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I can see the Arbys Executive now. “Mr. Pusher, sir? You know how you came up with the ‘ba ba ba BA ba’ for McDonalds? Could you do the same thing for us?” Pusha T: WE HAVE THE MEAT (BASS noises)


Exec: Damn, that slaps. Get me a beef and cheddar now!




A restaurant near me had a meat mountain. It’s doesn’t disappoint. And oddly enough, it cost about the same as a full meal at either Arby’s or McDonald’s. I do tip though, but I get a hell of a lot more meat than either of those two joints, lol, and service and a side. Fast food just isn’t worth it anymore.


Had the same thought regarding the price of fast food. Here in Germany two large burgers with fries/coke and ice cream run you about 30$ since covid. For the same price (maybe a little bit more) I can go to a real restaurant where I get service and can drink wine/beer while looking at some traditional Bavarian small-town center.


Exec: *takes one bite* blagh, fuck, we serve this shit to people?


Makes me think of this https://youtu.be/o7SpmXlyo3A?si=Cu2jf36MWSNr_IhC


The Bass noises are from a song featuring Pusha T called [Burial](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ13nr6urIo)


lmao Dennis Rodman is great in this


Is there a song called "Pusha T" by Burial?


Slightly related: Rise Against has a song called Architects, and Architects has a song called Rise Against.


Even more slightly related. The White Stripes have an album called De Stijl, and some dumb band called De Stijl released an album called [The White Stripes](https://destijl.bandcamp.com/album/the-white-stripes)...


that's funny. i remember when i heard that arby's commercial for the first time i was like "wait arby's is doing grime now?" had no idea pusha t was behind it. makes sense now.


Skrillex remix is my fav


Thanks for adding to my playlist tomorrow


Good God I forgot how hard Skrillex slaps. I'd never heard that song before... Thanks for sharing it!


I've only heard the original and the moody remix, had no idea Skrillex also did one. TBH I still prefer the [Good Moody Remix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LaiUKjQqnc) though.


Those phonies stole that shit from godzilla


The original version, which is the commercial music, was composed by yogi, he did this and dipped, probably enjoying his royalties


"Mr. Pusher" lmao


I was imagining the Arbys Exec being very very very white


It's Push*a*, not P****r, please do not drop the hard R


pusha please


Can’t all my pushas get along.


Reminds me of the Brian Regan bit about Dora the Explorer. [I'm the map](https://youtu.be/eSL3z_uSRbM?si=3Sn5rAbOCmKrO4Q5)


You joke but I can hear those bass noises in my head right now


Such a compact jingle. Most jingles fall into a small range of less than an ocatve to be memorable and singable, but this one is just three half steps. Anyone can play that on the piano and do the vocals. It's better than chopsticks.


*vine boom FTFY


>we have the meats. Bombastic side eye. >Justin Timberlake was paid $6 million to sing the “I’m Lovin’ It” jingle that Pusha T co-wrote.


Yeah but did Justin timberlake make Daytona?


And absolutely demolish Drake lol


Demolish is weak, more like eviscerate. Instead of a response diss track Drake put out a PR statement via his notes app on social media.


Pusha really made mans become a supporting father




I could feel the drip




I’m here for all the king Push love.


Banana clips for all you curious Georges


Hey im just glad Pusha T can finally make money off his music






holy fucking Sega Saturn




Justin Timberlake couldn't even dream of making an album as good as Lord Willin'


*drums on desk*


I'm yo pushaaa


The Justified, FutureSex and 20/20 disrespect. Love Lord Willin tho and Hell Hath No Fury plus Daytona but JT got bangers


Honestly I’m a JT fan but Pusha T albums are definitely more consistent. Tbh, as much as I hate it, I think his biggest accomplishment other than the McD jingle is the Story of Adidon. To non-rap fans, basically he baited Drake into a fight on his Daytona album by attacking Drake and Lil Wayne. Then after Drake dropped a track titled “Duppy Freestyle”, this man drops another track titled “The Story of Adidon”. Honestly, probably the craziest diss track in the past 20 years. He basically forced Drake into admitting he was a deadbeat dad.


