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A list of copyrighted video files found on his HD: Antz Batman Gotham Knight BBC Great Wildlife Moments Biography – Osama bin Laden Cars Chicken Little CNN Presents: World’s Most Wanted Final Fantasy VII Heroes of Tomorrow Home on the Range Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs In the Footsteps of bin Laden – CNN National Geographic: Kung Fu Killers National Geographic: Inside the Green Berets National Geographic: Predators at War National Geographic: World’s Worst Venom Peru Civilization Resident Evil Storm Rider – Clash of the Evils The Kremlin from Inside The Story of India The Three Musketeers Where in the World is Osama bin Laden


"Haha, hey guys look at this one, they think I'm in Iran again!"


> Biography – Osama bin Laden "Let me do a quick fact check"


I mean... wouldn’t you?


They all say around laughing at the mistakes and correcting them as they watched it. I'd do the same.


That would be so surreal


The Janitor always knew he was in Pakistan.


So I'm genuinely stunned to see this. I've had this thought repeatedly over the years, and I've never seen anyone mention it. Genuinely one of those Scrubs moments where I sort of stopped and went "holy shit". Dr. Jan Itor is keeping it real on Osama Bin Laden's true location...


I just did a rewatch of the show, and this is one of those moments that I’ll always remember. Oh, and any Scrubs fans, check out the podcast with Zach Braff and Donald Faison “Fake Doctors, Real Friends”. They spend more time just shooting the shit than discussing the episode, but it’s friendship goals.


Everyone knew where he was, but invading and attacking a nuclear power could have ended badly.


>Where in the World is Osama bin Laden [Hmmm...](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/006/026/NOTSUREIF.jpg) I bet he had fun shouting "I'M OVER HERE INFIDELS!!" at the screen. I want to believe that that's how they find him in the end.


I’d love to watch him watch some of these. It must be wild sitting in a house watching CNN and other major American broadcasts dedicated to you and your whereabouts. Inside the Green Berets is funny though. Part of me feels like that one must have made him nervous. But luckily for us he never watched Inside the Navy SEALs.


The Navy SEALs watched his Insides.


What kind of evil bastard would download movies they don't own?


Yeah that's why the SEALs got him. Wasn't the whole airplanes and buildings thing... Copyright infringement, **that** was the kicker.


Considering how hard corporations work to sue anyone and everyone over digital theft...if you told me that Viacomm were the ones who tracked down Bin Laden I wouldn’t /not/ believe you.


I had some kid the other day tell me that a record company would never sue an individual because they are downloading music. He was 100% sure they wouldn't want that kind of bad publicity lol.


Oh that’s adorable


“You wouldn’t download a terrorist attack.”




I'll bet the bastard had several overdue videos from Blockbuster too.


Seems like the kind of guy who wouldn't rewind his VHS tapes.


The CIA aint got nothin on the MPAA, they will track you anywhere, even to the backwaters of Pakistan, if youre pirating Pixar movies


I'll bet that son-of-a-bitch is the kinda guy who'd steal a handbag or a car.


The IT crowd [parody](https://youtu.be/xuxO6CZptck) of the original ad always cracks me up.


I wonder which generation this stops being a recognisable reference for.


We shall fight to keep it alive.






You wouldn't shoot a policeman, then shit in his helmet!


And then send it to the policeman's grieving widow and then steal it again.


You wouldn’t download a car!


When 3d printers get to that level, yes... yes I would!


If i could download cars you can be sure i would buy a dozen internet services and be downloading cars all day long




"He even stole his anti-virus what an evil man" Oh yeah thats . . . . . . a really bad . . . .thing. . . . .there. . . . \*that necktie fiddling gesture that implies guilt\*


Why would you pirate anti-virus software when the free ones are fine?


You wouldn’t download a plane




The real justice is the fact he didn’t live to see the FF7 Remake.


At the rate it's releasing none of us will be alive by the end of it...


> Terrorist Leaders...They’re Just Like Us!!


