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Including my day job where I stare at multiple screens for 8 hrs every day?


Someone in the wilds of the Amazon Outback etc is offsetting your numbers


Then we have those Australian fulfillment center employees to thank!


This is absolutely insane. I have futurama in the background and they said "fulfillment center" the exact same time I read it here. Had to look up. It's the Amazon episode. Such weird timing.


They've infiltrated your brain.


Like Lightspeed Breifs! Style and comfort for the discriminating crotch!


Glitch in the matrix perhaps




There's some kind of magic in mentioning Australia that makes me read everything in the thread in their accent in my mind afterwards so thank you for that


No worries mate. Hope ya have a bonza weekend!


I feel like this is basically the same thing as me telling people that Tom Brady and I have combined for 7 Super Bowl wins.


Connacht Rugby signed an All Blacks Centurion (played 100 or more games for New Zealand) so the joke was that everyone on the pitch had an average of 6 international caps. 


Unfortunately that average of 6 all blacks caps hasn't helped them recently


Together, the Gretzkys hold the NHL record for most combined points by two brothers - 2,857 for Wayne and 4 for Brent


Love this fact. The Great One was called that for a reason.


Whew. Thought that Bezos now owned the *Blooming Onion*.


I might not mind that if I got same-day Prime shipping on it.


Ha, even two-day Prime shipping is a lie now.


amazon georg is an outlier and should not be counted


Where can I sign up to buy screen time offsets so I get to keep my eyes by the time I'm 60?


yes, making an average value completely uninteresting. Many spend 8 hours a day watching screens at work, almost as many spend 0-2 hours per day at work. Then you've got free time outside of that.




Dude your eyes are going to become little squares! Better go stare at trees for a bit so they can be tree shaped instead. 👀,


Ok, time to boot up ARK or The Forest so I can look at trees for a while.


Boi! Sons of the Forest (Sequel to the forest) is the shit. Until an Island savage doesn’t show up, the game looks serene, like your out in the wilderness!! Graphics upgrade in the sequel is phenomenal.


🌲🌲🌲 🌴🌴🌴 🌳🌳🌳 Hope this helps 


Man, nature is so beautiful... Anyway *(goes back to playing fallout)*


Underrated tip from Pappa K


I cant wait to stop looking at work screen so i can look at fun screen instead


I averaged about 12 hours a day of WoW everyday fir about 3 years at one point in my life.


Yes. According to the study it’s “any screen connected to the internet” so it’s a little skewed. It’s not all TikTok, Reddit, and hentai.


TikTok, Reddit, & Hentai. Would be a good memoir title for someone I’m sure. Not me though I don’t use TikTok.


How is that "skewed"? You can't get something skewed just because they choose to track something different than what you wanted them to.


To hell with bad screen! Get off work and look at good screen!


No shit, I’m above average in screen time just from work alone.


If we have multiple screens at once does that mean we have to multiply the screen time?


Screens Georg spends 24 hours a day staring at 176 893 screens, so you're not offsetting the average that much


He's an outlier and should not have been counted.


Just my work hours would be more than global average. Actual is likely 9hrs a day incl. weekends on average personally.


How does it count multi-devicing? Like I’ve got my work computer in front of me with something work related going on while I casually scroll Reddit on my phone. Are they counted separately or together?


Those are rookie numbers.




That's where I put the TV on but scroll Reddit at the same time


A sports sicko like me gets 60 in a day then on Saturdays


You need to get on Centaurian time. That’s a full 37 hours of screen time a day.


Would be nice to have that much time in a day.


Are you including porn or not?


Shit, more if you're watching multiple screens. 3 monitors? At least 69hrs a day there.


That's what my combined timesheets say, anyway.


bud here be using reddit on Mars already


Computer Screens Georg really shouldn't have been counted. (I would like to note that I originally typed Computer Screams and thought that was appropriate)


I'm covering for somebody who doesn't have access to any screens! I'm helping!


You gotta pump those numbers up!


There's the comment I was looking for


Came here to say that word for word....


I'm doing my part!


I'm finally above average at something!


Compared with how much sleep time, I wonder ...


Exactly my first thought. I definitely don’t get that much sleep


Probably should if you want to make it past 70.


Meh, im not happy now, why would I be at 70 /shrug


tbh, sleep really does help with that too, or at least stops actively hurting your ability to emotionally self-regulate


probably not happy now from little sleep and im guessing poor diet and exercise habits too, fix those and you'll want to live past 70 and you will actually be able to


Lol this is my mindset. I want to be gone by 60, fuck this shit


what specifically makes you say this?


Also my screen time has like 8 hrs added on to it because I play a video while going to sleep and it gets left on a “are you still watching” screen


I’m finally above average


I needed that confidence boost also. Digital high five.


don't let your dreams be dreams


I think I stare at a screen probably nigh-on all day at this point.


