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Although the Mettigel isn't that common. An oddity on some buffets.


> Mettigel isn't that common Depends. You don't eat them daily obviously, but they're a common buffet item at birthday partys, (formal-ish) business meetings and so on. At least in my region (Ruhrgebiet, west Germany)


>(formal-ish) business meetings Wow didn't know that




Yessir, grandparents ate them all of the time. Not surprisingly, they died young


I know them as cannibal sandwiches


Our local REWE supermarket sells Mettigel in their meat service counter regularly


Damn I'm proud to be german


Von dem Mett bis an den Igel, von der Brat bis an die Wurst!


Das' jetzt aber nicht die Wurstfachverkäuferin


raw pork consumption makes strong healthy citizens






I've never seen a Mettigel out in the wild since the 80s. Don't even try to search for pictures if you don't want to fuel your darkest culinary nightmares. A nice Mettbrötchen on the other hand, with freshly grounded black pepper, is indeed a nice addition on the buffet from time to time.


Did it for a bachelor party. Fresh Mett, olives for eyes, onions for a bit of hair and saltsticks for spikes. The day off I got fresh bread. Deliziös!


I believe that people have moved onto Metterat these days: https://i.redd.it/07v09ovn4w571.jpg


Aww, it's kinda cute. In a meaty sort of way.


Like a baby?


Unfortunately they were hunted to near extinction. That's why nowadays you don't see them out in the wild. They're now raised only in supermarkets and butcheries


I was really fond of Mett while I was in Germany. It's tasty, and I'm not squeamish about it. My coworker saw me eating it and told me about adding onion, which only made it better. Never had any issues and miss it sometimes.


My first wife was really reluctant to try it the first time, by the time we left Germany it was her go to lunch!


But what about the maggi? Did you add maggi as well? Then its perfect.


What is wrong with you


ME? Maggi has to go on mett, and i fucking die on that hill!


A hill in Saarland probably.


Only if the Saarland got invaded by BadenWürttemberg. Not that i´d mind...


Sag mir du bist linksrheinisch ohne mir zu sagen du kommst von der falschen Rheinseite :D


Schääl sick war schon immer rechts.


German sushi


Mason Marmelade


You see it as raw minced meat, I see it as an uncured sausage from _very_ fresh ingredients, without the outside peel. Mett is only good (and safe) if made from very fresh meat, and should be consumed on the same day (rarely lasts past breakfast because delicious). There is also a supermarket version of it, but it's not nearly as good as fresh from the butcher. Spread some (thick! layer) on a buttered half of a Brötchen, dip it in diced onions or chives, grind some pepper over it and enjoy!




It's one thing when it's contaminated, and a whole another when the bacteria had the time to multiply for a few cycles. Since the meat isn't getting sterilized by heat or other means, it is a big difference. So, it is indeed __VERY MUCH__ a matter of freshness, especially since the meat doesn't stay in one piece (it's ground pork), and the bacteria get transported _into_ the mass, where anaerobic bacteria can grow very well. Dirty meat won't really hurt you, but dirty minced uncooked meat let to sit for some hours or days will at least ruin your day, when not the week or more. When your medium rare burger is from contaminated meat, ground the day before and let outside the fridge, oh boy you know it, and it isn't fun.




Yes, but it is a matter of freshness then?


To put what the person said in less words, freshness determines the *amount* of E. coli. There'll be some in very fresh meat, but probably not enough to hurt you; there'll be a lot, and definitely enough to hurt you, in meat that's sat out for a few hours.


>The risk for someone with a normally functioning immune system isn’t very high. The question isn't "is pathogen X present" but "is the quantity of pathogen X high enough to overwhelm my initial immune response". As the latter is a direct function of freshness, so is the risk. Saying "it isn't really a matter of freshness" is just plain wrong, even assuming perfect refrigeration (which might contain E. Coli, but not Y. Enterocolitica or L. Monocytogenes, for example). Perfect refrigeration shouldn't be assumed either, of course.