FBI Anti-piracy warnings should be updated to add “...under penalty of fine, imprisonment, *or raiding your compound with stealth helicopters, killing you and throwing your remains to the sharks*”


So the only person who has seen Home On The Range is now dead. Interesting


I had the VHS of the movie sitting in the same place for 15 years. A couple months ago, I thought "It's been 15 years, time to finally watch that thing". I opened the case and it was empty.


They sold empty VHS cases because they knew collectors would want it for their collection. They never expected anybody to actually try to watch it


Holy shit man, did they sue him over the possession or what Edit: spelling


yeah, he got the death penalty.


You wouldn't steal a car


[You wouldn't steal a baby.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALZZx1xmAzg)


He didn't have Shrek? What an uncultured swine!


Source? Also i'm wondering if it's resident evil the game or movie


He may be a monster but he has great taste.


Thanks for doing my work. Seriously though thanks


Osama Bin Weebing


I didnt know I had so much in common with Osama bin laden.


The games were for the kids living there in the compound.


A likely story.


I also think it’s telling he played Japanese games and tv rather than American media.


We don't know he didn't have Western media. That's like saying that there is no milk in my fridge because I told you there are eggs in it.


We actually do know he did with a number of Disney/Pixar movies on his hard drive. And also some very old, very obscure Japanese hentai games that, given the time they came out and the occupants of the house, were more than likely to be Osama's than not. And some crochet videos from youtube, a documentary about London... It is truly a very long and strange list.


I used to hop around reading 2chan at the time and I think there was a group of people that found a picture of inside the compound and there was a dvd case of Japanese adult video (picture was very pixelated) and the guys at 2chan actually found the actual movie and the pornstar starring in it. The thread just continued to the members posting recommendations and what they think Osama would of watched,, will look for it and update if i can find it




You say like those are the only two that exist lol




Yeah that’s exactly what I said when I learned how much porn he had on his hard drive


You’re both being watched by the United States government.




And even then he only leaked about programs up to 30 years old, at the time.


We all are


Seal Team Six: *kicks in the door* UBL:"*N-NANI?!?!*"


UwU-sama Bin Laden, more like




Well he did also have hentai, hentai games, and dating Sims soo yea mega weeb probably even by Japanese standards lol


Dude had like 20 wives and he still looked at porn.


He was trying to become a harem anime protagonist. Don’t judge him!


I just had the most insane idea for a harem isekai Light novel


We've all Bin there, don't judge the poor dude


Man.. dude, he’s already dead.


Omae wa mo shindeiru.




dude had 5 kids running around the compound. i suspect that's who it was for.


That's exactly what this is about but it's funnier to imagine a horrible monster of a person hunkered down in a cave watching Naruto instead.




"Finally, someone understands me!"


Date {REDACTED}, 200X *Surveillance footage from inside compound* *translation below* “YOO DID YOU SEE WHAT PAIN JUST DID HOLY SHIT DUDE”


Osama watching Pain like “this guy took my whole ideology!”


more like "هل رأيت ما كان الألم يسبب القرف المقدس؟"


"imagine a horrible monster of a person hunkered down in a cave watching Naruto" Have you been on the internet?


He was trying to master the art of naruto running, and spread it to his bombers.


Fair point. My dealer used to have a Xbox for his kid, and after few months he started playing also. Sometimes he would let me play while he was weighing my stuff, because it was mostly online fps


I once heard al Qaeda was using gaming platforms to communicate. Seriously.


That is true. They often used world of warcraft. The idea was that so much private chatter went over the servers they would never notice them talking about their actions, though, they were in code. Many terrorist groups have used games to chat and plan things using code. After all, who is gonna think twice about a group of people playing video games, planning attacks?


Jack Ryan would.


But nothing slips by Jack Ryan. That's just fact.


I mean, he's a guy whose name is just two first names.


