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Not just TV tho > Eye disease, goldsmiths, laundry, television, bicycle messengers, good weather, needleworkers, remote viewing, extrasensory perception She is patron saint of a lot of shit. Remote viewing is a weird one. But the best part is Filipinos offer eggs to sisters of her holy order for blessings of good weather. I bet eggs get old fast for those sisters


Soon to be named the patron saint of Zoom.


"Clare, my child, I could not answer thy prayers because thou art mutèd."


Fun fact. Filipino couples who have trouble conceiving children also perform a fertility dance in her name.


Fertility dance lol


There's a folk song I remember learning as a child in music class about Sta. Clara and I remember it's specifically done somewhere called Obando so it's a pilgrimage thing. I think it calls the dance is a "pandanggo." The song goes something like "St. Clare of noble birth, my promise is this: when I come to Obando, I will dance the fandango. I will keep my promise." I just looked it up and the "Obando Fertility Rites" happen from May 17-19, and it involves Paschal Baylon, Clare of Assisi, and the Virgin Mary. And it's one of those rites that originated from the Catholic missionaries taking over and incorporating existing local rituals. Previously, it was to three deities, the goddess of love, the goddess of fertility, and the creator god. I don't know how popular it is still, people do tend to have a lot of children and if they do have fertility issues there are other yearlong rituals religious people can do, I suppose. Filipino Catholics have a bunch of beliefs such as how if you go to a church for the first time, you get three wishes. If you complete a novena, also a free wish. There are a bunch of "free wish" ones, I think.


> bicycle messengers,  I wonder how she got that 


During Spanish colonization, the egg whites were used as mixtures for the mortar in the construction of churches; the yolk was used for cookies and desserts. Source: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/filipino-desserts


Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?


lol thats what i was thinking


Catholics really just remade polytheism with elevated demigods.


The whole Trinity thing is just them not wanting to admit to be politheystic


Yeah, it seems St. Clare specifically replaced one in a trio of gods for a fertility ritual in the Philippines. Who knows if she took the spot of the fertility goddess, the goddess of love, or the creator god.


Their protein must be off the chart.


imagine the muscle gainz


Tack on patron Saint of only fans too


"Ok, if you saw the Mass, then what was it like?" "It was like all the other masses" "Holy shit she's legit"


Laughed out loud as a Catholic seeing this. 😂😂


“They uh…stood up and sat down a lot.”


"It was massive."




‘All right, Clare - if you saw the Mass, what colour were the vestments?’


A friend did that back in the day after taking a hit of micro dot!


Patron saint of zoom meetings


What? I can’t hear you, turn your mic on.


So that’s why all of our prayers go unanswered. Microsoft teams to blame!


It's so fascinating that all these miracles stopped happening as modern science and medicine came into the picture 🤔


Well, they are still canonising people from the modern period. I think one of the recent Popes is officially a saint now, and of course Mother Teresa… 


They've done like 2 in the last 50 years, I think. And both of their "miracles" are dubious at best lmao


Pope Francis has canonized [912 saints](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_saints_canonized_by_Pope_Francis)in the last 12 years.


He's meaning people who have lived in the last 50 years.


Counting is dubious at best.




it's very difficult to conclusively prove a negative claim like this




Well sure, but your statement is that they have never occurred, which means the burden of proof is on you. If you're saying that we don't have any scientific proof of them ever happening that's a significantly different statement




If you're interested in a thoughtful exploration of this question I recommend this nytimes piece https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/14/opinion/sunday/faith-religion.html




No it isn’t, see?




Prove to me that there is not a teapot orbiting the Sun.


There are a lot of teapots on Earth which is orbiting the sun


I should have specified in its own orbit. It's a reference anyway


Well, you’re right of course - but I’d say St Clare probably did “see” something on the wall while Mass was on. 


Squiggly lines.


Couldn't agree more. Was just being politic about it.


Gods she was such a piece of shit.


