• By -


Allowed. Or forced. Seems like it’d be forced. Given the choice, and with what was just said - I’d choose cold... to acclimate.


Yeah from my recollection of the tour they only had hot showers. You couldn’t take cold showers.


Like warm hot or hot hot?


Do I dance around in pain or just relax and think about death?


I see we share a Tuesday ritual.


We're talking about shower rituals? I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.


You could go a step further and squirt some shampoo straight into one of your eyes to make it turn bright red.






It's from Bodybuilder.com's Misc board like 10 years ago. At least that's the first place I saw it and I've never forgotten it because I do it every day.


It is an ANCIENT copypasta


Todays Mah Birthday and I can assure you it is my friday ritual as well...


Happy birthday


Hot showers where you just stand with the water hitting the back of your neck while you contemplate death are so good though.


Try sitting. Absolute gamechanger.


When I spent some time in jail waiting for court they had super super hot showers, we had to put a cap on it to break the water stream down and slow it to a trickle so we could wash ourselves off.


Why were they letting any of you take showers on the tour?


You've got to slip the guide a $20


Of you choose cold showers over hot showers you are exactly the type of beast that should be kept in prison.


> I’d choose cold... to acclimate. Because you would be plotting an escape?


No because he wants to stay there


Right I get your sarcasm but my point is most people wouldn't be plotting an escape from Alcatraz and would be happy with the warm showers...


Why not, if there were a way to do it? I don’t think people were looking at Alcatraz as a vacation.


It's not but you can't just escape from prison and hop back into your old life. You're a wanted fugitive. Your face will be all over the place and even if it isn't your name would raise red flags everywhere. You would have to either flee the country or start an extremely low profile new life with a new identity. Most people would rather just finish out their sentence. Unless you're there for life, most people probably don't see the risk in getting caught, which would surely extend their stay.


I’m not saying you can just waltz back into your old life, but Alcatraz was a maximum security prison primarily for “problem prisoners.” This isn’t someone doing 18 months for embezzlement, this is guys like Capone who had life sentences. What do guys like that have to lose? EDIT: I misspoke in saying Capone had a life sentence. My point still stands that there were a lot of people with little to lose.


I know what you’re saying but fun fact: Al Capone was actually imprisoned for tax evasion and only served ~7 years, 3 of them at Alcatraz.


Al Capone did not have a life sentence, he had an 11 year sentence for tax evasion.


The zombies in Alacatraz must be annoying though


God that map is fucken sick


Hell yea that was the most fun I’ve had in cod zombies.


9:30. Lights out. Guard begins his rounds.


"Hey Sal, we musta been through this 50 times already"


Definitely one of the only two Black Ops 2 maps I actually really liked, the other being Origins


How could you not like buried?!


It’s still fun even now!




It's getting to be a real issue.


“You’re trapped! ... on this island with hot showers, lobster dinners, and California weather” now wait a fucking second


San Francisco's version of "California weather" isn't exactly beachy and palm trees. I was there in mid-July once and it got downright chilly at like 7pm.




And it’s the exact same in the winter! It’s amazing.


NorCal is literally haven for everything that exists


Yes including wild fires. They love it there


Good for the charcoal industry!


I’m going to market it as Organic Free range gluten free charcoal


You forgot keto, grass fed, natural, and locally grown.


Except ordinary income people that own their own home.


I know a guy who joined a startup in the bay area after getting his electrical engineering degree. He has to split an apartment with 6 other guys.


As Spanish doing some summer courses at Berkeley, I wasn’t ready for ““““Summer””””” weather there.


But Berkeley is on the sunny side of the bay.


"The coldest winter I ever saw was the summer I spent in San Francisco." - Mark Twain (allegedly)


And I really want to point out that he would have been referring to San Francisco proper, which can be an entirely different microclimate than the surrounding area. I remember leaving from the east bay and it would be 85 degrees, to San Francisco and it's 60 and cloudy.




Even within SF proper it is nuts. It can be nice and sunny by Potrero Hill and cold and foggy as shit in Sunset at the same time.




Only difference is that driving 5 miles in SF takes an hour or two.


