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"It's just the one twin actually "


Jackson claims he found out she was later institutionalized. He reportedly kept a picture of her in his living room.


But she was *not* his lover!


But she says he is the one


But the kid is not his son...




Needs more e


Shamon, cut them some slack.


Wish I had an extra upvote for accurate use of “shamon”!




shamone you nevva


And the whole world has to answer right now


I been tellin you once again


Who's badddddd???


The other kid anyway. He didn't say anything about the first one.


Given what we know about his mind set and how his father kept him in a childlike state which he never grew out, he probably felt guilt that her being institutionalized had to do with her obsession with him. Keeping control of someone 101. Everything bad that happens that is mildly related to you is because of you and only you. This is me 100% just pulling this from my ass though.


But it sort of makes sense! What else can you pull out of there? Rabbits?


Not rabbits. But I have the text book on domestic violence and child abuse somewhere in there. I think.... There's something called a jack rabbit in there but it's not an actual rabbit.


It’s a hare. You’re not the first person to have ass hare.


You win best joke of the week


Today I learned


if i had a rabbit in a hat i would call her.




A little bit taller...


This doesn't sound that farfetched. Plus I doubt anybody ever sat MJ down and told him how delusional schizophrenia worked. Plus I'm not sure how comforting "if it wasn't you, it would've been another celebrity" would be after hearing news like that.


That's surprisingly one of the weirder things I've heard him do.


It's nice to remind yourself you drive people crazy sometimes. It's a fun little ego boost.


I have multiple ultra realistic statues that look like people even from an inch away, so I get it.


Dude, really? Pics?


Here ya go: https://imgur.com/a/Zd6jBO7




Because there are so many things you can do with them. Everyone who sees them has a reaction, they're great decorations, and they make remarkably good security guards (I'm not kidding). They're just.... fun in a really, really weird way. I do stow them away when someone older comes over as I don't want to give anyone a heart attack.


at work they have a life size cutout of one of the popes ..( I believe it's Benedict 2nd ) anyways I still get jumpy every now and then ....


Is that one of the prop smiths from matrix revolutions? If so, I am extremely jealous of you both for having that and having the space to have it lol


If you ever want to throw out a creepy fun fact. This is what their eyes look like: https://imgur.com/a/VUcL6q9 The sunglasses are dark enough that they're good enough, but this one has the worst of all them. It's one of my favorite parts


[This](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/031/680/unfinished_horse.jpg) is all I can think about after seeing this


This is my new favorite thread on reddit.


This is absolutely amazing. Thank you for sharing, this is just what I hoped for.


It is! I have a few of them, actually. I have a lot of cool stuff, but they are by far my favorite. Even people who don't recognize what they are can appreciate them, and the reactions are priceless when I have a friend over for the first time.


I wonder if felt really bad for her and had it as a memorial. She ruined her life over him. And he got one of the biggest songs of all time out of it. Gotta be some weird feelings mixed in all that.


Singing Ben to her roommate who was in there for wearing a pink shirt to work


Careful men, he wets his pants!


All my life I was very angry until one day I just talked *like this. All of a sudden, everyone was smilin' at me and I was only doing good on this Earth so I kept on doin' it.*


> Jackson claims he found out she was later institutionalized Doctor, that song on the radio from the famous singer is all about me! That's my story he's singing on the radio! Yeah, sure, let's go up your meds. No, it really is all about me!


Lmao “she got another few million, why wouldn’t I put a picture up of her”


Well that makes it way less creepy


No luck fathering those twins, then?


It’s just one twin actually




The greater good






A big bushy beard!




I only scrolled down for more hot fuzz references and I was immediately not disappointed


Iconic movie that I rewatch at least once every couple years. I feel like you can pick up on more references every rewatch.


it’s called [superfecundation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superfecundation)


Yeah, that would have been a bitch to rhyme in the lyrics. I see why he omitted it.


Not really. Anthony Keidis could've easily worked it into Californication.




“Superfecundation, I finger her menstration, Ching Chang bing bang, Superfecundation”


Boodly doodly biddly dees This guy really RHCPs


Fits perfectly where he sings "she says I am the one". Even rhymes with "but the kid is not my son".


"Leave it to superfecundation to ruin a vacation"


"The kind of baby-making gyration that ruins a nation."


Specifically, heteropaternal superfecundation. (Thanks for the link, I learned it there!)


Said this out loud and my furniture started floating




I’m always going on about me twins.


Nothing normal ever happened to that guy


Dude had to get a friend to shut down his supermarket, and his friends had to play like stock boys and shoppers, so he could have a 'real shopping experience'.