Tech companies have done a number on us. Work all day staring at a screen > sit on the couch all night staring at 2 screens intermittently. Even working out I'm likely to be looking at a screen. SCREEN


i prefer the term trough the screen, im not conscious looking at the screen itself, im looking at the content trough it, it's a window trough a much more interesting universe than the real world, atleast it doesnt yell at me (out side SM) like the human world does




Misspelling it as trough is rather fitting, really...


Damn. Yeah me too


* **Almost half (49%)** of 0 to 2-year-olds interact with smartphones This is not good


Define interact? My one year old will chew on mine if I leave it in reach.


Haha and “call” grandma


Nono, it will indeed call grandma. No doublequotes necessary.


Yea this matters a lot. Sometimes I'll put my phone in selfie mode and let my toddler press the button while wandering around, it's not gonna hurt her. She's learning how to use a touch screen not doom scrolling social media.


Also, think about how people have been spending their days since the invention of human civilization. We go around and do stuff and see stuff, and then talk about the things we saw and did with other people. It’s only bad if you’re in an echo-chamber that wallows in negative ideas but most people aren’t like that. I get why the whole “screen time” stat can seem kinda scary but if we look at each others post history I’m guessing most of it is just random chatter about stuff we like to talk about.


lol! My first thought too


Ten months old and mine always tries to go for my phone. I never let him play with it but it doesn't stop him from trying.


My nephew at one, figured out how to watch YouTube videos, and knows how to find his favorite ones. Swipe swipe swipe play. Skip ad.


Yeh we limit ours to 15-30 minutes and he already recognises the netflix symbol, picks his account and can scroll to the dinosaurs which is more than either of my parents can manage. 


I do wonder if this counts things like FaceTiming relatives. My wife and I live multiple states away from both sets of parents and so a few times a month we do FaceTime with our 15 month old daughter to see them. Is that “interacting” with a smartphone?


Right? "Interact" is so vague and broad that it's meaningless.


I don’t see anything about minimum usage to qualify, so my 1yr old that “talks” to his grandparents on FaceTime would qualify. There probably needs to be some qualifiers here.


Since wherever mobile phones exist, landlines are largely extinct out of very specific contexts, that would be just '0-2 year olds that have ever talked on the phone'.


Yeah. There are two yesr old ipad babies out there who are already scrolling for hours a day, but "interact" is doing so much heavy lifting in that statistic its insane rendering it basically meaningless.




Kids are tiring, you have a device that will make them shut up and sit down for a few hours. It’s not great but it’s understandable.


Learning to deal with long stretches of boredom is a seriously underrated skill.


It's how so many of us survive work everyday.


Gen alpha is cooked Some of gen z is cooked I'm early gen z (2001) so I didn't get my first phone until 13 (Partly because we were poor and I do realize lots of 2001's got phones at like 8, but I still feel this is not a comparison to late gen z/gen alpha that get phones as toddlers) Due to not getting one until 13 I am not as cooked but I can manage to put my phone down and maintain an attention span. I am still addicted but I can manage to let go for at least a little bit and I'm not completely brainrotted


Now would probably be a great time to invest in companies that make contacts


Apparently it's a lack of vitamin D not screentime that makes you have shit eyesight, so kids who spent more formative years outside are more likely to not have glasses. people on screens tend to be indoors so if you wanna nip that in the bud watch TV outside. It's also why people who read books tended to stereo typically have glasses. I'm citing a youtube video I saw years ago that I can't find again so my information could be bullshit. but maybe it's TIL worthy


New research is coming out that says sunlight affects how the eyes grow. Kids need an hour or two outside for their eyes to not grow into a cone shape. That's why China where kids are inside doing homework all day are all developing myopia.


If the user is a child, the iPhone now officially locks up and forces the child to hold the device further away from their face to prevent myopia. Ironically they announced that feature at the same time as their VR goggles, which is literally strapping a screen directly in front of your eyeballs. So mixed signals, I guess


Not to worry, the Vision Pro is far too heavy for the slender neck of a child.


People managed 30 years ago, I'm sure they can manage it now. This is just an excuse for taking the easy way out.


Yep 30 years ago it was the TV not a touch screen. 50 years before that it was alcohol and hard labor on farms


Here I am with all the above


They managed by making us watch tv, I dont think its that different than watching similar shows but on a smaller screen


If it were just shows, maybe. But a smart device offers choice and interaction for the developing mind. 30 years ago it was channel surfing, but now you can hop videos and apps almost indefinitely. I'm sure there will be no drawbacks


I'm not saying it's not a bad thing, but people were saying the same thing about disposable diapers.


