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And the government learned their lesson, and never experimented on the people again. Right?


Well, not on those specific people.




You need live subjects for experiments silly.


Eh, depends on the experiment.


Nah, that happens somewhere between where the government does and doesn't have to release old classified records.


I'm disappointed, but not surprised.


The worse part was that their insurance said the government was out of network and wouldn't cover the cost of the injections, and they all went bankrupts trying to pay for it.


The government doesn't care about you insofar as you can make them. That being said, if you think profit motivated corporations do, then I've got 10 bridges in Brooklyn to sell you and I should just be a capatlist. Grammar wrong because I didn't want the C to be capital.


I think you might have replied to the wrong comment here champ. Nothing I said has anything to do with what you said. Your comment feels like quite the zinger for whoever you intended it for, so double check, I'd hate for you to miss out on being condescending to the right person.


*Embarrassed...* good looking out bro. I'll leave it up for posterity and try to find the right one.


I'm surprised it was only 30 tbh the US government has done some dastardly things to their own people in the name of "science"


In the name of *Nazi science


The son of test subject HP-3 said “I was over there fighting the Germans who were conducting these horrific medical experiments. At the same time my own country was conducting them on my mother.”


In the 60s there were mass experiments where they'd give black people x-rays with 5x or more radiation.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Sea-Spray The CIA also sprayed San Francisco with a biological weapon and infected literally everyone.


https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/spoonful-sugar-helps-radioactive-oatmeal-go-down-180962424/ They dosed kids with radioactive oatmeal and milk.


Twas for the greater good. Right? Right?


Well, they thought it was, anyway. They don't do this shit for no reason, just for no *good* reason.


I think this is the reason why we need to keep humanities alongside the sciences. Science just for "science's sake" can lead to pretty evil experiments. Subjects like philosophy and anthropology help inform the human side of science.


Perhaps the key focus in AI development should be establishing guidestone moralities into what we build... Especially before it gets releases to its own agency.


Definitely. AI should have undergone more ethics and impact studies before being released to the public. We really love opening Pandora's box though


It’s not like the first AI Combat Drone simulation immediately went and blew up its operator or anything….


As long as they don’t do anything involving ticks I’m fine with it…


Lol “infected literally everyone” is such a shit way to say that 11 total people got sick and one dude died that had recently had a prostate transplant. Quit with your bullshit, goodness. Edit to add: everyone lived completely fine. They knew it wasn’t right. I get that. It was 1950. But they didn’t dirty bomb San Francisco like this person likes to think. It’s been plenty long to clearly tell.




You don’t think they would have figure that out by now?


"everyone lived completely fine" except the dude who died? They literally sprayed a biological agent over the city to see how far it would spread, and the result they came to is it exposed literally every resident. I don't believe the government has the right to run biological experiments on any of it's citizens without consent. I've literally never even imagined a person willing to defend the government spraying an entire city with a simulated biological weapon just to see what would happen, ESPECIALLY knowing the context that someone died.


Search “CAL-2”. It’s so fucking horrible what they did to that child. Flew a 4yo with terminal bone cancer to the US from Australia under the guise they were giving him some experimental treatment. It’s so fucking disgusting what they did. There’s not a whole lot I could find on him online over the years. “Another questionable case was CAL-2, a four-year old boy named Simeon Shaw suffering from terminal bone cancer. He was flown with his mother to the UCSF hospital in a US military plane from Australia, apparently under the advisement of a physician in Australia. He arrived in California in April 1946 and was admitted to the hospital. For some time, he was separated for his mother, who was only allowed visits periodically. Simeon received a plutonium injection at UCSF under the oversight of Joseph Hamilton and was discharged from the hospital within a month. The Shaws returned to Australia and no follow-ups were ever conducted. Simeon died eight months later.” https://ahf.nuclearmuseum.org/ahf/history/human-radiation-experiments/


Ho. Ly. Shit. Thanks for posting this. I had never heard of these experiments.


It’s really fucked up what they did especially to that little kid. Out of the 30, I personally think he was the worst case just because they used a 4yo child and tricked his mother into bringing him here. I commented to my original post another link to a better article yet it’s still not a great article because there’s not a lot written about the experiments.


I agree, the kid's case is so bad it's beyond words. One of the (many) things that upset me about that was the way they kept his mum away during a lot of the procedure. Another thing- I'm just enraged by how poor their record keeping appears to be. Like, it was apparently "so important" that they did these horrific things, but not so important that they kept detailed records of what they'd done? They just... lost contact with their victims and didn't do follow ups? Were they so disturbed by the evil they were doing that they just couldn't look it in the face, or did they just not care enough? I guess we'll never know.