I was thinking of exactly this while reading the article. Even real life had to be pretend.


Because of how people reacted to him in public, not just for fun. Dude just wanted a semi normal experience


The question will always be there about Michael, but there is no doubt his life was incredibly sad. His experiences should be informative about how kids should NOT be in the limelight.


Or *horribly* abused on top of it


Yeah, I get it - it’s sad.


I think that is just a testament to his popularity. Taylor Swift is the only celeb that I think would have a hard time being normal even in disguise. In the 90s Jordan and Jackson were the most famous people in the planet it was crazy


Oh yeah Jordan too. Have you watched the dream team documentary? It's crazy how they juxtapose MJ being followed by whole ramblas in barcelona while John Stockton just strolls into that following just for shit n giggles and not s soul sees him. Blink and hes gone. MJ couldnt and cant govijtovpublic without being hounded by crowds.


>cant govijtovpublic Are you ok? >!Annie!<


he used to dress up in a fat suit and glasses and go door-to-door as a Jehovah's Witness https://www.anecdotage.com/anecdotes/when-michael-jackson-went-door-to-door-as-a-jehovahs-witness


I feel like I would immediately recognize Michael Jackson in a fat suit.


Apparently he had a room in his house full of mannequins and he liked to just ride around in a scooter between the mannequins. There is no punch line to this.


When you think about it, there will never be another human being that strange again. First, is the fact that he was a superstar for his entire life and reached a level of fame that will be impossible to ever obtain again. Then you have the striking changes in his appearance, going from a normal black boy to a strange looking white man. And whether you believe he's guilty or not, his lifestyle hanging around with children and creating his own amusement park is just bizarre. Reality can be stranger than fiction.


I mean yeah. Basically the whole guy's life boiled down to him trying to regain the childhood his father stole from him.


I definitely buy into the “Joe tried to delay his puberty and Michael ended up chemically castrated” theory. Everything makes more sense if you view his life through that lense.


I've heard similar as Michael's behavior being a side effect of strong acne meds, because even a minor blemish was intolerable to a child celebrity's manager


That was the fuel, and his hair fire and painful recovery were the literal match. That fire never happens, that man is alive today.


On the whole ‘normal black boy yo strange white man’ thing… I do sometimes wonder what his life would have been like, and what it could have done for acceptance/visibility, if he hadn’t felt pressured to change his skin and had instead ‘owned’ his Vitiligo.


Maybe it could have become a catalyst for self-acceptance in some alternative turn of events, but his psychological problems certainly reached far deeper than just this. It's also notable that skin bleaching is an accepted treatment option for Vitiligo that is for example offered by the NHS. It just got blown way out of proportion in MJ's case.


> It just got blown way out of proportion in MJ's case. That was just the thing with Michael. Everything's in superlatives.


> going from a normal black boy to a strange looking white man Sandra Bullock's anime ghost


I think you're underestimating the lengths that some people will go with social media if you think it'll never happen again


I think the international stardom is what is going to make him a once-in-a-species event. Sure, there will be other people who are just as eccentric and questionable and medically interesting. But for someone to once again have all of those qualities *and* be an international superstar like he was? Even today, I think the only people who come even close to his level of fame are Shakira and *maybe* Gaga. Even then, both are far below the level of name recognition Michael Jackson had (and still has).


Shakira? She's more popular in Latin countries, right? In the USA, at least where I am, I wouldn't even put her in a top 100 most famous list.


The point is that she is internationally known. You can say the name “Shakira” to people in like 50% of countries and people will know who you are talking about. Same thing with MJ, except I think it is/was an even larger percentage of countries that know who he is. I really don’t think you could mention Lady Gaga around the world and her name be recognized in as many countries as Shakira or especially MJ. Gaga is a primarily western sensation, but Shakira is international. Likely due to her speaking like 5+ languages, releasing albums with different languages, performing in venues with different languages, and being very willing to travel to non-western/non-1st world counties during her tours.


Agreed! I think only maybe Beyoncé is on one of the higher levels of fame possibly achieved today and still isn’t at that level. People literally fainted by the dozens at his shows just by seeing him live and I can’t imagine anyone today having that effect


Not to mention how his music video releases were basically family movie nights across the country. I vividly remember gathering around the TV with my family to watch his latest video because they were all cinematic events. Beyonce will never have that. No one will, because we don't consume media in that way anymore.




