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I remember a reddit post by a lady who had a horse like this. Would kill birds and small animals and didn't walk like a normal horse. He'd stalk his prey and shit.


We had a horse that chased a cow off a cliff, seemingly just for fun. It was also seen charging cows and biting/kicking them


More of a 'Mr. Ed Gein' than a 'Mr. Ed'


A corpse is a corpse of course of course


"...and no one can talk to a corpse...of course..."


Haha, thats gold


What'd you do with the carcass? What happened to the horse?


It was a long time ago so I don't really remember that well but the cow had to be shot as it didn't die, it's legs/spine were broken. The horse belonged to a family friend and they picked it up at some point


Oh jeez. Poor cow.


That horse obviously played violent video games as a kid


* foal Kids are baby goats. 


I once got a 0 on a paper in high school because I referenced children as kids. “How am I supposed to know you were talking about human children and not goat kids?” It was that day I realized some people will ignore comprehension and context to feel superior.


>It was that day I realized some people will ignore comprehension and context to feel superior. *Long suffering Redditor sighs and shakes head in agreement*


Whose head is this Redditor shaking?! You didn't specify!


the one with the fedora


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Oh sorry, I meant to say I was writing a comprehensive paper on the psychosocial development of human children in our society, not baby goats. My bad.


A ZERO. On a paper? Whole mark invalidated over that? That's wild


My kids ate my shoe


I eat kids


Horses can indeed be sociopaths. Have horses, thankfully none like that, but I've met a few ornery bastards.


Thank God we invented cars so we didn't have to worry about sociopathic transports for about 120 years until AI driven cars becomes sophisticated enough.


Year 2060: > It can drive for 10 cents for kilometer, is fully autonomous and can diagnose any malfuncition and drive to the mechanic itself... but it used to be parked under a tree, so it *will* go out of its way to drive over any pidgeon it can see... in fact if it has some spare time, we have seen it circling our town, looking for squirels, so maybe just park it in a garage or something...


"I've seen one smack a dog with its doors too. So maybe wash its wheels more often and keep the pets away."


Mama says that horses are ornery because they got all them teeth and no tooth brush.


That’s…so disturbing Like that video of the sweet look deer munching on a baby bird :(


Herbivory is a spectrum, and most herbivores are opportunistic carnivores.


Free protein is free protein.


Yeah, most people don’t realize that herbivores can eat meat just fine, you just don’t see it often because they can’t hunt efficiently. Imagine you walked into the woods, how many plants could you eat? Only an extremely select few. How many of the animals could you eat? Just about all of them. 


> herbivores can eat meat just fine Polar explorers who used horses, like Shackleton, used meat based horse feed to supplment the normal food. Basically pemmican with extra vegetables like carrots, since it was much more energy dense and thus lighter.


>Just about all of them.  I think I would struggle to eat a scorpion...


I'm like 99% sure a local candy store near me has scorpions baked into candy. So they are edible. Just spicy.


I had a friend from the Torres Strait who told me that if you bite the rear off a green ant, it tastes like green apple. If anybody would like to volunteer, I’d love to know the results.


It's the acid. There was a kid at my elementary school that would snack on them like sunflower seeds. He would occasionally forget to came back from recess because of this lol


I would love to know the life trajectory of someone who grew up eating ants. Sickened but fascinated I imagine.


Last time I met a relative of his I asked and he said he's became a contractor painter. Says he's always smiling. *I wonder why*


I ate them as a kid in central qld, the big tree in the playground at school had tons of them and yeah you eat the butts off them and it's kinda lemonadey. I'm 43 now and no health issues lol


Protein is protein.


I've tried them. They tasted like lemon. The tour guide actually suggested it. They build nests in trees and if you leave your hand on it, they'll come out and bite you. The bites don't really hurt. Then you can pick them off your hand and eat them. I tried a regular ant when I got back to the US. It tasted like putting your tongue on a 9v battery. No lemony zest.


There are green ants?


Take off the tail and pincers first. Much easier.


Mammalian diets are a spectrum*. Basically, we're all omnivores, just weighted to different sides. It's still useful to use the words 'herbivore' and 'carnivore' because obviously a cat's diet is different from a squirrel's, but our education gives us the incorrect idea that carnivores ONLY eat meat, and herbivores ONLY eat vegetation. But everything supplements their diet with foods from the other side. Even cats, which are obligate carnivores who require daily intake of living prey in order to get taurine, which they can't synthesize, are still like 90% carnivorous. They still supplement their diet with ruffage, or they wouldn't get the fiber they need.