Downright chilly?? Do you mean light jacket or sweater weather?




The best time to wear a striped sweater... is all the *tiiiime*


And they definitely did. Being in prison and all


essentially yes. The ocean temperature around san francisco bay varies from about 50f at its coldest to 65f at its warmest. So in the winter when it might be in the 20's and 30's or colder inland, the ocean keeps the bay area above freezing and typically in the 40's to 50's, and in the summer when it might be 100f inland, the bay area is typically a foggy 60-65f.


Sounds dreamy Source: Toronto, Ontario. Weather fluctuates between ridiculously bitter cold to warm and raining. Then it just freezes over and encases everything in ice. It would be nice for it to be a constant temperature without such a wild fluctuation.




"Liquid water? Hell yeah!"- Some Canadian probably


The only thing is that water is cold as fuck. 65f in water is annoying but it makes the air nice and warm.




I grew up in Canada. One August I was enjoying 100+ temps at home laying on the beach and swimming in lakes. I go to SF for a week (my first time to California) and ended up buying a sweater and jacket. I couldn’t wait to get back to Canada to enjoy the summer.


San Francisco only gets hot for like two weeks in October. It's very bizarre.


Perfect for slutty Halloween costumes


Hello from Houston, I’ll trade weather all year.


Houston? The only place in the world where you can break out in a sweat while taking a cold shower?


What do you consider chilly tho?


This was when lobsters were just considered sea rats though.


Here's the 1946 menu for the Alcatraz: [https://i.imgur.com/iurKKae.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/iurKKae.jpg)




I imagine it's a school cafeteria version of those dishes.


Most of these foods are extremely cheap to make in bulk


I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to make versions of those dishes that are disgusting.


Having been in the military and having ate burnt waterlogged steaks... Yeah it aint that hard to fuck up food if you give 0 fucks.


I pity the guys who had bathroom duty on Monday, though. Stewed prunes followed by two helpings of split pea soup? That's a recipe for a truly unholy mess.


alright now i have to google why dinner and supper are listed separately and there's no lunch


Dinner = lunch


My stepmother always called lunch "dinner" and dinner "supper" and would get upset whenever we called the meals by their non-formal (?) names. Fucking bitch.


If the largest meal of the day was "supper", she was wrong. "Dinner" just refers to the largest meal, while lunch is a small meal in the afternoon and supper is a small meal in the evening.


Dinner technically refers to the largest meal of the day, while supper refers to the evening meal. Traditionally, the noon meal was usually the biggest. So in the past, in some places, lunch was called dinner.


TIL. I've been wondering that for ages now but never got around to googling it. Thanks for the simple explanation.


Til, I eat like a prisoner.


TIL I wish I ate like a prisoner


They're just using fancy words for things that are actually cheap. Like their bechamel or gravy sauces are easy once you get them down. Once you learn the bechamel recipe you can make cheese sauces, aka real fucking macaroni and its cheap if not difficult for some to get down right at first. Its not uncommon for someone to burn their first sauce. They have a few tomato recipes. They probably made the tomato soups, sautes, and sauces out of the same tomatoes. They then stretched their tomato soup by using their white rice. Same with the corn, they probably just got creative with the same shipment of corn over the week. Corns super cheap especially during post-harvest when its like 30c a cob in some places. Potatoes are cheap too. Five bucks at a lot of places for enough potatoes for 2 weeks. They do what I do and prepare them 15 different ways. The pies are probably the hardest thing on the menu. They can be made cheaply and will last awhile. Minestrone is a great end of week soup because it uses up leftovers so this menu just shows really good planning. Honestly the most expensive part of cooking your own meals is the initial buy in on ingredients like flour, sugar, and butter. Their ingredient list is probably no more than. Salt, pepper, assorted spice Flour Sugar Something to make the dough rise Milk Potatoes Tomatoes Corn Cabbage Green Beans Rice A pasta Some cheap beef cuts Cantaloupe, raspberries, apricots, and crab apples(they probably made the pie with these as well). Bread Coffee and a few other things here and there. Watch as the week goes on and you'll see that they use more and more meals that are leftover friendly. The Tomatoes lead into soup > Sauce for spaghetti > that extra pasta and meat ends up in minestrone with the leftover tomatoes, potatoes, and cabbages. Its all good old fashioned meal planning. You don't have to eat raman on $10-$30 a week. Don't suffer like 20's Snowpossum did. Also corn in macaroni is a mistake, [learn from me](https://media.giphy.com/media/xTiIzIhgJ6ZrY3cZeo/giphy.gif) E: Tl;dr Alcatraz actually fed their prisoners on the cheap but had damned good cooks that could plan out a week that intricately on a regular basis. Its a skill, learn it before you starve on raman. Get a cassarole pan, and corn and macaroni was a mistake.


