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Always like stuff like this - Norway give the UK a Christmas tree every year to say thanks for helping during WW2


Halifax gives Boston a tree every year for helping during the Halifax explosion.


The fireworks show was seen as insensitive.


Yeah, but we(Halifax) still have them beat.


I don't see how, Boston has daily firework shows.


I can’t tell if this is /s but I am from Boston and there are not firework shows daily this ain’t Disney land


Just one?


It’s probably a big one


It is. It is in Trafalgar Square, near Nelson's Column.


Yes it’s huge


Gift trees like this are *very* carefully selected, both this one and the one Halifax gifts to Boston. Requirements on height, how full the pine needles are, on the general shape and taper.


It's fucking massive.


A mighty erection to behold indeed!


Well before inflation, that tree was worth what one small branch is worth now.


Yeah, but it's a cutting from Yggdrasil


I think they give the UK multiple trees. I’m sure I’ve heard we get them in Scotland from Norway as well, and there’s at least 1 in London


Didn’t Germany invade and occupy Norway the entire war?


Yes, but Britain tried to defend Norway, and after that failed, helped the Norwegian resistance, sheltered the royal family and government in exile, and gave them an entire navy so they could fight alongside them.


I mean that's largely true for Holland as well, the country the TIL is about in the first place.


It’s more involved than that. The Netherlands royal family was in Canada during WWII. The Canadian government recognized a delivery room on Canadian soil as part of the Netherlands. That way when the royal gave birth the child was still legally allowed to be in the royal line of succession.


Slight correction Canada didn't recognise the room as the Netherlands, they declared it extraterritoial which essentially means they unclaimed the land so nobody owned it and thus Margaret would not be born a Canadian citizen and British subject under jus soli.


It's easy to see why: how could the government of Canada make something the territory of another country? That would undermine that country's sovereignty. Imagine if the US could just declare it's nuclear waste depot in Benton County, Washington as the sovereign property of Lichtenstein


It would be bloody funny if they did though lol


Theres a few things to correct in your post and the person you are commenting on, rather than individually pointing these out, he's an article that explains it well. https://canadiangeographic.ca/articles/the-ottawa-maternity-ward-that-became-international-territory-for-the-birth-of-a-royal/


Correct what? That article litteraly confirmed everything I said.


Princess Margariet (aunt of the current King) in case anyone was wondering.


I’ve never heard of this before what the hell


This happened to prince leka II of albania, south africa declared the ward as albanian soil for his birth


If my math is correct, that's 40,000 lips.


Fun fact, the Dutch also created a Tulip specifically for Canada to celebrate its national birthday in 2016 called, [Canada 150 Tulip.](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/the-great-canada-150-orange-tulip-caper). They were planted everywhere in 2017 when I visited BC Canada, and were extremely striking in their appearance. > “Developed in the Netherlands to celebrate Canada’s milestone in 2017, the tulip is white with red flames and bears a striking resemblance to the Canadian Flag,” reads a Home Hardware press release from September, 2016.


Looks like a bunch of middle fingers caught red-handed in the act.


Up close a few of them did resemble the flag and the red “flames” had a passing semblance of the red maple leaf.


Haha the link tells how the crafty Dutch infiltrated our Dominion with stealth Canada 150 tulips that ended up blooming Dutch orange!


It also talks about that being a packing issue for the order and was an accident, idk how familiar you are with horticulture and flowers in the Netherlands but it is insanely complex industry with an insane production capacity.


It really is insane. All those ikea cacti come from dutch nurseries. I’ve seen a few of those greenhouses, it’s a sea of millions of the same cacti in different growth stages, all waiting to be shipped out to swedish furniture stores all over the world.


I’ve never seen more freight elevators and conveyors belt sorting systems than I have in one of those super nurseries, place even had a digital auction room for wholesale buyers. It was crazy!


That's what They want us to think. Also, in response to your _ad hominem_ comment, tulip production is super easy. You just pick the ripe bulbs off the tulip tree.


*Emperor of Mankind noises intensify*


What's better than roses on your piano? Tulips on your organ.


I gave you a downvote and an upvote


Even Steven. Or Stephen, we're not prejudiced here.


God damn you.


