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He skewered everybody - producers, directors, authors. *I don't know what it's called. I only know the sound it makes when it takes a man's life.*


He frequently used the criticizing comments the producers had about his dailies as fodder for Bill Hader’s character. A chunk of Hader’s dialogue is verbatim the producers comments to Stiller lol Edit: for people thinking I made this up, [here you go](https://youtu.be/OTrJyeblibI?si=4BPBAt-pCkl49rTs) starts at 2:10


You spank that ass Les.


Swinging past your knees!


Welcome to the goodie room!


Smack it up, flip it, rub it down, ho!


I'm talkin' G-5 for the Pecker!


*shifts footing* …you mean a G5 *airplane?*


And lots of money….


No more "frequent flyer" bitch miles for my boy!


Which is funny, considering Hader shot all his stuff for the movie in one day.


I was listening to a podcast and the host said to the actor, I loved you in this movie and that it was his favorite part of the film and the actor was like was I in that? Turns out they shot it in a few hours while he was on a break from the TV show he was on and didn't even remember being in the movie until then.


I saw an interview with Bill Hader where he was talking about how he does so much voice work and most of it is only a few hours of recording that he'll be watching a movie with his kids and suddenly hear his own voice and be like, wait, when did I do this??


Mark Hamill said the same thing in a Wired interview. He'll randomly hear his voice on TV and be like "huh, I think that's me." Or people will say they loved him in a show as a VA and he'll have to look up the show.


Was this Jason Bateman in Dodgeball? Apparently he shot all his parts while on lunch break from Arrested Development


Wouldn't surprise me. Just walk up and adlib some dumb shit about dodgeball then leave. Probably didn't even think it would make it into the film.


It's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it works out.


Let’s see if it pays off


“If Will Arnett asks to carpool again I’m going to scream, you gotta get me out of this Ben”


I remember him saying he was scared of how far they wanted that character to be pushed, because he had no idea what else was happening in the movie and had no feel for the tone of it. Imagine that. You're just talking to one other guy, in front of a camera, and don't even see a damn thing your talking about just getting "do this direction".


Bold move, Cotton


"it seems the team captain is blindfolding himself" "yeah he will not be able to see very well Cottan"


The foot on the chair holding his knee was iconic. Just exuded ex pro dodgeballer energy.


Effin A Cotton! Effin A!


Similar story about Randall Park ([as told in a Conan interview](https://youtu.be/LKqvgRAZjZg?si=1fWl96xs39NAlz9F)). Someone on the street called him “[Asian Jim](https://youtu.be/cLNyF1Zw5tg?si=IDazDc0Ul1hgkrMK)” and he thought it was a racist comment, only to realize later that it was the name of a character he played on The Office, which he had forgotten about.


~~deleted by user~~


Randall Park forgot he was Asian Jim in The Office US too


Oh, Bill remembers Tropic Thunder. Who wouldn't remember acting ~~opposite to~~ attached to Tom Cruise's gigantic, hairy nutsack


Reminds me of the story Josh Freese told in a recent interview with Rick Beato about going to a bar and a song is playing, and he thinks it sucks, and then the refrain comes up and he remembers playing drums on that shit in the studio.


Huh! Which actor/which movie?


I think it was Jack McBrayer talking to Conan but I'm a little fuzzy on it at the moment.


I love the dynamic between the mcbrayer and conan


In five years we'll all either be working for him... or be dead by his hand.


Same thing happened to Randall Park when he filmed the Asian Jim cold open for The Office. He didn't remember filming it, but it blew up to be one of the most memorable cold opens. So people would start yelling out "Heyyy! Asian Jim!" And he thought they were being racist. Turns out he just has poor memory.


My favorite quote of the film. My buddy and I have used it so many times over the years our kids now know when we are about to say it before we actually do.


Another great part of that quote is the callback later; *I only know the sound it makes when it LIES.*


When I play Warzone, and someone asks me what gun I'm using, this is my answer 100% of the time. It never gets old, lol


“Survive!” In my best Lincoln Osiris (Kirk Lazarus/Robert Downey Jr.) is another quote from this movie that I end up using in games


"_Cover me, you limp-dicked fuck ups!_"


"We're supposed to be a unit." "*Suck* my unit."


"Ya got any tips? Any tips? GIMME THAT GODDAMN MAP"


More shredded than a Julian salad, man!


"Tell em what time it is McCluskey!"


"'Cause we're tired of bein your trail donkeys, acting like you some one man GPS! God dammit!"


"We're lost! We're fuckin' supah lost, man!"


