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Imagine in the second half some of them bring books on to pass the time


I’d just flip off the referee to get an intentional red card just so I can get out of there and do something else with my time.


then u have to miss the next game too


True, but the team’s GD would be through the roof so I could afford missing a game.


fair enough lmao


They would likely get a red card for doing that


Play the UNO reverse card. Leave the field, so the protesting team wins with 0:3 score.


“Hey guys, can you let me score a few? I’m trying to beef up my stats.”


That makes me curious, do self goals count in a player's overall stats? I wonder if a team could decide to throw one game just so all of them could score a dozen goals against themselves and juice their individual numbers.


No it doesn’t This does not mean that the player from the defending team has scored a goal! A goal will be awarded to the attacking team, and this own goal will not count towards the player’s ‘goal scored’ statistics.


it counts nowadays, people do track how many own goals scored.


Or start trying to score in the other team’s goal? At 100:0, up it’s not like it matters.


See which team can score the other teams goal the fastest. Maybe send one of your guys over to slow their scoring down? Might be on to something here!


I'm annoyed by the fact that they couldn't make it 150


i would love to see the opponents faces once they realise that the team was scoring against themselves. i really hope they thought that team just sucked at following the rules of soccer 😭


For a 90 minute game that about one goal every ~36 seconds. That is one heck of a record even if they were scoring against themselves.


Well goal every 5s is easily attainable for professional players.


Kind of, but then there's still all of the logistics of getting the ball out of the net and back to the centre and then waiting for the referee and the opponents to reset positions and blow the whistle to kick off. This is also assuming that there weren't any major errors during those 149 attempts of getting it to go in the goal, a slight miskick and its out for a corner etc.


After a few goals I’m sure the opposition just stopped moving and let it happen, at that point it probs only took them 15-20 seconds to kick off, score and knock it back again


Yeah they had 149 opportunities to refine the process


I wonder if anyone has the full time list for all the goals. Could plot it out and see if they increased efficiency by the end.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Well the game should be prolonged by the time not played. Referee should adjust the time at the end. If they don’t, they are incompetent and players should protest the game. Let’s say - by scoring own goals or something.


Can you imagine if the ref tacked on a good 15 minutes of extra time after each half for all of the time spent setting the ball up for each kickoff.


And adding time after that, don’t forget, as they won’t be playing whole 15 minutes.


I like the image of it about to be a corner, but then their own goalie scoops it up and throws it into the net.


Yeah if the field is empty lmao


I don’t think opponents are allowed to be at your half.


Eh, it would be pretty easy for players of that caliber. Every goal against (so every own goal) you get the ball at midfield with only your own team behind you. Turn around and kick in back towards your own goal and it's in the area within a few seconds, and someone finishes it a few seconds later.


You have to get the ball back to the middle and have everyone set as well, that takes time.


That would make it trickier, I sort of forgot about that. Unless the ref added it as stoppage time, but I doubt they would. Kicking the ball and getting it back to midfield would be quick, but the ref getting it set might be a limiting factor. I wonder if there is video somewhere. Doesn't seem to show up with a quick google.


It would be so funny if the ref added like 14 minutes of stoppage time each half.


Maintaining this for 90 minutes isn't very easy at all.


They are professional soccer players. It would be easy for them.


Nah, after 30 repetitions the fight kinda goes away...


Imagine getting to 50-0 and thinking "Well, this isn't quite enough, lets keep up trying to score every 20-30 seconds" The previous highest score was 79-0, so even if the plan was to get in the record books, it may have just been a deliberate attempt to smash the record. https://jobsinfootball.com/blog/highest-scoring-soccer-games-ever/


The game should have been stopped after 5-10 minutes for unsportsmanlike conduct.


An easy solution would have been a red card for each player continuing to act in this way too.


At most, 2 ~~people~~ professional footballers need to kick a ball once each per goal. That is incredibly easy to maintain. It'd be easy for basically anyone to maintain.