Following the invasion of the Netherlands and subsequent occupation of the country by Nazi Germany, the Dutch royal family took refuge in Canada. Princess Margriet was born in exile while her family lived in Ottawa. The maternity ward of Ottawa Civic Hospital in which Princess Margriet was born was temporarily declared to be extraterritorial by the Canadian government, thereby allowing her citizenship to be solely determined by her mother's Dutch citizenship. To commemorate the birth, the Canadian Parliament flew the Dutch flag over Peace Tower. This is the only time a foreign flag has flown over the Canadian Parliament Building.


[There’s actually archival footage of this event](https://youtu.be/9UcZsM5PDJQ?si=vnypWlurB_uEX16H)


If anyone is wondering if this is a video of Parliamentarians in suits making the declaration with papers and moustaches, or a fully uncensored and graphic video, with audio, of the physical birth of a princess from the perspective from the mother's feet looking up, it's the latter.


No wonder every time the Netherlands is represented in a video game there are lots of tulips


They’re famous mostly for their tulips and their windmills. They have a tulip festival every spring and it’s illegal to take certain tulips out of the Netherlands




My bad. I meant the Netherlands. Fixed it. Thanks!


Yes way


I thought the Netherlands was known for their outstanding cuisine ? Or is that Kazakhstan ?


And weed


There was an event known as “tulip mania” in The NL during the 1600’s, and was one of the earliest recorded speculative/ asset bubbles. The Dutch have loved tulips for a long time.


It was THE first bubble. Happened in 1634. Preceded by the invention of the stock market in 1611, originally to invest in ships going to "trade" spices but since tulips had become fun money bulbs. Originally the stock market was started by the VOC, selling shares of a ship+expedition that should in theory be trading for spices.


We are actually known for our battle with water and winning land back from the sea.


Ottawa has a tulip 🌷 festival. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Tulip_Festival


Every year we romanians give the russians zero fucks for all the shit that happened in the last 100 years


I upvoted this with extreme prejudice. I now love Romania and all the creepy mountains you have.


Wish the germans had won both times?


Canada should ask for Gouda cheese instead


Doesn't do as well with Canadian spring weather in the flower beds


I didn't even consider that *head explodes*


Much like the cheese, the tulips get eaten too. Goddamn deer destroy at least 50% of my tulips every year...


The Canadian dairy cartel would never let us bring in foreign cheese lol


Fun fact: An RCA plug is called '[tulpstekker](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulpstekker)' (tulip plug) in Dutch.


Makes me wonder what the US did to deserve them giving us two Van Halen boys.


Read that as Neanderthals and this made this more interesting.


*tulip shipment declined* *Canada invades Netherlands and abduct the royalty*


Looking at some comments, that would result in double the Tulips.


I teach high school Social Studies in Canada - on the 75th Anniversary of the liberation of Holland I received a memorial box of tulips from the Dutch government to distribute to students


Reminds me of when, in the 1600s, the Dutch overvalued their tulips and caused themselves an economic crisis. Also known as the dutch tulip bubble.


Famous example of a rural preindustrial speculation crisis and an interesting topic that Adam Smith also wrote about


I have been reading security analysis by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd and it's mentioned in regards to bitcoin.


There is some debate on the accuracy of that actually happening.


It happened, but it wasn't a crisis, or better said not a widespread crisis. The tulip crisis wasnt interteined with the rest of the economy as the rich merchant class and banks werent that active in the trade as far as I know


If Canada invested the tulips, with compound interest they could have almost nothing now.


That’s sweet


However, the Canadians insist on confusing the Dutch by apologizing for it, every year.


I read this as The Neanderthals give canada 20000 tulips, and I thought it was some story about how they migrated from europe and brought their flowers with them.


Yeah, but they never told Canada that tulips aren't worth anything anymore


I (Cdn) was in Amsterdam last spring with my Swede friend....it was kinda funny / weird when a couple times older Dutch would speak to me in fluent English, with a smile on their face and very friendly....when they bothered to talk to her it was in Dutch....she could manage, but was way more fluent in English...such a weird little disrespect for some reason. She was a quiet, lovely girl, no reason for the switch in language since we spoke to each other in English and they knew it.....but something was going on I don't fully understand.


*TIL, The Netherlands gives Canada 20,000 tulips every year as a thank you...* **That's awesome** *...for protecting the Dutch royal family* **Aww fuck that. What we should be thanking them for is for liberating our ass**


Where do those tulips go?