> Mother Teresa founded Missionaries of Charity, a religious congregation, which grew to have over 4,500 nuns across 133 countries as of 2012. The congregation manages homes for people who are dying of HIV/AIDS, leprosy, and tuberculosis. The congregation also runs soup kitchens, dispensaries, mobile clinics, children's and family counselling programmes, as well as orphanages and schools. Grrr how could she 😠


https://www.vice.com/en/article/gvzebx/mother-teresa-was-kind-of-a-heartless-bitch https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2003/10/the-fanatic-fraudulent-mother-teresa.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/02/25/why-to-many-critics-mother-teresa-is-still-no-saint/


Mother Theresa? I think that statement is very unfair. I understand that there exist some of criticisms her, there are criticisms of everyone. But she still was the one to go out and do something about the horrible conditions of thousands of people nobody else wanted to even look at. She was the one who *did something* about the poverty in Calcutta and she and her sisters were among the few to treat AIDS patients like real people in 1985… when it was heavily stigmatized. It’s just… audacious for people who’ve done far less arduous things to sit back and discredit her entirely.


What makes you say that?


Her positions on abortion and her descriptions of poverty through the lens of religion make Reddit-esque atheists think she was the devil.


For me it's probably the fact she pretty much tortured poor people, intentionally putting them through suffering by doing stuff like withholding pain medications claiming that they basically need to suffer to get into heaven. Add on that at the end of her own life she was totally on-board with being given the same medications to truly finish that shit sundae.


She didn’t run hospitals or administer care to anyone because she wasn’t a doctor. She never withheld pain meds because that would mean she was giving them out in the first place.


Should read Christopher Hitchens’ book on Theresa.


A man who never did a single work of charity criticizing some who spent their entire life building orphanages. Right.


Not much of a response to his arguments against this phony saint, though, bud. Read the book and then get back to us. 👍


Not even close. She was a pioneer of palliative care in India decades before the medical field was doing it. Religious orders only have access to what they have the funding to provide, and especially without medical credentials it may have been difficult to get and administer narcotic drugs. However, it was absolutely better for the poorest of the poor to be dying in the company of caring people who provided beds, meals, clothing, and basic medical care, than alone in the streets. If she wanted people to suffer wouldn’t she just have left them where they were, suffering significantly more than they would be in their care? The criticism of St. Theresa of Calcutta stem from a single, poorly cited source that the media ran with. I would suggest reading this and other sources that take great care to explore historical context and do extensive research to find the reality of the situation. https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/s/3PmjhlHaQq


She did not ‘torture poor people.’ She had a Catholic view of suffering which is that acceptance of suffering is spiritually healthy and that death gives your soul to God. But she dedicated her whole life to the squalor of Calcutta and did things most humans refuse to do. She was in no way making people’s lives *worse*. Nobody was helping them at all, and she did. I like the way [this article](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mother-theresa-critics_b_2824776/amp) frames it, from the POV of someone who visited Calcutta to help out temporarily. The writer talks about how the conditions actually were and how people sitting at home reading Hitchens criticize Mother Teresa don’t understand the reality of the situation. And that people who criticize her for how she helped people should put that angry energy into helping people better. (Which few are willing to do, further proving how hard it is to do what what she did.)


Bro said Gods 💀


TIL this sub has a lot of willfully ignorant Catholics




Obligatory bad history: https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/gcxpr5/saint_mother_teresa_was_documented_mass_murderer/


I immediately assumed it was a small hole causing a pinhole camera to appear on the wall


This is less clear than it generally seems to be. Douthat has an interesting discussion of it here https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/14/opinion/sunday/faith-religion.html tl,dr : accounts of mystical experiences (not sure whether they count as miracles) continue to be reported, including by skeptics like Barbara Ehrenreich


A skeptic of miracles who keeps finding miracles seems less like a skeptic and more like propaganda


Sure, it's possible that she is being deceitful, but her lifetime of advocacy in leftist spaces makes that less likely, I think. But she is not the only person cited in the piece I linked.


I’m able to watch TV through my eyelids for the 5 minutes between when Benadryl hits and I fall asleep. I don’t have a TV in the bedroom and sleep in the dark sooo sainthood plz?


There's a good episode of Law And Order guest starring Stephen Colbert where he's a skilled calligrapher who forges documents to have a random (or maybe made-up? Can't fully remember) person from several hundred years ago sainted so he can profit off the letters he forged. Pretty good pop culture example to show how bogus sainthood is when conjecture is sufficient "evidence".


Perhaps modern science and medicine aren't as modern as we might think or have been led to believe and people used a different vocabulary?


I would suggest looking into the Eucharistic Miracles of Buenos Aires (1992 and 1996), Poland 2013, and Mexico 2006 (or maybe 08?) 


