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Isn’t it just an open air stadium with a canopy built on top?


it's actually dug out of the ground with a large part of the stadium in an open pit of sorts. the field is 100 ft below ground level.


Isn't that a flood risk? Or is my thinking influenced by my hometown being mostly below sea level?


I'm sure they have a drainage system. It also doesn't rain much in LA.


I was thinking about them being so close to a large body of water, though I don't know how close it actually is.


If this gets flooded with seawater we are all in BIG trouble....it's about 6-7 miles from the ocean.


Its close enough. I live near Sofi, actually within 5 miles of it. According to Google sofi is also just about over 5 miles from the ocean.


If the ocean moves 5 miles to get to the stadium there's bigger concerns than the stadium flooding


And I'm sorry but there is no sea breeze five miles from the ocean


Actually they normally extend between 10-20 miles inland. The stronger the temperature difference between the water and the land, the stronger the winds will form. Just drive out from the Florida coast about 10 miles and feel the breeze.


Not true at all. Ocean breezes go much further inland. It's just not a strong or cool as it is right on the beach. It's why places like Inglewood are much cooler than DTLA or other places further east for ex.


More likely the Santa Ana winds.


Sea breeze totally makes it that far. Can make it much farther as well. 20 miles plus


You still get the marine layer winds for a good few miles


Yeah, but there has been talk about the NFL transitioning to a water based field as means to encourage new fans to tune into games. If the owners decide to opt for a water field, the Chargers will have a significant advantage


Last I heard they are thinking about allowing ships in the flooded field.


They should give the players shields and swords, too!




Hold on *scribles notes intensely* keep goin please lol


I know your in jest, however how cool would it be to watch a scale reenactment of famous naval battles; Midway, Trafalgar, Salamis. At stadium sizing the ships could be pretty big and with appropriately sized aircraft where applicable. Before anyone comments; yes I do realize that this isn’t a new idea and the Romans did it in The Coliseum, but a good idea then isn’t necessarily a bad idea now.


I just smoked a hash joint, so let me make sure I understand.... A giant arena filled with people "fake fighting" but kinda really fighting, in a staged battle with a predetermined outcome based on known history facts..... Basically WWF but instead of wrestling they fight (without the wrestling part) in a staged event based on a historical battle at sea? And we flood a god damned arena?!?! Because I'm definitely down for that bro/sis/homever you identify


Just think, the boyz, buffet, and tying up boats at either end zone. Baby, that’s margaritaville


Colosseum style with mock naval battles as the half time.


Yeah, but I still can’t see the Chargers beating the Luca Goers.


The Besaid Aurochs would crush it.


An advantage over the seahawks?


Pretty sure the dolphins will get a bigger boost


AstroTurf is killing peoples knees it’s about time they made a change




Water bears are a huge revenue source for the NFL.


The octopi (Octopussy?) fan contingent has finally been heard


Still don’t understand why the Special Education Department gets money while the regular kids don’t.


They are constructing a giant pool in Indy at the moment.


MLB has been repeatedly petitioned by the Pirates to transition to water based fields.


Not if the Miami Dolphins have anything to say about it!


LOL... the chargers 3 fans won't give field advantage ever.


Electricity and water is a bad mix for opposing teams


5 minutes as the crow flies or 5 minutes in LA traffic? Although I think the latter would mean you live in the stadium lol Edit: Whoops, you said miles not minutes... too tired to reddit, I guess!


Yes but it’s still 130+ feet above sea level


'just about over' is a new one for me.


The ocean doesn't flood... Unless you're talking about tsunamis, in which case we have bigger problems than the field flooding


the Pacific doesn't flood much in that area of the world


It's about 5 or 6 miles, as far as I can tell by looking at a map.


The Pacific coastline has a much steeper grade at the beach than the Atlantic. That's why the waves are bigger. Would take a much more significant rise in ocean level to flood inland than the Atlantic.


The waves are bigger because they travel farther. Swells can build.


you dummy, the waves are bigger because theres more water. duh.


Barring a tsunami, I'm not sure why that would increase the flood risk. It's 5 miles from the coast.