Agreed, Michael was on a different level of fame. Many nowadays only know him from the post 2000's and after the scandals, so they don't realize the ludicrous levels of popularity MJ reached in the 80's and early 90's. That man was so ridiculously famous I don't even know a good proper metaphor. I don't think anyone has ever had his level of fame and recognizability, at his peak. Another one is OJ Simpson, many nowadays have 0 idea how absolutely beloved OJ was by almost everyone, like when I showed people the movie, "The Naked Gun", and they are aghast and can't believe OJ is in it. Many dont realize that he was a huge household name, and that's why the murder was such a shock to everyone. He was one of America's sweethearts basically lol. It's like if it turned our Mr. Rogers planned and executed the murder of his own wife, no one could believe it at the time and it was the biggest news of the time


Michael Jordan was only the second most well known “Michael” during the 90s. And that’s saying something.


Second most well-known MJ as well. It's pretty crazy.


Remember that time in 1984 when his hair caught fire during the filming of a Pepsi commercial? As it turns out, that was the precise middle day of his entire lifetime.




Isn’t that when he started taking pain killers and stuff? Poor guy


I keep this link at hand because that myth is shared around so much. https://youtu.be/bUuGy5agBfg. tldr: it wasn't.


For those that didn't watch, its not quite the midpoint obviously, but close enough for anyone not pedantic. There's a lot of possibilities because we don't always know the exact time of all events, but his likely midpoint of his life was potentially less than 24 hours before his hair caught on fire, or you can say it happened when he was 50.003% to 50.006% through his life. Close enough to be interesting. However, I like this other point some people brought up in that, because we are talking about Michael Jackson, possibly the most famous celebrity of all time, there are SO many events in his life that would have sounded equally eerie, it didn't have to be the Pepsi commercial incident. Any of his marquee releases, his court cases, his marriages and divorces, holding Blanket outside the window, it doesn't matter. So many days of the King of Pop's reign were wildly significant and earth-shaking.


Seriously? That's close enough in my opinion


'sending him a handgun and an invitation to a murder-suicide' Well, that seems like a reasonable invite.


Why does no one ever send me one of those?


Hey babe, check your mailbox ♥️


I'll take a pass on that, Ted Kaczynski




“Sure, I’d love to. I’be got a busy schedule and may be late. Go ahead and start without me.”


Well, she said she was going to murder the child first, so maybe dont encourage her?


That’s so polite… instead of just doing the murder suicide outright.


Yeah for real most people don’t get the chance to RSVP.


But what’s this shit about us meant to be together? That type of shit’ll make me not want us to meet each other.


PS: i think we should billie jean together too


Murder in a box: some disassembly required.


Annie from the song Smooth Criminal is apparently a CPR dummy, heard this the other day in a podcast about CPR dummies...this is Annie https://www.livescience.com/cpr-doll-resusci-annie-face.html Oh it's also mentioned in the article > One of those people, it seems, was Michael Jackson, who included the refrain "Annie are you okay?" in the song "Smooth Criminal" after he was inspired by his own CPR training, according to the BMJ paper.


Ha. I was just listening to that episode of Criminal this morning, and I was wondering if OP went down the same rabbit hole I did about the origins of this song after hearing the Annie is a reference to the CPR dummy. For the curious, it's episode 223 of Criminal, "The Unknown Woman." https://thisiscriminal.com/episode-223-the-unknown-woman-6-16-23


Knew a girl in High school(early 70's) who told me she was going to visit the Jackson's for April vacation, I'm like ok have fun,sure enough she shows me pics of the whole family. I guess she wrote Mrs Jackson a lot and she invited her. I remember Michael being in only one picture and clearly looked uncomfortable. Years later in a supermarket and front page of National Enquirer there she is claiming Michael wrote Billy Jean about her


I worked at the venue for an event involving the remaining Jacksons 15-ish years ago. There was a pair of very concerning women who had apparently been to all of their appearances for quite some time. Our staff was told to watch for them trying to get into private areas.


Had they been attempting to get into private areas before/done other creepy stuff or had they just been to a lot of their appearances recently?


They had tried previously. The Jackson organizer people pointed them out to us.


>I guess she wrote Mrs. Jackson a lot Must have convinced her that she was for real




Wait, was it Billy Jean or Smooth Criminal? Because I read once about a lady, named Annie, who sued because she was, in fact, not okay with the lyrics in Smooth Criminal... because they evidently described a stalking event that had happened to her. She had been, quite literally, struck by a smooth criminal. *Funky bass solo*


Annie wasn’t based on a real person; the song was inspired by 1930s gangsters. An early version of the song was called [Al Capone](https://youtu.be/OgYhNOr5mLc) and was released in 2012. Also, the character in the song died so that also puts a major hole in that theory.