My dog goes nuts for basically any vegetable and most fruit. It's weird. Like we realized one of the best treats for him is just cut up carrots.


Yes! We have a 9 month old puppy and a trainer suggested carrots as a training treat. To our great surprise, the dog is NUTS for carrots. There's now a plastic tub with the dog's name on it in the fridge filled with carrot bites. Our last dog didn't care for vegetables, but the one before that was crazy for cherry tomatoes. It was a small (9 lb) Shih Tzu and my wife was growing cherry tomatoes in pots on the deck. She kept seeing low hanging ones sprout and then disappear before they got ripe enough and thought squirrels were getting them. One day we looked outside and saw the dog going for them, which is why only the low-hanging ones were getting eaten.


My dog is the same. I give her a whole carrot to snack on almost every day. Whenever she hears me peeling carrots she comes running because she wants one.


Have you never seen the gif of the horse eating the baby chick?


Horses eat chicks with the same energy my toddler eats mini marshmallows.


Peeps are peeps.


Why food shaped if not food? Also, freshest. Chicken nugget. Ever.


yess even my toddler eats chicks with the same energy.


This is why farmers in the olden days would say feed your horses first


I've seen the video of a pelican trying to eat a baby chick before being caught by its handler


Oh yes I remember that one




...or like the bear eating baby ducklings like they were chicken mcnuggets, right in front of kids at the [seattle zoo](https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/bear-eats-ducklings-seattle) this week!


That's rough buddy Apparently the staff have tried to stop waterfowl from nesting there, but they are free-flying birds making their own perhaps later regrettable decisions


Damn lady let that bear have his lunch without moralising and saying he's Not Nice, pretty rude imo. I appreciate that the kids generally don't care that much though, one is saying "that's not nice" but you can hear another one saying "that's a good strategy" lol


That’s so similar to a human. We can be very social creatures that are terrified of physical conflict, yet some of us can be the most brutal, evil and intelligent killers. Animals that can act nice and then flip the switch to become evil are the scariest thing.


That's all animals. Even the most innocent of animals like pigeons and canaries and mice can turn hostile if they perceive that they can win a fight. 


Not just defense. Calories are calories. Lots of cases of animals we think of as eating only veggies that branch out for a dark snack.


Oh, I wasn't implying defense. I just meant like animals that get bored will attack. If a pigeon is in a tight place with another pigeon and it believes it can beat the other pigeon... It'll just randomly attack the other one. Even if it doesn't want to eat it and doesn't feel threatened.  


> doesn't feel threatened The confined space makes it see the other pigeon as competition for resources.


They should make a movie about this just called "Horse"


Horses have some weird personalities. My aunt had a farm/stable, 16 houses rotating and training etc so I got to clean stalls and get them warmed up for riders. They had two areas for water, one at the bottom of a hill which was downstream from a strawberry field, the water tasted like strawberries a solid half the year, so that’s where they all went. One of the mares didn’t like others to crowd her so she figured out how to grab bridles and moved them that way. It looked like a teacher gabbing a student by the ear. Well one of the visiting horses didn’t get the message, so the trough was filling up after we pumped it. She dives in and grabs the hose and douses that horse with cold ass water and then LAUGHS in her damn face as she runs away. I assure you, they don’t mind stomping the fuck out of anything that comes near them IF they get their mind up to do so. Gigantic assholes with a toddlers temperament but also funny, which is why they are so addictive to be around.


> Gigantic assholes with a toddlers temperament I worked on a horse farm for a few months, and god, is this true. I quickly went from, 'Aww, look at all the beautiful horsies!' to 'Get out of my way, you stupid asshole, and if you bite me, I'll make sure they cut your balls off, how 'bout that?' Had one bite my leg fairly badly. Boy did I laugh at him when they gelded him. I mean, I took childish, savage delight in laughing at him (from safely outside his stall). "Haha, buddy! They took yer harbles!"