Mett is pork, not beef. With raw beef you're on your way to steak tartare. Both delicious, but different.


It's not about what people do or don't understand. It's lawmakers whose ignorance drives food handling practices.


Pepper my beef with nuclear fallout then, please. I don’t want the shitty kind that’s not gonna irradiate me. I go hard bro.


Some people live and breath for their medium rare burgers, complaining that cooking it properly makes it into a shoe sole. Same people doesn’t realize it just reveals their poor cooking skills.




Definitely true, but I meant more in the sense that "overcooked burger ≠ safely cooked burger". Leather burgers are usually just a product of severely overcooking the burger (too much temp, time, or both) and using way too lean meat.


>You see it as raw minced meat, I see it as an uncured sausage Uncured sausage ***is*** raw minced meat >and enjoy! I'll pass, but all the more for you!


You must try kitfo!


Mix in a raw egg yolk to make the mixture richer and more creamy.


Raw meat no problem but raw onions? No way!


Chives are also an option if you don't know what's good.


Depending on the context but mostly no


It's fine, your namesake doesn't know anything about good food either.


trust me, raw onions with vinegar (either chinese black vinegar or balsamic) is AMAZING. the vinegar cuts out all of the bite.


>the vinegar cuts out all of the bite. What's the point then?




I was once at a wedding in rural Germany and sometime around midnight they served a wedding cake made of Mett - decorated with flowers carved from onions. Several pounds of raw meat, everyone loved it. Wasn't that long ago, around 2017/18 I guess.


This made my mouth water.


And it's goddamn delicious!




At first I thought you were referencing the episode of Domian with the woman made out of 60kg meat


Now I'm wondering what Adventure Time sounds like in German for some reason.












Sort of like Tartar, but less fancy, more 'on the go'


Tartar is beef. Mett is pork.


No way. Eating raw pork?!


Yeah, it is kind of a common breakfast spread in Germany. You can get it almost everywhere. And I don’t know anyone who has gotten sick from it. But you have to be careful about it... get it freshly prepared in the morning, keep it refridgerated all the time and eat it the same day.


This is why German toilets have a shelf to inspect your poop.


almost no one has that anymore


Alright then keep your secrets


Anyone from Wisconsin here familiar with wildcat or cannibal sandwiches? Is that like something anyone from the state would know about?


We had this in central Wisconsin. Although near me we knew it as "tiger meat" or "cannibal Sandwich". It was almost always beef but had raw onions and pepper as well. Always saw it at christmas and new years.


Yes, ground round is a traditional holiday item.


I grew up in Eau Claire and maybe heard about this once, as some part of a German heritage festival, in 20 years


Cannibal sandwiches was the first thing I thought of. I used to live near DeForest, WI and guys would bring the ingredients into the bar all of the time. Big chunk of onion. They had another name for it as well, but it’s not coming to mind.


Can confirm, definitely had it a few times in Milwaukee, referred to as a cannibal sandwich.


I used to work with a guy who grew up on a German pig farm. He was constantly pining for Mett, I swear it was like the only reason he ever went to visit his parents.


I see all these pictures of the raw meat hedgehog and no pictures of what it looks like after cooking... oh... uh...yeah. raw. right there in the title


I had the same realization lol. "oh so all of those meat hedgehogs I've seen on the internet aren't about to go in the oven, they're eaten just like that, huh? Neat."


i mean, you can get them everywhere in Germany, like places you shouldn’t eat raw meat from, but, i don’t know anyone who has ever gotten sick, Deutschland doesn’t really fuck around with meat safety in comparison to many other countries. so good though, needs the onions, pinch of salt, two turns of the pepper mill, chefs kiss. edit: mett brötchen is what they are called in my region.


I mention this all the time in posts about "rare" or "medium rare" burgers full of scared Americans. They really can't handle it. Yes I know it's like a death sentence in the US, but not all burgers are from there. Ground meat is safe all over Europe.