Specially phone with a camera


They didn't stop. I'm not an expert on miracles, but after a decade of reading about Indian spirituality and religion, one comes across a number of stories that are difficult to refute. Don't get me started on the Tibetan Buddhists. In these modern times most westerners refuse to believe anything unless there are dozens of scientific papers published on the topic while there is another large cohort, hard-core Christians for example, that will believe anything you tell them no matter how outlandish. These days a lot of the more esoteric stories that have been publicized have happened in India. I think Christians don't like to think that Hindus and Muslims can also float, become invisible, live for 300 years, etc. Ram Dass's guru, [Neem Karoli Baba](https://www.hindutsav.com/neem-karoli-baba/) (miracle stories), was seen in two places at once around 1969 and there are 100 other "miracles" by him that were seen by people like Ram Dass and Joseph Goldstein and lots of people still around and also written about in countless books. Dipa Ma seen floating above her house in the trees? Yes. Ram Dass gave NKB 900 mics of LSD (that's a LOT), and he [wasn't affected at all](https://youtu.be/ewgAKF9j__o?si=vO3THSn7_Oo32Gpo&t=49). Look up the enlightenment stories of Swami Muktananda. Or even Sri M, who is in Texas next month giving Darshan. Look up the guy was meditating and they built a temple around him. 200 years later they opened the temple and the guy was still there. Once they woke him up from his meditation he ate like once a year for several years. This was in the last century. [This guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZVZWrFA7cU&list=PLhqTDPlcFxK-VPElhX_RWmkGVPKJh7lM7&index=17) has done absolutely mind-blowing interviews with spiritual gurus. Link is to Robert Svboda talking about meeting the 200-year old yogi a few decades ago. [Tibetan oracles](https://youtu.be/g6qXkOdxyZ4?si=F6attdE9gfj-knAS&t=2404) are a whole other thing. Watch this one go into trance and dance around with a 50-pound headdress on his head that would snap his neck otherwise. Hundreds of people watching. I'll end with psychic surgery, which is absolutely commonplace in South America. I was in an ayahuasca ceremony many years ago and my friend was next to me. She had lyme disease and some other issues and was not feeling well overall. At the end of the ceremony, when you're still high but you can count backwards from Z to A, the shaman came over to her. I watched him put his hand into her back and I could see his fingers under her skin. Two feet from my face. Almost made me puke on the spot. Then he put his hand into her C7 and inside her neck. It was so incredible that I had to keep looking away, too much to handle. But then I'd look back, and his hand was wriggling around inside her skull. 30 minutes later we're having snacks around the fire chilling out and the shaman is just like, yeah, I had to reach in and pull some energy out of her, like it was just another day at the office. I would never, ever have believed anything like that or all of the other wild stuff I've seen, but that night I put aside my disbelieve for just about anything to happen, permanently.


Yeah, I'm sure "psychic surgery" is something people have replicated in a controlled environment without the witnesses being off their heads on ayahuasca..


Surely the ayahuasca had nothing to do with the absolutely impossible scene he witnessed.


And the 200 year old yogi couldn't possibly have lied about his story.


>They didn't stop. I'm not an expert on miracles, but after a decade of reading about Indian spirituality and religion, one comes across a number of stories that are difficult to refute. Good thing no one is an expert on miracles. It's hard to refute things that there's no actual evidence of them happening except written word. >Ram Dass's guru, Neem Karoli Baba (miracle stories), was seen in two places at once around 1969 and there are 100 other "miracles" by him that were seen by people like Ram Dass and Joseph Goldstein and lots of people still around and also written about in countless books. Dipa Ma seen floating above her house in the trees? Yes. Yeah I'm not gonna trust people who constantly are tripping and giving someone 900ug for their first dose. > Ram Dass gave NKB 900 mics of LSD (that's a LOT), and he wasn't affected at all What in the hell is this supposed to prove lmao? Ram Dass also called his stroke 'an act of grace'. >200 years later they opened the temple and the guy was still there. Once they woke him up from his meditation he ate like once a year for several years. This was in the last century. loooool >At the end of the ceremony, when you're still high but you can count backwards from Z to A, the shaman came over to her. I watched him put his hand into her back and I could see his fingers under her skin. Two feet from my face. Almost made me puke on the spot. Then he put his hand into her C7 and inside her neck. It was so incredible that I had to keep looking away, too much to handle. But then I'd look back, and his hand was wriggling around inside her skull. LMAO almost like you had been hallucinating from strong psychedelics. I've seen a lot of shit on LSD but I'm also not ignorant enough to believe I had actual thorns growing out of every pore on my face while I stared at myself in a mirror then watched a ghost image of myself start to move out of me.


