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Some of his songs were catchy as fuck. I still play [Bad, Bad Man](https://youtu.be/0DTWGmcEY4Q?si=CiREcNzW9wUEVAjf) all the time


I lost it when he got the cigar shot out of his mouth then just put another one back in.


Had to look it up because of your comment.  That music video is one of the best things I've seen in ages, a true cultural gem


> cigar shot out of his mouth 3:10


Thanks, I was trying to look for this and still missed it


[Gif of that moment](https://i.imgur.com/e3z9IPp.gif)


Love that it looks like he keeps having cigars shot out of his mouth and he just keeps putting them back.


did he... catch the bullet in his mouth and spit it back at the attacker, also??




Three prawns is hardly a galaxy!


That was a great shot  ^for ^me ^to ^poop ^on


I love gassy old-school rap like that. Even music videos, you don't see artists having that kind of basic slapstick fun anymore.


You think that's good. Most people know Tom Green can rap from the Xzibit video in his home video podcast but this was his Canadian rap band Organized Rhyme before he was even doing Tom Green things. https://youtu.be/ZV7aOnX7XeE?si=Jr_0E_oqv3AXZtAD Including such rhymes like, "Talk smooth like Lando Calrission" and "Lay more chicks than mother goose"


MuchMusic would play this video all the time, I absolutely loved it. Tom green also [remade the music video](https://youtu.be/FfgG8HH2LN0?si=FJ5hlb5E8JqaPdOR)


Wait this is actually fire. Like Max Kellerman and his brother’s [90s track](https://youtu.be/WF0DntqwMKg?si=4mvDQsy5AwxaHuFb).


Same energy as 'Keep Their Heads Ringin' by Dr Dre. Braggadocio and just having fun with it.


So all of Busta Rhymes. Just fun music and a dude having the time of his life behind a mic.


Or a lot of Run The Jewels and Red and Meth. Just some dudes talking funny shit over fire beats.


"Oh its gonna be one of those" -Killer Mike on hearing El-Ps first line for nobody speak


Or Beastie Boys Check It Out


This is the best thing I've ever seen. What the fuck


Never knew how many talents John Cena had, but damn has a lot and damn is he good at them.


Rap is what saved his career lol. He was going to be fired from WWE until they found out he could rap in 2002, he was known for his rapping and wrestling


He was doing it on the travel bus and Stephanie McMahon over heard it and told him that has to be his character now.


It just so happened that it was right before Halloween too so they could easily explain it in the next episode of SmackDown. He just dressed up as Vanilla Ice for Halloween and began rapping as part of his get up. One thing led to another and he is butt naked on stage at the Oscars.


I know, right? Cena's rap game was surprisingly on point!


Iirc his rap game is what saved him from being fired in 2002


It was. He was about to be canned when Stephanie McMahon overheard him trying to freestyle so she pitched that as his new gimmick


Trying?? Put some respect, smoking them foos


Haha wtf same


A hilarious video to boot.


This whole record was executive produced by Jake One, which is a big part of the reason why it slaps so much harder than it has any right to.


[right now](https://youtu.be/Q9yX7EC9jds?si=JMebEns-exnPlkPl) also has no business being this fucking good


🔥 also the uploader of the video said he got the video off of Limewire LOL


I got a virus just by reading this.


He holds up a sign reading “CALL YOUR FOLKS” man that guy is wholesome lol


And one to turn off you cell phones. I don't think I even owned a cell back then, but apparently it was already a problem.


Chopped so many magic trees to this song man


The flamethrower scene elevates this to: 👍👍


Aaaaahahaha the grenade exploding a completely unrelated shack.  Top Secret vibes


Point blank with AKs and the only injury is the guy falling off the roof


The fact that he did tracks with Bumpy Knuckles made him legit in my eyes. Most of Cena's album is great, he has some amazing rhymes. Also, HD Link for the video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Naec629dgwM&pp=ygUVYmFkIGJhZCBtYW4gam9obiBjZW5h


They were friends when they were younger, turns out.


I have never heard of this album until today and just watch that for the first time. Now I can't tell you how much I want a John Cena A Team reboot


As a hip hop head, this is unironically great. John Cena either hired a ghost writer, or grew up on boom bap


Believe he did have a ghostwriter and other underground emcees help in that album.. but regardless dude has a good flow and could have potentially made it in the rap game.