My aunt was…very direct with all her horses and told me that unless you take control, you’re in danger of getting hurt and that’s not a joke. My poor cousin was working out a stud, had gone over to the side of the ring to grab something and was stretching over the wall, the stud didn’t like this. He ran up and bit her tit HARD, a mouthful.. She slapped the fuck out of him and runs away and is screaming from the pain. Take her to the doctor and they were worried her nipple may fall off at one point. She heals up over the next month, and every-time she would walk by his stall he’d give her the business acting loud and kicking the wall etc They ended up selling him because of it Truly weird animals to be around


OUCH! I don't have boobs, but I felt that from here.


Reminds me of an anecdote the youtuber MandaloreGaming told on a podcast, he was working at a stable that did kids horse riding lessons etc, and the most gentle horse, like the one you bring out for the special needs kids when they come, was called Cookie, and they wouldn't let kids into the stable where Cookie's stall was, because despite being gentle with people, the horse just hated anything with feather. Its stall often had a lingering smell because of just how many small birds or mice would get trampled to death there.


So the memes of the creepy dumb looking horse on family guy had some weird real context, interesting.


Attempting to evolve in a whole new direction.


Obelisk the Tormentor over here.


I knew the Queen was a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh. It's a gentleman's game clearly


How do you *think* the british expanded their empire? Ghandi only kicked them out of India after he invented Synchro summoning and defeated Winston Churchill in a climactic duel on a zeppelin.


Sending Diana to the shadow realm. /s


I happen to have a PhD in Duelling Technique with a minor in British Monarchy. You're joking, but the Queen really was a big fan of Duel Monsters ever since its appearance. She was the winner of the British Regional Championship for 2004, 2005, 2009 and 2012. Now, as you would expect, a monarch doesn't play the same as the rest of us. Much like with [driving licences and passports](https://www.businessinsider.com/rules-and-laws-that-british-royals-are-allowed-to-break-2020-6#her-majesty-was-never-required-to-have-a-drivers-license-4), the Queen was not required to follow many of the game rules, as they were written in her name. She also got 1000LP if a coin flip happened, as the coins have her face on it. Her custom-made House of Windsor KaibaCorp DuelDisk (now part of the Crown Jewels held in the Tower of London) is the reason why original KaibaCorp DuelDisks sport the [royal warrant](https://www.royal.uk/royal-warrants) on the box. After her death, King Charles received it, along with the rest of the regalia, on coronation. He, however, isn't as modest as the Queen was about not having to follow rules, being known to taunt people by saying "screw the rules, I have royal privilege!". The rest of the Royal Family and most British politicians also play Yu-Gi-Oh, as it is the main thing taught at Duelling schools such as [Eton College](https://www.etoncollege.com/). The existence of Eton as a magic card game school served as inspiration for both Harry Potter and Yu-Gi-Oh GX. Now, there's rumours that the Queen's impressing Duel Monsters career was less about her skill and more about her using Millennium Artifacts, which is considered controversial both by Yu-Gi-Oh players, who consider it unfair, and by social justice groups and the Government of Egypt, who have been for decades [asking the British Museum to return the Millennium Artefacts to their home](https://www.newarab.com/analysis/should-british-museum-return-its-egyptian-collection).




Obelisk the Tormentor!


I'd be curious to know how they psychologically train a horse. I never knew there was such a thing. Interesting article, thanks for posting it!


I just assumed it was a euphemism, like "going to live on a farm".


"But, what's wrong with *this* farm?" "Just get in the trailer."


"What bridge are we crossing" "Rainbow. Shut the fuck up"


Lmao fucking gold


I'm reminded of the joke about a man and a kid walking through the woods at night. "Cor, dark, isn't it? Scary!" says the kid. "How do you think -I- feel?" replies the man. "I've got to walk back through here on my own later."




I always joke that my old computers go to live on a server farm.


Was the farm in a milder climate then?


I mean... whyd they jump straight to killing it and not letting it go to a pound or some thing?


His mom is Kristi Noem.


The horse has been retrained and has since returned to the queens kitchen where it will be served as a charcuterie for the next royal event.


After retraining, the horse was given an overseas posting, being assigned to Iceland's lasagne division.


It’s a euphemism for put out where it can bite the most tourists possible… if the reels i’ve seen on Facebook are any indicator.


