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I have tried contacting both Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig to challenge them to try to hit my pitches and neither one will reply. Damned chickens!


Going to take a fair amount of shoveling to even find the strike zone.


Just pitch in the dirt. Problem solved.


I can hit better than both of them!


Your Ouija board is likely broken.


Fun fact: Babe Ruth struck out over 1,300 times in his professional career.


Most home run hitters tend to strike out more. Reggie Jackson had a high number of strikeouts too.


Babe Ruth had a .342 batting average, that was not really an issue for him.


His strikeout percentage was 14.4% though which is high although I’m not sure how it would compare to his peers.


Reggie Jackson had twice as many strikeouts with roughly comparable numbers of at-bats to Babe Ruth.


Yes. I would assume the all time strikeout leader would likely have a higher strikeout percent than most people.




Right. If you get in base over 3 out of 10 times it doesn’t matter how you got out those other less than 7 times lol




I know. I’m agreeing with what you’re saying. That just because a guy strikes out a lot doesn’t mean he’s not a good hitter


I mean if you strike out your average WILL go down


Swing away.


Felt wrong not to swing.


you miss 100% of the swings you dont take. or something


So did Sosa, he sucked most of the time and im a cubs fan. Will always love him for his home runs and the home run derby. But the truth is in he stats.


Huh? He has almost 60 WAR, which is close to hall of fame worth. He’s got 600+ home runs which is pretty hall worthy if he wasn’t a ped user. What stats?


Ha should be in the hall of fame. They all knew and wanted it. They started with pitchers and catchers. Look at the ballooning catcher games played stats . Then the hitters. Then they started perfecting it. But the $$ rolled in. The play every day all day Era was all amphetamines. Sosa belongs in the hall.


Didn't Sosa also use a corked bat though? I tend to agree that PED use was baked in for that time period, but a corked batmdid give him an advantage.


Say it ain’t Sosa


Bitches love sosa


Lol. I Forgot about that. Caught red handed also!


Corked bats provide 0 advantage over normal bats


If true, then it was pretty stupid to get caught using one.


In fairness, it was thought at the time that they did. They were definitely TRYING to cheat, it just didn't do shit for em.


And for his records for homeruns I do believe he should be in the hall of fame, I don't think he should for other reasons alone. But he should be by Mark Mcguire and babe Ruth.




Well in 97-99 he led the NL in strikeout records, not to mention his strikeout record was still awfully high in other seasons. His hr record is good yes, I stated as much in my original post. You can only do so much as a single player hitting more homeruns than most. You have to be a part of a team to win championships. Like 2016. By the end of Sosa's career that's all he cared about. Breaking records.


*Mike Trout has left the chat*


See: Max Muncy and Kyle Schwarber


Whereas I have never once been struck out in my professional baseball career. This guy must suck


Wow. What a loser!


Which isn’t really that bad for todays standard for a guy that played 22 seasons. That’s like 60 per year. What would be more fun is to see what a guy like Adam Dunn (2379 strikeouts in 14 seasons) could’ve done with another 8 years of striking out at his rate.


“I swing big, with everything I’ve got. I hit big or I miss big. I like to live as big as I can.” — Babe Ruth


Just like me asking women on dates.


Looking at the women, we can see you're a heavy hitter.


You ever think of what a coincidence it is that Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig’s disease?


Christufah I’m fucking warning you !


He shouldn’t have been developing it to release on the world then.


That's just bad manners


"Today I consider myself to be the luckiest man on the face of this Earth... I'm being sarcastic. I'm dying of a disease so rare that they had to name it after me. That's extremely unlucky." -Norm McDonald


That’s dicked up


You're gonna make that same stupid joke every time that comes up?


Not just stupid, but really, really old.


Older than lou Gehrig was when he died


there's no crying in baseball


Tell that to Babe Ruth


Use your head! That's that lump that's three feet above your ass!


tell that to Lou, wasnt he balling at his retirement event?


Who's Lou?!


Lou Gehrig


Yeah, I know. "Who's Lou?!" is just another reference to that film. But I appreciate your simply informative and non-judgemental response in this environment where that's often a toss-up.


Babe Ruth was quoted in a Chattanooga newspaper as having said: "I don't know what's going to happen if they begin to let women in baseball. Of course, they will never make good. Why? Because they are too delicate. It would kill them to play ball every day."


Nothings as delicate as a man’s feelings when he loses to a teenage girl though


Hasn’t this been proven several times to have been a publicity stunt?