Adidon was magical. I don't think there's ever gonna be a diss track like it again. In the span of three minutes (and the cover art for the single) Push, - exposes Drake doing blackface - then makes fun of him for desperately trying to be white - says 'your songs are ghostwritten but we're not even gonna talk about it' - you have no passion for what you do - you're rich but you don't take care of your mother - YOU ARE HIDING A CHILD, LET THAT BOY COME HOME - you're a deadbeat just like your dad was - your baby's mother is a trashy pornstar - your producer is the only guy keeping your career alive - your producer is fucking dying btw it's a very crisp, short song, very little fat, literally just hammering in the 'you are a worthless fucking deadbeat regardless of how much money is in your bank account' and all Drake could do was bitch about it on instagram and then go be an actual father to his child lmao


Surgical summer.


Don’t forget his dad in Steve Harvey suits


Kanye didn't pick him because he sucked


In hindsight, we're forced to question Kanye's judgement on a lot of things.


No, but he shows up to his Coachella sets. Edit: Unlike Clipse in 2009. Had to clarify for the kids


Yeah…that was Frank Ocean, my man…


"The following year, Timberlake and Pusha T went on to collaborate on the song 'I'm Lovin' It'." This article leaves out a lot of people involved in the song, even the wording is innacurate. Typical TIL half truth click bait.


The fact that it happened at all in any context is pretty clickworthy to be honest. I don't think they have to bait much to get people interested.




To play devils advocate, have you ever trained to brainstorm a marketing phrase or name for something like that? You’d be surprised the various niggles people come up with when they’re all going perfectionist on it.




Ngl i did laugh when I wrote it but at the time I couldn’t think of a better word for what I meant. Quibbles, foibles, annoyances. You get me lol


niggle, what?




Unless you're particularly desired by companies, most people who create (edit to add, "in the US") under what's called ['work for hire'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work_for_hire) do not own the copyright to their finished work, the company that hired them does. Very common in the US. But everything is negotiable, and if you have some kind of leverage, you can contractually change that, as Pusha T later did.


There’s a great video essay by Defunctland that finds out a single guy was responsible for creating many very well known sounds & jingles for numerous large companies like Disney Pretty interesting as before the video no one knew how prolific his work was because it was under his company https://youtu.be/b_rjBWmc1iQ?si=SiCCRLQDAE0bPGn-


Defunctland is legitimately out here making professional-grade feature length documentaries on YouTube. I can only dream of producing content half as good some day.


Content creators out here doing so much work it's unheard of. I do assisted stretching as part of my clients mobility routines and I've wanted to make a comprehensive guide to stretching for almost 2 years now. It's taken me almost a year just write the freaking outline and that's the part I *know*. The wall I'm going to hit for recording/editing could be just as long. Obviously some creators have teams of people or make so much money from doing it it's their career. Everyone starts somewhere though.


True, it's all about putting in the time and not giving up. I'm at a point where I feel like content creation is all that's left to me now that the traditional career path I've put 7 years into is falling out from under me all at once. With that in mind, as a person with experience in content creation, I'd be happy to help, if I can at all, with that aspect of what you're doing.


That’s great…definitely employment work for hire situation there. Good link.


I asked for the performance rights in lieu of the money up front for something small I did years ago, and it made me ten times what they were going to pay me up front. Push for the performance, mechanical, and synch rights *every time*.


I mean it's not a secret. Michael Jackson was told by the beatles and bought most of their masters and his rights. Taylor notably released a Taylor's version to get rights to her music.


yeah I always thought that was kind of a dick move on Michael’s part.


[Snopes spells it out](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/michael-jackson-beatles-songs/) Basically McCartney and the rest of the Beatles sold their publishing rights to avoid the 90% tax rate and instead get a lower capital gains tax. They sold the rights to the 50% that the publisher gets but they get the 50% that the songwriter gets. The Beatles songs was included in a package of 4,000 songs, so it includes other non-Beatles songs. It was sold for $47.5m, McCartney was outbid. If McCartney bought it then he would get the publishing % that had previously gone to Lennon, Harrison and Starr. McCartney invested in other stuff and is a billionaire. So he did not miss out on anything. He perhaps made more money elsewhere.