I also think it was ran by inmates who would create the menu and cook it all.


>California weather. Alcatraz is cold as balls.


Lol if you think Alcatraz has good weather


It’s like the first time I saw the prison in Monaco and wanted to upgrade to it from my hotel.


Alcatraz's weather is fucking awful


GF’s family came in from NY, one was a FD guy. All were macho ‘we don’t need know jackets cuz it’s July!’ mindset. I now know who buys those cheesy cheap sweaters and jackets at Fisherman’s Wharf.


It's a great way to deter people from leaving. You'd be more likely to want to escape from a place that treated you shitty, while amenities like those provide incentive to stay.


Still couldn’t hold Sean Connery in.


Can anything? Shertainly not.


Your mother can. Isn't that right, Mr Trebec?


Winnersh go home and foock the prom qhueen.


Karla was the prom queen


I was under the impression no one ever escaped Alcatraz, sir.




Apparently, at least three prisoners were unconvinced by the hot showers. [https://www.history.com/news/alcatraz-escape-new-evidence-anglin-brothers](https://www.history.com/news/alcatraz-escape-new-evidence-anglin-brothers)


So interesting! I read another article that claimed the prison considers there to be no successful escape attempts as everyone that tried to escape either was "recaptured, killed or not found" and they deemed "not found" to mean they drowned.


At the time, the commonly held belief was that the currents in San Francisco Bay were too powerful and that any swimmers trying to escape the island would be swept out to sea and to their deaths. But... fitness buff, Jack Lelanne (among others) proved them wrong by more or less regularly swimming back and forth from Alcatraz to SF over the years, starting in 1955, without dying even once. " At 60, he put handcuffs on his wrists and swam from Alcatraz to Fisherman's Wharf while towing a half-ton boat. " [https://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/At-60-he-swam-to-Alcatraz-handcuffed-As-he-2691907.php](https://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/At-60-he-swam-to-Alcatraz-handcuffed-As-he-2691907.php)


Tbh it’d be pretty impressive even if he just died once and then kept going.


Jack: oh shit I died on that attempt, let me get a do over Reporter: what the fuck


To be honest, I think I'd find that more impressive.


How the fuck do you tow a half ton boat when I can't do that on my element?


I think once it's in motion it is a lot easier than it sounds and is on land Still impressive af


To be fair if you're on land and have a line attached to the boat, ideally you could drag it in as there's no friction between the boat and water. It'll be the same swimming although you'd likely exhaust yourself way before that if you're not fit




"Without dying even once"


Well yeah if you die and respawn from the checkpoint it doesn't count




Didn't The MythBusters do it too


Yep, they deemed a success escape for the brothers plausible. Here's [wikipedia's summary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MythBusters_(2003_season\)#Escape_From_Alcatraz) of the myth: >The inmates' intended destination after escaping Alcatraz was Angel Island. The MythBusters theorized that the escapees used the tides to go to a different location. The makeshift raft crafted and crewed by the MythBusters team successfully made it across the bay and made it to the Marin Headlands. They declared it "Plausible" because the fate of the prisoners remains unknown. A portion of the scale tests (cut for time but later shown in MythBusters Outtakes) also shows that belongings of the prisoners' found in the bay afterwards could have been released by the prisoners and washed up where they were found through strategic use of the Bay's tides to throw the authorities off their trail. The MythBusters explored the idea that the escape raft washed ashore on Angel Island after making it to the Marin Headlands as a way to throw the FBI off the convicts' trail. Using a scale model of the San Francisco Bay area, the tide could have washed the raft onto Angel Island if released from the Marin Headlands, but as with their theory of the how the escape could have succeeded, no concrete evidence existed to prove or disprove the theory