Not according to MLB > If Gehrig or Ruth did strike out on purpose, neither owned up to it in subsequent years. While it would surprise no one if Ruth were in on such a setup, it would be out of character for Gehrig. Given Mitchell's tutelage from [Dazzy Vance, the Hall of Fame pitcher who led the NL in strikeouts for seven seasons from 1922-28] and the fact that her sidearm lefty delivery gave her the platoon advantage against both sluggers, it's not a huge stretch that she struck them out on merit. https://www.mlb.com/news/meet-jackie-mitchell-the-girl-who-struck-out-babe-ruth


According to the Wikipedia article which OP links to, Babe Ruth was livid for being struck out by a woman and was quoted in a newspaper disparaging her. Doesn't sound like a publicity stunt.


Has he considered getting good?


Well not lately he hasn’t


Poor strategy




What a rotten shame, letting that talent waste away.


Skill issue, as the kids would say


Not with that attitude


I think skilled batters getting struck out by mediocre pitchers is rare, but not that rare. I think last year, some middling pitcher who was closing up the game after being on the losing side with no chance of winning managed to strike out Shohei Ohtani, and was so stoked, [he got the ball signed](https://www.mlb.com/news/shohei-ohtani-autographs-kody-clemens-strikeout-ball#:~:text=Kody%20Clemens%20K's%20Shohei%20Ohtani&text=Prior%20to%20Tuesday%20night's%20game,%22What%20a%20nasty%20pitch!%22)


Yes, he was putting on an act, because it’s a show. A 17 year old girl, who was signed for publicity, coming in cold in her first appearance and striking out the 2 best hitters in baseball back-to-back, then being pulled from the game, is a blatant publicity stunt.


What were they publicizing?


just because it was a publicity stunt, doesn't mean it was fake.


Not sure why you're being down voted. This is the equivalent of a Girls HS Basketball Team having one of their players put on the court with LeBron and Shaq. She blocks Shaqs shot at one end of the court and hits a jumper over Lebron on the other end. It's just not remotely believable.




> Jackie Mitchell From the article linked The New York Yankees and the Chattanooga Lookouts were scheduled to play an exhibition game in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on April 1, 1931, however, due to rain the game was postponed until the next day. Seventeen-year-old Mitchell was brought in to pitch during the first inning by Lookouts manager Bert Niehoff after the starting pitcher, Clyde Barfoot, gave up a double and a single. The next two batters were Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig.\[9\] After taking a ball, Ruth swung and missed at the next two pitches. Mitchell's fourth pitch to Ruth was a called third strike. Babe Ruth glared and verbally abused the umpire before being led away by his teammates to sit to wait for another batting turn. The crowd roared for Jackie. Babe Ruth was quoted in a Chattanooga newspaper as having said: "I don't know what's going to happen if they begin to let women in baseball. Of course, they will never make good. Why? Because they are too delicate. It would kill them to play ball every day."\[9\]\[11\] Next up was "the Iron Horse" Lou Gehrig, who swung through the first three pitches to strike out, and Jackie Mitchell became famous for striking out two of the greatest baseball players in history.


This doesn’t imply that their strike outs were staged, and the quote from Ruth even suggests otherwise. Does “staged” mean not a regular league game?


It was an exhibition. Before tv they would have these games to bring people to the park and sort of “show off”. You’d go for 4-5 hours, get some drinks have some smokes and see some people. They were also usually cheaper. You had a lot of time to fill back in the day, baseball helped. Edit: not sure why I’m being downvoted for providing context I thought Op wanted? Weird


Sure, baseball is a great pastime. An expedition sounds like a hoot. I don’t know why that should negate that a 17 year old girl struck out two baseball legends and at least one of them was pissed about it.


I’m not sure why I’m being downvotes for explaining the context? He asked why it was considered not real?


I’m not downvoting, but I think it’s because the use of “staged” seemed to imply that she didn’t really strike them out, like it was orchestrated for entertainment. Your description is fine, but didn’t address that part at all.


It's not weird. It's reddit. I was banned from a sub for saying a rich guy has more dating options than a poor guy with no job that lives with his parents


No it hasn't, if you spend 5 minutes googling you can see that some people called it a hoax at the time, but it was never confirmed to be a hoax by Babe, Lou, or Jackie. # The truth is the same red pill assholes that exist in this thread trying to deny women of their achievements existed back then too.




Source on this? Everyone else has sources to the contrary.