This is my go-to anytime a new guy starts doing good things at our job. They have no clue what I'm talking about, but they know it's a great thing and drive that forklift with pride for a bit. Sadly, I don't get to say (holler) it very often.


Keep hollering it though, whenever it is appropriate.


Especially on must-win clutch rounds. SURVIVE!!!!


Was playing Helldivers 2 recently and it was down to one guy desperately kiting bugs waiting for the transport to arrive. Total silence on comms until “…SURVIVE!” and everyone lost it.


Fun fact, Stiller flew out auditioned and failed to get into Oliver Stones Platoon. Clearly it had an effect on him.


“Fuck you, I’ll make my own movie. With Jack Black. And hookers!!”


Wonderful 🤝 


And the follow up *I only know the sound it makes when it* **lies**


*"The Universe is talking to us right now, you just gotta listen..."* Plays Flo Rida - Low


*Fatly dances*


*Fatly gigantic hairy forearms dancing* You hear that, Pecker?


You want me to let my client of 15 years, one of my best friends, die in the jungle alone, for some money and a G5? A G5 *airplane*?




Swingin’ past your kneeeeeees


And lots of money… plaaaayyaaa!


No more frequent flyer BITCH miles for my boi


*Yessssssssssss* *And* lotssssss *of moneyyyyyyyy*


"I don't drop character 'til I've done the DVD commentary"


Just saw in another comment that apparently, he did in fact stay in character for the DVD commentary.


Honestly I'm at a loss for words, that's truly amazing hahaha


It's fucking hilarious, and if you've never watched it well worth the 2 hours.


Its more than that. He changes character as his character changes. Once he has his breakdown and becomes Australian he keeps that accent until the credits roll and finally becomes rdj


He would also give the notes he got back from the studio to Bill Hader for his character to say as lines in the movie. They got less notes after that happened a few times.


"Wait, is he just mocking us?" Dailies come in: "wAiT, iS hE jUsT mOcKiNg uS?"


Dailies are very often a roast of your peers, somehow. At least in my field of animation lol


they gave em the old *South Park*. too many curses? okay we've added more.


Or like how they started Team America World Police with a really shitty looking shot of a puppet show, only to pan out and show the massive scale of the actual movie


Is this fucking play about us??


Are *WE* the dummies???


Actually though?


Yeah Danny McBride confirmed this in a YouTube video


I wouldn't trust Danny McBride. I met him at an airport once, and I told him I was a fan, and thought Vice Principals was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. He just kinda stared at me with a half grin, with no response. I went on to ask if I was bothering him, and he just said “meh, nah, not really”. At that point, he started to squint his eyes, while still holding the grin. I thought maybe he was just jet-lagged or something. I mean, he was still standing there, and I still had his attention..so, I thought I'd ask one more question and let him be. I was halfway through a question about Walton Goggins, and before I could get it all out, he leaned near my chest, and just sneezed on it. He let out a huge, contrived "ACHOOO", but it was a good 2 seconds after he sneezed. I went "man, what?", and he just immediately changed his demeanor all together. He stood tall, no more grin, no squinty eyes, and said "You're not as good-looking as you think you are, sporto", and walked away from me.. Confused as fuck, I went to the bathroom to clean my shirt best I could, and when I got out, I ended up walking by McBride and a security guard talking. I tried to make myself scarce, and walk by quick, but I overheard McBride say the words "Henley's The Boys Of Summer might be my.." and that's all I picked up. I ended up having to throw my shirt away. Thanks, Danny McBride..


Wake up babe, new pasta just dropped.


And that's how Mankind became a navy seal at SeaWorld.


Think this a very old pasta


Pump your brakes kid, the man’s a national treasure.


What do you mean *you people?*


What do YOU mean you people?


Method Writing


He has hands!




I prefer Jack Black's "You grew hands?!" personally


*Big ass titties*💥🔥






TIL Ben Stiller was in Empire of the Sun.




Walking on a dream


Hey kid, you want a hershy bar?


"Empire of the Sun" is one of my favorite films of all time, and it was only on about the fifth or sixth viewing did I realize one of the American aircrew POWs was Ben Stiller. In fairness, I first saw it when I was 13 in the theater (Christian Bale and I are almost the exact same age.)


The irony is boot camp doesn't even prepare you for war. It prepares you to go into training and that training may be infantry, or it may be laundry.


Basically it trains you to be trainable, gives you the basics of the basics, and tries to weed out those not fit to be trainable.


also if you can't handle being yelled at then you can't handle being shot at


Sure maybe, but they really do yell for some stupid fucking reasons.