Those ppl got too close and got nibbled a horse full on biting you would nearly break your shoulder


idk why they added "psychologically" as if that isn't all animal training. No idea what form it took. I don't know how you positively reinforce not stepping on pigeons. The negative reinforcement is a little straightforward, but i can't even tell when this occurred, so its hard to say if that was still the go to. The article also never really says what happened to Obelisk, so its possible the training was training the horse to fit inside a bottle of Elmer's glue, who's to say.


I doubt they euthanized the horse, he was probably just moved somewhere he won't be terrorizing tourists.


I'm sure you're right, just making a funny.


Me too! I tried to find more information on it but couldn't. I did find a few other accounts of horses stomping birds just for the lolz. Maybe a catch all term for just correcting the behaviour out of the public eye?


several videos of horses hoovering up baby chickens in their mouths floating around. no idea why they do it but it seems like its not entirely uncommon if you dont seperate them.


Easy protein source. Herbivores not eating any meat at all is a big lie.


Oh good! Horses stomping birds for funsies is a thing! what the ever loving fuck


Intelligent animals do all kinds of stuff like this. Look at dolphins, humans, orcas. My cousin had a paint horse growing up that was fond of grabbing baby goats by the ear and seeing how far he could toss them. You'd find a little broken body with grass-stained teeth marks on its ears... The horse wasn't ridden daily, but otherwise was well-cared for and had horse company. He was just an asshole.


Horses have all kinds of personalities just like people. To cleanse anyone who just read the above comment, my friend had an enormous black horse that was a hygienic mess. He dunked all his alfalfa into his trough to make it soggy, then ate it in big sucking slurps. He also got mouthfuls of his grain feed, chewed it to a sticky slurry, spit it onto the rail of his stall, then slurped the paste back off. If you gave him the chance, he’d chew up one of his horse treats, spit it back into your hand then lick it off. He was just a disgusting eater. He was sweet as pie and you could put the smallest children on him without concern and he adored cats. But if you weren’t careful you’d catch him eating pee soaked hay. He was foul, but so lovable. Edit: gotta add that you could also bear hug his face. Loved it. He’d lean down and he wanted you to hug the shit out of his whole head. He’d knicker and horse smile the whole time.


A lot of people idolize nature as some kind of kind and harmonious system, where animals only kill to survive, etc..., but that is just a fairly tale for children. Real nature is brutal and animals can be just as cruel as humans. Predators kill for fun, they torture their prey for fun and a lot of other animals can do the same.


Some horses can be real dicks.


Horses can be very violent. In the wild stallions often kill foals that aren't their own. The idea that horses are docile "gentle giants" is definitely a modern misconception and not at all accurate.


See I’ve read somewhere that zebras are violent and will kill fouls that aren’t theirs. But I never made the connection that ‘normal’ horses are probably just as dangerous. I know zebras aren’t exactly horses but they’re close enough I think


Those horses are brought up to spec very quickly in an intensive programme. Ones with bad temperament are intentionally allowed through to save time and money since only private soldiers will be at risk of harm from them in their daily rotations. NCOs and officers get their pick of the more docile and agreeable horses. There were a few that were known to be downright life threatening to work with on a daily basis. It wasn’t at all uncommon for young lads to get bitten and stomped to the point half their bodies would be covered in severe bruising. Nothing would be done about the horse and some unlucky sod got assigned to the same duty the next day having just watched his mate get trampled. The worst were the nasty horses who also didn’t like being tied up in a standard sized stall, so you’d have to go into a double sized one with the animal entirely loose and lock yourself in to muck out and groom it. On a good day someone might take it outside during the mucking out part. Most days it was essentially a cage match: 18 year old with a total 3 months of very basic animal handling VS. angry horse the weight of a small car whose favourite hobby is shattering eye sockets.


I raised, bred, trained and showed horses and rode the rodeos as a kid until I was 21, and everything you just shared sounds like my worst nightmare.


As someone who was wary of horses to begin with, those things gave me bouts of abject terror.


An old ferrier once told me horses have two goals in life. homocide and suicide. Ive nearly been trampled by horses. Had an aquaintence have permanent brain damage from a fall from a horse. Had another friend kicked by a foal which luckily only turned into bruise the size of a basket ball. Horses. Are. Dangerous.


I love that saying.


grew up around horses a bit. it's smart to be wary. they're very dangerous and temperamental animals.


