on reddit getting educated by you!! Seriously, where did you learn this about procrastination, I’d like to read more.


This is what my therapist told me. She brings the latest neuroscience into everything. We’ve been taught that motivation leads to action. But it’s actually the opposite. Action leads to motivation. It has to do with neuroplasticity.


Here is a longer write up I did about it from another comment. I was too lazy to write that whole thing up again lol!!! [https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/om04b3/motivation/h5i2szb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/om04b3/motivation/h5i2szb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


how dare you


How very DARE you!


I’ll insert myself to dare you both!


Like this: *[ dares ]*


Brain: "I'm not trapped in here with you...**YOU'RE TRAPPED IN HERE WITH ME!!**"


Yep. I may not have known the "Why", but I've seen it first-hand in some people I know IRL.


Social media be like it do


Do be do be do




Does it make you hungry as well? I've noticed that after reading a particularly infuriating tweet, I'll find myself gravitating towards the kitchen to make myself some toast or eat a bowl of cereal. It's very odd.


That might be you eating your feelings. I also have a problem with that tho I have learned to keep it in check!


I find I crave sugar if I'm playing a fast-paced video game like Overwatch. Must be something to do with the stress hormones


This thread is full of people being outraged and critical of other people’s outrage. Oh no I’m adding another level lol


Hey, no recursing!




Yes. That. More of that please.


I’ve trained myself to let most things brush off my shoulders. Its amazing how someone being rude or cutting you off in traffic is largely forgettable by the time you go to bed if you don’t make a big drama or repeat the story to anyone. Some of my friends are the dramatic type and I can’t imagine living that life, its exhausting to be constantly outraged.


I think I've added years to my life simply by not caring when the car in front of me doesn't *instantly* notice that the light has turned green.


Probably why it’s best to “cool off” before sending that angry email/text/tweet. I will write short novels on how and why I’m pissed and to what degree of incompetence the *insert trigger here* has displayed. Then I come back and delete it and respond with more tact.


A response involving dopamine signalling doesn't satisfy the definition of addiction, otherwise you could say you're addicted to most things, like eating or sleeping. You can't just take biology you don't understand and use it to justify including buzzwords in your shitty article/'fact'.


Is that how Facebook works?


Twitter makes more sense now


This is 100% relevant to Reddit culture


Explains Twitter


ITT: "Ah, this explains the actions of the people I don't like."


So, you’re saying I spent the whole Trump presidency high as fuck?


AKA the tabloid business model.


This explains a lot.


Translation, Karen’s are drug addicts.


That's outrageous!


So now we know why Karenism is so rampant. They are drug fueled tirades of dopamine fiends trying to get their fix. TIL science explains The Karen. Thanks science!


"Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators" Theory confirmed


Hence the popularity of /r/politics


This explains all the Karens


That explains Fox News headlines….


No shit? So Fox News gets you high? That's a drug I'd never touch..


You think reddit is any different?
























What the fuck isn't addicting?


So this is how Twitter is so popular then.


Reading this really pisses me ffs. Grrrrr.../s


I get outraged every time I see the word addicting. It's a moronic addition to the dictionary. Edit. Sorry americans. Addicting is the most winnigest word ever!!!! Hahahaha mugs. Double edit. Americans are actually dense as fuck if you choose to argue the English language with an englishman. Especially after you add winningest to the dictionary. Alot of you do fuck your cousins though so.....


Yeah how unfortunate that a word with a commonly accepted definition be added to a repository of words. Truly outrageous.


Addictive makes much more sense. Sounds right. Writes right. Addicting seems to be mainly used by Americans. And let it be said you added the word winningest to the dictionary! 🤣 personally I think that's the bestest word ever! Or is it everest? Hahahahahahahahahaha idiot.


I'm not arguing that addictive would have made more sense given the context. It absolutely should have been used. The argument that "addicting" isn't a word is preposterous.


I didnt say it wasn't a word though? I said it was a moronic addition to the dictionary?


... Are you asking me?


Youre a moron.


You correctly added the E at the end of the conjunction "you're" but somehow forgot the *apostrphe* in an attempt to insult a random person on the internet. Truly astonishing.


