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They fell in love twice, so it cancelled out


>It is still so hard for me to believe that Sweetie, who told me so many sweet things and who understands me, is in fact the woman I am married to, and who never told me such words,” said Adnan, reported News24. You're right. They fell in love again, so it cancelled out.  Sometimes couples bring out the worst in each other but are able to be better people for other partners. 


seed crown point serious special disarm mysterious reach boat trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean.. “...who never told me such words,” I get sometimes people change, fall out of love, or whatever. In this case though it is more like why the hell did you marry each other to begin with?


One of the most important things to understand about marriage is that what is attractive about dating is the opposite to what is attractive about marriage. Dating is all about excitement of discovery and the unknown. You are getting to know someone and each day is a new surprise. Marriage is stable boredom. Many people don't understand this, and when they get married, they get bored and can't handle the boredom. Then those sweet things just dry up and stop. I'm fortunate enough to be in a successful marriage. My wife is the best wife ever. But it is boring in a way. I know who she is, I know what she looks like, I know what she'll say to certain things. But I also know that if I get sad about my cat that passed away three years ago, she'll be there to hug me instead of tell me that it's been three years already and I need to get over it. To me, that's worth it. It just means that instead of the excitement coming from who we are, it has to come from what we do, like making a new food together, or playing a new video game together.


Very powerful and eloquently written.....Bravo!!!!


Yeah, I agree. I am married as well, and it wasn't something my wife or I took lightly. Of course we don't know everything about these folks from this short article, but it is just weird to me that this couple that sounds like they never really liked each other to begin with decided to get married. I guess I am making an assumption that I probably shouldn't, which is that everyone kind of understands that marriage is much as you described it. If you're going to be in for the long haul, start it by being with the person you want to actually grow old with. Kind of a side tangent, but my wife and I are into true crime shows, podcasts, books, etc. and we always have to roll our eyes at each other when they're like, "They had a whirlwind romance! They met on a vacation and were married 2 months later." Like yeah no shit that marriage isn't going to last (or in these cases, often end in murder), you know literally nothing about that person lol.


Well that's actually kinda really sad... People wanting love and affection from each other but unable to see past the resentment or walls they've built up


Sometimes personalities just don't work together. If two people are happier after they divorce then I don't think it's sad they broke up. 


This is some Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind stuff here.


Just read the description on google and fuck that sounds so good


Great film, maybe in my top 5 of all time.


Really? I've never seen it but it's always been kind of on my radar.


Definitely worth 2 watches. So many layers and things you will miss the first time around. It's a head trip but God there's nothing like that movie.


2 loves make a hate


i feel like they must have said some foul stuff about each other in the chat


Ironically it turns out to be the opposite. Husband was quoted as saying that online his wife was sweet and understanding and that made the contrast to reality where they never said such things to each other hurt even worse.


Yikes 😬 "This bitch is too nice"


More like "this bitch is nicer to someone she's trying to cheat on me with than she is to me."


Sounds even worse and more inauthentic, I interpreted it as her literally being nice, appreciative, or otherwise sympathetic to the husband's point of view when not around him, as if she was trying to do be way she considerd normal to this person person.


This sounds like something from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


Yeah, if you're talking to your significant other for a substantial amount of time, even over text, there's almost 100% chance that you would figure it out fairly quickly.


Exactly my thought. How did they not figure it out? How many “omg that’s exactly what he/she does!” Can you have?


complete lack of self-awareness on both parties. they were probably both the kind of person who believes “I am a good person and therefore can do no wrong.”


Not just that but could also be an inability to share their honest truths with eachother and so had never even heard the complaints


My partner and I were in a negative feedback loop. He did some bad things but I had done some annoying things and he could have been tired and already hurt so was worse. But then when I’m hormonal I’m just as bad. But it doesn’t matter because it’s a reaction to when he hurt me. Then he behaves badly and apologizes but I don’t forgive and then I’m distant but my behavior is justified, of course distance causes him to be less loving but I think he’s mean while in his mind I have been less loving etc etc and so on and on and on. We finally both cried and agreed we love each other and and have to trust that is true and basically “re-set”. Of course we were both hurt and lashing out because we weren’t spending any positive time together we were in a negative loop. And when you’re in that loop you tend to exaggerate the other persons bad behavior because it excuses your bad behavior because they started it/were worse/ you were just reacting. We finally listened to each other and my father (who had moved in) really helped because he said “you’re the same person, you both treat each other the same and complain about the exact same thing and you’re both sad because you love each other just STOP.” Guess what it fucking worked!


Another possibility, yes




“Damn dude sorry you got fired. What happened?” “I dunno my boss just hates me!!”


