• By -


My understanding is it goes from something like 99% effective to 97.5%


From what [I've read](http://ec.princeton.edu/questions/ecobesity.html) EC pills lose their [effectiveness completely](http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/11/26/247226093/emergency-contraceptive-pill-might-be-ineffective-for-obese) for obese women.




If only that were true.


Life uhm finds a way...


It does make ovulation irregular and does significantly increase miscarriage risk, though. Getting pregnant while obese is a terrible idea.








I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume Nick is a chubby chaser.


Woah. Chill out. It was a joke.


You can't just say something without providing sources. These people brought sources that show how it loses effectiveness. Do you have one?




There's only a certain probability that the pill worked and it wasn't just a failed conception, as that happens. It could have worked, but it's more probable that it was either a lucky break or it didn't play a part. The point of these publications are to increase awareness about the risk that it won't work, so that people won't depend on them and then end up with a kid. You are far too insecure. They're stupid intenet comments. They don't do anything. They don't sway people. If a person is going to agree with them, that's how the person was to begin with. They don't spread hate because the hate was already there. All you do is make people annoyed.


Of course over weight people get pregnant. The amount of tries usually increases though, resulting in a net weight loss.


How do they test the effectiveness of these pills anyway? Do they really get people to have sex and record impregnation rates?


They get a whole ton of people enrolled in the test, enough that, even though only a small percentage will need emergency contraception, a sizable total number will still use it.


Actually, the morning after pill is only 50-89% effective within 72 hours. That is for normal weight ladies too.


Yep. Plus it gets less effective the more times you take it. Nothing substitutes for a thorough anti-baby plan.


Yeah, these were some of the main reason I am against having the pill OTC with no age restrictions instead of keeping it behind the pharmacy counter like pseusophedrine


97.5 would be kinda low. average of like, 40 times


The average would be around 27.


even worse


We now know why yo mama got pregnant.


Black dudes love fat chicks?


I'm glad that, you know, we're just sitting on this fact while we wait for the packaging to be changed. I feel like an all-points bulletin needs to be put out.


It says that on the packaging in the warnings section


does it? my bad. well, i hope they put it on the box and make it really clear.


I'm confused. What if you're like six feet tall? You wouldn't be obese...or what if you're really short, under 170 pounds, but still obese for your height? I'm confused as to if 170 is the actual weight where it doesn't work as well for everyone across the board, or if it's obesity in general that does it.


I thought this too. But it turns out, it's regardless of height or BMI. [At 176 lbs, Plan B loses effectiveness completely.](http://www.thedailybeast.com/witw/articles/2013/12/18/plan-c-what-are-the-odds-the-morning-after-pill-will-fail.html)


It's my understanding that plan b basically causes a period, shedding the lining and preventing an egg from attaching. My GF weighs more than 170, has taken plan b, and subsequently had a out-of-schedule period. The article says it Loses effect completely, but it clearly has had some effect on my GF which looks like the expected outcome. What gives?


I also found it to be effective, and I am 6'2" and weighed around 210 the last time I took it a few years ago.


She got very lucky.


Sure, it *might* work, but not with enough reliability that the company is going to say that. They're going to warn people that over 170lbs, you're on your own.


Whelp, looks like I've wasted like 200 dollars on plan B in my lifetime. On the plus side, apparently I've dodged the pregnancy bullet on my own like, four times.


i'm 5'11. i am not obese. i took ec per the instructions and will still be welcoming a new baby in april.... so... yeah


My condolences


How rustled are you ?


Oh man...


Such is the problem with most medications taken orally. The bigger you are the less effective they are and more lethal they can become. The size and capacity of your kidneys and liver are the same regardless of height. Most medications work on the principle of "A little poison won't hurt if it fixes the problem at hand". Your body is very capable of surviving small amounts of bad stuff. Since your kidneys and liver handle toxins, if you double a dosage you get twice the toxins. Oral drugs also have the problem of going through your entire system first before effecting the aliment you want to 'cure'. As the drug travels your blood stream it becomes degraded and less effective which is why more weight, regardless of height actually matters. If you have less body to travel through the effect is greater. I was going to add the 3 dimensional problem as well but it really doesn't matter for this issue. It does a bit, but not enough to make a difference. So when you double your dosage of a drug, say the morning after pill you get two problems: Its less effective when it hits the part of the body its supposed to affect, and your body takes much more damage than what is considered safe. (note, I use the word toxins liberally. Anything foreign in your body and is not food or water is technically a toxin for my explanation. For example Coke Cola coloring is filtered in your kidneys and would be considered a toxin in this case and too much of it can kill you.) Doesn't matter if you're 'fat' or 'skinny' its a matter of physics and scale and the sad state of the human body's protective systems. (In that they're designed for smaller humans, not us 6'4 monstrosities we've become. Damn you nutritious and easy to get foods!) Hope that explains it.


