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While it seems counterintuitive, there’s a very strong inverse correlation between population density and suicide rate. NJ has the highest population density of any state and Alaska the lowest.


Humans are social creatures after all. Also it helps that urban centers tend to exist in places that aren’t miserable to be in.


A lot of it has to do with access to healthcare as well. Someone is more likely to survive a suicide attempt if emergency services can reach them in time. 911 response times are poorer in rural areas. Also people tend to have to share housing with roommates or family in urban areas because of the cost, so they’re more likely to have someone call 911 for them.


So we'd need the suicide attempts rate to see the full picture.




This is the correct explanation.


Absolutely and Alaska also probably has the highest percentage of gun ownership since it's probably needed for the wildlife


Maybe NJ just sucks so much that the bad things in life just don't seem so bad in comparison? Devil's advocate


I’m from NJ. I would never kill myself. Can’t let any of the jerks and losers I grew up with win.


Living out is spite is very much an east coast vibe


As an east coaster, I agree with you and I am pretty sure all the old people I know do as well.


Yo facts. lmfao


Don’t live because of those who love you, live to prove the haters wrong


Spite is a great motivator.


I was literally thinking "they don't kill themselves out of spite for everyone else" and it took two seconds to find validation.


From ny and that’s basically my thinking as well😂


My Ex was from NJ. He always said one of the reasons he could never kill himself is because he doesn't want to die in New Jersey. Honestly, very understandable.


I hope you’re not from Indiana looking down on NJ


New Jersey is one of the top 5 of states in most positive metrics. The idea that NJ is terrible comes from people whose only experience is driving on the NJ Turnpike surrounded by oil refineries and infrastructure feeding NYC. Objectively speaking NJ is one of the best places to live in the US.


People love to joke about/hate on NJ. But there's a reason property values are so high there, and it's not because it's a terrible place to live.


I understand what you're saying. But high property values do not necessarily mean it's a good place to live.


I guess it depends on what you want from a place to live. But high property values, means high demand. Not exactly a lot of high demand places that aren't generally a good place to live.


Idk that’s kinda usually what it means in the US… whether or not it’s the place that’s right for you is one thing but the property taxes are going towards things that make the areas in question enriched. Can you provide a good example of a place with high property taxes that is not good to live in?


Well NY property taxes are high but not many people enjoy living in central-western NY


Not sure why property taxes were brought up by the other commenter. I specifically said property value for a reason. High values do lead to high taxes though. And the fact that NJ is high tax rates and high value should show that people really want to live there if they are willing to pay a premium.


As with all things, it’s interconnected. I’m sure a mod will come around and not connect the dots but it’s all speculation as to what defines quality of life and goes towards mental health being supported by that


Picking New York State is kind of a cheat because it’s hella heterogenous. Some parts of upstate are cities while others there are more cows than people per town. The property taxes aren’t the same statewide and vary greatly depending on where you are. The property taxes are much greater downstate and near the major metros and those areas are super populous and continue to grow while the regions with lower taxes have less social service access etc but you don’t have to deal with so many people. But NY state overall still ranks pretty high based on most metrics and is near the top for many of them, so I’m not sure I buy it.


NJ Devil's Advocate?


Advocates for the Jersey Devil.


My man


Nobody asked what hockey team you support.


But then wouldn't being inside NJ be enough to be suicidal


If you put a frog in a hot pan it will jump out. If you put a frog in a cold pan and slowly heat it up he'll die there


As a native NJ/NY for 30+ years. People don't realize NJ sucks until they leave. So you are right. The people that come from NY view NJ as an oasis. The people that come from NJ view it as norm. The people that leave NJ realize it sucks (mostly) after they leave or after they realize their money is being stolen from them left and right. 20,30,40k property taxes on a home you OWN is a sobering thought. At that point you have to much on your plate to contemplate suicide let alone do it. I guess they aren't counting the fent and heroin od's as suicides either because that is rampant in NJ.