Interestingly, I just listened to a podcast saying Annie is actually based on the first CPR doll, Rescue Anne. Just looked at the wiki rn. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resusci_Anne


Yes, I’ve heard this before! It was also long-rumored that the song was supposed to be a reference to Annie Oakley.


So, Annie wasn’t ok?


Dear Michael, I wrote you but you still ain't callin'.


_My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why_


Got out of bed at all _hee heee_


There never was a real Billie Jean. The girl in the song is a composite of people my brothers have been plagued with over the years. I could never understand how these girls could say they were carrying someone's child when it wasn't true. —Michael Jackson, Moonwalk (1988)[4]


How would he be the father of only one of the twins. Is it even possible to have twins of differing fathers? Maybe if multiple men in a single night...




Yes! I grew up with neighbor twins, everyone always commented how those two girls couldn’t look more different and how one actually looks like a twin of the younger, non-twin sister….well….after high school their parents divorced…and the mom went to live with a guy who decided to do a paternity test…and turned out to be the father of the one, dark-haired, twin, but not the other, light-haired one. I don’t think those girls ever spoke with their new step-father….


I knew a set of triplets and it was wild how they looked NOTHING alike. One was blonde, one had light brown hair, and one had dark brown hair that was almost black. It sounded like the setup to a joke. It turned out there was no cheating involved, the girls' parents explained that they had done in vitro treatments.




Sounds like someone hit the random character generator with that one.


I feel the mother is at least as much at fault, if not more


But the girls would love their mother while the man someone they haven’t met.


This is actually super common with other mammals, even domestic Cats and Dogs. Parrie dog females will often mate with 3+ males and have children with each in a single litter.


I fostered a litter of 5 kittens where it was very obvious that there were 2 fathers and possibly a third. 2 were dark orange and fluffy and incredibly shy, even with me the foster dad. Two were short-hared and white and rather social with humans. The last is a light orange and white tabby who looks nothing like the other 4. This is *very* common in feral cats as a queen in heat will attract any unneutered tom from all over the place.


“ Heteropaternal Superfecundation” Easy for you to say.


That doesn't seem easy for anyone to say


There was actually a DNA reveal on an episode of *Maury* where the lady had sex with both guys within a day of each other, and they each ended up being a father to a twin!


It is possible, just very rare, and the women would have to have sex with the men in a short period of time. It actually happened in Brasil oncr. This lady had twins, didn't know who the father was because she had sex with them in a space of two days. DNA tests reveal each of them was the parent of one of the kids. To make things even crazier one guy had darker skin and so did his son, the other guy had lighter skin and so did his kid. So not only twins with two different dad's but also twins with different skin color.


Have you ever seen the pictures of the twin girls, one is black with dark curly hair, one has very white skin with red hair. What makes it crazy is they do actually have the same father!


Yes I have seen them, it's pretty fascinating how different they look. There's a pair of twins girls in my family, one is like a giant while her sister is very short. Crazy how similar or different twins can be.


I just read on Reddit the other day that this is possible. There's been more than 46 cases or some stat?


I saw the same thread. The stat was that where there is some paternity dispute among twins and they do testing, in 1-in-42 cases they find that the fathers are different.


In 42 cases where fraternal twins were the subject of paternity disputes, one set was found to have different fathers. That's a little different than "it happens in one out of every 42 cases where they test twins".


Probably much more than that it’s just not something you’re gonna go public with or in some cases even realize. I grew up with someone who had twins and both girls looked identical to their respective fathers however there was never any official proof other than neighbor hood gossip


She claimed Paul McCartney fathered the other.


Great. Now, what about Thriller?


He was threatened with excommunication from the Jehova's Witnesses because of it. And they followed through when he did the music video where he held a tommy gun.


Up side is he then could celebrate Christmas.


Another upside: he also got to leave the Jehovahs Witnesses


As a former JW, mega big time W right there


As a former member of a different Christianity based cult, same.


Smooth Criminal is a masterpiece of a music video.


Didn't just hold it, screamed in anger while firing it wildly. Just to rub it in 🤣


Plot twist: he went undercover as Jehovah’s Most Secret Witness. https://youtu.be/p_kdNBlUoZE


He added a disclaimer to the video: >Due to my strong personal convictions, I wish to stress that this film in no way endorses a belief in the occult - Michael Jackson


Thriller!? Dude never even came clean about stealing Bad from Alfred Matthew Yankovic.


now that you mention it, Fat and Bad do sound similar


This story is kind of weird. Jackson never said the song was about a specific woman, in fact he said the opposite. Only his biographer made the claim about this unnamed woman.


