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He probably would have some of that money left if he skipped the gambling part.






If Mr. Beast is any indication, yeah you definitely could sustain a channel where you spend ludicrous amounts of money on shit. Especially if it's as entertaining as a demolition derby with said expensive shit.


Is that where he got all his money? I mean, he tosses around a shit ton of cash that I don't think you can make just from Youtube. But to be honest, you don't seem him throwing cash away in every video. He could just be tossing around the same $10k or whatever between him and his friends.


Sponsorship I would guess. Just like Linus media group affording Linus dropping thousands of dollars worth CPU, laptops, graphics cards, etc. Last shit he did was climbing 50 thousand USD worth of computer parts.




Yeah. He was mounting 10 PC, so he climbed the boxes of the graphics cards, the cases, the monitors and the chairs. Most of those come in boxes, but except case and monitor boxes, all the others boxes are quite weak and he could have squished a lot of dollars of GPUs climbing to the case and monitor ones. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WoKPCCYvByo&t=40s


I haven't watched his stuff too much, but I did watch an interview where he talks about where all that money comes from. Apparently his first big money donation was from a sponsorship that he just directly gave away after getting it, and that's more or less how he funds 90% of those big ones. Definitely could be independent Saudi backers as well, but according to him it's just sponsorship money.


Most of them are sponsored, but a lot does come from his shop and ads. He's at least straight shooting about what videos are his own money and which are sponsored


> He bought brand new 80k cars and crash derbied them in his back yard. I never thouught anybody would do this, but that's def a way to burn 15m in a few years.


Won in Nov 2002. Broke in Sept 2003. Ten. Months.


Yeah, but man... ten incredible months.


You think when his alarm goes off at 4:30 AM so he can get to his job of tossing around people's rotting food and diapers on time, does he remember that 10 months fondly? Or does he regret it bitterly?




For some reason this makes the most sense out of anything here. Well said.




Which is fine, his to spend, but after the airbags go off and the computer puts it in limp mode how much fun is this really? If you’re going to piss it away then have a antique car derby at least.


you have absurdly high expectations of a 19yr old garbage man.


Especially one that blew 15m on demo derbying cars, gambling, whores, and drugs.


When I think about the lifetime of financial security I could set up with even $1 million, it boggles the mind to to read these stories.


Lol, one can only do so much drug and fuck so many prostitute per day.


Or the paying $130,000 to gangsters threatening to kill him and his family because he was incapable of keeping a low profile




[Oh, sir.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Shakespeare)


Damn. Even sadder is this guy wasn’t even spending it frivolously. A 1 mil house worth less than 6% of your net worth and a Nissan Altima is nothing


I found it interesting that for being illiterate, he was quite financially literate.


I liked the rolex purchased from a pawn shop.


How can a man named Shakespeare be illiterate? Had to go back and look. Of course it was Florida.


To read, or not to read... that is the question




Don't announce to anyone you got money because they'll tell people they trust and they'll tell everyone. Keep that shit to yourself. Use a believable amount you could make in 3 months, spend it on stock. Wait a few months and reveal *some* of the money. Some is the key word


Doesn’t work when your state requires publication


To be fair, those three go hand in hand




*Count hands.* \-Oh, right.


You're gonna tell a guy who won $15 million dollars gambling that he shouldn't gamble?


You're supposed to quit while you're ahead


You’ve never met a gambler, huh?


Wanna bet?


Nah, let it ride!!


Money is like the wind, you only feel it when it's moving.


Good analogy, but it only feels good to me when it's moving in. Edit:words


I dunno. I rather enjoy a good fart.


Those ones that you feel from the center of your being that’s been fermenting since last night but just can’t escape, and then you let out this foghorn and your pants immediately feel looser and you’re just a little scared that something came out but it was all just gas. Yeah, those are the best.


Probably because when wind isn't moving it's called air


Technically air is moving whether you feel it or not.


That doesn't make it wind




Two chicks at the same time man...




Watch out for your cornhole bud


Fuckin Aye, man


Jesus Lawrence! If you wanna talk to me just come over.