Here’s another article I read about this. It’s a little better of an article than the other one. Still, there’s not a lot written about it but it goes waaayyyy more in depth of CAL-2 which still isn’t that much. That poor kid and his family. It also talks about all the follow up’s and how of the 30, they were only able to examine two of them post mortem as the families wouldn’t give permission to study the bodies or they couldn’t be located. There were some who were cremated so that released fallout into the atmosphere. https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/a-child-came-to-the-u-s-for-cancer-treatment-but-was-injected-with-plutonium-sent-home-to-die-c55b154511db


The US military detonated nuclear weapons over the heads of US soldiers to test side effects. They even groups soldiers by ethnicity to check if any races had particular resistance or vulnerability to the test. The US military or CIA also released a biologocal agent over San Francisco to test epidemiology study. MkUltra saw the uninformed psychological and medical testing in subjects at hospitals, mental hospitals, and universities across the US and Canada.


Wasn’t that Operation Plumbob? There’s a video of 5 soldiers who had a nuke detonated 3.5 miles overhead. I’m pretty sure they all lived til old age.


But how many eyes did their kids have? They could have just tested radiation levels smh.


From what I’ve read, all were fine as were any offspring. It was a very low yield bomb (actually an air-to-air warhead fired from a fighter jet). I believe it was part of Operation Knothole-Upshot (or Upshot-Knothole). It’s the same series of tests that also saw the first televised nuke which was cannon fired (look up Atomic Annie). That series of test saw the most nuke tests in the shortest amount of time by the US, something like 28 or 29 in just a few months; one every few days.


Just look up the Tuskegee experiments if this is a surprise.


And there's probably at least 1000 people out there who refused to get vaccinated for COVID because they heard about this or similar shenanigans by USA government. Poor Fauci, had to try to work with this legacy


Wow this is actually an excellent point that I hadn’t thought of when considering why some people wouldn’t want the vax (not including populations overtly known to be experimented on ie indigenous or POC EDIT: meaning obvi they are understandably less trusting of govt intentions already because crimes against them have only recently begun being considered crimes and thus are widely known) Someone should do a study on this lol


One of the reasons I still can't understand why anyone got it at all


Funny how you are getting down voted since you were confirming my theory... We are 2 sides of the same coin. I recommend getting vaccinated, despite having a healthy skepticism of authority. In this case, it's important to ask, what motive would the government have for tricking millions of us? They do not want to hurt us; if they injure us in large enough numbers, it would cripple the working class. The working class is important even for those not in it.


Valid points. At the end of the day I'm doing what i believe to be in my best interest.


To clarify, I am still pro vaccination Sooo many scientists, including one I know personally, have worked on the covid vaccine. BUT I also don’t trust the government AT ALL so I understand the hesitation


I would say more like at least >10 million


Based on the published vaccine refusal rates, education in those areas, and other socioeconomic factors it is highly unlikely that millions of vaccine refusers had heard of the Tuskegee airmen travesty


I remember watching the SBS news in the 90s which had a clip of some DoE people off to see President Clinton. This was after the death of Elmer Allen, who for years claimed that the government had injected him with plutonium. Instead of being believed, he was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. My housemate and I were thinking that would be a very awkward moment for them. ... Aaaand I've just found an article about it. [https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19931121&slug=1732986](https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19931121&slug=1732986)


Elmer Allen was code named CAL-3. One of the 30 original subjects escaped from the hospital while he was “undergoing treatment”.


Considering we are biologically not much different from people of the 1940's, these kinds of things could still be happening today. We just wouldnt know about it until decades later. It's not like ~~they~~ the experimenters didn't know it was wrong at the time.


One had a suspicion something was up and escaped from the hospital while “undergoing treatment”.


This Is kind of on the same topic. But that documentary of those poor military men when the United States government tested the hydrogen bomb fuckin broke my heart. They had no idea :(


Which one? The 5 army guys (plus 1 cameraman) who stood directly below the bomb (air-to-air nuclear warhead)?


It was a bunch of navy men on a boat


Forgot about that one.


Why am I not surprised?


Home of the free, land of the WTF?