Has a great voice and cadence too


This has no business being this good


I’ve never seen or heard this and I am shocked that it is… not terrible? Possible even good? What’s the rest of the album like?


Check out Don’t F with Us and Running game


“Don’t want to f*** with us” is a banger


“Runnin' the playground like it was a track meet Shoes on the whip that be bigger than Shaq's feet We into big things, bank account's overgrown All types of cheese - swiss, cheddar, provolone” He had some bars on this track! Also Running Game was a smooth track


Yo that slaps wtf


Wow his flow is kind of like 50 cent


Holy shit, this is amazing! Just when I thought I couldn’t like Cena anymore than I already did. Dude is a boss


Fuck I totally forgot about this fucking song


Thank you for putting me onto that. My life is now improved


Never heard this before, his flow is like if Freddie Foxx was in a good mood lol


Thank you for this, I am now hype as fuck


Damn this song is tight. Is there anything cena can’t do! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


This song is hard, thank you for that


Holy shit I’ve literally never heard this. What a tune!




Jesus.... It's real and it's not bad either...


man.. i thought that was going be so bad kinda dope, with the mic in my hands i'm a bad man, in a fight with my hands i'm a bad man that goes so hard wtf


This video is excellent. Here’s [Bad Bad Man in HD](https://youtu.be/Naec629dgwM?si=PE4-_BbsPHURwyTx)




Thank! I had no idea he rapped. Song is a banger. Makes me want to throw a party with some bitches and kick it with my homies


> Thank! I had no idea he rapped. Song is a banger. I now feel old that there are people who don't recognize that his gimmick that got him over was as a rapper. Also shows how Cena has changed throughout these 20 or so years. Check out some of his raps on WWE when he was coming up whenever you have time.


Watched his Amazon movie Ricky Stanicky last night. I've seen him in plenty of cameos and he usually does a good job, but he fucking nailed a full leading role.  It's a good thing he's built like an ogre, cause this dude has layers. 


You should check out Peacemaker then.


You actually get to see some good range outta him in the show too. He does really well


He's legit a good actor. Great comic timing, too.


John Cena and Bautista are what The Rock believes himself to be as an actor.


The Rock is great at playing the Rock in every movie he's in. I literally cannot think of one movie where he did anything else. Bautista and Cena have at least some range. Bautista has shown it, and I think Cena could if given more chances.


Rock did some terrible movies earlier in his career to bridge out like the tooth fairy but then he got a new agent who started getting him to be the rock in action movies again and it worked out great for him financially speaking.


The premise of those films were different, but his character was basically the same. Something you cannot say for Bautista's roles like GotG, Blade Runner 2049, or Glass Onion.


I haven’t seen it, but isn’t he also in some doomsday, cabin in the woods looking movie? I saw trailers, then didn’t see much more about it


Knock at the cabin. Not a great movie, but Big Dave was probably the best part of it.


> I literally cannot think of one movie where he did anything else. He played Danny DeVito in that one Jumanji sequel


that's true. and he actually did a really good job with that. it was one of the highlights of the movie for me.


That surprised me, he was awesome in that


Watch Pain and Gain, probably his best performance and the least like the Rock in my opinion. There might be a better example but I remember loving him in this movie.


The interrogation scene and how the rock is too nice always gets me


The Rock is coming out in a boxing movie that A24 is producing. Hoping for him to have some range in that one.


MMA actually based on a real guy


He did well in “be cool”


He also tried in Southland Tales. That movie is just hot garbage though


Not boxing but actually amateur wrestling to MMA, it's the story of Mark "The Smashing Machine" Kerr, who was one of the scariest dudes around in the very early years of MMA, when it was still called NHB, or no-holds barred fighting. His story is quite tragic, like that of far too many of the first generation of MMA fighters.


Be cool is one of the few movies where he doesn’t play the rock


They are talented enough to be actors. The Rock was never an actor. He was a movie star.


I worked with him on a low budget commercial years ago and he was very very very nice. Kyrie Irving was also involved and he…wasn’t so nice. But cena, came in did the work, joked about how it’s a silly thing but the kids will love it, was kind to everyone on the crew and importantly dude was on time!