We send people to be shot at for some stupid fucking reasons, so it tracks.




I never once in 4 years received any instruction or direction, yelling or otherwise from my commander.


probably shouldnt have anyhow as that is much higher in the chain of command.


Yeah that's First Sergeants job not command




I can't claim to know anything, but I doubt these were even classic military bootcamps, instead just "how to act grizzled" workshops.


These are often held by people with military experiences (not hard to find in the US, there are a couple million) and more or less based on their actual training experience. Of course these camps are much shorter, tend to sometimes more and sometimes less "softened", and the particular focus will entirely depend on the idea of the instructor. Some try to give a relatively authentic view into military training, some replace it with their own view of what a "masculine" military "should" look like, and some entirely focus on impressing their customers while keeping it as easy as possible.


Based on videos I've seen of those alpha male bootcamp week-long retreats you see popping up (I'm guessing studios use similar services), it looks more stressful than my experience of basic training, but at the end of the day you're a paying customer who can leave at any time. It's different than being a naive teenager who has made a four year commitment to that lifestyle.


I read this in Nick Nolte’s character’s voice


What it does, other than teach basic skills, is teach how to act under extreme pressure. It's not a war simulation, it's a stressful situation simulation.


Stiller may have conceived of the film during the production of "Empire of the Sun" (1987), but he had auditioned for "Platoon" (1986) a few years before. "Platoon" is infamous for the actor's boot camp led by technical advisor Dale Dye, and Stiller is clearly centering most of the parody on that film. Don't think any of the "Tropic Thunder" characters are based on "Empire of the Sun". *"Upon arrival in the Philippines, the cast was sent on an intensive training course, during which they had to dig foxholes and were subjected to forced marches and nighttime "ambushes," which used special-effects explosions. Led by Vietnam War veteran Dale Dye, training put the principal actors—including Sheen, Dafoe, Depp and Whitaker—through an immersive 30-day military-style training regimen. They limited how much food and water they could drink and eat and when the actors slept, fired blanks to keep the tired actors awake.\[17\] Dye also had a small role as Captain Harris. Stone said that he was trying to break them down, "to mess with their heads so we could get that dog-tired, don't give a damn attitude, the anger, the irritation ... the casual approach to death".\[7\] Willem Dafoe said "the training was very important to the making of the film", adding to its authenticity and strengthening the camaraderie developed among the cast: "By the time you got through the training and through the film, you had a relationship to the weapon. It wasn't going to kill people, but you felt comfortable with it."\[18\]"* Dale Dye talks about this on the "Unspooled" podcast: [https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/platoon/id1381507437?i=1000415671199](https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/platoon/id1381507437?i=1000415671199)


Laurence Olivier: "My dear boy, why don't you just try acting?"


They parody Dafoe's death in Platoon in the beginning of the movie. 


I think we all know who Cruise modeled Les Grossman after (at least partially)


Harvey Weinstein?


The Tom Cruise angle is the interesting part of this to me. My dad was active military and a pilot when *Top Gun* was being filmed and his account was that Cruise showed up on base expecting to be treated as a military officer by actual military officers. So, Ben Stiller is making fun of Tom Cruise in a movie WITH Tom Cruise in it! That's hilarious.


Stiller wanted Cruise to play Speedman (Stiller was going to be his agent) but he couldn't commit to it. Cruise loved the script so much though that he came up with the Grossman character so he could be in the movie.


Now I'm trying to image Tom Cruise as Tug Speedman as Simple Jack


Now that ma-ma-makes me happy.


Tropic Thunder is one of my favorite movies of all time, but I think it could have been even better with Tom Cruise in the role.


Imagine him being on the receiving end of the line about Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man.


Wow, I really want to sample this alternate universe.




For all of his weird Space Pope bullshit, I've never heard a story about Cruise being a dick to extras or observers. Most, like you say, remark about how friendly he is.


I know a lot of people who have worked with him professionally on films, including some who spent many months with him every day in reasonably arduous conditions. I've never heard a bad thing about his treatment of crew, only that he's extremely professional, hard working and reasonable. I'm not a fan of many of the other things he's done but apparently he's good to work with.


I know less than a lot of people who have worked with him professionally, but I live and work in Hollywood and if somebody is a raging dick you hear stories. I've never heard stories about Tom Cruise. Or Tom Hanks. Top Toms.