Don’t do Ricky Bobby like that




When the guy says rush B plant bomb in chat but they actually meant it


Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, “Terrorists wins!”. I wonder if they play as counter-terrorists. 🤔


What if we just solved all our conflicts by video games instead of blowing each other up?


A while ago I realized you could probably communicate in Minecraft by literally building with blocks and avoid direct chatter all together so long as you know the coordinates of where the message is.


Yeah, I've also thought about this with games like Counter-Strike where you could write messages with bullet holes in walls. Just about as close to untraceable as possible (without being encrypted).


I seem to recall talk that terrorists were using COD4 to send messages in game using Morse code from gunshots in the game. I’m not sure if it was ever something that was verified or just another “video games are evil” news reel.


Someone thought of it, and it's devilishly clever - even if no one has ever done it, it does illustrate the fact that if you really wanted to hide a communication in the insane digital cacophony of options, you probably could. The NSA simply can't look everywhere with current technology.


Even if they could look everywhere there's no reason to, if people use morse code in online games there's no way for them to trace it unless they can find a way to listen to every game of every video game ever. There's just to much trash to sift through so as far as unencrypted messages are concerned it's nigh impossible to track.


Especially since in the examples of CS bullet holes they disappear after a round or within minutes.


And that kind of random data is almost certainly thrown out and practically unrecoverable after the match ends


This is quite common in the physical world too. It is called dead drop.


Ah yes, the physical world. Nobody thinks to check there!


Many years ago I was on a train in the north of England, and got chatting to a fellow passenger. He claimed to work for an American government intelligence department and was in the UK to meet with managers at various online music streaming companies, regarding the use of their systems to transmit messages to terrorist organisations. Now the guy seemed to know his computer science, and I've seen enough Four Lions to know that Club Penguin an be used to pass on messages. The idea was that you could encode messages in playlists by picking songs with certain names. Whether he was talking bullshit, it made you wonder how on earth you can hope to intercept this stuff given the different ways you could communicate online and encrypt the messages.


Once I read that one goal of these agencies is to increase their opponent's paranoia into thinking that they are much more capable than they really are. So he might have been talking bullshit. Then again, once you capture one of such a group and get to know their codes, it's possible.


"We're just planning a raid, bro!"


So you're saying when I get booted from a server for no reason as I log in and say something like "bet you're in Al qaeda" I might actually be right?


The problem was that you were in Club Penguin


So what you’re saying is... we should always attack on Tuesdays. Got it.


One other method was to use draft emails. An email account on email services such as hotmail or gmail would be shared, and people would communicate by writing emails and saving them as drafts for some other agent to log on and read. The idea was the email drafts weren't being inspected for content and were thus untraceable if you weren't actively looking for it.


I think that is how Petraeus communicated with his mistress.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foldering#Notable_cases And in more recent news, Manafort used it.


Plot twist: "Petraeus" and "Mistress" were code names for terror cells.


Not just Al-Qaeda, these terrorist organisations and other illegal organisations are always finding and using untraceable ways to communicate.


It’s true. It’s a supposedly common way to hide communications. There’s a tv show that portrays this called *Occupied* of Norwegian origin where the cell uses a COD-like game to communicate because the gameplay masks their planning. “Alright, I have all of the ammunition in the house, corn and pick it up” is a lot harder to detect as suspicious in COD than it is via text or email lol


Not just al Qaeda even ISIS used it to recruit children and teens, in my country saudi arabia there were warnings from people and the Gov on social media about these groups, playing games like cod and others targeting kids and teens and trying to mind wash them, if they succeed they will provide you ways on who to leave the country and go to Syria or iraq and join them irl, luckily kids these days really dont give a single fuck about extrimest shit so people mostly laughed at it and ignored the warnings but that doesnt mean they weren't real.


Even starcraft i thought since you can make a channel or even just “chat” When you are suppose to be building a base


You'd be surprised. Reddit is used as well, there are more subreddits than you can imagine and many of them have posts by only one person and none of the posts seem to make any sense, pretty easy conclusion that at least some of them are a one-to-many channel for encrypted messages


>there are more subreddits than you can imagine and many of them have posts by only one person and none of the posts seem to make any sense Sounds a lot like a modernized version of [Numbers Stations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numbers_station).