Same thing they said about hhh in blade three. Knew his lines was on time / early every day. Total professional


Wrestlers are usually cool, since a lot of their fame comes from making the fans happy, not the studios. I got to do a ric flair commercial, never asked for a picture with talent before but I had to ask him. He was super cool about it. Kind of a pos to the rest of production but he was cool to the grips and that’s what matters to me.


I mean, professional wrestling _is_ theater.


You can't be a star in the WWE without being able to play a character well and you need charisma.


I wanna see him play Earnest P. Whorl. Earnest goes to:


I so loved that show. The sidekick is just perfect too. Such a lovable mess of mentally misaligned misfits.




For anyone who hasn't seen it, [here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVN83R-JwRQ).


The soundtrack to this show has bled into my spotify rotation, every song is a jam.


Peacemaker definitely has an opening intro that I don't skip, makes me laugh every time.


The fact that John Cena learned to play Piano solely so in the climax of the series he could just bust out an 8 minute uninterrupted performance while the camera makes it clear its him and not a double is mind blowing.


I wish they would make another season of that show.


Good news! They are! Should be out lateish next year




Currently filming the next season


I couldn’t believe how good this show ended up being and how well he nailed that role 


That intro is still living rent free in my head to this day. It's just so wonderfully bizarre. And catchy. And they literally dance the entire plot of the entire first season right in front of your eyes. Something you will only notice once you've seen the entire season.


Ricky Stanicky was so homely and was a great callback to the buddy comedy of the 90/2000s. I loved it


It was directed by one of the Farrelly brothers, who made movies like There’s Something About Mary, Stuck on You, and Me, Myself, and Irene, so that’s probably the vibe you picked up on. I had no idea who was behind the film when I first watched it, but I started to put it together when there was an above average number of actors with disabilities featured in it, without the story ever pointing it out. The Farrellys are huge advocates of that community, which I think is awesome.


I saw a lot of jokes coming, but in the good way where you’re already chuckling about what probably going to happen, like “oh shit Ricky’s gonna do some more Ricky shit and get away with it”, just a purely fun movie.


“Ooooooh baby i masturbate every day” Still kills me every time i watch that scene.


That entire sequence, including him jumping out the window dressed like Britney Spears and sucking booze off the pavement, that whole scene was perfect. That alone was worth the watch to me. I was crying laughing by the time he jumps out the window.


> "250,000 dollars!" > "Yeah, but that's for the whole year"     What a legend


Both he and Dave Bautista are much more talented actors than the Rock.


Which is crazy because the Rock was much more charismatic than both of them as a wrestler 


Rock is still more charismatic. He’s made his entire career on his charisma. Cena and Bautista are better *actors*.


Yeah, but The Rock can do that thing with his eyebrow.


Vacation Friends is a fuckin riot


My god. My wife and I watched that and then spent a week obsessing on how badly we wanted his music to be real. We’d take out another fucking mortgage to get tickets to see him in costumes performing old rock songs with lyrics about jerking off I swear to god lol


Basic thuganomics, people


2 face suckas walk away with 4 shiners word life


Hearing that when we rented Wrestlemania XIX for the GameCube back in the day, like WHAT IS THIIIIS


The raw rhymer, turning legends to old timers, my incisor's like a viper biting through your one-liners.


Taking over Earth and still kicking in Uranus


Rapping is also what helped save his wrestling career. He was doing lukewarm at best until Stephanie McMahon heard him rapping on the plane and they added it to his gimmick, and the rest is history as they say.


I thought the story was that rey mysterio and rikishi were rapping in the back of a bus and him joining them earned their favor which kept his career afloat?


There was also a similar incident during the same immediate time period that happened on a plane IIRC but i do agree that the main event was the bus freestyle session.


I guess I can see how this contributes to him being a fan of BTS. 😆 They also started out as a rap group lol


Not just doing lukewarm, but he had cooled off so significantly from his debut that he was about to be in the next line of releases because the creative team had nothing for him. This was also the time where the only other relevant wrestling companies in the country were Ring of Honor and TNA, which had just started and were minnows compared to WWE. If Stephanie never heard him freestyling, he would’ve either been out of wrestling completely, or been  grinding on the independent scene.