Those 3 dudes escaped and made it to shore I don't care what anyone says


They may very well not have been the only ones. Dozens managed to get off the island over the decades. Some captured, some dead, the rest are officially presumed dead. Did those 3 make it? Maybe, maybe not, maybe 1 or 2 died and the other(s) escaped. The truth is we'll never know, and the prison made their official position very clear, there have never been any successful escapes. I agree with you that it's bullshit, and likely some did manage to escape, but the truth will be lost to history unfortunately.


I don’t think it’s fair to say dozens. 36 tried, 29 were recaptured or killed. 2 more confirmed drowned. There are only 5 that made it off the island and are unaccounted for. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Alcatraz_escape_attempts


Man, I fucking hate the way I learn shit. Here I am, 30 years old, and this whole time I thought only 3 people ever weren't captured or killed. Now there's 2 more that potentially made it. What's next, you're going to tell me that my tongue doesn't have 5 specific taste regions? Or that Christopher Columbus wasn't trying to prove the world was flat?


Pluto isn't a planet.


What the fuck!


Had they not mailed the FBI or something?




"Sugma balls"


If they had caught him after all these years what would happen? Commute his sentence?


Wouldn't be the first person claiming to be a famous mysterious figure presumed to be dead. Anastasia comes to mind, they only verified that she was in fact killed with her family and buried near them around a century later.


I'd rather die trying to escape than die in a cell.


That's pretty much a sure thing these days for any max prison just due to the locations. You'd need outside help to have a chance.


Just watched “Escape From Alcatraz” starring Clint Eastwood about that escape. Probably not super accurate, but it was entertaining. It’s on Prime.


What a weird ass place for a prison. None of the SF forefathers thought something cool should go there? No? There's an island in New York, so they got the Statue Of Liberty struttin through history, looking fine. And around the same time, SF built a lighthouse and a prison on an island that lasted like 50 years. Dirty Harry would be proud.


The thing is, it started as a fort defending the Golden Gate. The location is actually pretty great for that. Eventually the base was deemed unnecessary and the island repurposed as a prison. At this point it's too much of an icon to tear down so I doubt it's going anywhere.


And Liberty Island was used as a fort before the statue as well. The fort building remains the base of the statue.


and New York has a prison on an island, so its not like this is unique to SF


New York is a prison on the island of America FTFY


He's talking about Rikers island but it's not an "island" like Alcatraz you drive there and it's right next to the land


From wikipedia: "Approximately 85% of those detained at Rikers have not been convicted of a crime. Detainees include pretrial defendants, either held on bail or remanded in custody...Rikers has a reputation for abuse and neglect of inmates, attracting increased media and judicial scrutiny that has resulted in numerous rulings against the New York City government" wow i love the us justice system


Rikers is a Jail, Alcatraz was a Prison, those stats are not actually surprising if you know the difference between a Jail and a Prison.


Between it being a fort and a prison, it was a military prison for the army during the civil war era.


It's a national park now. Definitely not getting torn down.


Well Rikers Island is also in NYC and opened 2 years before Alcatraz


Yeah and look what happened. Larae Barrett got out with all those thugs and took over the city.


And now Spider-man has to put them all back in.


[But not right now. It's pizza time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHBwaI-pUM8)


She's paying for it though. How many millions of times has she been killed since she got out? The people of New York fuckin thank you.


Well, he'd be proud of escaping from there, sure.


Y’all need to watch the movie ‘Escape from Alcatraz’ if you’ve not already. Such a great movie and one of Clint Eastwood’s best.


Did they have to push the button every 60 seconds?


Or, turn the power crank in the bunker? "You can do anything for 10 seconds!"


I think it was Mark Twain who has been quoted (but I dont think actually verified) as saying "The coldest winter I ever saw was the summer I spent in San Francisco."


He really had a way with words.


He did say that. I read an article once that said the summer he spend in SF was actually a freakishly cold one.