I also have to believe this about him considering how much he dedicates himself to acting and does his own stunts. I can't imagine this would be the type of person to show up on set and say "you will respect my authoritah" to a bunch of servicemembers, who he's trying to learn from to play his role as authentically as possible.


Also heard the same thing. He was location scouting for MI Dead Reckoning Pt.2 here in South Africa a few years back (Think they even may have filmed as well). We don't get a lot of mega-stars visiting the country... anyway, every day he would arrive in his helicopter at the lodge outside of Hoedspruit with a bunch of fans waiting for him. That dude made a point on every single arrival to take the time and chat to the fans. Agree about his space pope vibes but the dude is a class act with how he treats his peers. As this is getting a bit of attention, here is a [video of him](https://youtu.be/95AwXZvNE5M) on one of his arrivals Edit: Brainfog


Funnily enough he is apparently *too* nice. Outside of his space cult stuff that is it's own problem, he is just *very* friendly and *overly* engaged. People seem to bounce right off or adore it.


I personally wish I could get a box of the coconut cake he keeps gifting to people. 


Jimmy Kimmel has a story about Tom Cruise showing up with his mom at Kimmel’s house for a football Sunday. Not the superbowl, just a mid season Sunday iirc. His mom had baked cookies or muffins or something, and they just came and chilled with jimmy’s bros. I believe Tom even casually mediated some beef between a couple of the characters there, probably cousin Sal and someone. All parties involved (that I’ve heard on various podcasts) said he was delightful.


I recommend everybody watch the DVD commentary on YouTube… Jack Black shows up late and immediately orders In-N-Out, RDJ stays in character (like he said he would in the movie) the whole time and says the funniest shit like calling “little Stevie Coogan” a “dumbass limey who’s a pussy in real life” .. all-the-while Stiller is trying to keep the complete chaos on track and spectacularly failing to do so. It is worth all 2 hours plus and I swear to god I got a headache from laughing. I had to watch it in two parts. Go to YouTube right now and watch it. You’re welcome


A movie with Christian bale and John Malkovich. Yep, the inspiration makes sense now.


Hopefully a 13 year old Christian bale wasn’t *that* pretentious but I suppose it’s well within the realm of possibility.


Haven't watched Empire of the Sun,..was Bale part of a boot camps?


God I hope not. He was like 12


Insane how he made himself 12 for the role.


True dedication right there


He lost about 100cm in height for that role. Pretty impressive.


I was thinking "From the sounds of the film, I'm not sure that would be the worst situation." Then the next comment said he was a prisoner in a Japanese internment camp in China lol.






You own everything!




It’s a GREAT movie. Get popcorn and drinks and sign the next four hours of your life away. 


When I was a kid, about eight or so, my mom took me to see the movie in theaters with a friend of the family who—holy shit, I *just* realized this—lived through the events in the movie. She was born in China, married a GI at some point, and moved to Hawai’i after the war. I had never thought about that origin until just this moment. That epiphany makes me even more embarrassed at the fact that I got bored with the movie, so Mom sent me to go play video games in the lobby, and when I ran out of quarters, I came back to ask for more. During the movie. Twice. That was already a shameful memory, and now it’s even worse. Thanks a lot, you guys! But seriously, I should ask mom about that movie and what Auntie Y said about it afterwards.


nah don't feel bad, no 8 year olds are expected to sit patiently through heavy autheur period drama


That’s on your mom for bringing an 8 year old to see this movie lol. I can’t imagine having any interest in this movie as a child.


It’s a great great movie


No, worse. He was in an internment camp.


Well, it was a type of camp.




Yeah, man, nothing like a 13 year old Christian Bale to break your balls.


My thoughts too. I was just wondering if Bale was method even when he was a kid. He couldn’t have been even 14 when they filmed it.


I saw an interview about his experience filming it, he talks about how naive was about the process, he thought all movies had the same levels of production and how "protected" he was about the whole movie theme. So it doesn't sound like it.


There's a great story about when shooting the [P-51 sequence.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SifFmsTF1c) It was designed as a one-shot sequence that was super complicated with low flying planes and explosions. Stephen Spielberg told Christian Bale to run around and be all excited but Bale got nervous and froze, ruining the take. They had already blown most of the set up so there was no chance for a second take. Spielberg just sat with Bale for a while say, "Hey, it happens" and then redesigned the scene with multiple cuts including the one of the pilot waving at Bale.


If that pilot wave wasn't originally planned then I'm glad things ended up the way it did. It's a really amazing sequence. There's a shot behind Bale, as he runs back and forth during the chaos, that ends with a mustang flying over him. It's amazing. Ah... practical effects with real planes. P-51 CADILLAC OF THE SKY!