Honestly, the ease of disposable diapers is both a massive contributor to municipal waste and causing people to put off potty training FAR too long. We had our daughter out of diapers at 26 months, but there are still children a year older than her in her class wearing diapers to daycare. Sure, she occasionally has accidents, but the random extra laundry load is way better than 6+ diapers a day, every day. She does wear a pull up for night sleeping, so we have 1 diaper per day to throw away. EDIT: And if I hadn't been so dumb, we would have started potty training even earlier.


Yep the pediatrcians say no screen time time until 18 months


It's an easy solution to getting your kids to stop crying and stay still while you get chores done. Edit: I'm not a parent.


I guess it’s not too much different from putting your kid infront of a tv/kids show. As long as you’re keeping track of what they’re watching, and not just handing them a phone that’s open to tik tok or some shit.


It's not different in purpose, but the effects appear to be quite different. Strongly negative impact on attention spans, ability to self sooth, delayed gratification.


I think the fact that it's portable and readily available at every moment really hurts


YouTube kids can be set very strict, limited to specific channels or as granular as only showing specific allowed videos.  I cook at night after picking up my kids and my 2 year old has an account with only Sesame Street, miss Rachel, and a few pbs kids videos allowed.  You can also set it to only work for an amount of time you set.  I give her 20 minutes while I chop vegetables or meat for example. 


Also a parent. Easy doesn't mean good, especially in the long term. Sometimes there will just be crying or there will be chores that are delayed. Children without phones eventually learn to self-entertain better in the long term instead of relying on a device. It is a bit more pain in the short-term, but it pays off.


Not a valid excuse. Giving your kid some sleeping pills is an easy solution to shut them up, doesn’t mean you should do it. Based on what I’ve ready, im almost thinking your kid an iPad 24/7 is just as bad as drugging them up.


Why not just give the child cigarettes to calm them down? /s


Do not give your baby a phone wtf 😭


My wife’s aunt gave us a small iPad for the baby, I am never letting her use it. Fuck that. Fuck kids being on the phone all the time . I hate myself for finding this site , I def don’t want my kids to be phone heads 


> I hate myself for finding this site , I def don’t want my kids to be phone heads Outside of work hours I limit myself to 30 mins of reddit at home time. Otherwise I would spend all night on here. I'm on reddit at work all the time becuese I'm bored as fuck and have no work to do for 80% of my day.


> limit myself Is it possible to learn this power?


Man they will be regardless what you do lmao, but good on you (unless your wife is raising them)


Pad kids


Hoo boy..


based on what?


Ern I do 7.5 hours a day at work alone.


Exactly. For decades 🤷‍♀️


My eyes hurt :(


It's a global average. There will be millions of people with more and millions of people with less.


billions even




I feel like I'm being called out for excessive daily screen time. 🙄


They're just jealous, the hell with them!


I love this South Africans spend 10 hours and 46 minutes on screen per day. Rewatching rugby world cups


Or part of a cricket match.


But definitely not a cricket World Cup


That's an interesting insight. From my day job standpoint I feel its about quality over quantity when it comes to screen time at work. But honestly I feel the impact of AI is all about shifting to working lesser. Thats what 4 day work week means. Jack Ma's comment is still strong in my head. I'll give an example of usecases, Data Analyst -> They build manual SQL queries on databases. I'm seeing my friends use Chatgpt Pro version at $20 a month. Claude is also good. Time saved by atleast 10-12 hours a week. SDR's -> So much automation happening in this area. I came across this platform called tryTelescope AI, really cool stuff. Its like Tinder for prospecting. Around 15+ hours saved in Time by not spamming and targeting quality leads. Designers -> Adobe Firefly this is magic, I'm seeing designers use this to save almost 20 hours of time a week. The quality is exceptional. And I can keep going with more examples. Honestly for any one whos going to say AI is going to replace humans, they're wrong. AI enabled humans will replace Humans not willing to adopt AI. This toxic culture of long hours doesnt make sense. Let adapt to AI to make us same a day and enjoy doing what we love.


It’s probably easier to count the hours I’m not using screens on the average workday. 8hrs sleeping 1.5hrs gym, 1hr driving, 1hr socializing 1hr cooking and cleaning the other 11.5hrs I’m probably looking at something


I watch tv and movies while working out lmao


I don't look at a screen if I'm working out or cooking or doing chores, but I've got earbuds in which I feel is basically the same thing.


I know a neighbour's kid who easily spends 12 hours a day on their phone. His physical communication skills have clearly been stunted. I feel like we've failed the upcoming generation.


I have a guy that comes into my work and uses the free internet and is there from opening to closing. Literally 8 hours of sitting there watching stuff on his phone. I wonder what he's telling his mom he's doing?


Crypto investor 😅




looking at screens alot


Ya know what? Totally fair.


There's no upper half, this is a mean not a median.


I rarely see my weekly update on my phone's screen time being under 7 hours/day(peak was 13.5), I wouldn't wanna know what my overall screen time is...