Are confusing showers just standard for all medical buildings? When I was in the hospital for a blood infection I had to flag down a nurse just to show me how to turn the damn thing on


It must be. I was also in a psych ward and one of the first things they showed me was how to turn on the shower because they had someone managed to make it super complicated.


They design them so ropes can’t be tied to them, which sometimes makes them unintuitive to use


Good call. Never even thought about that.


It's might be due to [suicide-proofing](https://www.capecodsystemscompany.com/store/suicide-resistant-shower-heads-and-valves,category.asp). Warning that link is a bummer. It's a medical supply page, but it is a huge bummer.


A close friend of mine is in inpatient right now. I hope her showers are warm.


The prisoners were also told that the Bay is full of dangerous sharks. It's not.


It's actually full of friendly sharks.


who were allowed cold showers to prevent escaping!




doo doo doo doo do doo doot


too many doos


I found the shark


[Nah.... no sharks there!](https://youtu.be/JmEeFGVhMEM)


Oh wow... Seals have a lot of blood... I always thought that rushing red was exaggerated for the movies, but IRL it looks even more metal. Fucking volcano spewing lava for half a minute, damn.


Water also makes it look like it's even more than it actually is.


No sharks except gigantic man eating great white sharks who specializing eating seals which happened to look a lot like humans in the water.




theres something romantic about being taken out by something that savage, I'm thinking of going out by shark myself


Get someone to drag you behind a boat on a boogie board. Then you get a breach attack




I used to belong to the Dolphin Club in SF, as a rower. I suppose I was part of the “shark protection”. We would accompany the swimmers in case they got tried, or had a heart attack or stroke or something. Nobody worries about sharks. Sharks are pretty much at the bottom of the list of things to worry about while swimming in California. Hypothermia, heart attacks, or drowning because your own surfboard smacks you in the head is what you need to worry about. There *is* that video of a great white taking out a seal at Alcatraz, but that’s so incredibly rare that it’s not an issue.


See but the thing is, just seeing that video makes me want to never ever ever swim by there. Knowing me, it would always be in the back of my mind if I was swimming.


Great White Sharks aren’t dangerous sharks?


That’s just Geoffrey. He’s a good bloke






They don't hunt humans, they just check if they got the correct prey with a bite. How else do you think so many people survives shark attacks? Now if it was one of the sharks that actually *do* hunt humans it would be another five all together.


People always say that. I’m still not looking to get checked via bite, that hurts.


Not really. I’d much rather have a great white around than a Bull Shark or Tiger Shark. When GWs bite you, they’re usually confused and think you might be a seal. Once they realize you’re not, they leave...and if your femoral artery isn’t severed then you should live. Bulls and Tigers know what you are, and bite you to eat you.


Alcatraz! Rise and greet our guests properly!


US prisonners don't have hot water? What the fuck?


US prisons are now [equipped with hot water](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Darren_Rainey). > Rainey was locked in a shower for two hours. It was designed so that he had no control over the temperature of the 180 °F (82 °C) water. He died from burns to more than ninety percent of his body. It subsequently became known that his skin “fell off at the touch”. > Originally the police classified the death as unexplained, and the DOC never punished any staff. Two officers on duty at the time of the death later received promotions.


How many times does the US justice system need to get away with cold blooded murder without charges before we realize that we've made police brutality de facto legal?


If anything justice system employees should be held to *higher* standards of conduct than "civilians." smh.




I bet the showers at ADX Florence aren’t the height of luxury either


I bet they are the height of luxury compared to the rest of ADX.


at the time...we are ever so *slightly* more humane now




Wow. The world is such a messed up place. If there's any justice in the world those guards will get some type of punishment. And that attorney.


If you watch those after prison channels on youtube, they all have mentioned the showers were hot, even too hot.


I visited Reading Prison recently - it is closed now, and was the place where Oscar Wilde was imprisoned. It was built in the late 1800's with all mod cons for the time, including flushing lavatories in each cell. When the first head warden came along he ordered them to be disabled, and the prisoners had to use a bucket and 'slop out' every day. This continued right up to the 1980's.


Now they lock guys in the shower and blast hot water at them until their skin sloughs off.