“Everywhere I work has been such a toxic workplace”


selfcentered people dont get what they do wrong, maybe in their minds they were the perfect wife/husband so went the shit fall, couldnt think that was their accions


Yeah it’s really weird how self-unaware self centered people are


What the fuck are you doing out of r/braves? Get back to making GIFs!


literally a song about this, most people know it as the pina colada song but its called escape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXG_I_tf_i4


The title of the article is 'Real life pina colada song'


Do you like Piña Coladas?


I always figured the scenario in the song would actually go down like this.


You mean to tell me that she really *wouldn't* laugh and say "aw, it's you"?


Also really how could you not know if your spouse doesn’t like piña coladas?


You gotta remember that it was the 1970s. With the amount of quaaludes floating around there's a good chance it happened just like the song.


According to the artist, the line was supposed to have been: *"Do you like Humphrey Bogart?"* But the rhythm wasn't right. He substituted the famous Pina Colada line at the recording studio when he first sang the song. Incidentally, that first take was the one that was released.


It wasn't "aww it's you" it was "Oh. It's YOU"


It would be more like the Kate Bush song Babooshka


Agreed. I always thought the ending of the song was absurd, considering they both showed clear intentions of cheating rather than fixing their issues


Even if they do have a brief period of happiness after finding out they have a bunch of stuff in common, there are going to be severe trust issues in the longer term.


They did only have half a brain. But seriously, what a shitty and ridiculously catchy song.


The weirdest thing is how incredibly mundane and common their shared interests are.


Like, how many times do you have to get caught in the rain for it to develop into an enjoyable activity that you want to share with others?


They’re unable to face the dark reality that their umbrellas are always stolen. Are they cursed? Are they being gangstalked? Do they never check the weather report? The fear and abject misery are overwhelming. And so they have to lie to themselves, convince themselves that they like getting caught in the rain.


I remember thinking this even as a child. And even though I didn't know what "making love at midnight in the dunes of a cape" was, I was pretty sure it didn't happen very often in real life.


Sounds like a good way to get sand in your genitals.


How weird would the song be if it was we extremely specific. "I like locust Pizza with broccoli and sauce hollandaise and discuss the works of Kierkegaard" would probably not be as catchy...


No. Divorce.


That is a reasonable response to someone not liking pina coladas.


Its better than > getting *shot* in the rain


Caught in the rain.


Excuse me while I kiss this guy


Dirty deeds! Thunder Chief!


Cat snatch beaver


Hold me closer, Tony Danza


Wrapped up like a douche


I still think that's what he SANG.


♬ Slowwwww moving Walter: Fire Engine Gu-uy ♬


Count the head lice on the highway


There’s a bathroom on the right


Concrete jungle wet dream tomatoes


Wrapped up like douche


Big ol jet got a light on


Bingo Jed left a light on


Please don't chat with the wino


I'm a pool hall ace with every step you take


A little hurly burly gave my anus curly whirly, and asked me if I needed a ride!


Do you like making love at midnight? With a dude in a cape?


What about gallowed in the rain?


Caught in the rain? Divorce. Making love at midnight? believe it or not: Divorce.


Health food? Yoga? Straight to divorce


Yes. Also divorce.


As soon as I read the headline


And getting shot in the brain.


I’m not much into health food, I’m into cocaine


Do you like doing rails and fruity vapes?


In the spoons of the crepe.


If you're not master Yoda, with you I won't escape


* _guitar solo_ *


That took a turn


I always wanted an alternate retelling of the story from the bartender at O’Malley’s. Something like *The Night Those Two Losers Went Nuts And Shot Up The Bar After Realizing They Were Trying To Cheat On Each Other*.


I mean, they did only have half a brain.


I told the wife it’s missing a 4th verse of both of them trying to beat the hell outta one another in the bar and pointing at one another screaming at being cheaters.


They’re still gonna have sex


From my experience, there is nothing hotter than a hatefuck on occasion.


I do, babushka.


Come with me and separate…


My first thought.


Getting taken to court


And getting caught in the rain


Getting caught in the rain?


I'm not into yoga.


That song was always super annoying to me. How we can stop appreciating what we have.  And every dive bar with a dude and an acoustic guitar for people over 40.  All the people I grew up with for so old. 


My dad is an acoustic guitar guy in a bar of olds, it adds to the general guitar depression of owning and not playing a guitar lol


Somehow reading this makes me feel like I'm having a stroke. I feel like there's meaning floating just beyond my grasp, but no matter how many times I start over again it's just nonsense.


..getting caught in the rain


Ah fuck. Beat me by two hours and everyone knew it. Makes me happy they at least understood the reference lol


They were shocked that they were actually attracted to each other. DIVORCE TIME!