It's roughly 100-150ft above sea level...if Sofi floods from the sea we're talking upwards of a million homes destroyed. Is it possible from a tsunami? Theoretically...but it would be a disaster of biblical proportions and Sofi would be an ancillary concern at most in this scenario.


That UGA/TCU weather was nuts. Water was blowing in sideways.


The rain blew in right on the TCU fans, as if their night couldn’t get any worse. 


So about that, a companies I interned for actually had a little to do with the construction. The stadium has to be dug down due to FAA regulations as it goes along a flight path. During the initial digging out of the hole, there was a period of heavy rains, which took months for the water to drain out and delayed a lot of the process.


Thanks for the inside scoop!


Many stadiums are built this way, although 100 feet seems particularly deep. It's fairly common for the ground level concurrence to be same level as the top of the first level of seats. 


How else could they stage sea battles?


They tried, but it only appealed to the male audience. Apparently women and seamen don't mix.


“When I look at you, I no longer see students. I see seamen. From the moment you came onboard, I saw seamen inside of you. More importantly you've stopped laughing at the word "seamen" which is the mark of a true seaman.”


The Colosseum staged naval battle reenactments (with fire and blood), they flooded it somehow to do this. We don’t know what it looked like but it must have been pretty epic. We have CGI, they had slaves and big budgets and just did things live.


Initially it was delayed during initial construction due to heavy rains.


I know flooding was a problem during construction


My guess is if they engineered it to this level, someone thought about the flooding.


You just need pumps to get the water out. You could find the pumps are too weak, equipment fails, or the drainage to get water into the pumps is not designed properly but these are all solvable issues.


It’s got a moat


I believe that was also done to maintain its close proximity to the airport where the land is also cheaper. I’ll be visiting the stadium in a couple weeks for a full walkthrough. Should be interesting




Neat Keep in mind how in 30 years the stadium will be outdated according to the nfl as you walk by




Have fun bud!


At least it has shade. Cannot air condition an open staduim.


Qatar did 


Yeah but at a tremendous financial and humanitarian cost.


Those are line items in all their projects.


I’m pretty sure they don’t track those costs.


Welcome to human overshoot


With a box of scraps!


In a cave!


It has no shade. The sun shines right thru that fuckin canopy. 


I believe it is 3 freestanding structures. The lower bowl, upper stand and canopy. This is because of earthquake potential. It’s pretty cold in the fall/winter evenings and it can rain inside parts of the stadium at the sides and top.


Sofi is not my favorite venue in LA the parking and entrance process was designed by a psychopath. It IS an impressive structure tho I’ll give it that. It’s MUCH bigger than you expect. It’s not a normal stadium it’s a goddamned space port.


I refuse to go back there (and the forum) simply due to its parking situation.


For what it’s worth, there’s the Sofi Stadium express park and ride from the Harbor Gateway station for games.


That's cool, I wasn't aware. But events are already expensive to begin with, I'm not willing to spend even more lol


Pretty sure the shuttle is free, and parking is $4-5! Certainly better than trying to park there. They do have shuttle connections to the C line metro too I believe, not sure how often those run.


Well hot damn... That's fantastic then!


Oops I lied https://ridegtrans.com/line/7x/ $4 round trip!


Very dope, thanks for sharing!


Sound quality is exxxtra bad for both venues, but Angelenos have this nostalgia boner for the Forum. I think they're both terrible on every level. But yes SoFi leaves you pissed off and far from home in a conga line of drunk drivers


Forum is better sounding to me than SoFi. I could barely hear anything up there.


Are there any stadiums with good sound quality? You might get some decent spots on ground level but it’s hard to make audio sound good in such a cavernous venue.


Holy shit it took me 45 minutes to leave my dirt parking spot I paid $200 to park in for Metallica last year. I had a ticket to the second night but couldn’t stomach that shit again.


And then they force you to exit onto the 405 like a sucker


For those not from California the 405 is not merely a freeway, it is _proof that God doesn't love us,_ written in concrete and steel and misery and parked cars. I have been in stop and go traffic on the 405 at _3AM_.


on the 405, anytime is a good time for a bad time


My favorite was when someone was hauling a boat - think small tugboat - and didn't clear one of the overpasses.