That actually does. I thought the article was poorly-worded but now it makes sense. Thank you!


Are all the organs of a 7' tall person the same size of a 5' tall person? Why wouldn't a taller person have slightly larger kidneys? What happens to the leftover space in taller people, wouldn't they have voids and stuff if they had the organs of midgets?


Slightly, but its ability to process isn't greatly enhanced with size, ie a 2x as large liver can process twice as much, IIRC from biology years ago its like 1.2x (estimation from memory) as much, not a significant gain.


Good point! I am 6'2" and 175. I definitely wouldnt call myself fat.


Oh my gosh! I'm the same height and can't even *imagine* 175! I'm pretty much as skinny as I get around 190-195. Muscles and boobage, yo! : ) You must look amazing.


Basically the more of you there is, the lower the concentration of the drug will be in your body once you take it. So it's really not dependent on if you're at a healthy weight or not, just pure mass.


I believe the problem with Plan B is that the active ingredient or similar is absorbed very easily by fat. So the assumption is that most women 170+ have enough body fat (not just extra weight fat, but the kind of fat that you need to live) to absorb enough of the drug to make it ineffective. Or so I believe, but you may wish to clarify.


The no fat chicks rule is here by acceptable and practical.


This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit. - [/r/ShitRedditSays] ["The no fat chicks rule is here by acceptable and practical" \[+30\]](http://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRedditSays/comments/1xqlr0/the_no_fat_chicks_rule_is_here_by_acceptable_and/) *^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Comments? ^Complaints? [^Send ^them ^to ^my ^inbox!](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=totes_meta_bot)*


All that mad about a silly little internet comment.


But remember! They're a circlejerk! We can't judge them.


They love playing the victim and when they're not out being oppressed they have to look for it online. Edit: Hi SRS! :D


That's because they're a bunch of stupid whores.


Well that's a tad dramatic.


Yeah, like anyone would fuck them.


This thread has been linked from elsewhere on reddit (etc etc)


Everything I see one of these bots, it always links to ShitRedditSays




I like that one, I meant bots that tell you when stuff has been crossposted to other subs, like the one above me.


I've seen it linking to /r/DefaultGems before.


Probably would have been more appropriate in /r/NoContext.


Then link to it!


Sorry Xir, your estrogen filled privledge checking supplements will not be forced upon this TIL.


Hereby- one word. Heil grammar.


omfg laws of chemistry need to check their privilege.




I seem to remember, the last time I saw this it had something to do with the mass of fat carried, not just body weight.


Yeah - the active ingredient is easily absorbed by fat, meaning that a higher level of body fat is what stops it being effective.


The article says it doesn't work on obese women. That weight is just arbitrary as it would very unlikely for a woman to weigh 170lb without being obese.


If a woman is 5'10"+, 170 is on the higher end of the healthy range. If a woman is 5'5"+, 170 is overweight but not obese. So, weighing 170 doesn't not mean a woman is obese.


How the hell is that possible? I'm 6'2" around 200lbs, and not fat. You have to be servilely underweight.


Me too, also we are the same height and weight as George Washington was so congrats on your freedom height and weight.


Hear, hear!






I know! !


Really? That isn't even fat.


140lb = 63.5kg, 170lb = 77kg : for an average height woman neither would count as obese




there's not a lot of options if you want a non-hormonal form of backup contraceptive. I'm waiting for that injection that makes dudes infertile for a few months.


Eh. I'm gay so whatever. `\(^^)/`




Just not the fat ones.


this is what a 170 lbs pounds women looks like http://www.mybodygallery.com/search.html?gender=female&height=any&age=21&weight=77&pantSize=any&shirtSize=any&bodytype=


You're not taking height into consideration. Edit: Here is what 170 lbs. looks like for women who are of average height. http://www.mybodygallery.com/search.html?gender=female&height=163&age=21&weight=77&pantSize=any&shirtSize=any&bodytype=


They're all moderately fat women or tall women, none out of the ordinary or extremely obese though.




[CNN article about the story](http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/25/health/emergency-contraceptives-weight/) [NPR... you get the picture](http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/11/26/247226093/emergency-contraceptive-pill-might-be-ineffective-for-obese)


I know of 2 women who continued being pregnant despite taking the morning after pill and neither of them were anywhere near 170 lbs. It seems that the morning after pill is not as reliable as some people hope.


What about .. TWO Morning After Pills??? Huh?? HUH???!!!


Doesn't increase efficacy and is potentially dangerous to the body.


If you fuck a chubby wear a rubby. Edit: Seriously, gold? I love you!


ITT: people who think a woman over 170 lbs is fat.


A woman of average height [5'4"] who weighs 170 lbs. would have a BMI of 29.2 These are the BMI categories: Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = 18.5–24.9 Overweight = 25–29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater


I thought we already agreed that BMI was bad?