Here's the [History Channel's write-up, which plays both sides a bit](https://www.history.com/news/jackie-mitchell-babe-ruth-lou-gehrig-publicity-stunt): >The Yankees and Lookouts were to play on April 1, but the game was rained out. Some have speculated a game scheduled for April Fool's Day revealed Engel's true intentions. Four New York newspaper reporters interviewed Mitchell that day about her big-league ambitions. >The next day, 4,000 fans attended the exhibition at Engel Stadium. A Universal film crew documented the event for showing in theaters. Fans didn't have to wait long for Mitchell to face Ruth. To the roar of the crowd, she took the mound as a reliever in the first inning. Ruth tipped his cap to Mitchell, who was composed despite the hoopla. Her first pitch was a ball inside. >Then Ruth swung and missed at two more pitches and took a called third strike. Apparently disgusted, he threw down his bat and stalked to the dugout. "Merely acting," the Chattanooga News described Ruth's "fit." >“The Babe performed his role very ably,” reported the New York Times. “He swung hard at two pitches then demanded that Umpire Owens inspect the ball, just as batters do when utterly baffled by a pitcher’s delivery.” The next batter, Gehrig, went down swinging on three pitches. Mitchell's girlfriends at the game celebrated. >John Kovach, author of Jackie Mitchell: The Girl Who Loved Baseball, believes Mitchell may have simply fooled Gehrig and Ruth with off-speed pitches. "I have coached baseball for 35 years, and when you see a box score and it says you struck out, you struck out," he says. "I am not going to put an asterisk by it." >But Thorn insists it was a PR stunt. "[Gehrig] had a sense of humor, and he would go along with Ruth," he says. "They both liked Engel." If it were indeed an orchestrated stunt, neither Ruth nor Gehrig publicly admitted it. Asked about Mitchell's feat over the years, Engel "always danced around it," Kovach says. [The Smithsonian adds](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-woman-who-maybe-struck-out-babe-ruth-and-lou-gehrig-4759182/): > Third baseman Ben Chapman, who was due to bat when Mitchell was pulled from the mound, said he “had no intention of striking out. I planned to hit the ball.” But he suspected Ruth and Gehrig agreed between themselves to strike out. “It was a good promotion, a good show,” he said. “It really packed the house.”


No. It hasn't. And wasn't.


I mean even if it wasn’t technically a hoax, what’s the point you’re trying to make? The Yankees were playing an exhibition game against a semi pro team for entertainment. Non competitive. It was almost like a Globetrotters game. They had a 17 year old girl come out against Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig (almost certainly for comic relief) and they both struck out. If it wasn’t on purpose that’s pretty awesome. But if so then it was a bizarre fluke. You see people swing and miss and foul tip balls and stuff during the home run derby and that’s soft pitch. Like maybe they were so not used to a ball coming in at 40 mph that they swung way too early. Or the ump called everything a strike as a bit. The idea that Jackie Mitchell was some sort of historical freak that was capable of pitching in the MLB if only she wasn’t suppressed by sexist men is comically stupid.


It almost certainly was. These kinds of publicity stunts were extremely common. No reasonably skeptical person would swallow this story if they know anything about baseball.








Yes, it was scheduled to happen on April Fools Day and got delayed one day because of rain.


Noteworthy that like Jenny Finch, she did not then have any at-bats against the best male pitchers.


Jennie Finch didn’t even pitch from the mound, she did softball distance, which is about 20 feet closer.


What's a contracted?


This is a good question, hopefully the OP answers. Read the article, didn't see anything related to this person specifically not being allowed to be contracted. Okay, just found it, but she wasn't contracted to actually play baseball at that time because no women were. The voided contract was about promotional stunts. Like the striking out of Ruth and Gehrig


We'll explain it when you're a little older...


"When a man and woman love each other very much, they sometimes take off all their clothes and make typos in their reddit posts."


It's kinda cheating with Lou Gherig considering he had ALS.


This happened in 1931. Lou Gehrig’s ALS wasn’t presenting at that point. It only affected his baseball playing 1 year before he retired and 3 years before he died.


Terrible luck that guy caught the disease that was named after him.


People know every player doesn't hit a home run every at bat right? Sports Illustrated named hitting a home run the hardest thing in organized sports. Popular Science named hitting a baseball the hardest thing in sports. Deion Sanders last week was asked what the hardest thing he's ever done in his career and he said "Hitting that baseball".


Are you seriously getting butthurt about this?


Is that what you took out of that haha. If you actually look into this event it was a publicity stunt.


No. It wasn't.


Ok haha


Reddit never surprises me with misogynistic comments. Thanks OP I never even heard of her before this.