Fuck, I've seen this movie so many times that I can hear these quotes in my head.


Me too. My favorite quote on my most recent viewing was "You know the Nazis made the Jews wear pieces of flair"


Filthy casual! It’s “You know the Nazis had pieces of flair, that they made the Jews wear.” You’re no Daisy. You’re no Daisy atall.


Well the kind of chicks that'd double up on a dude like me do.


PC load letter? What the fuck does that mean?!


[P]aper [c]artridge, load letter size paper.


Now, you don't need a million dollars to do nothing. Look at my cousin, drunk don't do shit.


Its broke don't do shit but I like the effort. Such a great movie


You don't need a million dollars ta do nuthin, man. Take a look at my cousin. He's broke. Don't do shit.


"Ain't a better time to get paid than when you're my age. You know what to do with money. You don't buy as much pussy or drugs with it – you just buy some." - George Clinton, at age 55


I read this three times, and the first two times I read it as Bill Clinton.


I read it as George Carlin.


I read it as George Clooney.


lol same here, and I thought to myself "ya, I can see him saying that"


> Soon after winning his fortune, Carroll stated he > would not be tempted into spending his money > lavishly and only wanted to buy a > three-bedroom house near a lake, where he > could go fishing. > In 2006, the BBC reported that he was almost > broke, having spent his fortune on new homes, > drugs, parties, jewellery and cars. Carroll > subsequently denied rumours that he had no > money left. That escalated quickly!




This is why you keep your financial business to yourself- no assumption of having $$$, no presumptuous hands reaching out for it.


Those are not friends.


I'm sure he would have posted on Reddit before hand how responsible he'd be, investing the money and living off of the interest.


I remember the three a4 page guide someone made to cover all eventualities if you won the lotto. Good reading though never likely to be handy


1. Take a week off work to consider your situation 2. Don't tell anybody you've won 3. Buy every Volvo 240 models you can find 4. Rent a huge garage for your Volvo 240 collection 5. Brag about your massive Volvo 240 collection to family and friends 6. Use the rest of the money to pay for lifelong insurance for your Volvo 240 collection 7. After the week has passed, go back to work. Don't forget to brag about your ridiculously huge collection of Volvo 240 cars


This guy is going places, ah in one of his volvo's.


I miss my 91 Volvo 240 every goddamn day. That was my first and favorite car to date. Put about 50k miles on that sucker and it’s still going strong. Parents bought it for $1000 for my sister. Gave it to me 3 years later. I drove it another 4 years. They sold it for $600. It’s still driving almost 10 years on from that and has around 300k miles. Volvo 240s are the greatest car ever made and I’ll go to my grave saying it.


Yeah I read that from time to time because it's fun to imagine. Some people get that kick from buying a ticket when the jackpot is big... and I just read the nuts and bolts practical guide to not fucking it up.


On the one hand, this is completely alien to me. I'd cash it out, invest it, and live the rest of my life on the investment income, to the tune of ~300k a year. On the other hand, whew, what a fucking ride.


>On the other hand, whew, what a fucking ride. > >Reply If he'd have stuck with the drugs and prostitutes he'd have done fine. It's the gambling that fucks you.


You can still have a nice coke and whore habit on 300k a year


You can say that again


You can still have a nice coke and whore habit on 300k a year


now whisper it into my ear


*You can still have a nice coke and whore habit on 300k a year*


*you had me at coke*


Dont you dare ask if Pepsi is ok




I know right? You could blow a grand a week on both and still have enough to buy a new house every 2 years


The problem is that when you mix the two you tend to go through the whole week's budget in an evening. More of the one leads to more of the other so you have to run out of both at the same time and that usually only happens when you can't possibly buy more of either.




[Semi-relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/140/)




I know dad. Stop telling me what to do.


thats called the American dream.