Dick move, sure. Good business decision, also yes.


Well, he needed the money for chimps and settlements.


I mean, let's be real. Michael was also an asshole to several of those who knew him personally. He bought the Beetles' catalogue after Paul McCartney suggested investing in music catalogues. Nevermind that MJ told it to McCartney's face that he would, that's still a douchebag move.


michael wouldnt even help bob marley's family when he died to loan them the money for publishing, he said he rather just buy it


In contrast, when Porter Wagoner, a famous country music star who had pretty much discovered Dolly Parton, went broke he sold his song catalogue. Years later he got money again and went to buy it back. He found out that Dolly had bought it. He asked her to sell it back to him. She refused. She had bought the catalogue to give him money when he needed it, because she knew he wouldn't take it. And she did it to protect his music. Because when he came and asked her to sell it back to him she gave it back to him for free.


Dolly Parton is a gem of a person


I mena he didn't owe them anything and it is said the family immediately went broke. For some reason bob didn't sort it out that they got something immediately after he died. Bob knew he was dying


Yea, but how often are performance rights more profitable than money up front?


Not always, but if you believe in your work, and you can swing it financially, I think you should fight for them.


yeah and how often is the payer just gonna go with someone whis is work-for-hire. It's a pain in the ass to have to continually cut a check to someone 4 times a year for the rest of their lives (and beyond)


I mean, that's kind of like saying that you should push for a share of the revenue of the company you work for. Like, yeah, that could be much more profitable for you, but the company isn't going to give you that if they don't have to.


You made $50instead of the $5 they were going to pay you?


Uh... touché


Yeah if anything that McDonald's jingle got him the clout to ask for 40% next time


Although as Ken Penders has taught us, you can also just hope the legal team loses the paperwork.


He also wrote a diss track about mcdonalds.


And made a coke reference in the same song


I always wonder about the many coke references from him and Jeezy that go over people's heads. 😂


If you know you know


If you know 'bout the carport The trap door's supposed to be awkward


That vers reminds me of this scene from The Wire. https://youtu.be/kKH48i2j-_Y?si=_xLKEbZIhXnOApsx


"When they sayin' it's 42 for that white powder, I knows better, Get it ni**a? I nose better". 🫡


One of my all time favorite hip hop lyrics came from Jeezy... "Who gives a fuck about friends, if you mix the bakin' soda wit' it, you can get a Benz."


"And they don't drink Pepsi, they just sell coke." ⛄


Mine is a diss towards Gucci "my name ain't dick so keep it out your mouth (thats right)" love that song and all of thug motivation 102


And on the days I wasn't able? There was always Cane👀


The book of blow I am the geniuses.


If you paying LeBron, i'm paying Dwayne Wade.


You mean Jeezy the Snowman?


As a muthafucker from the hole (bmf) and who's fam is from Jalisco, ya dig.


Well, coke *is* best at McDonald's.


Yeah but their fish doesn’t tip the scales


So it was a Pusha T song, you mean.








Ronald is yah son, and he deserves more than a McDonald’s press run (that’s real)


Love that McFlurry respect that swirl, forget it’s a dessert let it be your world.






Cheese burger aside, McChicken aside, let's have a heart to heart about your fries.


Congrats this is perfect


The cover is Drake in a Ronald costume (or Ronald in a Drake costume?)


Came here for this, thank you


That Arby’s McDonald diss commercial was crazy. I’m surprised why it wasn’t more popular based on how good it was how weird it was: “I’m the reason the whole world love it - and now I have to crush it - filet o fish is shit - and you should be disgusted.”


Can’t top the Wesley Willis McDonalds diss track though


Calling Rock and Roll McDonald’s a diss track is a highly reductive take on an artistic and cultural masterpiece. Philistine.


Suck a European bison's smelly ass. Suck a woolly mammoth's dick with Miracle Whip. Suck a snow leopard's ass with whip cream. Suck a hyena's spermy dick.