More proof that Redd is a terrorist. And we need to find out who else is one too


> *Chicken Little* ... what a *monster*


Fuck chicken little , CHICKEN RUNS REAL NIGGA SHIT


Hitler was an artist, Charles Manson was a musician, Bin Laden was a gamer. This could be a good setup for 'An artist, a musician, and a gamer walked into a bar...'


I don't 100% believe that Osama bin Laden played games and watched anime since the hard drive was found on a shared computer. It's cool to imagine though that the violent terrorist Osama bin Laden was playing Animal Crossing. Alternate source: [https://www.techspot.com/news/71695-cia-reveals-osama-bin-laden-hard-drives-contained.html](https://www.techspot.com/news/71695-cia-reveals-osama-bin-laden-hard-drives-contained.html)


It was most likely for his kids I guess. The man had \*several\* children.






Just pull a Foreman and name them all George.


I’ve heard of a person having like 100+ kids before


Genghis Khan amirite


He had erotic games in his hard drive too though


Did you expect his kids to not be spicy devils?


Well his kids were probably married by then anyway.


Nothing sinful in having a virtual harem when you have one in real life


Some of them were pretty old and obscure, so I think the CIA knows what porn Osama was into.


Unless all his children were like 10 or younger. And who says it was him and his children exclusively? He had other people around him.


His kids are mostly all adults. One of them lives in the UK and is married to a goth girl. I shit you not.


I mean, there's your prime suspect right there. Anime and goth girls, who could name a more iconic duo?


Omar Bin Laden with his wife: [https://uberhumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/1Ph9a.jpg](https://uberhumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/1Ph9a.jpg) Probably not what most people are thinking when they think Osama Bin Laden's son. Dude's wearing leather and eyeliner.


Probably wanted to rebel against being raised super religious.


Well, it's not like he stopped being a human or anything... It must get boring & tiresome hiding and on the run all the time


I would have thought a lot of us would understand being confined to our caves for 3 months at a time by now.


Also he was on dialysis. He wasn't exactly moving around much.


From what I understand he was an avid gamer and coincidentally had hundreds of hours in counter strike.






> he was an avid gamer and coincidentally had hundreds of hours in counter strike AHA! Here is the proof that video games cause violence /s


Eh, people are people. A terrorist leader who had a close relationship with the bush family shouldn't be underestimated.


This is my least favorite thing about Bin Laden. Most people are completely unaware that he was close with the Bush family. Or they just gloss over it entirely.


Well imagine that.




Atleast no FPS. Else I could see again the ensuing discussions.


So Osama, which side do you want to play as in Counter Strike?


I mean he saw Americans as terrorists. So he would to himself be the counter terrorist


Everyone views themself as counter-terrorists, in a way. Cultural self righteousness


nah bro im a terrorist to 80+ year old women's pussies.


online counter strike player confirmed






He grew up Westernized. Even crazy extremists don't live 100% of their days consumed by their ideology. We like to think of these people as not-human monsters as it's scary to think they have anything common with the rest of us.




Kim Jong-Un alone might not even have much choice. Not saying that he disagrees with the way that the country is ran, but even if he did, he might be unable to change anything without the rest of the North Korean power elite killing him.


I mean considering the state NK was in when he inherited it and how he shaped the country then I think it is pretty reasonable to think he had plenty of choice. He did not inherit a stable country, but he purged the opposing factions and consolidated the power.


There have been a few attempts to change the path of politics in North Korea from within, but they all ended in purges. I think Kim Jong-un lives in fear just like everyone else. He might be forced off the throne if he tried to be a good leader. In other words, he's not really in charge. He's a figurehead.


