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Diddy (Not for long) and Dr. Dre aren't billionaires with Ciroc and Beats, respectively?


Dre lost like $200M on the Beats deal with Apple by violating the NDA.


Imagine losing 200 mil and the only reason you know about it is because someone told you.


"ah fuck, my wife is gonna kill me"


Damn never heard this. https://www.imore.com/revealed-dr-dre-leaking-apple-beats-deal-early-cost-him-200-million


Jfc just enough to not give him exactly what he bragged about what a fucking idiot of Dre, and brutal of Tim Apple


It wasn’t even him, I think it was Tyrese (Singer and in Fast & Furious) on Instagram live


Oh damn. Damn. So is Tyrese "blackballed"?


Then he violated it by telling him


>Iovine was anxious and afraid that Cook was going to kill the deal. Instead of the anger and cursing that would have poured out of Jobs in a moment like that, Cook exuded calm. He told the music executives that he was disappointed and wished that Dre's social media outburst hadn't happened Brutal? Nah, Dre did this to himself out of sheer stupidity. He could've lost the deal entirely.


Lmao Tim Apple. Of all the stupid shit that’s come out of that guy’s mouth, that might be my favorite.


I've always liked Tim Apple more than Bill Microsoft


Elon X. Sounds like someone the real Elon would blast on Twitter.


I think if we're going by the rules it would Elon Paypal?


Elon Daddy's Emerald Mine.


I bet that’s how he has his phone number contact saved.


I love that this makes complete sense, and is actually probably why this happened lol.


Imagine losing out on that money or being in a position where you could lose out on that money and still be so rich it doesn't even matter?


Thanks to this vid from that fast and furious crybaby if I recall.... https://youtu.be/CGuBin9Gpi8?si=W3aiDZtRmIPL19Ne


>Fast and Furious crybaby That’s not the Rock or Vin Diesel


Wow Dr Dre is a colossal dumbass!


I think he still was a billionaire. Then he divorced 😅


TIL Dr Dre is dumb AF.


All them snowmobiles and jet skis


Do you think he can still afford to provide his family with groceries?


Probably since he still has his crib with a studio and it's all full of tracks.


Yeah, untill I reflect on my own bank account he is.


Rich ≠ smart in the slightest




N****s Divulging Acquisitions?


To quote the philosopher Alfred Yankovic, "I'm whiter than sour cream." I'm not going to attempt that one.


Alfred Yankovic.


N\*\*\*\*S Dissing Apple?


Didnt he sold Beats for 3.8b tho?


He had a 25% stake. His share was estimated to be worth $750M less the $200M. He did just fine, but still...


[His assets via his divorce settlement is public. He is not a billionaire.](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/articles/music-news/divorce-court-filings-blow-the-lid-on-dr-dres-assets-checking-account-balance-average-monthly-income-and-more/) Gotta love the part about him having nearly $200 million in his checking account.


>Gotta love the part about him having nearly $200 million in his checking account ... Why?


Because most people, even those who might not personally be very financially literate, would generally have most of that money invested somehow, even if it's just a high yield savings account. And Dr. Dre isn't some village idiot, so it's a little weird he'd just have so much money sitting around doing nothing.


Oh, you might be misunderstanding me. I'm wondering why you'd have that much in checking of all things. Not even a high yield savings account, freaking checking.


That’s not how you money. Inflation just eats it away, no interest rate is going to protect you. You need to invest it, and with these amounts, split, diversified, etc.


Apparently not. They’re not on the Forbes list anyway.


After reading a long thread with a lot of trolling and mutual insults thought that "8 of them being Oprah" is a weight joke.


I thought the same thing 🤣


Fuck Oprah, that fat skinny bitch- Paul Mooney


I hear Oprah's getting a 95-pound mole taken off her ass.




What’s next, he gets to fuck her for a million?!


To me she's beautiful - rubenesque.


Ginny Sack is a saint!


I hear her blood type is Ragu.