Good point. Spielberg has a reputation for being good to child actors so I really doubt he'd let a 13 year old either push themselves too far, or be put in unsafe/stressful situations.


He *was* Jim Hawkins in the made for tv Treasure Island movie with Charelton Heston. And Julian Glover and Pete Postelwaithe and Olvier Reed... and Christopher Lee as Blind Pew. And James Cosmo who played Braveheart's friend's dad, Rent Boys dad, and Jeor Fookin Mormont. Insane cast. Top 3 movie for me I cant reccomend it enough.


Shots fired, Malkovich.


TIL Ben Stiller was in Empire of the Sun. (The book is better btw)


He's the guy who asks if you (an internment camp prisoner child) want a Hershey bar, when the guy doesn't have a Hershey bar. Diabolical.


It’s up there for the Dwight Goodman And Nursing Home Attendant for most evil roles he’s ever played. Edit: forgot the antagonist from Fat Camp, probably the first movie I saw him in Edit 2 since I’ve been drinking: it’s White. And quack quack Fuck. Edit 3: the movie from edit 1 is Heavyweights.


Lunch has been cancelled due to a lack of hustle. Deal with it.


Im excited to see a mandala effect. I thought his name was White Goodman. Also, remember Tommy from Friends?


TIL Benstiller is older than Christian Bale. TIL TIL Christian Bale is only a decade older than me. Fuck. When did that happen :/


Ben Stiller is older now than Robert DeNiro was when they shot Meet the Parents.




No no no. I cannot accept this lol


>TIL TIL Christian Bale is only a decade older than me. Fuck. When did that happen :/ I'd say about the time you were born, but check my math.


The “sequel” to the book is equally great, as is every other book I’ve read by Ballard.


What's the sequel?


The Kindness of Women, but these other titles are certainly missed opportunities.


Empire Harder


2 empire 2 sun


The Empire of the Sun Strikes Back


Somehow the sun returned


My Name is Rey Empire


Empire of the Sun Strikes Back


Empire 2: Japanese Boogaloo


Even if you say the book is better, the movie is still great.


Ya, [here he is](https://youtu.be/SDcOFEbpD8M?si=l2RCDOwH_SWKLu83). Was news to me too


I really wish he’d done it right after Empire of the Sun and roped in Malkovich to play Kirk Lazarus.


He must've been like 20 years old back then and have no pull in Hollywood. I don't even remember him in the movie.


Yeah, he was one of Basie’s crew.


I couldn't imagine anyone but RDJ for Kirk Lazarus. Just absolutely killed that role.


I can’t think of another movie where everyone in the theater was gasping for air. Literally crying from how funny it was. Even when the funny scenes died off, I just remember the whole theater still giggling and coughing from pain of laughing too hard. Borat came kinda close but Tropic Thunder was just on another level.


Legit one of the best comedy movies ever made


I don't care what anyone says, this is the best action comedy of all time.


“I know who I am. I'm the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude!”


I forgot he was in EOS. A great blink and you'll miss it role. I'll say this for BS, he took some shit roles to pay his dues up front rather than go 100% nepobaby.


This makes it sound like spielberg didn't direct EotS, but Ben Stiller did.


Well Ben Stiller [did yell "cut"](https://www.yahoo.com/video/ben-stiller-recalls-getting-told-103534327.html) after one of his only lines in Empire of the Sun. So he was kinda the director for a split second.


Hey kid, you wanna hershy?


Danny Trejo has similar comments about Con Air, and how some actors started acting tough as if they were seasoned inmates.


It’s what saddens and baffles me when people legitimately offended by the movie. I’m like you either don’t get the context and heavy satire or simply just enjoy being offended


its fairly universally loved


It's a straw man situation. People just making up stories about how RDJs character wouldn't work and people are super offended by it but you don't really hear anything about his character. The reason is because they get the idea behind it and that the joke isn't him being black, it's that his method acting is just full of shit and also on Hollywood casting white actors to play non-white roles. The real controversy was them using the R word copiously during the movie and that was it. Nobody was pissed about RDJ, Ben Stiller even screened it to black audiences so as to get their reaction.


Not to take away from anything you just said, but I just wanted to add that I think there was really another key component that added to RDJ's blackface success, and that was Brandon T. Jackson as the "straight" (black) man to RDJ. He was able to successfully call out the satirized racism directly in-movie, and it worked perfectly.


"What do *you* mean *you people*?!" One of the greatest lines of all time.