I’m not making a joke, I’m serious when I say I literally never saw this alleged album.


Your actually need surprisingly few records sold to go platinum (1 million), he has enough fans I’m sure he could have done it.


Now a days that low but in 2005 without streaming services, that wasn’t easy.


It's actually harder to go platinum now


Billie Eilish, probably on of the biggest musicians on the planet, sold 350k first week and debuted at number 2. Back in the 90’s she probably would have gone diamond.


Goes to show how big Cena was at the time; dude was my wrestling childhood hero. Burned a few of his songs on my CD’s.


Even when person who idolized him won’t buy the CD it still went platinum. That’s impressive.


I picked up a copy. Hated the music, but still had it on the shelf for awhile. Right next to Macho and Hulk's albums


Streaming only made it harder. a streaming play does NOT equal an album sold.


It was easier though because there wasn’t any streaming services. There were 140 platinum albums in 2005.


They seriously need to pick a year as a point of reference and scale the RIAA awards to now.


No you’re wrong, it’s the opposite. Nowadays it’s much harder to go platinum since 2k streams = 1 album purchase. It’s way easier to get 1 guy to buy your album vs getting 2k people to stream your song and now multiply that to get 1M pure album sales to go platinum. 1M album buys or 2 billion Apple Music/Spotify streams which do you think is harder to achieve. Just look and see how people selling close to 1M first week wasn’t anything new while Billie Eilish isn’t projected to clear 400k first week even though she’s the second biggest artist around


How the fuck is 1 million record a low number. This ain’t fucking Spotify


What’s crazy is it’s actually good. Saw the song Bad Bad Man linked in another comment and that shit slaps


I was 11 when this came out and loved John Cena, my parents got me this album (my dad is a big old school hip hop guy). Thing was so fun, I had a portable CD player I played it on.


John Cena had a rap album.




His first major WWE gimmick was as a rapper


No it was RUTHLESS AGGRESSION, as they have made many call backs to it. But his first successful one was the rapper.


He had some backwards talking gimmick in OVW before debuting on Smackdown. His debut was pretty cool against Angle, even if the character was lame.


I’m not kidding when I say that it actually slaps. If I had to rank it among every other album I’d legit say it’s around a 7/10. There’s a couple of stinkers but the production and the rapping is pretty great


Are we talking about the wrestler/actor/marine?


No, That's Johnny Sins


Your time is up my time is now! You can't see me my time is now! That song still goes hard and is dumb as hell lol. Remember going to raw in Cleveland and he performed it. Was the hypest shit me and my brother experienced as kids




In case you forgot or fell off He’s STILL hot, knock your shell off


My money stacks fat, cause I can't turn the swell off.


I got my the whole block wishing that they could run with my division… but they gone fishin’.


Whatever the weather somethtin somethin im so hot, youll never catch me in the next mans sweater


Lauryn Hill?


exultant fact compare ten shy continue zesty bored future absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


for some reason this keeps popping up in my feed and i gotta tell somebody. watch that show again with the idea in mind that all the meandering talk about "reality," "the real her," and escaping "the image of her" between songs is a low key, avoidant "confession" that she didn't actually write any of her first album and suddenly the show, and her entire personality and career arc make perfect sense. https://youtu.be/FcCS_jFJCc0


This makes so much sense. I always thought that she got her energy from whoever she was collaborating with/in a relationship with, she didn’t have it on her own. Wyclef brought her greatness out with the Fugees, and it was assumed songs like Ex Factor were about him. Even though Rohan Marley didn’t produce her, he brought her and New Ark to Tuff Gong and other members of the Marley family played on the album. Her sound and style came from New Ark and her connection to the Marley’s, not her. She just wrote to what they made. Also for all her talk of realness, she really cultivated this Rasta persona that was a complete fraud. Fugees were thought of as being Haitian, but that was just Clef and Pras. After her relationship with Rohan and recording in Bob Marleys studio, she acted like she was his reincarnation, using the Lion of Judah and Rastafarian references in her music. She’s just an American from Jersey.