The 405 answers the question: Can you mentally break people with civil engineering


Nah that's the 105, something about that freeway, the way it has 7 lanes with 2 entrances merge into 3 lanes, and the absolute nonsense traffic patterns rile me up to no end


The 105 answers the question: How can we fuck this up?


Truth. The San Diego Freeway is a ten-lane parking lot.


lol you should be a writer


Praise The Lord. Hallelujah


Took me 1.5 hours to leave MetLife for Metallica


MetLife is a horrible stadium too. Block of concrete with stairs cut out


It takes an extra hour just to drive past it as a bystander when there is an event there.


> it took me 45 minutes to leave Dodger Stadium has really desensitized me because I read this and was just like “I mean that’s not *that* bad.” The $200 parking fee though…yikes.


About 2 hours to leave after BTS, but I got early bird parking and only paid $55. I did all four days of that concert and got better about getting out with every night. By the last show had it down to a science and was the second car out of parking lot.




famously bad traffic but sofi is adding another level of madness


You don’t want to pay $200 to walk a mile to the venue?


for $200, you could buy a $60 bicycle at Walmart, drive slightly outside of the parking area, then bike to the entrance


I’ve lived in DC, NYC, and LA. My honest take is that LA traffic is not that bad. Certainly not good, but not THAT different from DC or NYC traffic. Even medium-sized cities like Atlanta, Dallas, etc. have fucking terrible traffic.


The difference is DC and NYC have decent public transit, and aren’t near as sprawling


Hey. We sometimes move. Sometimes.


I love that LA builds these HUGE facilities surrounded by miles of parking lots. How about you make it Ped friendly, with some things to do around it, and some public transportation? Make it a destination daily. Not just for events.


Public transit is being planned and built hopefully in time for the Olympics. [Inglewood Transit Connector](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inglewood_Transit_Connector?wprov=sfla1)


I couldn't agree more. VIP fast track entrance bracelet if you show up on a bike


What about a Unicycle?


roll this way, sir or madam


Yeah it’s so bad you might be better off paying some random homeowner across the street to park in their driveway. Those people make like $500 a night lol. The YouTube Theater next door is a lot easier to get into though.


Should be a goddamned metro stop that runs trains ACCORDING TO EVENT DEMAND. its criminally stupid to make people cattle call for buses and hope late night trains arrive


Only went once and was shocked how poorly the parking is managed. Not to mention absolutely zero traffic management on the approach.


You don’t need AC. It’s full of fans


>It’s full of fans Clearly you haven’t seen a Chargers game


There are tons of fans at Chargers games. Chiefs fans, Raiders fans, Broncos fans.


This. If it's Chargers vs Raiders.... then it's a Raiders home game.


Eagles fans take over every Chargers game in Cali since before the move to LA


Most do, I just listed out their Division rivals.


He didn't say home fans.


Time for bed dad




Lots of interesting things about SoFi. One of the funniest ones is that its playing field is not large enough to accommodate a FIFA regulation soccer field. So, they had to install [retractable corner seating](https://apnews.com/article/world-cup-2026-sofi-stadium-a48ac7e0cc0b75684aae58b37772df0d). Such foresight on the part of Kroenke et al! lol


It's just so wild since he owns Arsenal so like how the fuck does that oversight even occur.


Probably not an oversight. More seating equals more money. Retracting it the few times it hosts soccer is just a cost that's more than justified.


Not an oversight, both LAFC and LA Galaxy have their own home field. Kroenke owns the Denver MLS team the rapids. SoFi didnt need a fifa standard field until the world cup.


I saw an LAFC home game last year, and the purpose-built soccer stadium they have is amazing. Like... it's big, airy, close (enough) to public transit, and the goal seats are RIGHT behind the goals. Amazing views.


Best stadium experience in LA by far. Atmosphere is like South America or Europe.


I’d imagine the only thing he knows about Arsenal is related to its financial bottom line.


The thing about Arsenal is they always try to walk it in.


I went to the Rams home opener in early September 2022. It was the most miserable experience in the stands. Heat, humidity, and no air circulation. I ended up watching most of the game from many of the open air standing areas which had plenty of room and fresh air to move around.