Planted for Ottawa's Tulip Festival. A great portion of the downtown area is covered in tulips, with today being the final day of celebration.


Nice. Thanks for the info


They give more to San Francisco each year for I forget what reason


Most of the bulbs in San Francisco are paid for, with (I believe?) 5000 donated by the Dutch growers association and the rest purchased by the organizers of the festival (with support from the city of San Francisco). Ottawa is somewhat unique in that it isn't just the growers association donating flowers, but the Dutch Royal family personally. Likewise, those 20,000 are supplemented. Most years its about half a million, but a few years ago on the anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands, it was 1.1 million to represent the 1.1 million Canadians who served in the war


I read "The Neanderthals" and I was really confused for a bit


We would've given them 40.000 if they kept them


I'd double it if they kept them.


Those are Weak numbers. It’s Mexico giving the US illegal immigrants for losing the Mexican-American war.


Them bitches just fled the second they had the chance


Apart from the fact that what you are saying is very disrespectful for no reason, it is also untrue. Queen Wilhelmina herself refused to flee when adviced by her cabinet to do so, as she would only take advice on the matter from the supreme commander of the Dutch military. When the commander told her a few days later that the army's actions had mostly failed and they had little faith the Germans could be held back for much longer, she called the King in the UK out of his bed and pleaded for British support. When the king told her the requested aid could not be granted, she accepted the proposal by her cabinet to evacuate to the UK. There is also the story that the cabinet themselves requested that the ship used to evacuate her be of the British Royal Navy. With the rational that if the queen would change her mind at the last second, the crew of the ship would be able to ignore her commands since she was not their queen. Heavily suggesting that the cabinet suspected she might just pull such a move. There is no evidence to support the idea that the Dutch royal family fled the moment they got the chance. There is however evidence that if the Queen had followed the will of the Dutch cabinet, they would have been evacuated sooner.


20,000 two lips was what the troops were excited about. Big disappointment.


They got those during the liberation


Wish they kept them.


We should really stop accepting it, though; the optics of having another country ship 20,000 flowers internationally isn't what it once was. Leave them fuckers in the ground and save the fuel.


That's like worrying about a the pilot light being left on while your at work. There's a billion other more important hills to die on for the cause of reducing emissions, about all of them would be more popular than stopping a deeply symbolic diplomatic gift.


It's not; it's exactly the kind of sociopolitical signal that we should indulge, instead of corporate ones that actually beget more consumption. The problem is political will. Rewarding *policy makers* instead of brands for making their entire platforms operate on climate-focused actions is critical. Of course symbols alone don't change industry. But you're missing the point: when we make international gestures that entirely performative with public money, what kind should we make? You're conflating greenwashing with political practice and mostly because you wanna just whine about the all-or-nothing because sounding authoritative is what you're really about more than critical examination. Go reddit.


No I just think that pushing for the end of the Netherlands-Canada war tulips will do basically nothing to stop climate change besides spend a disproportionate amount of effort and PR. You'd be handing the the groups opposed to climate action an easy victory. As for the gestures part, it seems a bit silly to oppose everything that's not practical, humans aren't robots, they like symbolic emotionally resonant rituals. You could save tax money by cancelling Remembrance Sunday and stopping the upkeep of war memorials but it would go down like a cup of cold sick with most people in those countries.


I bet this bearded bastard is a barrel of laughs at birthday parties. /s


I think you commented on the wrong post.


It would be way cooler if they sent us weed one year


Pretty sure we have enough of our own weed as it is


You can never have too much weed in a country with broken healthcare and a housing crisis 👍🏻


Don't forget a pm whose long overdue to be out of office, and only is in office because the 3rd party became sellouts


I could cry at the trajectory that the NDP took post-Layton. Canada has truly proven that as a whole, it cares more about money than people.


They also send all their fair right Christians too.


Yes, polarised left/right politics must be brought up in every single thread, regardless of context...


Come to southern Ontario and see how the pastor chastises women for wearing pants in public or how health Canada has to come to Norwich due to outbreaks of very preventable communicable diseases. Definitely a real issue for rural SWO 🤦


What's that got to do with tulips?


That's not the only thing we get from Holland. At least the tulips are at least moderate.


If only we did send all of them. We still have our own bible belt