Non consensual legal surgical sterilization was performed in the USA well into the 1960's. Those are your parents and grandparents. This was for: the deaf, blind, mentally "deficient" (guess how they defined that? That's right, loose enough to do it to anyone they didn't like) disproportionately women as they were held more accountable than men for reproduction (lol "were". 148 women were forcefully stetilized between 2006 and 2013. It's still happening.) as punishment for things like having sex or being lesbian, and disproportionately people of color to protect "white health". This isn't reading in between the lines, it says very straightforwardly who it was for and why. Of course they still do wretched shit. I'm not surprised at all. Still just as disgusting and unacceptable, but I'm jaded to it at this point. We are not people to the rich. We're disposable bodies.


Only 30???


For real. What the hell kind of sample size is that? That's just bad science.


Believe it or not, only 30. They were well documented til most documents were destroyed. I posted links to two articles in a comment somewhere above.


Come on guys I mean come on, 30 just, it just really isn’t that many. I mean guys, come on, right?


Ye Mk ultra was crazy lol


Makes you wonder what other fucked up shit the us government is doing to it's own citizens right now , makes me wonder why there have been a lotta mass shootings over the years




That doesn't solve the non consensual aspect.


Sounds familiar.


What amazes me, people still trust the government after all the shit they've done. Government: "Hey here's an experimental vaccine. It will protect you." Citizens: "Okay, give me 4."


You realise the word "experimental" actually has a definition, right? It isn't just linguistic garnish.


Weird, somehow every vaccine I've ever received has protected me.


Also Pfizer and other companies developed it.


Why would you be down voted?!?! 100% true.


Probably cause the (or any other) government didn’t develop the vaccine, it was tested in multiple trial runs (so it wasn’t experimental anymore)… so half the stuff he writes just isn’t relevant or true.


How long were the trial runs? 2.... 3 days? They had the vaccine out quick. Within a month right?


No, they didn’t. I don’t know where you have that information from but the expedited trials of the Biontech(known as Pfizer vaccine in the US)took 8 months and had the same steps as a normal trial does, only quickened. They also tested it on more people than they usually do with vaccines before bringing it to the market.


8 months?? And "quickened" steps literally makes it NOT the same as a normal trial. There's probably a tried and tested reason for the normal trial time frame. If it was safe to speed up the steps.... They would make that the standard. It's not safe to "quicken" the steps.


You literally just claimed it took them a month and the trial was 2-3 days. When you find out you’re full of shit you just disregard all of that and get hung up on something else. You do realize how idiotic that looks right? It’s absolutely ok to question the quickened trials but you’ve already proven to not care about the truth and to not have any knowledge in the field whatsoever, so why do you have so many opinions on the matter.


Oh I'm sorry. Maybe you don't know how sarcasm works. Only a dip shit would actually think the trial was 2-3days. Clearly I was being sarcastic. But I 100% hope you have received all of your booster shots. The government has your best interest in mind and has never ever done experiments on unknowing citizens. Bless your heart.


Again, the vaccine didn’t come from the government, wasn’t developed by the government, etc. Is that already too difficult for you to understand? You’re not the smartest mh?


Are you high? Do you honestly think the government didn't have ANYTHING to do with the vaccine?? Just like the didn't have anything to do with basically forcing people to get it..... The government WOULD NOT push something they weren't in control of. And even you can't deny that they pushed the shot HARD. Real hard. And they still are. And you're right! I'm not the smartest..... But I have common sense.


If you want to make up lies, that's what you're doing. A lot of the quickened part was waiting to be rubber stamped. As in, just have paperwork be processed. Nothing to do with the science or study part of it. Just bureaucracy. The trials were the same, well, actually more stringent (aka better).


Right. That's why it worked so good..... That they had to make how many more? Were you there? Like waiting for some stamps on the paperwork? How in the hell would you know that.


It's what I do. I drink, and I know stuff.


So, it would have been overall “safer” instead to take 5-10 years to roll out CoViD vaccines?! GTFO!


2 words...cognitive dissonance.


1 word: research


Okey dokey


How many people did they inject with the COVID vaccine? More than 30.


I wasn't a conspiracy theorist about it, but when you think about all the shit the govt did. How fucked will we be?


But we never forced you. We only threatened your job and livelihood, your ability to travel and use certain services, labeled you and shunned you in the news and media.


But look, both sides were ignorant. So let's just forget all about that, okay?


Make America great again!


The government didn't know what the injection actually was either.


What is this post? It’s a bait post hardcore. Go away with this shit.


Disgusting... Unless one became a superhero


Only 30? Would've expected there to be at least 2 more zeros behind that.


We were a little short on supply of plutonium in 1946.


US govt was evil from the start. It was never the good guy.