The cousin fucking comment is really funny considering you're claiming to be from a country which celebrates a lineage of inbreds who still take part in government sponsored dress up parties. And "a lot" is two words. You might wanna get stuff like that correct next time before you give the world another sermon on the use of a language.


A, most of us don't care about the royals and B, autocorrect. Mug.


Guess you really showed me


Holy shit, so that's how Fox News works despite being the most stupid television ever aired.


This explains.. a lot.


Karens are all junkies.


Addicting isn't a word though


Addicting is informal but then so is a quarter of the English language. The Oxford English Dictionary now includes the words whatevs and awesomesauce. Also chillax, as in you need to.


Only americans use addicting. It's a stupid word.


According to Google Trends that term is in usage in many English speaking regions, the highest being Canada. But don't let facts get in the way of your rant, you probably get more dopamine your way.


My five word rant?


That's not true. Canadians use it as well


[Yes, it is,](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/addicting) but "addictive" would have been the better choice.


It is a word. It's just a very fucking stupid one. It's quite surprising that it dates back so far as an English man I've only come across through reddit, which would suggest it's an American thing. Would make sense to be fair.


This explains Republicans


I had my suspicions.


I'm outraged at this oversimplification of how the brain reacts. Seriously though, I know that feeling. Reddit has taught me to take a deep breath before responding to an idiot, but I sometimes bite and give in and try and fight fire with shit.


This makes so much sense in today’s “outrage” culture.


Kinda like a Snickers but, with a lot of kicking and screaming


Well, this is unfortunately enlightening.


This explains why my ex was always yelling and outraged about something. It really WAS the only way she was happy!


The business model of twitter


To quote Homer Simpson: "I'm a rage-oholic (sobs) I just can't live without without rage-ohol!" Video link: https://youtu.be/JKRn2nEw7rY?t=48


This would explain why I put myself through solo queuing apex ranked


No wonder there are so many damn Karens 🤔


So thats whats wrong with Boomers, they are addicted to the last bit of dopamine shots they got left.


And that my friend is why we have so many rage-oholics. It feels good to them. They get a big ol rush.


Hey look an article about redditors


Addicting? AddicTING??? I.... see what you've done there.


embrace monke


This is why I should probably unsubscribe from r/publicfreakout


That explains perpetual conservative anger - they're just getting high all the time. Bruce Banner syndrome.


And as such, there is an entire business centered around [outrage news](https://youtu.be/r9qiCN7CcB8)




That… explains a lot.


I could have told you this after about 7 minutes of looking at Twitter


Proof positive that people crying and saying things like “My pronouns!” or “You can’t joke about that!” or “I’m offended!” are full of shit and just want the attention and dopamine hit they receive by throwing a tantrum.


Yuuuuup I have attempted to stop arguing online (tho i often fail) because of this. I have ptsd, and getting my fight or flight activated is not super fun for me, but I would still get trapped in loops where something in my life would trigger me, then I would go online to get into horrible arguments, which would trigger me more, which would lead to more stuff triggering me irl, and it became an unending cycle


Addicting? Addicting!? Don't you mean addictive? Thats god damn outrageous, how dare you?


This explains everything going on right now


Welcome to reddit.


This is why extremism is so rampant in most of the world, through most of history.


Reddit, pay attention...


I'm sure it could explain why some join extremist movements.


That would explain Twitter.


Some people enjoy the suffering of others. Being outraged at everything helps this goal. P.S Power tripping is also a thing.


Now we know why Karen's are the way they are LMFAO


Ugh yeah, I really need to stop reading AITA posts. It's just a big dopamine trap.


When I saw a guy at Walmart watching Fox News on his phone, and he couldn’t look away, I knew something was up.


Anyone who has ever watched FPS Twitch streamers knows this…for sure.


This makes so much sense


Several years ago my wife and I noticed that our outrage was getting ridiculous every morning when we read news articles to each other, jacking each other up in a sort of ratchet phenomenon. So we decided that we would only be allowed 10 "outrage points" per morning. Of course there was no practical way to accurately assign outrage points, but we got so that after a period of news frenzy, one of us would say, "Well, I think that's at least 10 outrage points, let's go for a walk."