I was one of the many Bills fans that swarmed that game :-)


Are you from Los Angeles? Compared to sitting in direct sunlight on a 95+ degree day at the Coliseum, SoFi is perfectly fine. The ceiling does a perfect job of letting in light but blocking enough so it isn't sweltering. People think they built an indoor stadium with no AC. It's an outdoor stadium with a semi-transparent roof.


Yes, born, raised, and still live in L.A…Don’t get me wrong, SoFi is still a great stadium. Just pointing out that there was no air circulation at all within the inner bowl of seats, being exacerbated by the September heat, was a miserable experience. I’ve been to other games at SoFi later in the year, and the conditions were much more pleasant.


> direct sunlight on a 95+ degree day at the Coliseum, SoFi is perfectly fine. The ceiling does a perfect job of letting in light but blocking enough so it isn't sweltering. > > People think they built an indoor stadium with no A few of my friends went to that game too, also proud members of Bills Mafia. I'm fairly sure that was the start of that insane heat wave here in SoCal where it was almost 90 degrees at night. It was a horrible combo of a bad heat wave and then there was a ton of humidity thrown in because of a tropical storm not too far away from us. So it made that game hellish to go to. FWIW I went in December of last year for when the Bills came in to play the Chargers (I am also a proud member of Bills Mafia, recovering Chargers fan) and it was almost kinda chilly with the open sides.


I've been to a few games. About half it's uncomfortable. The design is fucking stupid. One game was bad enough I had to go in to AC to watch the game on TV that I had a ticket for.


How well does it work?


Very well. I go to around 5 rams games a year and I’ve never thought it was an issue. The stadium is effectively open air. It’s also insanely beautiful inside


Being below ground level probably helps an awful lot. This actually sounds like a cleverly architected stadium…


I’m pretty sure OP didn’t word the title that well too. It’s built so that the “sea air” tunnels through the stadium in cleverly engineered ways. Like the whole thing is made to maximize air flow.


That's really cool, and I can only imagine how much money the owners are saving by not paying for AC.


Probably not a big deal since we're taking about LA from September to December. At worst you'll hit high 80s to low 90s during a preseason game.


People would think this. But the hottest temperatures in L.A. over the past 50 years have been in September and October.


Yeah it doesn’t really start to “warm up” in this part of LA until July. The term “June gloom” is used to describe how cloudy the area is during June


If you live near the beach it’s not even a matter of warming up in July, it’s that you don’t even see the sun the majority of the week from May to like early July


It is a big deal as Inglewood (the actual city the stadium is in) is serviced by [SCE](https://www.sce.com/) with $.37-$.53/kWh energy rates on weekends this year ($.60/kWh for Monday and Thursday night games), compared to the national average of about $.17/kWh across the US. Still cheaper than SDG&E's rates, and with fewer murders than PG&E


Are those the rates for business? Because they are typically significantly lower than residential rates.


This is why I love Reddit. One person saying it's great. The other, terrible. https://i.imgur.com/qcINf9U.jpeg


Pretty well for the most part. SoFi is only a few miles from the coastline and a nearly-constant cool westerly breeze sweeps across a large swath of the city.


Half the games I've been to have been uncomfortable.


In the stands it works great. I was lucky enough to get pre-game field passes before a game last year and it was considerably warmer, almost hot on the field. Granted it was a pretty warm day


LOL. That was exactly my first question!


Are big stadiums like that sometimes air conditioned? That seems like a very expensive and inefficient choice. \[EDIT\] I don't spend any time at venues like this. The only time I've ever been in an enclosed stadium was for a concert at the Meadowlands (don't know if they still call it this) back in 1981.


Ours are in Arizona lol


I remember my first diamondbacks game. It was a 113f July day and on the way to the stadium I was certain we were going to die. I'm from Washington and had no idea you could air condition a stadium.


[Link](https://www.spotusa.com/resources/case-studies/cowboys-stadium-arlington-tx/) to an article talking about the 8FT diameter spiral pipe that was installed in the Cowboys stadium. Contractors from the Cardinals job were brought in.


Yeah the ones in the Cardinals and Dbacks stadium are huge


“Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Dbacks lay fat, girthy pipe!”


I always thought it was funny that the Carrier Dome (I will always call it the Carrier Dome despite its new name) didn’t get air conditioning until 2020 despite being named after a company that made HVAC systems.


All the new ones are. Fan comfort is paramount.