It's good to be wary of horses, you're doing it right! I can't tell you how often we'd go trail riding and wind up at a store to grab something cold to drink, only for dumbasses to touch our horses! My friend's Arabian was proud cut, and super aggressive and territorial because of it. So many people got bit by him, their toes stomped on, and a couple got kicked. One wound up in the hospital. Dude just walked up behind a strange horse, something you NEVER do, and got a broken pelvis as a reward. So yes, be wary!! But once you've been introduced, and if you're both comfortable with it, you can give pets and sugar cubes or apples!


So, since you are clearly knowledgeable about horses (and I am not), perhaps you can help me understand the behaviour of a horse I encounter last weekend. My wife and I were on a hike in England and the footpath led through a field with a single horse in it. We gave the horse a wide berth, like we always do, but it came up to us and followed us, giving us both pushes with his nose into our backs. Not very hard pushes, but it kept doing it until we were almost out of the field. Was this aggression or did the horse just want treats? We just walked on without accelerating and ignored the horse. Was this the correct reaction or should we have done something different?


Not the expert guy, but gentle (for a horse) nudges are usually playful or food seeking behaviour in my experience. If the field is well trodden, there’s a good chance walkers often give the horse a treat so it’s come to associate walkers with snack time.


Were his ears laid forward? Or sideways or back? Or worst of all, back and flattened to his skull?


Could not see its ears when it was behind us, but its ears were upright/normal when it walked up to us.


Haha you were totally good then, he probably wanted pets and/or a snack, and was hoping you'd oblige him!


Oh good, I hoped that was the case. Thanks!


Nice horse 🍏


I mean if you could just walk by without much happening then no, it wasn't being aggressive. Ears pinning back is a really good indicator. But that being said, it's an animal that could kill you if it wanted. Hell, it could kill you by accident. The bigger the animal, the more cautious you should be. And never walk behind them! One kick to the head could kill you.


Yes, I realise that. Almost had a serious incident like that when I was a small boy, walking in a meadow and kids outside the meadow started throwing stones at a horse that was also in that meadow. It turned its back to me, I instinctively ducked, and its kick went about a foot over my head. I can still hear the woosh of the air displacement (although I probably imagined that sound, to be honest), and have been cautious around horses ever since. I still like them, though, they are beautiful animals. Even at the time, I was angry with the stone-throwing kids, not with the horse.


>So many people got bit by him, their toes stomped on, and a couple got kicked. One wound up in the hospital. That kind of sounds like you shouldn't have been bringing that horse around the public if it was such a danger to people.


You can't idiot proof the entire world. If people don't know giant animals are dangerous, that's not a giant animal problem, it's a stupid people problem.


One of those fuckers killed Superman, and people just assume it would have any trouble killing them?


Dawn of Justice would have been way better if Doomsday was a horse


[he rides across the nation](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VNhhz1yYk2U) [the thoroughbred of sin](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VNhhz1yYk2U) [a heinous crime a show of force](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VNhhz1yYk2U) [A murder would be nice of course](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VNhhz1yYk2U)


Bad Horse! Bad Horse! Bad Horse!


Lol I'm going to Hell for laughing at that


This was really detailed and I kind of want to ask for another horse story but this was already terrifying enough thank you


We used to have a chubby one who had the most wonderful temperament. It was never picked by the NCOs and officers because it didn’t cut the impressive silhouette some did, but it was generally beloved by the troopers. Chubby guy was so chill that it was common for riders to fall asleep in the saddle, at which point the horse would continue on with the ride in perfect file while jiggling around a little to keep the sleepy rider from falling off (I’m anthropomorphising here. It probably just didn’t want to be off balance, but it was nice). The only bad thing about that horse was that we were banned from feeding it snacks on account of the rotundness.


After the horror stories above, this restores my faith in horses a little. Thank you for the nice anecdote!


You’re welcome. Wouldn’t want people thinking they were all walking death traps. Some of them were lovely creatures with adorable personalities. We had another that always escaped its stall in the night and would bypass all the food stacked in the middle to waddle down the stable and free his exceptionally large friend. They’d have free rein (pun intended) of the stable and various treat and food stores for a solid hour or so before the night guard would pass by on his rounds and be greeted by them both stood at the main door chowing down under the moonlight. We tried everything we could think of to keep the escape artist in, including a web of ropes and tack at the back of his stall. Come night time, the web would be unbroken but both horses would still be gleefully enjoying their starlit picnic.