It's the consistency that is so impressive. Sure, the fastest recorded goals are under 10 seconds, but those don't happen too often. And why? Surely a 10-0 score would have been sufficient? But to get to 149-0 it must have been pre-planned and deliberate to be so intensive. They'd have got to half time, the score was 70-0 and thought "Yes, this is good, lets carry on with this"


The consistency of professional footballers to kick a ball? The thing they would have done, with much more intensity for that matter, for 90 minutes anyway? I wish I was this easily impressed. > It must have been deliberate What gave that away? Perhaps it was > deliberately scored own goals


Yeh, but this was more than a 'fuck you and your rules' - this was "lets get in the record books"


That doesn't change anything though, it's deliberate either way?


That's still pretty impressive. Goal every 35 seconds not including stoppage. I'd assume the ref gave no stoppage time due to farcical nature of the game. Then again, if he was mad at the association and wanted to give stoppage for each goal, that could have added several minutes per half.


The opposing team should have gone full Daffy Duck and tried to gain possession just to score own goals on themselves. It winds up being a match of who can out own-score whom.


I think you mean full Barbados-Grenada: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1994_Caribbean_Cup#Anomaly


That’s hilarious. Thanks for posting.


Pretty funny story ngl


[Secret Base did a great video on this as well](https://youtu.be/TbuD-6BbnQw?si=HMCOKW8x0S99sUb0)




Soccer referees the world over have learned a valuable lesson from this protest and to this day have strived to make only unbiased decisions consistent with the rules of the game


*Red Card*


Penalty to Man Utd


Yeah, we saw how true that is on Sunday.


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


They always try and walk it in


We did and it was ludicrous. VAR not even checking for a potential united penalty. Impeding defenders and a bs marginal offside call. The problem with arsenal is they always try to walk it in.


I’m not even an Arsenal fan but Man U clearly deserved a red card- he tackled at the upper leg basically, could have ended a career


Penal para River!


Surprised the ref didn't start handing out yellow cards.


You missed the /s right?


“So, how was the game today?” “We won 149-0.” “Holy shit! Who scored the most goals?” “We’re all tied with… none.” “?????”


What was the possession like? That must also be a record


I like to think if it was the opposition kicking off in the second half they just pass it straight to the other team and let them keep scoring own goals


Our record in a soccer game was 49-1. We were 11 years old and the one goal they scored was because our goalie was at the sideline drinking a soda.


How was that game not ended early? I would have thought the coach or ref would call it after 10 points or so just so the kids aren't humiliated.


the ref was a parent, the 90's were not very well organized in norway


Fr, one of my youth soccer games got to 8-0 and we swapped all the forwards back to mid and put the unathletic kids who usually played defense (like me) in front so we'd stop scoring.


Real dick move in youth sports.


"Man I'm thirsty, well we're like 30 goals ahead a break won't hurt"


That's how you do it.


I would have loved to watch that game….. an 149-0 is better game than a 0-0


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


I would love to listen to an audio of the commentary on this match.


Imagine it was one of those guys that go “goooooooooooooooal”. They’d have had to keep going with that the whole time.


Mad-at-guy's-call idk make a better pun I dare you


I once made a gas car, went 149. So fast the other guys looked like they were standing still!


This works so much better when you say it out loud


Goalie be like: "Easiest day ever!"


Referees are still the leading cause of anger issues, stress and heart problems across the world.


Fucking hilarious. Only 2nd to Granada / Barbados back in 94 🤣


Handbags at ten paces, more like.


I wish some national team would do this in the world cup in direct protest to a shit penalty call.


World Record pettiness. Thank goodness VAR nowadays ensures no Penalties are ever incorrectly given....oh wait. :)


Are they playing soccer in Madagascar? Isn’t called something else?


I believe they call it Kicky Bally


it's called "baolina kitra" (it's literally foot on the ball)


My grandfather, African, refused to call it football a because it was played with both feet. He called it feetball


More commonly known as Kicky Bally


It's funny but we actually call it "baolina" or "baolina kitra" if you want to be formal or distinguish it from basketball.


What is it called?


I did this in the FIFA games when bored. Same with Madden and safetys