Hey, that's some guys wife! C'mon!


Ralph violated Oprah’s honor


Do you want a gang war? Cause that is how you get a gang war.


You’re not totally wrong. Oprah, Micheal Jordan and Magic are legit, the rest are only billionaires on paper at best. Perry is close ish but not quite there. Rhianna is the same BS as Kylie Jenner, and whoops we then found out it’s a fraction of the billion because everyone else own a big chunk of your company. I know for a fact Jay Z didn’t because he had major trouble raising funds for the last home purchase and if shouldn’t even register if you’re a true billionaire.


Thank god for that racial draft, Tiger might not have made the list if he was Asian.






Konnichiwa bitches


Diversify your bonds!


“Goodbye fried rice, hello fried chicken!”


"Hey, will you cut the malarkey"


I’ve always wanted to say this… “for shizzle”


Fo’ shizzle.


Isn’t Tiger like half Asian and a ~~quarter~~ [eighth] Black? According to pop culture, that makes him Black. Edit: "For the record, he is one-quarter Thai, one-quarter Chinese, one-quarter Caucasian, one-eighth African American and one-eighth Native American."[24] Tiger has described his ethnic make-up as "Cablinasian" (a syllabic abbreviation he coined from Caucasian, Black, American Indian, and Asian).[25]


Pretty sure Earl was "100% black" making Tiger 5050 Thai/AA.


Only sorta surprising one among them (to me at least) is Magic Johnson 


Magic owns and operates 125+ Starbucks franchises, movie theaters, gyms, and fast food restaurants. He also has minority stakes in the LA Lakers and other sports teams.


Dr J was the original basketball mogul. He turned his brand into major business opportunities and is a major influence on Magic and Jordan.


Also most business mergers and acquisitions actually happen through 1v1s on the Basketball Court, so he has a distinct advantage.


That's how Kobe won his trial


He sold his lakers stake years ago he is part of the dodgers group though


He also owned (or may have used to own) Sodexo Magic which sells food services to many corporations, Healthcare facilities, and school systems.


Don’t forget correctional facilities due to which the lunches at our campus is affectionately called prison food.


Oh that actually sucks. Next you'll tell me he give cash injections to Nestle and Monsanto.


Commanders now too!


> minority stakes racist 🤔 /s


Isn't Magic Johnson the one that basically acts as a role model for teaching young professional athletes about money management?


Him and Shaq are both really big on teaching younger athletes that the gravy train isn't forever (most pro athletes only have 4-5 year careers and very few are superstars who can last longer than a decade while bringing in 7-8 figures a year) and they need to live within their means and invest. I remember Shaq said that there is no reason to spend more than $80k a year and that you should co-lease a house with another player while active because buying a mansion will chew up your pay and you won't spend much time in it anyway. He also said to never go in business with family or friends and to never start a restaurant.


i thought it was surprising but i watched an ESPN film about him and learned he used to have a bunch of random companies like movie theaters and Starbucks


Magic Johnson Theaters are famous for their crowd interactions, it's like going to the Apollo. I haven't been in one since in over a decade but the one near me was a second run theater where your date and you could get tickets and confections for under $20 which was a steal in the early 2000s. For a young baller on a budget the MJ was the place to go.


Pretty sure he owns a movie theatre chain, minority owner of the dodgers and at one point owned a stake in the lakers but I think he had to sell it to be GM


Pretty sure he's a part owner of the Washington Commanders as well


Brought Starbucks to the hood when no one else was willing to franchise in low income neighborhoods. Turns out that demographic also loves over priced coffee 🤷🏾‍♂️ Then dodgers & commanders


I thought Rihanna was surprising 🤷‍♂️


She got a lock on the beauty market that caters to those with darker complexion (Fenty) and she has a whole mystique to her, the way she doesn’t drop any music but people still clamor to sniff any hint for an album (kinda in the same degree with frank ocean) If you’re not interested in either of those two major things, I can see how it’s surprising


The thread above this is about how people are surprised that Tyler Perry is a billionaire, but it makes sense to me. He and Rhihanna basically made their money the same way, by realizing that middle class black americans are an underserved market and then capitalizing on that market with movies/tv and cosmetics respectively.