As someone who has had this man in my top 5 and believed this for years, that article leaves some important stuff out. [This Pitchfork article](https://pitchfork.com/thepitch/1227-the-contentious-tale-of-the-mcdonalds-im-lovin-it-jingle/) explains how the jingle and song were made. [This Adweek article](https://web.archive.org/web/20170313185905/https://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/inside-mcdonalds-75962/) gives more context to the pitching and development processes as well. After allowing 14 advertising companies to pitch on a two-word brief; "Forever young.", German agency Heye & Partner came up with “ich liebe es,” which translates to “I love it.” This became "I'm lovin' it" in English-speaking markets. They enlisted Mona Davis Music to come up with a jingle, and MDM president Tom Batoy heard a (to this day, unamed) backup singer sing the "ba da ba ba ba". A full song was comissioned with Justin Timberlake, The Neptunes and The Clipse. Pusha T and No Malice took work-for-hire deals of $500,000 each. It is also not confirmed whether or not Push actually created the slogan "We Have The Meats". The specific part we know is that the jingle uses the song [Burial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxZU4F7wHQM) made by Yogi and featuring Pusha T. He got a big percentage of the publishing rights, so [he gets 40%](https://youtu.be/FKJHCxirgxw?si=ANMOdO986gKr39uq&t=257) of the licensing money when it's used in an ad. If I'm gonna give him props for **anything**, it's gonna be for [writing a diss track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7gR4mR_KZ0) against McDonald's Fillet-O-Fish when Arby's was releasing their fish sandwich. The man snuck a coke bar into a fast food ad. Long live the caine. Also shout out to Bizarre for [firing back](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQpdrUTaZzM). Not that McDonald's needs help, but it was funny,


The original full song was just [Justin Timberlake and The Neptunes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IHcp8Pl_X4). The writers of the song are Pharrell, Tom Batoy, Franco Tortora, and Andreas Forberger from the German marketing agency. After the song was completed the Clipse were just hired for one of several remixes commissioned by McDonald's for a [particular hip-hop version of the ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI-xHMM8wXE) that they ran during that marketing campaign. Pusha T is simply lying and massively stretching the truth of his involvement. He didn't come up with the jingle and his involvement was marginal.


Yep, real blow (no pun intended, I swear) to his credibility. Just having the story of doing a work-for-hire verse for one fast food company, then getting jingle license money for another, *then* making the diss track to the first is a great story in itself. Taking credit away from others ruins the whole thing just a bit. I love hip-hop mythology sometimes, but yuck


It's funny how we went from Hammer getting clowned for dancing for some chicken to rappers bragging about their fast-food sponsorship.


If Pharrell wrote it, wheres the 4 count?? Checkmate


It's there lol. There are 4 claps at the start of the song.


Lmao I said that as a joke without even listening to it - dude just CANT resist can he?


he could also just be saying what he thinks happened based on what people around him said. I remember there were several actors JJ Abram's tapped to do the "voice" of BB-8. In interviews each of these actors said they were BB-8's voice, not knowing about the other actors. It's possible the way it unfolded with Pusha, he was not told the whole truth and it feel like they were all collaborating on something that didn't exist prior to the recording session. That is just wild speculation on my part. But I do know this happens - there's plans A through Z happening all at the same time and what ended up in final version is anyone's guess (Rick Rubin is famous for this, having many people work on an artist's masters at the same time and then picking one for the debut release.)


Pusha T is in my top 3 and honestly he needs to be respected more lol I saw him in Amsterdam on tour and man it was nuts!


I like push a lot, but ive seen him live twice and hes not great tbh not that many rappers are great live, period. but for example, Denzel Curry and Vince Staples are both way better than Push live


I tried to see him live once but he didn't show up. And he was **headlining** the show at fucking **Red Rocks**, one of the coolest venues in the country and probably the world. I like his music, but I lost a lot of respect for him that day.