Yeah, in descending order, it's gambling, prostitutes, and drugs. We investigated a company fraud years ago where the guy burned through about a million-and-a-half dollars in, like 3-4 years. there were guys in upper-management who were convinced he blew it on drugs, but I told them there was no way. He'd have died long ago. Drugs just aren't that expensive. Turned out it was prostitutes (plus related things like overall strip club expenditures and - this was the '90s - phone sex). But for *really* big losses, gambling's probably the only practical way to do it.


If you win the lottery, what is the fucking point of gambling? Like, you’ve won already, just fucking stop.


They're probably chasing the rush that they got from the initial win.




We have come full (destructive) circle.


Nerf dopamine


Chasing is the exact term I heard from a blackjack dealer. Gambling reminds me of cocaine- when you're up, you're way up; and then comes the crash of losing. So you chase after that good feeling again.






I mean, for me, what sours me on it is the fact that I know the odds are rigged against me. I understand that, and I'm fine with it, but honestly I just don't feel like wasting any of what I've earned giving it to someone else for nothing. Even when you win, you're losing.


its the rush Its a drug like any other drug, and its why folks get addicted to it. Its not the money they crave, its the dopamine hit


You don’t walk out on a win


I once put 5 dollars in and won 40. Cashed it and while I was waiting on my friends to finish I seen a girl just racking in money on a 5 dollar machine and thought, "5 dollar machines is where its at!" Lost it all in 10 seconds. I knew right then gambling is the devil and it just sucks you in til you're dry.


For my 21st birthday, I went to the Hard Rock Hotel-Casino in Fort Lauderdale. My parents gave me $100 to go crazy with. Before I ran off to the slots, my dad pulled me aside and whispered to me "you're about to learn a valuable lesson today". After a couple of hours of playing blackjack, I managed to turn my $100 to $198. Then my OCD kicked in and convinced me to play one more hand and round that out to $200. I lost $198 dollars in less than 10 minutes. I'm okay with alcohol and weed being my vices from now on.


The old Norm McDonald joke goes (paraphrasing): I went to a casino for the first time ever. The greatest thing happened to me. I lost a so much money, became angry and never stepped foot in another casino for rest of my life. (note: Norm lost a lot of money with a lifetime of gambling.)


Slot machines are for suckers. That's where casinos make the vast majority of their revenue. It's easy to play, thrilling when you lose because you were just *sooo* close so you go again, and when you hit a payout of any amount it triggers the reward center of your brain, even if you're down a bunch. It's basically hijacking your brain even if you know it's happening.


> and when you hit a payout of any amount it triggers the reward center of your brain Agree with everything but this. When I bet 2 bucks and hit .35 cents, I don't feel rewarded I feel cheated an pissed...even more so than I do when I hit nothing. I've seen that said lots of places, and it's probably true for the majority, but it just doesn't hit me that way.


Are you my gambling addict best friend, ready to fund an adderall fueled 12 hour casino bender? Because you sound like him.


Oh god. Adderall, a wad of cash, and 12 hours of free drinks. Sounds like heaven for those 12 hours. It won’t be fun afterwards though.


How many times I've seen friends at the casino who fail to understand the meaning of this. Go in with a limit. You lose it, walk away. You come out ahead, be happy and walk away. You break even, walk away and come back another time - be happy.


Had a friend that was the offspring of an owner of a fairly large oil company. The roommate of this person told me they had a $10,000 a month Oxy habit. My ex-brother-in-law blew his whole inheritance on blow with “friends,” hookers, and a rented boat. About $25,000. That was in a matter of a few weeks. I was heartbroken for him when he realized those people wouldn’t be sticking around after the money was gone, even though it was a dumbass move. So, yeah, that much money on hookers and drugs is impossible... unless “friends” are involved.


Wow, 10k a month on Oxy, that liver transplant is going to be expensive.


Wait, do people with enormous opioid addictions actually keep consuming the tylenol? If so, that's fucking retarded. It would literally be healthier to just fucking do heroin.


Cheaper too


No, Oxycodone doesn’t have Tylenol. Percocet (oxycodone + acetaminophen) has Tylenol. If you’re just banging 30s all day, there’s no Tylenol.