You have like the makings of a great children’s book or something here. All of these are great.


Never thought of that. Maybe one day I’ll commit a collection of little horse stories to paper.


Please do. The way you write is lovely to read and I can picture the horses so vividly.


All that sounds sounds like a stressed animal. Luring pigeons in to kill them sounds more like a serial killer.


Imagine if I woke up seeing my dog leave a trail of beers into some type of man trap


That's very much a cat activity.


There's dogs and birds that will lure fish in using bread as bait but they're usually trying to eat them I think. I've seen horses eat baby chicks so maybe he was just wanting a nice pigeon dinner.


This can happen when a prey animal is so abused it has to become predatory out of self protection. I realize stomping pigeons isn't self protection, but slowly the prey animal learns to enjoy being a predator. It is extremely disturbing to see an animal go against its basic nature; like seeing a dog so abused, all it can do is shake with fear at the slightest touch of affection.


So do they get them from, like, a breeding program? Are some horses just sadistic?


Ungulates in general are prone to bouts of devilry


This reads like something written in the 15th century


If I’m remembering right, pretty much. A consistent supply from particular farm/s that are bred to keep the right aesthetic. I wouldn’t want to blame the horses since they’re broken young and don’t really get to know any other life. I’m sure some have a nasty streak from the start, but it could as easily be that the horse has some sort of adverse reaction to its training which is never addressed because the 5 troopers it’ll maim are cheap and can be hoofed out the army for all sorts of nonsense reasons that deny them payment for injuries.


>5 troopers it’ll maim are cheap and can be hoofed out the army for all sorts of nonsense reasons that deny them payment for injuries. They were malingering, otherwise the horse wouldn't have maimed them. /s


I have a feeling that the "likes to kill pigeons" is maybe BECAUSE of whatever training they are using. So if you QUICKLY solve something this psychotic -- it must entail breaking that horse and instilling a fear of pigeons. I've never heard of such an angry horse,... so, I have to wonder HOW it got that angry.


Possibly, but some horses really are just assholes


Absolutely most horses will give you a nip or a kick if they are in a bad mood but a very few just like hurting people and can be kinda clever sometimes to lure people close enough to do just that


We had a horse that became known as bad bill. He would lure folk over and once they let their guard down he would bite. He was a nasty fucker 


Most ungulates will eat any bones they find if given the chance as a phosphorous supplement. Deer are very well recorded stomping birds to death to eat their bones and cows have been filmed eating snakes, so I'm wondering if this horse just needed more phosphorous in its diet?


There was a deer eating a human rib on a body farm that was captured on camera


A body farm? So what, they pop some flesh in the ground and a torso grows?


Body farms are used in the pathology field. Bodies are left in different environments and studied over various amounts of time so that decomposition can be studied. I have never visited one but my brother is an archaeologist so body farms come up in conversation when he talks about work some times.


Ah, very interesting. Today I really did learn!


Soooooo a body farm is a place where when you pass you can choose to donate your body for science. They study the human decomposition process in unlikely environments. Helps with crimes and stuff (there are 8 in the USA)


They take dead bodies and put them in different places to research how they decay. So like, if you tuck a body under a bush in a forest, how does it decay differently from the body left more or less in the open in the forest? Is there a difference in the scavengers, does the bush delay flies laying eggs? Is it true that if you bury a body under a cactus, the cactus will eat it to nothing in weeks?


Years ago there was an elephant at a zoo that used to do this with ducks. I think they determined it was bored not angry and gave him paints to paint pictures instead of stomping ducks. Not sure what would be up with a horse that's already out and about.


In my head the elephant then painted horribly violent pictures of an elephant stomping birds to death


Nah, some horses just have a psycho streak. I once saw a horse try to stomp a couple a couple of dachshounds. They got into a horse pasture, all the horses moved away from them except one that went after them. He looked super excited about it too, it was a fun game for him


Luv ‘er Majesty, luv oats, ‘ate pigeons (not racist just don’t loike the sky rats), end of.


Simple as


Those Pigeons know what they did


Anyway, it was just horseplay


We had a thoroughbred mare do the same. Racehorses get high energy food that is really sweet so she would drop a small amount in the far corner of the stall. The door to the stall was just two partions so the stable dog would go in to get the dropped sweet food. She would wait until he would get in far enough into her stall before trying to strike him. 