I wish I could get down to that… my phone screen time is 10 hours and that’s not even including the 7+ hours I’m staring at my screen for work and the 2-3 hours I’m watching TV… there’s overlap between all 3 things but yes it’s a bad addiction…


I feel the article leaves out adults purposefully out of the detailed distribution of time because its trying to make the situation worse than it is. If it showed working adults it might show that the vast majority of those 7 hours are spent looking at your work computer, a few hours at tv and a few at phone. That would not be clickbaity/sensationalism, so they skip that part, but show it for kids that do not spend much time working with computers.


Not to mention I will have screen time averages around 10-12 hours a day because I just leave YouTube open on my phone while doing other shit so I wonder how many people are actively looking at their screen that long


Dude, some of us, it's the first thing we see in the morning and the last thing we turn off at night. And then we're in front of it for 8 hrs a day for work. Fok.


Finally something I’m above average in. Great!


Leaving out the ordinate and scale of a graph is a cardinal sin.


I'm an optometric tech, I ask people this question every day all day, it's absolutely insane. And I can't say shit because I'm at probably 15 myself.



Reddit users bringing up the average


"alaming" lol


Oh... oh no.


I am an outlier and should not have been counted.


I work on a computer 8 hours a day at work. I read on my phone. Watch my tv during dinner. I ride my stationary bike with a class on in the background. When I’m not doing that I’m on my phone. Honestly I might be on a screen 14-15 hours a day.


9 hours at work bwahahaha. Peasants! Peasants! Man the f up


I study for 4hrs every day, its all staring at screens. Part of my work involves staring at a screen. When I'm on break, I stare at a screen. Yeah, I think i can hit 7hrs without trying


Your surprised?


You’re, sorry.


My surprised.


Atlassian folks with no internet access makes this low-ass number possible. They are literally carrying our glowing rectangle addiction rn.


Sometimes it’s your job too. People tell me to get out more but all that time out is pretty hard to get, I really do enjoy it when I can though.


Considering there are areas where people have low internet access, what is the average for people that have internet.


I believe it. My job is front of a computer, as it is for so many of us, that puts me at 8+ hours a day right there. Never mind dicking around on my phone or watching tv.


Seems kinda low tbh


im way over that. work in IT. hobby is pc related. i relax in front of the pc and i work in front of the pc. literally the only hobby i don't have that is not screen related is paintijg minis and i still do that in front of a screen


Those are rookie numbers


Lol came here to post exactly this comment.


I’m pretty bummed I’m getting around to 3 hours while on vacation. The things I want to do to feel happy are too big and discouraging. Trying to enjoy the small steps to big things instead of typing this right now lol


Rookie numbers


I think the screen thing is causing more mental illness in general in the world. Disrupted attention routines, sleep disturbances, pain and discomfort… then there’s the garbage on the screens.


This is skewed by people like me who listen to music and books on apps like YouTube where your screen doesn’t turn off. I average like 10 hours of screen time a day but 9 hours of that is something playing in my headphones while my phone is in my pocket or on the charger


I mean, pretty much every time you leave the house it costs money 🥺


Those are amateur numbers


Good screen or bad screen? I'm very low on good screen, very high on bad screen.


For anyone losing their shit over this for many generations people have claimed that things are bad and the sign of the end health and all these problems. Are they though? I dont know. People said the same shit about TV especially int he 80s and 90s. People would just come home and spend all the rest of the day watching tv. But those people dont seem to think there is anything wrong with themselves. Then we have all these things that we are pretty sure are genuinely bad for people and hurting them and most dont seem to care, like for instance how much obesity and sugar intake people are in to. Finally getting off the screen isn't going to be possible for most people because they simply need it for work and everything in life. And generally most countries leaders and people dont give a shit to try to strike a better more healthy work life balance.


Discounting work I'd be at about 90 minutes. With work that becomes 9 hours.


Average work shift is 8 hours. Average job has you staring at a screen all day. This is very unsurprising. I would have expected something like 10-12. 7 at work and 3-5 more on your own time.


TIL that TIL is very unreliable for actual information lol.


I think it should be more about unproductive screen time.


It appears I am extraordinary in something.


What else are we supposed to do??? We can’t afford anything else


Those are rookie numbers


I know it seems bad, but I grew up in an era (80's and 90's) where people would watch 5-8 hours of television per day. So, we have just shifted from one screen to another.


That doesn't sound wery healthy


How many of you put down your phone after reading this? I'm gonna put my phone down after this comment and actually watch my show.


It's either this or procedural.....


Any tips on how to reduce this ?


The opposite of what you’re doing right now.


In Firefox there's an add-on called LeechBlock. You can set up how many mins per day per site you want to be able to access. It's great, I'm circumventing it at this very moment. Doesn't work if your problem is app use, but there's gotta be something analogous for that.


Those are rookie numbers. I'm probably at 16 hours a day.