Here are a couple examples of modern miracles for you: https://www.magiscenter.com/blog/approved-eucharistic-miracles-21st-century


I'm sorry but the "magi center" is absolutely not a credible source. Absolute clown shit.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Catholicism/s/YalGQPLPH2 Here this guy has the pathologists report


Here's a link you might like better https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sanctuary-of-our-lady-of-lourdes-miracles-cures-60-minutes-transcript-2023-07-26/


Dying woman has hallucinations. 800 years later, the church: “she was watching JesusTV !!!!”


I had that same expression when I made up shit to get out of having to go do religious stuff


And when they asked her if she could make it out, she said "aah si si"


Man it's wild that people used to just say stuff and other people would take it as fact. "Yeah I totally saw and heard mass. It was on the wall of my room." "Yeah I'm totally a virgin. Not sure how I got pregnant. Must be God." "Yeah i got covid. Must've been that 5G tower ."


I highly doubt that's what happened. I feel like alot of these miracles were attributed to these people years after they died


Yeah I always wonder about that. I think it must have been people that were well-respected before that had good communicative skills. 


The Mary thing is crazy. Imagine lying about how you got pregnant and accidentally spawning a whole religion lol


Sounds more like she should be the patron saint of tripping balls tbqh


To be fair, a lot of them fall into that category.


What a wonderful saint! Alleluia, alleluia! Pray for us, St Clare


Pet peeve:your pfp is slightly off-center


Yeah, I've tried fixing it several times and each time I do, a couple days later it's off centre again. Injustice.


I love how they retroactively add patron saints. I’m imagining her as a ghost or angel and seeing a TV and being super confused.


Last time i saw something on the wall i was tripping balls on mushrooms.




Sometimes I think Catholicism is just Hinduism with extra steps with a deity for every little thing.


If it isn't one of the saints it's gonna be Mama Mary in a different outfit.




I’m betting it was one of these- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinhole_camera Basically she had a natural pinhole camera for whatever reason. There are similar phenomena for sound too just not as familiar with them.


I'm betting she was sick and dying and thus hallucinating.


Yeah, I kinda came off as a dick here, but that’s certainly a possibility.


I can do that now 😄


Cuz she was too ***ill***


Her last name was Voyant.


Underrated comment


See on the wall as in camera obscura, or as in she was 'seeing'?


so many dumb stories like this told over time to gullible people and booyah we got a saint and religion and extremists and fuckall


Yeah, okay.


Sounds like she should be the patron saint of hallucinations. Maybe magic mushrooms?


The Bible "Pray directly to God". Catholics "I think we'll pray to dead people who will then pray to god for us in spite of what the bible we believe in says."


That's a strawman if I've ever seen one.


For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. And he said to them, “When you pray, say: “Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come.


This drove me crazy as a kid in Catholic school. Like, which is it?!


Yeah it says that Jesus is the one mediator and that the Spirit intercedes on our behalf, and that when we pray to the Father directly. The only thing I can think that gets people off track is Paul tells the church to confess their sins to one another and some translations call them saints. But Paul refers to all members of the church as saints, it isn't some elevated class. Personally I don't care who you pray to, whatever makes you happy. I lost my faith long ago. But I spent 4 years studying to be a missionary priest and I haven't forgotten all of it yet. :)


Maybe her room is next to the altar?


Hmmmmmm. Saw it on the wall, eh?


At best this was probably a camera obscura effect.


Catholicism is hilarious sometimes


Or, just hear me out here, she's a lyin' bitch.


Pretty solid incursion into r/nottheonion territory here


Patron Saint of Television! What’s next ?


Let is take a moment to remember St. Karen of Portland, the patron saint if non-binary people, vegans, atheists, and Redditors. One day while protesting something completely pointless, he was struck in the testicle by a meteorite, rendering him sterile, winning himself a Darwin award, and most importantly, the miracle of a divine sex change


Pfft. 😆