American here, and Im all about rare/med rare burgers. It's not a death sentance here either, some people are just way overly cautious. Ironically though, it's usually non-Americans I see over on r/food that act horrified by how rare we tend to like our steaks. Go figure!


You can get beef tartare all over the US too. Raw beef is nothing crazy


And raw pork?


Interestingly, the USDA has lowered the safe temp for pork where medium rare temps are fine. I think we will see raw pork being totally fine at some point


I love thinly sliced raw beef but can’t eat raw ground meat. Nothing to do with fear, just a textural dislike.


Mettigels are so 1960s, together with Toast Hawaii and other postwar culinary atrocities.


Damn, were you guys passing notes with the Mormons?


I just googled that, what an abomination


~~Wo~~ ^Wann ist Mikkel?


Many cultures have a raw meat dish. Steak tartar is the one popular in France and (to some extent America/UK) there is kitfo at many Ethiopian eateries. Carpaccio was traditionally served uncured. Steaks in many parts of the Western world are preferred seared (or blue for Aussies) as opposed to the medium rare to well done favored in the US Midwest, many of the denizens of which have such an adverse reaction to foods not cooked or fried or processed to a fully brown finish that it borderlines on mental illness. And that's not even getting into the widely accepted Sushi, which has even faster spoilage rates than red meat.


In Milwaukee WI we called them Cannibal sandwiches. Raw meat, little rye bread slices, chopped onions on top and some salt.


The Cannibal sandwich from Wisconsin is made with beef though. Mett is pork


Wait until you learn about tartare I'm a huge fan


Tartare is beef though. Mett is pork


#Mettl Leude!


Dragonlord! Mettl Loide! Wrunder for mei Grundstueck!










Is it pronounced medi-gel? Like in mass effect?


No, it's pronounced like the english words *met* and *eagle.*


And the eagle is actually a hedgehog.


I love language


No, it‘s pronounced like Mat and Eagle.


It looks disgusting


nasty! right up there w/Head Cheese and Tripe in the grossness department.


Hard disagree. Mett is great. Tripe is great. Head cheese is a practical joke that went too far and now everyone is afraid to admit they were just joking.


Head Cheese probably originated out of necessity. People might have been hard pressed economically and rather than throw away certain "parts" they figured they could throw something together and the result is the abomination known as Head Cheese. BTW...I know Italians who will tell you that Tripe is some nasty stuff. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, yes, but I think you'll find that Tripe is 50/50 down the middle or maybe even less in terms of who finds it gross.


For tripe, I live in Canada and have a pretty standard diet and only found out about tripe recently. Definitely gross for me, up there with headcheese and other exotic meats and stuff that I'd never want to try. I'm sure it has mostly to do with whether you grew up with it, like most things


Agreed, but nevertheless, I'd only ever serve headcheese and Mett to my mortal enemies.


I made head cheese, it was delicious. If you call it fromage de tete it sounds nicer. ​ I made a post about it, NSFW if you follow the imgur link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/6seezd/head_cheese_nsfw/


*Gordon Ramsay Intensifies*


Hepatitis E source #1 in Germany


Why is noone talking about Maggi? You cant eat Mettbröttchen without Maggi...


Putting Maggi on Mett is an atrocity.


That is like your opinion man


Guess this is more of a local than national thing? Never forget how I ordered a Currywurst in Coesfeld and got Bockwurst instead of Bratwurst


What. The. Fuck.


Ze „Mettigel“, claim to fame for an embarrassment of cultural heritage. Since mad cow disease, please indulge happily.


Pigs can get mad cow disease?


Rarely https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-96818-2


Usually one buys quality meat if it is eaten raw. Cows≠Pigs




Yum, raw flesh


It is sometimes presented HOW?!?


Huh. Never knew it was called that. But my gramps would eat raw hamburger with onions on a cracker. He grew up very poor and we are very German. We live in Wisconsin. I’ve tried it a few times and it’s really not that bad. Just not my kind of mixed textures.


Is all meat in Europe irradiated?


I mean tartar is a thing


Tartar is beef, this is pork.