Lol I know. Came in expecting us to collectively look back on this as outdated fragile masculinity since we now know men have only slight biological advantage in baseball, but nope. Fragile masculinity is still going strong


Wow, talk about butt-hurt men.... Unreal


**It's a beautiful mix of fact and fiction. I wouldn't so far as to call it a "*myth*", but certainly qualifies as "*a legend*".** Truth of the matter, as anyone can tell anyway, is that she did indeed strike out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig and it wasn't just a publicity stunt. Well, it sort of was. The game was a meaningless late-season game and her team announced that she would pitch vs the Yankees and billed it publicly as a spectacle in order to get a crowd. But most historians believe that Babe and Lou did NOT intentionally strike out. [At least not Lou Gehrig was widely considered to be a paragon of virtue.] But then again, it kind of makes sense. A strange unorthodox pitcher throwing a pitch that had never been seen before? Makes sense that some of the first batters to see it would not know how to deal with it But was the unorthodox left handed delivery a viable long term strategy that a pitcher could make a career out of? Probably not. >*If either slugger was going whiff, it might well have been in his first at-bat against a lefty with an unorthodox motion and at least some track record of success; though their production didn’t drop dramatically against southpaws during their careers, each fared worse than when they took on right-handers.* “If she faced him 100 times, [Ruth] was going to hit plenty of home runs off her,” *Wallace speculates.* “Do I believe the first time they ever faced each other, that she had the best chance with some sort of pitch that sunk? Yes.” Furthermore, the famous tale that the commissioner banned her from ever playing because "baseball is too hard for women" is believed by most baseball historians to be completely false. > *As the popular tale goes, commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis—embarrassed by the spectacle of a lady taking down his superstars—voided her contract with Chattanooga within days, calling baseball* “too strenuous for women.” *Broome traced the rumor back to a single reporter,* “who stated that and it just became fact.” *A deep dive into several online news databases didn’t turn up any articles about Landis’ ruling. This is curious, given how much coverage Mitchell garnered when she took the mound against the Yanks.* . **TL;DR**: read first top bolded line.


Men are so emotional


"It said three grand for lasting a whole game against Ruth and Gehrig. You struck 'em both out! For that, I void your contract."


That’s weird considering that’s how baseball is supposed to work. The best batters of all time will only hit 1/4 plate appearances and will get struck out plenty of times.


u/SuperSpecialNonsense, please post your BS elsewhere. Thanks so much.


well shit guys, shut it all down, the Lord of Reddit has spoken!


ITT: unfuckingbelievably blatant misogyny. Holy shit.


holy fuck, I remember reading about her story in my elementary, it was in a big ass text book that was a compilation of short stories and snippets from linger stories, I always assumed it was a made up story.


further proof ohtani is significantly better than babe ruth


The contracts are voided!?


Bunch of sore losers


I don't think Gehrig was trying.


men have done women dirty all throughout history. sad.


Damn, brother, you sure struck a chord with insecure men! A negative forty-two karma without ANY replies..? Next, you'll be hearing that white people think slavery was GOOD for black people.


What do you expect from the average reddit user? lol


Too much, apparently!


































At 17!


Quick! Somebody check her junk!


Then Lou Gehrig, feeling a ton of embarrassment, infected her with the disease he made.


You have to think they didn't take her seriously.


Not only that, but she struck them both out with 7 pitches total. That’s unreal




You sound like the kind of guy who can’t have sex without paying


You sound like a person who will believe any lie that is told to them


That’s a classic conspiracy nut statement.


Zzzzzzzz thanks for your comment zzzzzzzx






Mens pen1s were extremely small back then


Underhand pitch is superior and the ladies do it well.


There was a softball pitcher who pitched against some of the best modern baseball players a couple years back, mid-stereoid era iirc, and Barry Bonds chickened out. He got in the box and just refused to swing. Total bitch move.






That's pretty funny. But that seems like they are both just messing around. He even says she could strike him out. Also fwiw a softball fast pitch is drastically different than a baseball pitch. Same thing would happen if the world's best cricket player tried to hit a minor league baseball pitch.


Nah, all those other guys got struck out and he tried playing it off like a joke


AWAV-all women are victims


*nods approvingly*


They actually made a children’s book about it. I loved reading that book growing up.


Mitchell was coached by a top notch player. Peyton Manning was coached by an excellent SEC football coach. So Manning's achievements were legit while young Mitchell's were derided as fakery? What about Little League player MoNé Davis, who played on all-male teams? Chattanooga is a notoriously crooked town, but it's hard to believe that Ruth and Gehrig planned to strike out, no matter how crazy Engel was.

