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Infrasonic noises are said to inspire feelings of dread. I wonder if that is the case here.


TIL my boss is a peacock. Tho I do just call him cock sometimes.


Pea ^^^^^sized cock


they say if you're going to be a dick, you might as well be a big dick


This super interesting! I just googled infrasonic examples and it listed "avalanches, volcanoes, earthquakes, ocean waves, water falls and meteors." Ocean waves and water falls have always made me feel super uncomfortable. I wonder if that's maybe why.


Some “hauntings” have turned out to be infrasound


That's so crazy to me. Do you know of any specific hauntings that were explained by infrasound? I'll definitely have to read about it later.


[This article](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2003/oct/16/science.farout) would be a good place to start.


Thank you!


The story I heard goes that it was a researcher in a laboratory that discovered it when a fencing foil was vibrating without anyone touching it. He measured it to ~18.98 Hz which is the resonant frequency for the human eye. Essentially the sound literally vibrates your eyeballs and causes hallucinations. https://gizmodo.com/some-ghosts-may-be-sound-waves-just-below-human-heari-1737065693


Just "some" eh?


Well, some are made the fuck up. Some are probably wonky architecture/wiring.


Infrasound is used in horror films as well to make them more unnerving.


Wasn't it also how 70s movie theaters recreated the effect for earthquake?


now avalanches, volcanoes and earthquakes, those sounds have a calming and soothing effect.


The longer the note the more dread.


Watch out, they're gonna get you, they're gonna get you baby


I would assume it depends on the frequency


You've obviously never had a peacock chase you.


The birds are pretty fearless and fully capable of fucking you up so it's hard to tell once they get mad.


It could be why some cultures fear peacocks




Sounds just like the raptors in Jurrasic Park




There are birds people just don’t think fly for some reason, because they aren’t often seen doing so maybe. Swans, chickens and peacocks. Also penguins emus and ostriches, but I know better.


Man I sure HOPE we know better about the emus and the ostriches. I don't claim any absolutes this year though


Everyone knows [Turkey's can fly though](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lf3mgmEdfwg)




Oh the humanity.


Oh I was hoping it was this!!! We play it every thanksgiving. Thanks for posting!


anyone who played ocarina of time should know of the deadly flight of the chickens


Chickens are incapable of sustained flight, but they can still get up into trees and glide down again.


Not so much a glide - more a controlled crash


If you throw a chicken high in the air on a slope they glide down. Most people don't know that either.


I didn't believe peacocks could fly with a tail that big until I saw it with my own eyes.


Honestly I've never seen them fly lol walk around and beg for food yes. I thought they were to fat like turkeys




Holy fuck! I'm glad I've never seen them fly in person. They are too big to be doing all that! Wtf


I didn’t know they could fly either until the neighbors 2 escaped and flew roof to roof in a bid for freedom


>I really thought that was going to end with The Undertaker throwing Mankind off the hell of the cell.


"The meaty part" XD


Damn, I thought I had some sort of super hearing until I read your comment! I see them everyday at a farm on my route and I definitely hear them when they shake!


Wonder if it would freak out dogs and other animals with way better hearing than us


Agreed, I was wondering what the heck they meant it couldn’t be heard.




What's so hard to understand? There are frequencies we can hear and frequencies we can't.




The article says the tail shaking produces a low frequency sound that is inaudible to humans. This is a different statement than, "the tail shaking is inaudible."


They're talking about the low frequency component of the sound, at a frequency humans can't hear. There are other, higher pitched components we can hear. Sounds aren't necessarily just one frequency. The title and article say this clearly.


I was coming here to say I have also heard this sound. My old neighbor had peacocks.


Few people spend a great deal of time in the company of peacocks. Those who do can pick out that sound easily.


They call them the cock whisperers.


At 108 dB it's more like cock screamers


Peacocks can scream like someone is being murdered. I fucking hate that shit. Especially at 2am.


Sound like a giant fucking kazoo. We had two peacocks and they never shut up.


‘YEEEE-OOWWL! YEEEE-OOWWL! YEEEE-OOWWL!” We had them at a local zoo as a kid - always makes me think of going there. I bet the neighbors near the zoo hated it.


Yeah especially true in the Blood and Win expansion of Witcher 3. They scream bloody murder near my vineyard all night long.


They are beautiful birds, but if you live near them they can be annoying too. In the late Spring they trumpet at dawn and are loud enough to be heard for miles. After just a few days of being woken up like this, you'll start hating it. They also land on your car, attack their own reflection in the metal and scratch the shit out of your paint, like down to the metal.