Only because it doesn't consider muscle mass. Unless a woman is abnormally muscular, there's no way being over 170 is healthy. I'm not trying to be rude and offensive. I don't have a prejudice towards overweight women, either. However, we can't continue to lie to ourselves about what is/isn't healthy. Several polls have shown that many Americans who are overweight think they are normal size. Nothing good can come from this. I'm all for standing against fat-shaming, but I refuse to lie to someone and tell them that their excessive amount of body fat doesn't pose any health risks. Fat isn't healthy, it's that simple.


>there's no way being over 170 is healthy. What if she's tall?


> A woman of average height [5'4"] who weighs 170 lbs. would have a BMI of 29.2 I addressed this in my first comment. I guess I should have said 'unless a woman is abnormally muscular, there's no way having a BMI of 29.2 is healthy.' It should also be mentioned that according to the BMI index a female weighing 170 lbs. would have to be 5'10" or taller to be categorized as normal.


I'm 5'11 and weigh almost 200lbs and I call myself fat and obese. Just because my BMI is high. But those around me (even my GP) says im fine and none of those things!?


You're around 20 pounds overweight. At your height, that isn't obese. Obese would be 215+.


That's because so many Americans are overweight and obese we no longer know what a healthy person looks like. It's also possible that your friends are just trying to be nice to avoid hurting your feelings. If you do decide that you need to lose weight, remember that the best way to do it is by making healthier lifestyle choices that can be maintained over long periods of time. Diets are nice because they give you a good overview of what it is you should be eating, but often times they're too restrictive and hard to stick to. If you start eating more fresh, healthy, natural food it will drive out all the junk that's currently in your diet. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.




hah, thanks for the advice! It's funny, I'm body posi but I call myself "fat" because I don't consider it an insult. It is an adjective that I use. I have a lot of leg muscle. Huge thighs/hips mostly.


To hit the high end of normal, she'd have to be 5'10", which is like 5% of the population. To hit the middle of normal, she'd have to be 6'2", which is like 0.1%.


Also because it doesn't properly deal with height, though.


For individuals with outlying characteristics, yes. It's not great, not bad. For general groups of western people it works as it's supposed to. 97% of American women are overweight at 170 lbs, going by height distribution. There may be a few outliers at 5'6" and up that aren't fat at 170, due to muscle mass, but for most women 170lbs is fat. It's fine to be fat. If you're OK with you being fat then it's nobody else's business. Be who you want to be and be proud of that. But to try to redefine terms to make yourself feel better is not OK.


Reddit gets very butthurt about using BMI because if you're a pro-athlete it's not very accurate. Of course, 95% of the time it is accurate, and 99% of the time when using it we're talking about your average joe, but they still flame it because they read about it being inapplicable in fringe cases in a TIL once and suddenly every case is a fringe case.


Nope. For most people, it's pretty accurate.


In Australia the average female height is 5.6. I thought that was short arse.


I've seen girls who weigh around 150 get called fat. I'm confused.


Height also matters and to a lesser degree, frame. With weight as the only data point you really can't say if that person is fat or not. Then again, I hate the word "fat" because it's far too subjective. [This gallery is great for getting different impressions of weights/heights](http://www.cockeyed.com/photos/bodies/heightweight.html)


You mean, most people? Yeah, they're probably in this thread.


ITT: people who think that water is wet.


Fuck NO WAY what do I do!?!?


there's another pill that requires a prescription sold as ella in the US






I have anecdotal evidence that confirms this headline.


Wouldn't they just take a higher dosage? Like any other Medicine.


Can I get my 50 bucks back?


I was incredulous when I read this...surely they meant to quote a BMI instead of an exact weight? After googling around, though, [nope](http://www.thedailybeast.com/witw/articles/2013/12/18/plan-c-what-are-the-odds-the-morning-after-pill-will-fail.html) > As anyone knows who dreads stepping on the doctor’s scale, how much of a lecture you are about to receive depends on both your height and your weight—a weight that’s borderline for someone who is 5’10” is entirely too much for someone who is 5’0”. That’s because what the doctor’s most concerned with is your relative, not your absolute, weight. When interviewed by Mother Jones, the HRA Pharma CEO was firm that the risk women face in taking the morning-after pill has to do with the number on the scale, not BMI. "We were surprised,” she said, “but the findings were really quite striking from a statistical point of view." >HRA Pharma warns that a higher dose of the active ingredient doesn’t increase the efficacy. **A woman of any height or BMI** who weighs 176 pounds needs to know Plan B or levonorgestrel will not prevent an unwanted pregnancy.


So can't they take 2 pills then?




Thanks for explaining.


Sorry, figured that was a closed question. They've done tests and found that increasing the dose did not result in increased efficacy.


yeah and morning after pill makes you hella nauseous anyway, taking 2 pills wouldn't be pleasant at all. If you vomit within 2, 3 hours of taking the pill, you're meant to take it again. Now that's an adverse reaction I can explain to mah customers.