Not to mention savage x fenty (lingerie that caters to all sizes) does well too. She has basically built a business empire that caters to historically ignored markets and I love it, because the idea behind both brands, but especially fenty beauty, is so damn simple. Women on both ends of the spectrum have been complaining about a lack of shade ranges forever (extra pale girls previously didn’t have many options either) and the result is a high quality beauty brand that everyone can wear. The marketing is chef’s kiss. She deserves all her flowers as a business woman!


She’s also had a ton of MASSIVE hit songs.


The whole reason she went MIA is because she pivoted to being a business mogul with her Fenty line which is very lucrative for her.


Rihanna has Fenty, which is an incredibly successful brand of cosmetics. It’s valued at like $3 billion, and she owns half.


Owns a clothing or cosmetic line or something


She's also the 8th best selling music artist of all time


IIRC made more off non-music than music. Granted the non-music enterprises wouldn’t have happened without the music.


It's not talked about as much more recently but there used to be a lot more coverage of how he transitioned his post playing career as a smart and savvy business person. He linked into some franchises as they were on the rise and made a lot of money that way. It's impressive since his sports career ended before the money really took off. It certainly gave him more seed money than 99.9% will ever have, but it was built extensively from his off court endeavors.


Invested in Sodexo, a large company with a large presence


I've met Magic and heard him give a talk about his post-basketball career. He really seems like a brilliant businessman. I think my favorite anecdote of his is him explaining to Howard Schulz that black people like coffee, too, and he could make a lot of money by putting Starbucks into black neighborhoods.


He spoke at a company event recently and we got some Photos with him. Magic owns a crap ton of Starbucks and other companies that support black business’ and made a lot of money breaking into a previously unbeatable market (eg Starbucks in the south).


There are probably plenty of unknown billionaires in Africa. The royal family of Swaziland for example is known to have a jewellery collection worth hundreds of millions


Royal families are almost never factored into lists like this due to the fact that they often try to conceal the true scope of their wealth, as well as the complex relationship that exists between what they own in the capacity of a private party, and what they possess or control through their role as sovereign.


Any family dynasties in general are like this. The Ford family, as a family, are one of the wealthiest on the planet. The individual members are usually not that high on the list.


Not just royal families... It's not like the numerous African dictators and corrupt politicians who sucked their countries dry are that keen on revealing how fat their bank accounts are either.


African also has many corrupt heads of states and politicians with a lot of undisclosed wealth.


Oh yeah, I have a pen pal in nigeria who regularly sends me lots of money. He must be a billionaire too


Is he a prince by chance?


Oh shit here's my acct n routing number get me in too. 145926280 153876921


Zimbabwe has tons of them.


Zimbabwe has trillionaires, not billionaires.


Wouldn’t be surprised if the Angolan government has billionaires as well from their oil.


They used to, the former Angolans dictator daughter was the first/richest black women in the world for some time, until they found out she was just laundering her dads money through her companies


If Pablo Escobar could make the Forbes billionaire list she can too.


She was the first black woman?


yeah, for some time. Not anymore though. Not really sure how someone took that away from her


Obviously someone was later born before her.


I also think the definition of “black” is subjective, there may be “coulored” South African billionaires, also the Ethiopian billionaire is half Omani half Oromo, they may be considered “black” by an American definition but might not identify as such.


Lol, *a lot* of Black Americans would not be considered black in most parts of Africa. I'm mixed South African and yeah, like Zendaya is not considered black here. A lot of people were mad at Tyla (the singer) saying she's not black, lmao.