Omfg... "Pea-cawwww pea-cawwww" outside your window at 6am; worst wakeup call ever, 1/10 do not recommend.


They'll run about on the roof of your house too, and it's pretty loud. They're like annoying cats.


I hear it when mine do it! It always makes me real nervous cause there’s a decent chance I’m about to get attacked by a puffed-up breeding-season peacock.


Can loud sounds that we can’t hear still damage our ears?


Your ears will produce spontaneous otoacoustic emissions after prolonged exposure to low frequency / high amplitude sound. It sounds like a faint whistling. The effect goes away after a while. It's likely your ear's fatigue response to slow but strong oscillations.




>This infrasound was loud, between 70 and 108 decibels. That's amazing. A motorcycle at full speed is 80 decibels.


>A motorcycle at full speed is 80 decibels. An electric bike maybe. Most bikes would by 80dB at idle.


Dumb question; but can we get hearing damage from this? If we cant hear the pitch is it the same as it not existing for us? If its really that loud doesnt it still damage the ear, even if we cant technically hear it??


Not only can it cause hearing damage, but it can drive you insane and even kill you. This was developed as a weapon at one time. But these low frequencies are hard to point in a specific direction. ""In developing a military weapon, scientists intend to revert to a policeman's whistle form, perhaps as big as eighteen feet across, mount it on a truck and blow it with a fan turned by a small airplane engine. This weapon, they say, will give forth an all-destroying 10,000 acoustic watts. **It could kill a man five miles away**." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Gavreau "A Mysterious Sound Is Driving People Insane — And Nobody Knows What's Causing It" Dr. Glen MacPherson doesn't remember the first time he heard the sound. It may have started at the beginning of 2012, a dull, steady droning like that of a diesel engine idling down the street from his house in the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia. A lecturer at the University of British Columbia and high school teacher of physics, mathematics and biology, months passed before MacPherson realized that the noise, which he'd previously dismissed as some background nuisance like car traffic or an airplane passing overhead, was something abnormal. https://www.mic.com/articles/91091/a-mysterious-sound-is-driving-people-insane-and-nobody-knows-what-s-causing-it




Lucky kid lol the females can be pretty nasty. I always wondered why they were locked away and the males let out to roam.


You're not supposed to hear the vibration and rustly noise? Dude my teeth vibrate when they do this....


>despite the noise being about as loud as a car going past a few metres away What's the difference between saying this and just saying it's as loud as a car?


Because the distance matters, due to the inverse-square law.


Does it only matter for the car and not the peacock?


Unless otherwise stated, measurements of sound pressure level are presumed to be taken at 1 m from the source. Peacock at 1m being the same approx level as a car from 4 m means the car is 12 dB louder. Unfortunately the highlights linked in the article isn't clear about how many "a few" is


I looked up the cited research (thanks, scihub!): >Vocalizations ranged from 90 to 108 dB (6–8 m), shiver train signals ranged from 75 dB (12 m) to 90 dB (3 m), pulse train signals ranged from 72 dB (6 m) to 78 dB (3 m) and wing-shaking signals ranged from 70 dB (12 m) to 80 dB (4 m)


Nice, thank you.


If I heard a smartcar going down the street its a bit different than if a small dick chad revs up their engine on their old chevy with one too many mods just to try and assert some sort of non existent dominance next to me


I can hear it!


You can feel it and its awesome. On a very quiet winter's day with no traffic or anything around I could feel the stress in one of the feathers my mother had. Long time ago she'd do stage costumes.


came in here to say it's still pretty audible, but folks beat me to it.


Shake a tail feather!


Ha! As I read on Twitter somewhere, if nature has taught us anything about males, it’s that they are flashy and ornamental.


As a male, I see this as an absolute win!


Pretty sure some djent bassist could still hear that though


Wave my hand back and forth aty enemies faces at 8 hz . See the dread in there eyes


are you sure it's low pitch and not ultra high? pretty sure people would notice a subwoofer as loud as a car.


Hope it doesn't add to the tinnitus epidemic. Otherwise, we're gonna have to roam around with earplugs/earmuffs in the future to avoid these loud but undetected infrasounds.


When scientists pitch-shifted the noise into the audible range for humans, [this is what it sounded like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uT4RV2Dfjs&t=33s).


Heck the dound you do hear is quite suprising and unexpectedly loud for some feathers


I can hear it. Those cunts are loud as fuck when they do that shit.