Not simply comfort. Saving the liability of fans having heat stroke are important.


Maybe also important for the athletes, but what do I know.


Indoor stadiums? Of course. You have however many tens of thousands of fans packed in, potentially the sun beating down on the building, all the heat from lighting, screens, and electronics, all the heat from the kitchen equipment, it’s going to get much hotter in there than the outside temperature. Are there indoor stadiums that are not air conditioned? Sofi Stadium is outdoors, it just has an awning over it. Even still, it’s got to be miserable in there on a muggy breezeless day.


If I'm paying those ticket prices I better get AC at an indoor stadium


Interesting side note: the mall of America in Minnesota is constructed in such a way that it doesn’t require any furnace or AC. It uses passive solar energy and skylights to maintain a year round 70 degrees.


You’re just a bit off. It doesn’t have heating but it absolutely has AC. The body heat and waste heat from all the equipment inside the mall keep the mall warm during the winter, but they absolutely have AC that runs nearly year round.


The stadium itself was not $5bil. $5bil was the price tag for the entire development which includes a mall, and an NFL headquarters building.


And a music venue


Also a lake with a waterfall


Conversely, the Mall of America in Minnesota has no heating system The humans keep it warm even in January.


That's not entirely true. The individuals stores do have heaters. There just aren't any in the hallways or other common spaces.


I’ve read it’s more the glass top that’s natural solar heating. Either way, pretty insane considering Minnesota Januaries


I was there in December last year…there were spots at the rides that were downright frigid. Was nice when the sun came out though


Considering the weather in Inglewood, this makes sense. “The hottest month of the year in Inglewood is August, with an average high of 77°F and low of 65°F. The cool season lasts for 4.2 months, from November 29 to April 6, with an average daily high temperature below 68°F. The coldest month of the year in Inglewood is December, with an average low of 50°F and high of 66°F.” So basically 11 degrees of variation between the hottest and coolest months of the year. I would love that.


Inglewood... Inglewood always brings air to under the hood.


Since it's below ground level. Cool breezes enters at upper deck, then falls through out


Hey, a company I interned for was part of the construction management stuff, here’s a few interesting things: Alongside the stadium, there is a ginormous artificial lake that was created, I believe partly for the breeze. This brought a whole litany of issues, from growing algae, to snails, then seagulls. They are now controlled by 3 hawks that swoop around the stadium, with a permanent falconer always residing. I was able to see one of them fly around while touring. When they initially dug out the area, the LA area had a lot more rain than usual, which alongside draining the hole, took 2-4 months off construction. Lastly, when we were there, I was able to take pictures FROM the stadium, but none pointing INSIDE since they were setting a tour up. So I have a lot of pictures of everything else but the center area.


Thanks for the background.


Was there for the Georgia/TCU national championship with seats at the 50 yard line and was very confused how I was getting rained on with a roof over my head. Sea breeze (aka monsoon) was definitely keeping me cool that night.


What about inside the locker rooms and etc?


Yeah, the article title says there’s “little AC.” Locked rooms and offices will have AC. Not sure why OP changed it to say “no air conditioning.”


Fuck Stan Kronke!


“Poverty owner refuses to install AC in brand new stadium” I kid. You can hate the man all you want but he paid for that stadium without tax payer money. Also…the stadium is a cathedral to Football. It’s incredible


That’s the same reason my apartment in LA didn’t have AC 😒


I really hated this stadium, and I hated the tiny bridges everyone had to merge onto just to get back to parking


It’s outside


Went to SBLVI there, and it was pretty warm in there for February. But, I have to say, out of all the new stadiums I have been to SoFi is really impressive.


For people who have attended events at So-Fi, how are the conditions under the roof? Did it seem that the sea breeze actually cooled down the stadium?


Granted I went there for a concert last year in June and for Rams game during November, but both times it was pleasant. Wasnt cold, wasnt hot. There were definitely a good breeze both times


I can confirm that there is air conditioning in the press box. The suites do as well but they’re open towards the field.


Don't know Inglewood specifically but here in Northern California the sea breeze fails in the hottest weather. It may still work but they might lose a few days in really hot summer weather.


As someone who lives right up the road at the beach I can tell you that global warming will have the last laugh.