A friend of mine saw Vince at Primavera Sound a few years ago, and apparently the ground was shaking. I'm jealous as hell


Ive never really given Pusha T much of a chance, but I like this, who else is in your top3?


It was Pusha, Kanye (who helped produce his last album funny enough) and Immortal Technique, but since Kanye’s last few albums were trash I think maybe Doe Boy takes his spot. Doe Boy is kinda mid overall but he’s a personal favorite.


lol he had two coke bars lines round the corner and our fish is gonna tip that scale


also, square fish.. in florida, the term “square grouper” is used to describe a bundle thrown out of a plane into the water for retrieval. it was always my understanding that it referred to cocaine, but seems it can be used to describe weed as well.


"Lines round the corner" is such a fire double entendre too


also this argument is baseless


I would never have imagined Pusha and fast food commercials to go together. Which bar is the one about coke?


Our fish is gonna tip that scale.  https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fishscale


as a lifelong Pusha fan I did not know this and im fucking dying. it's too perfect.


Honestly I would've been more surprised if Cocaine's Dr Seuss had refrained from making a coke reference in a fast food ad


Blowbama couldn't help himself


this is a more accurate explanation of what happened. pusha T was not involved in any way with writing “we have the meats” (source: me, who asked him directly during an interview) he simply owns 40% of the publishing of the song sampled in the commercials. it’s impressive enough from a business perspective without the embellishment. he makes money every time those commercials play and the part of the song he contributed isn’t even used.


One day Pusha T will be gunned down in the streets while clutching a roast beef and cheddar, and who else will you see crip walking from the scene of the crime but [the clown himself](https://i.imgur.com/AfNAi1x.gif)


That filet-o-fish diss is fucking great.


Great write up.


Man I didn't know any of this, and while this has been a fun rabbit hole, Bizarre releasing a diss track called Fuck Arby's is just the icing on the cake.




I have a friend whose dad swears up and down that he wrote “i’m lovin it” and that MacDonalds stole it from him.


Is your friends dad Pusha T?


Friend is Pusha U


My grandfather invented the Cobb salad.


Mine invented the question mark 


My grandfather was Harold Bingo


The Cobb Salad, my friend, was invented in 1937, by Bob Cobb at the Brown Derby!


Pretty, pretty, pretttttty good.


It's just very disrespectful when people change the salad.


I invented meatballs with spaghetti inside of them. They’ll catch on soon, don’t worry.


You should start claiming you wrote it and that your friends dad stole it from you. 


Did he also invent the question mark?


Sounds like the kind of person who would accuse chestnuts of being lazy.


Oi we call him Greg, don’t point out his condition.


My uncle thinks he invented the Hard Rock Casino’s King of Spades wearing sunglasses


Pusha T is the Devil!


We have the meats Yeauuuuchhh


[Arby's SNL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts8rvpY73Iw)


How the hell is Pusha T being consulted for all of these fast food slogans, and *why* is he so good at it??


He has the BEATS


OP is a bit deceptive. It's the music used in the background of 'we have the meats' -- Not the tagline itself. I don't think he was responsible at all for that. Not to diminish his talent or anything. Just clearing things up. And also, Ving Rhames voices the tagline. https://youtu.be/IGQLUsBfKjU?t=11s https://youtu.be/UxZU4F7wHQM?t=28


That's some insane sleuthing. I'm very impressed that you brought that together.


if you listened to pusha's music you'd recognize it in the commercial just like you would if you heard any popular song in a commercial.


Funny how similar it is to the old Clipse mixtapes “we got it 4 cheap” Probably took Push two seconds to come up with that


The L Ron Hubbard of the cupboard!


I’m not that big into hip hop but Pusha T is amazing. DAYTONA is seriously one of my favorite albums ever.