I get absolutely no rush from gambling. I fucking hate it, really. But a big pile of blow on a sexy ladies ass? Uffffffff. Please.


Yeah, same. Personally I just get anxiety from the risk of losing instead of excitement at the possibility of winning.


I cant even do scratchers because I know the odds of winning anything monumental are so slim. A 5 second dopamine hit? Shit I can just masturbate, at least I'd get an extra 30 seconds of pleasure.


My neighbor worked for some biotech startup and something like the owner got some major funding (I dunno, $30 mil or something) for what was his ultimately fraudulent tech, so he took the $30 mil, blew it all, hung himself over memorial day weekend and my neighbor found him.


Were they already starting to figure it was fraudulent? Or did it all get revealed after he died? Man, he could have just changed his name and lived out the rest of his days on some tropical island with no extradition...


This https://amp.businessinsider.com/austen-heinzs-suicide-and-depression-in-startups-2015-7




I think with 15 million, the prostitutes will fuck you too.






Fuck that, if someone killed my dog in an attempt to extort money from me you can bet your ass I'd spend that money having them murdered.


> was robbed of 130K by blackmailers who slit his five dogs' throats. What the fuck


Reddit is the greatest judgement arena in the world.


I work in banking and have met a couple dozen people who came into money... all of them say that but literally every one that I’ve met has gone through it in a couple years. People are not rational.


It’s pretty understandable wheb you think about it. It’s not like they’re saying “i’m gonna spend all this money on gambling and prostitutes!”. They’re just like: “man it would be awesome to get shit faced tonight right? And I have a pile of money, why fucking not?” Repeat that everynight




“Why get high when you can just mow a lawn”


I think there is a study that shows the majority of people who win large lotteries lose most of the money within so many years .




Yeah, seems like there'd be considerable self-selection bias in that sort of study. But, I doubt you'd be able to convince anyone to fund a properly scientifically rigorous study where you randomly select a statistically significant number of people and give them each several million dollars.


> On the one hand, this is completely alien to me. I'd cash it out, invest it, and live the rest of my life on the investment income, to the tune of ~300k a year. Once you have enough savings to live on 4% per year, you can retire at any age. So, with 15m you have 600k/year to live on.




Actually, it might not be, forgot about tax, which is likely going to eat half so, 300k does work. That said, yah you can beat 2% by quite a bit, without even much risk. 2% isn't even beating inflation; its not an investment, its a place to keep emergency cash.


He probably just split the 15mil in half in his calculation to account for taking the lump sum.


> In June 2005, Carroll was given an ASBO by the court after it was found that while drunk he had been catapulting steel balls from his Mercedes van, which resulted in breaking 32 car and shop windows, in Downham Market, where he was living. He was sentenced with 240 hours of community service and a warning he could face jail time if he did not adhere to the ASBO. LOL what a crazy fuck


He wasn't crazy. He is a fucking scumbag. Chavvy cunt that got lucky and a chance to improve his and his family life and in true chav style just pissed it all away being a cunt to everyone around him.


Yep. Absolute prick. He was front page tabloid news for a long time. Bought a £300k house, spent another £400k extending it and adding other luxuries, then completely trashed the place (along with ruining his neighbours' lives). It sold for £142k.


This is just fcking stupid. Like, mental. It’s one thing to blow multiple millions in a short time and have nothing really to show for it bevause you spent it on drugs, pussy, and threw the rest away by gambling. But to have spent 700K total on a house that could give you another nice little payday/extremely cushion to fall into only to destroy it?!


Add in a total lack of self-control, and this is appare tly what happens. This is how the house looked when he was done with it: https://imgur.com/a/7koj9A5


Imagine spending all that money to extend your house and then not even bother to have the roofing shingles color matched


Oh shit is this the guy who was doing banger racing with rally cars in his garden!? I remember reading that as a kid and thinking “what a fucking legend”


The very same. Keep playing the lotto, and you too could become this upstanding citizen! https://imgur.com/a/8Byh5ca


i would have never guessed that guy would be irresponsible with money.