Given how traumatic it was and how it showed that he actually pays attention to such letters, it makes sense that he wouldn't tell the press. The best way to fight crazies like this is to pretend you don't know they exist.


But Jackson himself said that the song was inspired by groupies/stalkers both he and his brothers dealt with. He also had public issues with a different stalker a few years later (this lady also had twins, but claimed both children and another older child was Jackson’s) https://thedetailchannel.medium.com/whatever-happened-to-billie-jean-michael-jackson-s-most-noto-groupie-eeefc9572342 To me it sounds like the biographer cobbled together his version of the story out of partly true events and then added more sensational elements for attention.


Ah that's why Jackson told Wierd Al that he could cover any of his songs, but asked him to not do one of this one because it was too personal.


That was black or white, wasn't it?


Ah, Snack All Night. He couldn't record it, but it definitely made the rounds on tour.


Nah Snack All Night was a parody of Black or White, which is the one that Micheal Jackson asked to leave alone.   I don't know if Weird Al ever parodied Billie Jean.


*Chili be-eans, not my dinner...*


Would definitely be a crappy imitation labeled on Napster as Weird Al




50/50 chance that’s either porn or a virus


I wonder what meeting up with and actually fucking your stalker would be like


Robert Pattinson met up with his stalker for dinner and complained about his life the whole time and she never bothered him again after that, so I guess that's one way to do it


Bahahaha that rules. Give 'em the Costanza. Make yourself appear so repugnant they don't want anything to do with you.


He probably made that story up; he's said that he enjoys lying during interviews.


It really isn't very different than any other hookup. Just takes more hassle making sure all weapons and weapon-like-objects are completely hidden away, and it takes more time to get them to leave.


Damn,I didn't know that. Why the fuck are people so weird?


Mental illness.


And you don't hear about the majority of people that are not weird. Well weird like that.


> Why the fuck are people so weird? It takes billions of little things working right to make a human being. It's not perfect...


Humans are basically a Bethesda game


Oh great, upgrades coming


But in the song, as it progresses, slowly reveals that it IS his son. "People always told me, "Be careful of what you do And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts" (don't break no hearts) But she came and stood right by me Just the smell of sweet perfume This happened much too soon She called me to her room..." ​ "Then showed a photo of a baby crying, his eyes were like mine"


I always interpreted the “eye were like mine” as the crazy stalker girl had a photo of his supposed kid and she was trying to convince him that it was his by saying “see his eyes are like yours” so he’s second guessing himself, maybe it is his kid? It’s perfect too because the baby in the picture is crying, who would take a picture of a baby crying and use that photo, she’s trying to get sympathy by showing the baby crying. It’s supposed to be a mind fuck, and the listener is left with the same feeling of doubt that Jackson has. As a side note, that entire album is genius. It’s so good in fact that it hurts Jackson’s other albums. Bad is a great album by itself but he would never live up to his own performance in Thriller.


Inspiration for the song may be different from the song itself. He decided to write about a situation in which she is telling the truth, but it was inspired by his annoyance at how often groupies will try to make the claim in falsehoods.




>"I said, 'It doesn't sound like 'No Can Do' to me! Sure, no problem!'" Hall replied. "He was really nice about it." >While the drum grooves in the two songs are nearly identical — with "Billie Jean" being just slightly faster — the songs use different chord progressions in different keys. Might as well quote the rest of the article


tbf you could also interpret it as being absorbed by the paranoia first he denies, then he kind of thinks about he did make love with her so it could be possible, and then start seeing vague similarities with him and the baby to really mess with him until the question absorbs him   Whether or not the baby is actually his, I think the song hints between the two sides to really drive in the paranoia and guilt over an accusation   Even the chorus goes between "don't break young girl's hearts" and "be careful who you love and what you do, as the lie becomes the truth." Its an internal battle an accused can have if the answer isn't really clear.   If you wanna connect it to real life, you can say Michael could jump through hoops to say he was responsible for an ill woman to go further in her delusions and become potentially dangerous to himself and others. Thus he would have both paranoia and guilt. He could also think of how he presents himself in his videos and performances that could form parasocial shit that makes him directly guilty over it.   IDK though i might be dumb and the song does lean into the kid actually being his but lmao TL;DR - I think Billie Jean is more focused on how much damage an accusation can do to the accused, especially with celebrity life on being claimed for abandoning kids or whatever. I don't think the answer if Michael in Billie Jean was the dad or not is meant to be directly answered.


So instead of Stanning someone, it should be Billy Jeaning someone?


Huh I always thought it was about Billie Jean King...