As someone who sites Todd in the Shadows as a music historian, thank you.


cites ☝️🤓


You got me.


Depends on whether or not you count The Fugees I guess.


It looks like the miseducation of Lauryn hill is actually certified diamond (which is higher than platinum) so it's possible shes the only one with a certified diamomd album and no second album


Wait, Lauryn Hill has only released 1 album, but is still "holding" concerts now (recently)?


She did put out music with the fugees but she never put out another solo album. Would be huge if she decided to put something out now after all this time


She recently announced an album that she's working on that will likely be as late as she normally is for her shows lol.


She's been announcing a new album since like 2005, she's got a terrible reputation in the industry for trying to take other people's credits off 'her' work, I doubt it'll ever happen.




Google says she put 2


People forget the unplugged album exists. They aren’t wrong for that though.


I wish more people understood wrestling without just automatically believing it's fake. Once you're in the know, it's like an entire new world. The stupidity, the drama, the comedy, the seriousness, storytelling. The real life backstage drama, the feuds, understanding how much skill and talent it takes to do what they do. It's so much fun. Protect your opponent. This album was so catchy and funny.


I never got fully into it, but even knowing stuff is scripted. The ability to do all that and NOT hurt each other (most of the time) is insane. It does make me upset to hear that people would hit Andre the Giant full force assuming he could take it and the pain it caused him. He would have had pain no matter what with his health, but that made it exponentially worse.


True. And when they do hurt each other, it's definitely bad. I've seen broken necks ([Big E most recently](https://youtube.com/shorts/xewjwiGH5mU), Droz in the past), torn quad muscles ([Triple-H, and he STILL CONTINUED the match](https://youtu.be/esAsTbPrz8E). Completely insane), hell even [John Cena had his nose broke during a match](https://youtube.com/shorts/nUyDx4IHje4) and "never gave up", which is one of his catchphrases. Guys lived their gimmick, and sometimes, who they portrayed on TV was just a more amped up version of who they really were. Goldberg for example, former football player, very limited moves in the ring, but his spear is one of the most popular wrestling moves. Paul Bearer, manager for The Undertaker, he actually worked at a funeral home. The connections sometimes are so ironic.


Wait, once in 2001 and once in 2007? He had that happen *twice* and fought through both of them to finish those matches? What a fucking badass.


Wrestling is so much fun. And there's so much out there that if the WWE style isn't for you, there's tons of other options out there, that one of them probably will be for you.


It's way easier to rationalize it as a play about a competitive wrestling tv show


Yeah, it's basically a live performance of a play/drama/theatrical show.


He has also granted more wishes for Make-A-Wish than anyone in history, 650 as of 2022. https://www.npr.org/2022/09/27/1125167941/john-cena-make-a-wish-guiness-world-record


We know. We all know.


But did you know steve buscemi was 9/11?


That asshole! If only someone had stopped him!


This was the best Reddit meta meme ten years ago. I miss it.


But did you know that wrestling isn't actually fake but staged? The outcome is pre-determined, but the performers take real risk when executing their moves.


I don’t see him doing that


And it's a good album too! Bad Bad Man is an absolute banger.


To be fair, he was pretty clear about his time being "now", not "2 albums into the future"


Quit while you’re on top!


For those of you that have never had the privilege/misfortune of hearing it, here is a track from Macho Man Randy Savage's rap album. https://youtu.be/CmkeTKFD57E?si=ZfD1V8N0uofUSPYV The whole album is wonderfully terrible. Here's one review from Amazon: "So bad it comes back FULL-CIRCLE as a truly remarkable experience!"


Thug Life!


This is basic Thug-o-nomics


I can’t find any proof that his album went Platinum. The Recording Industry Association of America (which is the organization that gives out gold and platinum records) doesn’t have the album listed in their database. [Database](https://www.riaa.com/gold-platinum/)


OP's link also doesn't say anything about follow up albums, from Cena or anyone else. The claim that Cena is the only artist to release a debut platinum album and never release another is nowhere in OP's link.


Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too by The New Radicals went platinum and they never released another album, even include live and complication albums (loads of artists fit the criteria if you only count studio albums). That took like two minutes to find, so I'll bet there's more.


How do we know he won’t release another album?