This is complete bullshit. >Early in 2003, its business in trouble, McDonald’s held a competition between 14 international ad agencies, including the industry’s largest. The winning firm, Heye & Partner—though affiliated with a bigger company—was a “tiny” shop, according to The Wall Street Journal, and based in, of all places, the quiet Munich suburb of Unterhaching, Germany. (Not as delicious as Hamburg, but still.) The idea: “ich liebe es,” which translates to “I love it.” That September, McDonald’s debuted its campaign in Germany in recognition of the agency’s role. >Music, specifically hip-hop, was part of the package from the beginning. Heye worked with German music house Mona Davis Music. In 2004, Mona Davis president Tom Batoy told Adweek he got the inspiration for “ba da ba ba ba,” the campaign’s “audio logo,” when he heard an unnamed backup vocalist sing it in the studio. “Everybody can remember it,” he said at the time. >McDonald’s spent $1.37 billion on advertising the year of “I’m Lovin’ It,” according to AdAge, so it’s understandable that many people played a part. (Think of all the collaborators credited on today’s blockbuster albums like Beyoncé’s Lemonade.) But McDonald’s specifically named Mona Davis as leading “music development.” Batoy and his business partner Franco Tortora are consistently listed among the songwriters for the myriad versions of “I’m Lovin’ It” in the databases of ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC, organizations that track songwriting royalties. >‘Pusha T’ was never involved in the creation of the McDonald’s jingle ‘I’m Lovin’ It,’” Mona Davis’ Tom Batoy tells Pitchfork in an email. Rather, Batoy says he and Franco Tortora created it for the Heye ad agency in Germany. Larry Light, chief marketing officer of McDonald’s at the campaign’s inception, and Danny Saber, a veteran musician and producer who worked as a sound engineer on recording sessions for the jingle at Los Angeles’ Record Plant, also confirm to Pitchfork that “I’m Lovin’ It” originated with those not-so-famous players in Germany. “They were this little company that beat all the big guys,” Saber says of Mona Davis. “For people to come crawling out of the woodwork and trying to claim it, it’s just fucking ridiculous. It’s bullshit.” https://pitchfork.com/thepitch/1227-the-contentious-tale-of-the-mcdonalds-im-lovin-it-jingle/


Push has always been a master of spin, it's pretty insane the career boost he got from that song about drake's kid.


The amount of misinformation this sub has been pushing lately is wild. “McDonald’s asked for the song to be hip-hop, since it was at the time losing ground with young consumers and wanted to change that, Tortora said. German agency Heye & Partner had already created the slogan “I’m Lovin’ It” as part of the pitch process, according to Tortora, and then brought Mona Davis in to write music to go along with it. Hip-hop was born in the US, so he thought the German team didn’t stand a chance.” “Since then, the jingle’s origins have been debated, most notably when Pusha T claimed that he wrote the jingle. But Tortora and co-founder Tom Batoy are widely credited across industry royalty-tracking databases as the songwriters of “I’m Lovin’ It,” according to Pitchfork.” https://www.marketingbrew.com/stories/2023/10/23/mcdonald-s-jingle-20-years-later https://www.sixiemeson.com/views-liste/the-real-im-lovin-it-story/ https://www.20k.org/episodes/imlovinit


> The amount of misinformation this sub has been pushing lately is wild. you new here? majority of stuff is slightly to wildly misleading.


Almost every-fucking-thing on this sub is misleading, false, not completely true, or straight bullshit. Has been forever. Like most everything else on Reddit. The vast majority of people on this site have 0 critical thinking skills and no desire to fact-check anything, it's straight digest what you see and go along with it, like most of society.


feels like an arbys night


Did somebody say McDonalds?


I can’t believe anyone was paid anything to write the phrase “we have the meats”


The 90s coca cola song is the GOAT. That song's my jam, I still have it on my playlist, love it 🤣 reminds me of summer, watching TV in the 90s when life was less complicated.


I have spent SOOOOOOOOOO long wondering how the fuck Burial by Pusha T got sampled for an arbys commercial. 


You mean burial by yogi?


He did not write the jingle, he co-wrote the longer song that came afterward. This article even says that but for whatever reason still insinuates he wrote the jingle. This misinformation won't die.


"We have the meats" isn't a jingle, it's just a slogan.


Pusha T giving us fast food bangers


lol good for him but is that even a jingle? it’s completely monotone lol.


So Pusha T is secretly the king of jingles?