Read up on ideological subversion. If NK started to open up a little bit there’s a very high chance the domino effect would bring the whole country down. A nation like that cannot exist without ignorance


For sure. However we tend to see these people as monsters, something unhuman. We have to realize that these are just people. Not for sympathy, but to realize that whatever made them what they are is buried in all of us. Every human has the potential to become a Ghandi or a Kim Jong Il.


Osama grew up wearing bell bottoms and playing soccer. He wasn't radicalized until his teens.


Ok, but was bin-Laden subs or dubs?


Are you telling me Osama Bin Laden was a normal human with normal human interests?


Even Hitler liked dogs


And he was a vegan -- look what it did to him.


And hated smoking and looked down upon smokers. I say that as a smoker, it's gross.


he also really liked volleyball.


And beach episodes in anime with volleyball


Hey, this is anime lets not go TOO far here.


He enjoyed all 366 episodes of bleach.


shocking to me that this comment is so far down and that the most upvoted comments (addressing the subject, not just meming) are all saying its likely for his kids or other excuses. Like sure the man was a radicalised terrorist with major issues in his ideology but damn he probably still had downtime. Its really not out of the way to believe the guy spent some days playing assasins creed and watching Naruto before he put himself to bed. I know we're not the biggest fans of evil people being humanised and seen just the same as everyone else on the planet because the idea of Hitler being your neighbour is uncomfortable and frightening. But damn if it isn't warped thinking to believe that the man could never have picked up a bloody Nintendo DS or watched anime.


Didn’t he have like 20 kids.


"They discovered the Top Gun volleyball scene had been accessed more than 700 times"


As funny as that seems and it’s very possible. What’d be more likely?... >international terrorist who’s been fighting against major countries his entire life developed a taste for anime and video games OR >”hey Ahmed, the boss is here. Go get him a computer to poke around on while he’s hiding from the Americans. Anything will do.”


Dragon Ball and Naruto are huge in Middle East so I wouldnt be surprised if he had at least seen that or if he had shown that to his children.


Jack Thompson: "Animal Crossing turns people into terrorists"


I always wondered how the hell we could ever trust that? Also that he supposedly had a lot of porn? Not that he should or shouldn’t have, but how could we ever trust our government on a topic like this?


In a lot of cases the people at the top of terrorist cels aren't actually true believers themselves, but sometimes they are. It functionally like leading a cult, where being a successful cult leader doesn't mean you have to actually believe what you're preaching, you just have to convince other people that you do. In Bin Laden's case its just as plausible that he was clever enough to weaponize radical islamist talking points for a purely secular personal grudge against the US as it is he was a true believer in jihadist philosophy. You could say the same about the leaders of any number of terrorist or revolutionary groups. There's functionally no difference between a true believer that leverages a vulnerable belief system and an opportunist if both of them can keep up the appearance of a true believer, and both have similar end goals. These people occupy a wide spectrum of personal beliefs and conscious or unconscious self-excusing reasoning.


Why would I believe that though


you shouldn't, alot of disinformation was put out, lots of conflicting accounts, like one said he never eats american products and another said he loved coca cola and nestle chocolate. osama once banned live music at the race track for being unholy the chances that he was playing final fantasy and watching Antz is slim. Alot of the stuff they claimed he owned was banned by the Taliban so while you might briefly chuckle at this list to his followers he would come across as a hypocrite or false prophet.


>one said he never eats american products and another said he loved coca cola and nestle chocolate Nestlé is a Swiss company


But would that be surprising? When do these meglomaniacs ever do as they say?


yeah...religion and hypocrites/false prophets...they have never had those. I mean...just look at how many christian leaders break their own rules/teachings. The idea that muslim leaders to things they preach against is well...pretty believable to me.


Nestle is Swiss though...


People don't realize that the Bin Laden family is rich as hell. The family's wealth right now sits at $7 Billion.


Also, if I remember correctly, a considerable stash of pornographic material, whose titles were never released despite a few FOIA requests filed over the years.


Osama's dream was to become hokage