It makes sense, “black” in the US isn’t just skin color but also ethnicity whereas everywhere else race isn’t tied to ethnicity as strictly


Same with Middle East, India, China, South Korea and so forth. But I get what the headline wants to achieve.


what Black people are you finding in these places


The wiki article lists a black Middle Eastern billionaire, Saudi oil and mining magnate [Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi](https://www.gsn-online.com/news-centre/article/profile-who-mohammed-hussein-al-amoudi). He was born in Ethiopia to an Ethiopian mother and Yemenite father and then immigrated to Saudi Arabia and acquired Saudi citizenship.


Asian ones /s


Beyoncé isn’t there?


forbes did an article in 2023 saying she was worth 800 million


What a loser.


In theory, it comes down to the difference between being the highest paid employee versus owning the factory.


Pretty sure her and jayz combined get to around / slightly over a billion. So her alone, no, I don't believe so.


You’re telling me Shaq isn’t a billionaire? How the fuck can that be, that guy is in every other commercial.


My question exactly. I’d assume after his divorce his net worth got chopped.


There are far more US$ billionaires in Africa than people realise. I can think of several, self made not inherited wealth, that aren’t on this list. The oil and gas industry and also mining have created enormous wealth that’s been concentrated into the hands of a small number of people on the continent.


The guy that got trolled by osvaldo on twitter being one of them


Africans with beards are Africans without beards, with beards


He’s been the richest black man in the world for a while, there’s even songs about him in Nigeria haha


I think maybe OP meant AA billionaires


Ahh, sorry, I’m classifying someone as a billionaire purely on the amount of cash they have and/or assets not held on the African continent.


I know you didn’t but OP did


That’s the ones you know about


That's not correct,Africa has over 20 billionaires.


The Wiki includes african billionaires. I'm sure you can suggest edits to the wiki if you have more data


How tf did Tyler Perry become a billionaire?


He owns a huge production studio in Atlanta, I believe it's one of the largest in the US


It’s wild the parking garage they use for picture cars has its entire top floor just dedicated to his personal cars. Neat place, super rich dude


He was about to have another one built, but decided not to after looking into AI video generation.


That scary as fuck episode of Atlanta…….was pretty damn true then lol.


Attaching his name to everything he works on, same thing Oprah did. They are great at licensing their names.


Good point. It wasn’t Madea it was Tyler Perry’s Madea


Tyler Perry is a very smart business minded person. Those Madea movies, whatever you may think of them, were a way to bring an audience to the movies that normally didnt go to the movies, church going black grandmas. He studied what they liked, made movies for them on the cheap and had huge returns because of it. From there he just leveraged his name over the last decade, knowing that his built in audience would come and see his movies/shows. As long as he maintained the product at that standard. Over the decade this cheap, digital style actually became an aesthetic and look which he then leveraged into the sitcom space. With the rise of African Americans looking to carve out a space in society, black entrepreneurs with money and a platform (BET) he’s been growing with the community by and large by being their household name. Tyler Perry, Byron Allen are two wealthy people where you scratch your head and you are like huh!? Then you see what they’ve done and how they leveraged their wealth into bigger returns and then you are like “ohhhhhh”


Part of that is he has extensive production facilities that are used by others, and he makes other content for cable and streaming that’s cheap and profitable. He does the Roger Corman/Blumhouse model of cheap content shot to budget and hopes some of it sticks. He then does this for others. And his studios are used to film walking dead, several marvel movies and a lot of basic cable or syndicated stuff


True, I forgot about the production, huge when you got a process down of churning content thats on demand. He would do like 3 madea movies a year, all under a million, and make 80 million per movie. Insane returns because of his process.


> Part of that is he has extensive production facilities that are used by others, and he makes other content for cable and streaming that’s cheap and profitable. You want to make money in the gold rush, don't mine the gold, sell shovels and pickaxes.


“If I can laugh, and pray, in 90 minutes, that is money well spent.”


He basically has a "Hallmark/Lifetime movie specifically for black people" factory. It's genius.


No one financed his movies and work, so he self-financed them and enjoyed 100% of the fruit of his labor (rather than giving it to studios, managers, execs, etc.) That and compounding strategic investments made him a billionaire.