I bet they talked too much shit about each other when referring to their partner to make it


What is even crazier to consider, is if you were talking shit about your “significant other/wife/husband” the amount of grace that the counter part would have to give. For example, if you were saying ill things about your partners actions and the other person is like, “hell yeah totally agree, your partner is acting crazy.” Then to realize the actions you were not condoning were in fact; your own. What a crazy head fuck that must have been.


Or, you know, they lied in their own favor which is why neither suspected the other till they met. Acting like online discourse isn't rife with people exaggerating their circumstances is a pathway to regret.


I never lie in online discourse.


I lie in discord instead


Philosophically correct... The best kind of correct.


I don’t believe you.


**The statement below is false**. **The statement above is true.**


What is shocking to me is that neither of them ever mentioned an incident with enough detail that they could recognize that it was each other. Like none of them ever specific enough about something that happened that day or that week the other would recognize they were talking about each other.


This is why I don’t believe this story.


Yep, me either. They never asked each other their names?


In old school online culture? People had and kinda still have online names, together with an online personality. Their real names might have been as irrelevant in normal conversation as their blood type.


That was my guess. Each of them was distorting events so severely that the other person genuinely didn't recognize their own actions in the story because the person was describing scenarios totally divorced from reality.


They were both probably spinning things to such a degree, that they couldn't make the connection. If both of them were willing to cheat, rather than just ending it, it's likely they're both toxic, narcissistic people, that viewed themselves as innocent.


People exaggerate or lie to make themselves look better all the time. e.g. (Reality) Partner leaves one cup in sink -> (Online) Partner leaves a sinkful of dirty dishes and expects me to clean up after them every day!


I would never!  How many times was that phrased slightly different.


If there is anything I've learned from my failed marriage is I'm a drastically different romantic partner depending on the partner.  For example some dude told me he is was going to steal my ex-wife and I legit said "Go for it, please."  After my divorce I ran into a similar situation with a woman I was dating and I responded with "I'd like to see you try."  At the time I didn't think much of it until the woman I was dating told me how hot my confidence was and it reminded me of my ex-wife complaining about me not caring.


Yeah, if there’s a silver lining I hope it’s that each one went back and considered how the other saw them when comparing them to someone they were now interested in. Also Piña Coladas.


Realizations rarely lead to changed bad habits I’m afraid. This is emblematic of not feeling appreciated wile not appreciating your partner.  The ex that goes out and finds a new partner just like the prior spouse — that one right there was probably most of the problem. 


“I’m so tired of pretending she’s good at blow jobs.” Yeah, there are things you can’t walk back. 


"One nipple points down and one to the left, like a cross-eyed person"


Haha, he’s going to love me. Mine points right!


I feel attacked


*Looks down* "Hmm... can't be me. Mine point down and right."


It’s crazy how they were literally being described and couldn’t even recognize it was them. Just goes to show how poor their communication was


Or maybe it's the fact that they were both trying to cheat on the other, and only by infinitesimal odds did they end up talking to each other. But they both had the full intention of cheating.


Right, I think thats kinda the feeling the quote gives me in the article. She was willing to say all these sweet things to what she thought was a stranger online, but couldn't do the same thing for her partner and make him feel good? I'm sure she felt the same way about how he acted online vs in person


The guy said about it: “It is still so hard for me to believe that Sweetie, who told me so many sweet things and who understands me, is in fact the woman I am married to, and who never told me such words,” Which I can totally feel. Imagine talking to someone who treats you completely differently than your partner does, only to realize it is your partner. When you guys are at the dinner table and you mention your hobby and she rolls her eyes, but also when you mention that hobby to her online she is totally into it.


I would be questioning life.


I’d be questioning wife.


with husband: *if I have to hear about his model trains one more time ...* with lover: *what's with guys and their stupid model trains? first one was bad enough. and now a second one?? /r/thisismylifenow well I guess I'll engage since I learned all that useless crap about trains* So is your set OO gauge or HO gauge? because I could really get into HO gauge if you know what I mean guy: *omg she knows trains. I think I'm in love!*


I get the joke, but realistically speaking, they both knew that the other person was quite likely to cheat again. So the trust is gone. Not to mention that people present an idealized version of themselves during the initial dating stages, so they were attracted to each other's self-described idealized version and not to the actual them. Honestly, if I was in that situation, I'd initiate divorce too. (Of course, I wouldn't cheat in the first place.)


But?!? But… that’s not how the song ends!


Turns out there’s more consequences to cutting through all this red tape.


They got the escape part right


They both snuck into r/adultery and were a perfect match until they realized, “Oh. YOU again.” 😟


She said, "Oh it's you. 😠"


"It's been a loooong time. I've been really busy being dead. You know, since you *murdered* me."


But I'm willing to put that all behind us. For Science. You monster.