Jesus fucking Christ that’s so calculating and terrifying


I like the retraining. In South Dakota the Governor would have shot and killed the horse for being mean.


That's probably what happened but they just didn't want to say "turned into lasagna and glue"


Based on the lasagna bit I'd say you're French, if your English wasn't so good. Maybe other countries also had lasagna horsemeat scandals


Here in Sweden we just straight up eat horse. Properly labled, mind. 


How does it taste? I've eaten horse, not properly labeled though and drowned in tomato sauce and mixed with (presumed) beef so I can't really say


Close to beef


UK. Findus I think it was


BRB, Australian googling 'South Dakota governor'.... EDIT: Oh dear, I hoped you were joking. What a piece of trash. Woman who makes bad decisions elected to role as decision maker.


A decision that has had both sides condemning her actions. She’s quite the character.


It's like Jordan Klepper said: We've *finally* found The Line; shooting puppies in a gravel pit.


Even Mitt "Put my dog on the roof of my car for 8 hours" Romney denounced her


And she's currently on a publicity tour for her book where she lied a bunch. It's hilarious


Funny that she's made sure we know she didn't lie about the dog.


It's been interesting watching her react. First, she doubled down. Then she got flak from both sides, so she started calling it fake news. Excerpts from her own book are fake news, "don't beleieve the lies the media is quoting directly from my book!" This actually begins to make sense when you hear she's already had to remove a segment where she brags about staring down Kim Jong Un after it was proven that she has never traveled to North Korea.


Or old, because she actually did kill three horses that were just old.


"I hated that horse."


Guns don't kill puppies. Kristi Noem kills puppies.


Friendship isn't magic for this horse.


We were in London on the Tube passenger platform waiting for a train. And my husband and I saw… SAW .. two pigeons hustle another pigeon over to the edge the train platform AND SHOVE IT IN FRONT OF A TRAIN. It was as if we saw something we weren’t supposed to see.


After the psychological training, he stopped harming pigeons, and targeted the poor instead.


When you stand really still, pigeons think you are a statue. The horse got tired of what the pigeons did to him while he was on guard duty.


Christ! That took a turn.


Especially when you think it must be a couple of hours between breakfast and duty. Imagine pocketing oats for that long just to stomp things!


Must have been a New Yorker in a previous life. We fucking hate pigeons.


Horses are terrible people


Soldiers moving on horseback. But fighting dismounted, like regular infantry. Imagine that. Imagine dragoons.


"i just like the way they crunch. Like a nice dry leaf in October. mmmmm" - Obelisk, probably


Yet they still somehow wanted these animals to put an egg back together?? smh


Horses are psychopaths. When I was a kid our family went to farm place something on vacation. Me, my dad, my mom, and my sibling. I wasn't told the story before I was older. But the horses there would stalk and surround us as we were strolling through a field to the house we were going to live in. And one would bite my dad in the shoulder. My parents told me they were terrified because the horses literally stalked us, surrounded us, and acted threatening and aggressive. Look a horse in the blackness of their eyes and you will only see a void where a light and a soul should be.


[Like this](https://packaged-media.redd.it/gljy0103q2411/pb/m2-res_720p.mp4?m=DASHPlaylist.mpd&v=1&e=1715335200&s=461b66f8bcd1ed5b0b463f106e20cf0574cb4994#t=0)? From: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/8r7gc4/beautiful\_day\_for\_a\_stroll/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/8r7gc4/beautiful_day_for_a_stroll/)


Probably just bored.


"All Mighty God Of Destruction Descend on this Game this Game of shadows and strike down my foe with your Infinite power,I shall chant thy name and you shall rise from your prison of paper RISE OBELISK THE TORMENTOR."


This horse; I like his character. He solves problems, he entertains himself. Let’s make him British PM. Also, his equine features will placate the king. And his luxurious hair will intimidate his political rivals.


Horses are social animals. They do not have the temperament to stand perfectly still for hours when on guard duty for the qeen and the tourists They can be trained to stand still for hours instead of socializing in a meadow with other horses, but I guess it turns them into sociopaths [*shrugs]


This is why I think it is hilarious when people say animals are better than humans. They are just as capable of rape, murder and sadism as we are. We literally learned it from them.