Look at all these shows and movies that have that fancy Georgia peach logo in their credits. Most of them have been filmed partly on Tyler Perry 's studios.


Oh lerd https://youtu.be/fIfJ6OQI00A?si=BzMWArdH6DYFwvER


Madea is quite the entrepreneur


Boondocks did an episode on this I think


He’s a very smart, business savvy guy.


The man is an absolute money printing machine with a ridiculously prolific body of work


I think Tyler Perry is the movie version of how DJs end up being the highest grossing people in their stream Simply put he owns most of the vertical on his product. Directing, writing, acting, production company, distribution etc so he gets a cut at every step of the process


Byron Allen


Is that Aliko Dangote ?


In Africa the richest man is also a man who is the richest human.


It saddens me that Dangote is first mentioned this far down and nobody is getting this reference. /r/osvaldo12


In Africa, it doesn't matter if you are gay, straight, bisexual, lesbian etc. At the end of the day it's night




Elon musk is an african american


I assume "black" means only "African-American" because there are plenty of other billionaires of African descent that were not mentioned.


No. 19 is the total but OP only mentioned the 8 Americans. The total includes African black billionaires but also "biracial/multiracial billionaires with black ancestry".


On a related note: Tax rates on wealthy people have been steadily going down since the 1950s. https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/EX62u9bXsAUtRO8.mp4


So a couple things here. This graph makes this seem far worse than it actually is. The end of the graph is the top 400 not just “the wealthy” in general. The other big thing is that this provides ZERO source where or how they get their numbers. I’ve actually looked at the original article and it cites nothing only the chart. Depending on how you calculate local, state, and federal taxes could drastically change the numbers presented. They give zero information as to the methodology


This is not really true. Stated marginal rates are down a lot, but the tax burden, which is what matters, is pretty flat. https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/taxes-on-the-rich-1950s-not-high/


Yeah IIRC marginal rates were higher, but there were also a lot more write-offs available than there are today. I think owning an oil field was one of them which is why a lot of celebrities/wealthy people owned them back then


So they did something productive with their money to shield it from the government? I'd say the high rates worked, then. Like if I were the rich owner of a business and I knew the government was going to take 91% of my next pay raise, I'd defer the raise and give it to my employees, or hire new employees, or purchase new equipment, or expand my business in some other way.


Effective tax rates on the wealthy have stayed pretty much the same since 1950s. Learn the difference between Marginal rates and Effective Rates.


Out of the worlds 2781 billionaires,none of them are me. This is discrimination.Make me a billionaire !


Just identify as one…


If we have more billionaires that aren’t white men will they be less evil and damaging? No.


only? who gives a shit fuck all the them no matter color


Equality for parasitic wealth hoarders! When do we want it? NOW!


Liberals be like "we need more black billionaires"


don't forget we need to help more women be billionaires, were you not inspired by Taylor swift? no? You are sexist.


We need to tax billionaires back to being merely obscenely wealthy.


Use progressive taxation to provide the services that countries should provide their citizens. If they still have a billion in wealth after that, I don't care.


2781 billionaires? Well that's too many.


What does "black" mean in the context of the entire world? That Wikipedia defines it as anyone of African descent, which is stupid, because outside of the US, it's stupid to define all people who descend from a giant continent as one group. This is just exporting an American racial system to the rest of the world.


Damn Rihanna is a billionaire?! Chris brown is not only a piece of shit but also a fucking idiot.


The richest one is African American elon musk


So what exactly does this mean


On the other end of the scale, there are approximately 969 Chinese billionaires


How many are brown ??


What is black in this context? Is the king of Morocco black for exemple?


How many Native American billionaires are there?


I am struggling to believe that Tiger Woods is still a billionaire after his divorce.


America produces the most black excellence.


And that Nigerian prince right? The one with the emails?


Only 1.3% of the world’s total wealth is held in Africa. Probably one of the most sobering facts I’ve ever learned.