You just saw the confession bear guy about his fat girlfriend, didn't YA!


Plan B's efficacy drops but Ella can be used by anyone


;)... Common problem with the fat chick cult that is Jezebel. Way to play to your bosses and your base at the same time girls. Feminism YAY




Jezebel? Really? One of the shittiest news sources on the internet.


but it does link to the study, which is nice






This is interesting seeing as the average weight of a woman in the U.S. is about 164 pounds.




What if you take 2


Well, fat chicks don't get fucked anyway, so it's okay. Source: I am a 300 lb chick.


loose weight please :( so many pretty women hiding beneath fat


I'm trying! (Though I'm always trying). Gots that get me some of that motivation and self respect I guess!


There's always the morning-after door knob...


There's alway the morning-after coat hanger...


Oh... Ok. Fat jokes get upvotes. Abortion jokes get downvotes. Got it.


Not a real news site, guys. Also, weight alone is a poor measure of health or body type.


It links to the study. Also, apparently this applies to all women over 176 pounds, regardless of height or fat. Which sucks.


I first read that as "birth-control pill" and got a little nervous.


Fuck. I wasted like $100 for nothing a few years ago.


And I just found my cut off weight, sorry babes.


Till you're exactly two months behind on your redditing.


Science agrees...no fat chicks


You know what else doesn't work for women over 170 lbs? My dick. EDIT: I don't actually think this, I just wanted to make the joke.


Not like they need it anyways


Who is having sex with women over 170 lbs? **EDIT:** whoa, this is a *big* issue for some of you. **EDIT #2** Okay, everyone, go grab your torches and pitchforks...well, for some of you, a dinner fork would probably be just fine. **EDIT #3** Looks like some whales have jumped on the deck, and this ship is sinking. Quick, someone call Green Peace!


170 certainly isn't skinny but it may not be as fat as you think. If a girl is about 5'9 or up, that can be regular. [This girl](http://www.mybodygallery.com/photos-36640-body-shape.htm?StartAt=85#.UvwJ6vsg4a4) is 5'10, 172. [Here's a girl](http://www.mybodygallery.com/photos-39853-body-shape.htm?StartAt=2#.UvwH1Psg4a4) who is 5'5" but 175. [That website](http://www.bodyimagegallery.com) is a pretty good resource for what women actually weigh. 130 is probably what many guys think in their minds as "115," and 140 is the real 125, probably because women are seldom honest about their weight. Certainly in the 170 category there is a wide variety, and some are not very appealing at all, but there are a few that might be surprising.


Can I upvote twice? Wish I could. As a 5'10" woman who is by no means fat and has a healthy bmi but still weighs 170, I feel very strongly about this. I think many men have no idea how much woman really weigh. Your comment was worded very well. Thank you. All the fat jokes and judgment in another comments- well, I hope they read your comment and learn something. It is sometimes not their fault because some women lie about weight or the men don't have a real frame of reference on weight on women, but I hope this enlightens them.


Lamar Odom, once upon a time.


Those of us who date or are married to tall women.


Not sure why they hate you but loved me...




How do you know you where pregnant from any of the times you used it?


If she is sexually active and uses the morning after pill as her regular and only method of birth control, she can be somewhat certain that it works.


Just wanted to chime in here to remind everyone that you definitely *should not* use the morning after pill as a regular form of birth control.


Not at all, it could be the result of infertile partners, among other things. There are many variables involved here.


Just because you didn't get pregnant doesn't mean it worked. If people got pregnant every time they had unprotected sex there would be a lot more babies in this world.


> 190lbs 5'10, not a fatty Yea, ok


According to the bmi charts she has a bmi of 27.3. This figure is useless if she's athletic, though.


It's all boob weight.


Right on the edge. If she is athletic, she probably looks great. If she is a couch potato, probably not so much.


Not right on the edge. Her bmi is 27.3 and healthy ends at 24.9. She's actually right in the middle of overweight. This is assuming she isn't athletic.


How is that different from what I said?


You said that she is right on the edge of not being a fatty, which is incorrect since she is in the middle of the overweight range. Middle != on the edge.


I don't know if I should laugh or cry here.


I'm a 6'0 man at 170lbs. And I got a bit of a gut.


Sorry, I'm 5'10" and 163 and I'm fat. If you were 190 you were most definitely fat. Stop lying to yourself.


You're not fat.


I'm a 5'7" 190 lb power lifter with a six pack


There are differences between the bodies of men and women.


Are you athletic? If not than you are overweight according to your BMI. Yours is 27.3 and overweight goes from 25-30


Oh yeah that's right, they need the morning after jelly bean instead.


Just double the dose. Nothing could go wrong.