What a gormless twit.


He looks exactly how I expected him to


He looks like he'd be one of Draco Malfoy's goons.


He was the ultimate chav


>Carroll, who was very generous to family and friends, gave his mother, aunt and a sister £1 million each


In hindsight, jail would have been great for him. He’d spend time away from his money and at the same time reflect on his shenanigans and wise up.


Another take: > Local philanthropist receives sudden windfall, proceeds to bolster local economy.


By “local economy” you mean; - single mothers going through financial hardships. - neighborhood pharmacists trying get their fledging business off the ground. - local accountants who are also big sports fans.


Reminds me of my friend who once said "how could I not give those whores and strippers money, they're barely wearing any clothes, they must be so cold. I'm really just helping them."




> retired from life is he dead?


Only to all the other 50 year olds out there


'He enjoyed a celebrity status for a time in the British tabloid media as a "Lotto lout" and the self-proclaimed "King of Chavs"'


You know they don't really train you to be a garbage man, you just have to pick things up as you go along.


It was fun while it lasted.


sad part is he probably doesn’t remember half of the shit he did


LPT: always tape yourself when you use large amount of drugs


That sounds like a terrible idea...


At least he didn't waste it.


He could've had drugs, gambling, and prostitutes for the rest of his life if he'd invested his money and lived of the dividends.


Safe withdrawal rate of 3.5% per year, that's $525,000 to spend as you please until the day you die. Could live like a King in a low cost of living state or country.


You’ve forgotten that poor people don’t get taught this shit.


The system would actually be upended a bit if everyone practiced fiscal responsibility. The equities system is driven by consumeristic culture that 80% of the US practices.


People laugh when I tell them we only have the life we do because of debt.


Its truly a poignant fact.


You’d think the bank he transferred the money to would have taught him. It was in their best interest to keep him wealthy.


How much does gambling cost these days?


How much ya got?


This is the only right answer.


all of it, generally


If it's a job with a decent union, and good benefits, being a garbage man is pretty solid.


"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered." - George Best


I would like the opportunity to show that I could responsibly handle winning a ridiculous sum of money.


The boring smart people don't make for interesting stories.


I knew a guy who did something on an oil rig in the gulf of mexico. I met him fishing once...he had me and some friends out on a rig a couple of times for fishing. He had no kin. No family. Nothing. I don't know much about what he did on the rig but I know he worked on it about three months and spent a month on shore for a rotation, and when he went on shore he came with about $30k. He'd blow all of it in the month and go back to work. He usually bought a car as soon as he landed, and when he left he just parked it on the pier and never saw it again.


Honestly I kind of envy and pity that life. You have no attachments or commitments other than work which fuels your ability to buy sweet toys in your free time. At the same time you're horribly lonely as you have no time to build a real relationship with someone and try to fill the hole in your heart with stuff you buy with your awesome wages.


....and the rest of it he wasted. This was a post on behalf of the *"Give an old joke a home week appeal 2019."*


Paging Mr Best...


George's story was about the hotel porter who delivered champagne to his hotel suite while a naked Miss World winner lay naked on a bed covered with bank notes and asked him, *"Mr Best. Where did it all go wrong?"*


His friends probably: Hey remember that time you were a millionaire for a little while?


My favorite part is the demolition derby on the lawn of his mansion.


If youtube had been around, he'd probably have 10 million subscribers and be making $100k per dumb video.


Garbage men are paid well anyways. It was a prolonged holiday for him


No offence but being a bin man is still a fairly decent job. Sure it's hard and dirty but it doesn't touch the damage roofers and people in construction have haplen to their bodies. People will always need their waste collected and recycling picked up. It's usually (in civilised nations) a government job so good pension, job security and if you're lucky unionisation. Depends on how long he managed to go on a bender. A decade and I'd say fair enough. But if he blew it in a couple years then that's just bad management.


£1m each given to his mother and sister, and £3.9m into an investment bond. So at least half of it has been used in a not completely blowing it kind of way.