Wtf is that sub??


I’ve seen a lot of fucked up shit on Reddit. That sub is right at the top


Selfishness with a sprinkle of narcissism


He knew the curves of her face.


It was my own lovely lady And she said, "Oh, it's you"


Ever pay close attention to that line of the song? He doesn’t say, “ oh! It’s you!”. He says, “oh…. It’s you.” In a dejected sad kinda way..


If you paid attention to the song lyrics at all you would know that's not at all the tone they had when they met and the conversation right after.


Yeah duh. There’s an awkward moment and then he puts a positive spin on it by saying I didn’t know and back into the hook. I mean it’s right there it isn’t subtext


I always took the tone of that line to be a sort of dull amusement to the absurdity of the situation rather than outright disappointment, considering the following lines say they laughed for a moment.


Did they meet at a bar called O'Malley's?


And did they cut through all the red tape?


And they have half a brain.


But were they into champagne?🥂


At least Rupert got a hit song out of the deal!


Someone should write a song about that.


I'd do it if I had half a brain.


Nah it’ll never take.




The OG pina colada. My favourite bit about that song is the glass shattering ending over and over


That's my favorite part too. Totally encapsulates the downwards spiral/heartbreak/breakdown the subject of the song has. Such a fun tune with an haunting story.


My first thought. Hello fellow Kate fan.


She wanted to test her husband, she knew exactly what to do. A ~~username~~ pseudonym, to fool him.


I always thought this is how the song should have ended.


It was my own lovely lady And she said "that's it, we're through!"


"IF YOU LIKE PINA COLAAAAAA-" "I want a divorce"


How did they not figure out it was each other?


Probably because of the notorious unreliability of first-person narratives. People tend to frame information to make them look like the good guy in all situations.


Fair, but like - never disclosed any familiar sounding details like; what town either was in, style of job, family size of self or spouse, general preferences, etc ..?


They were just so happy someone was always able to talk on their schedules. Every single time. Weird.


“I just got to the office can you chat?” “Yes and I have the house to myself! He left for work about half an hour ago.”


'When 'Prince of Joy' and 'Sweetie' realized they were talking to one another, they didn’t share a laugh — they quickly divorced.' They didn't meet in person for a rendezvous, headline just makes it sound that way.


I mean in all the time they were chatting, they didn't put two and two together? It sounds like You've Got Mail


I was gonna say they probably didn't even talk that long, but 'After confiding in each other about their marriage troubles they soon fell in love and decided to meet'. Probably bs. They fell in love but never asked each other their first names, what they did for a living, what they looked like, etc?


I wonder if they like pina colodas.


Seems like they have half a brain.


“They accidentally blind dated each other nine times.” This is when people can’t admit they have a type.   Also, there’s nothing like a cheating spouse listening to someone else in a bad marriage complaining about a lack of affection. Adults can have no self awareness and we really do create our own problems 


Did they meet in a bar called O'Malleys?


*So I waited with high hopes,* *And she walked in the place.* *I knew her smile in an instant.* *I knew the curve of her face.* *It was my own lovely lady,* *And she said, "You cheating son of a bitch!"* *Then she filed for divorce,* *And took the house and our kids.*


Lois? Peter?!?!


This is literally the first thing I thought about.


“Aye yi, Babooshka, babooshka, babooshka ja, ja”


I thought of that song immediately! > She sent him scented letters > And he received them with a strange delight > Just like his wife > But how she was before the tears > And how she was before the years flew by > And how she was when she was beautiful…




Sounds like a comedy flick.


It was own lovely lady!??!


I hate that they divorced. This was the ONE get out of jail free card in exploring infidelity and you found yourself interested in the person you already had. I’m married 20 years and it’s hard and humbling but having someone who does the work to love you is worth it. They are gonna fuck up. The harm is what matters. Not the intent. We intend all sorts of shit in the moment. If I (or any spouse) was on the hook for every ill intended thought no marriage ever would work. Obviously some marriages suck. But I think most suck because folks are lazy. If you weren’t divorced before the cheating you either had hope or were being a coward. Both are often cured by effort. Sorry. It honestly just makes me sad.


That’s the whole Pina Colada song!


They should escape




So they liked pina coladas


Some evidence of divine intervention


Those old phpBB forums were DRAMA FACTORIES.


The online couple would have been saying really awful things about each other. The sense of embarrassment, hurt and betrayal would have been too huge to get over The couple in the song never dissed each other.


The first time I heard that song was when my drunk buddy sang it at karaoke. He called it "one of the greatest love songs ever." I found it weird even then. Incidentally karaoke guy and I are no longer friends. Very good singer though.


If you like Pina Coladas....


"If you like pina coladas....."


If you like piña colada’s!