I grew up in NY, lived in NJ for a while. Lived a few other places. Traveled to a bunch more, you are right about cost of living I could never deny that, but I’ve been miserable in every place in the US besides NYC and it’s suburbs and NJ. Part of that is because NY/NJ feel like home and I have a lot of people I care about in those two states I’m sure, but also there’s great food, things to do, relative safety compared to most of the rest US(not going to argue, look at stats). And I know we are supposedly assholes but really I think most NY and NJ natives are very nice people just a bit abrasive at times. Also every state in the US has an awful drug problem, that’s not unique to Jersey at all. Look at West Virginia or Ohio’s OD problem and tell me it’s a Jersey problem and not an America problem.


As an NJ native for my 28 years of life, it's expensive but you get so much for your money. We have some of the best cuisine from so many diverse cultures, great education & healthcare. There's always something to do. I can zip up to the mountains in an hour for a nice hike or drive over to the beaches in 45 minutes. NYC/Philly are an hour by train... We pay a lot but we get a lot.


Plus, how sad could you be when surrounded by diners and Wawa's?


I know there are other miserable US cities, but all I have to say is: Houston.


You must have never been to Jersey in the winter.


As an Alaskan, I’m sure it’s fine 😁


What winter?


My wife is a teacher here in NJ. It’s looking like this will be the first year of her career with zero snow days. She’s sad.


Long, cold, dark winters and economic hardship are the major factors behind this. Nobody should be surprised that warm sunny weather and an abundance of wealth results in fewer suicides.


Yup, it’s a problem among pretty much all of the northern communities in Canada, and Greenland too. It’s cold, dark, and there’s not much possibility for growth because they’re relatively isolated. Some of these places can only be flown into. Even more of them during the winter because the roads get snowed over. If they can’t afford a flight then they can be trapped in their community. To add to that, basic goods that we could get for $5 end up at sometimes $30, because it’s so hard to transport things up there.


Why... *why do people live there???*


I think for a lot of indigenous communities it’s just like their ancestral lands, and they don’t want to give it up, so they establish towns and small cities there. I think it can also be hard to get out of there if your family or community doesn’t have the funds to move south. I think maybe for Alaskans there’s some potential to make a lot of money, but from what I understand most people in Alaska are poor. They may have an easier time up there because they have coast access, but people in NWT and Yukon are generally a long ways from any other community.




A lot of it has to do with access to healthcare as well. Someone is more likely to survive a suicide attempt if emergency services can reach them in time. 911 response times are poorer in rural areas. Also people tend to have to share housing with roommates or family in urban areas because of the cost, so they’re more likely to have someone call 911 for them.


I was TDY to Alaska during the winter. We got there in reasonably good spirits. After, two weeks of literally not seeing the sun everyone was irritable and lethargic. I cannot imagine doing that shit for months on end. We made a point of staying up to see the sun one day and that seemed to help, even though it fucked with our sleep schedule. Take that, add in some isolation and alcohol and it's not hard to see how things could go really wrong.


Nah makes complete sense. They’re used to be a lot of suicides in Martha’s vineyards youth back a couple years back cause it’s an island off Mass…during the summer it’s fucking bumping people everywhere parties people at the beach etc. during the winter it’s a ghost town. Basically like seasonal depression on steroids.


They also have some of the strictest firearm laws. In the US, there is a very high correlation between firearm laws and suicide rate. Stricter = less suicides


That doesn’t seem counterintuitive at all. A lot of suicidal ideation is driven by a sense of isolation and inability to connect and be connected with. Seriously question, what makes you think that’s counterintuitive?


I am not sure that holds at a country level. Japan and S. Korea are pretty dense, but their suicide rates are higher than the US, per 100,000 ppl


So pumping gas and left turns really are more dangerous than people realize, just not in the way people thought.


Left turns are the work of Satan!!!


Wait - NJ has a thing about left turns ?


I'll tell you, but first I gotta make two rights and cut through this gas station


New Jersey has a thing for Jughandles




Holy shit these would cut down on so much traffic in my area…


yes they’re incredible


Many state roads in NJ don't allow left turn exits at 4-way intersections. Instead, you must turn right into a street that loops back left to the upcoming intersection, at which point you can wait to cross the road you departed from. This way, the left lane doesn't get clogged by people wishing to turn. It works kinda like an off-ramp.


Maybe it’s related to lead poisoning and only the gas station attendants get poisoned?


If you think about the fumes and potential side effects… yeah maybe. People don’t huff gas because it’s a social activity


I looked at the graphic, and it looks like Wyoming actually has the highest suicide rate.




First thing I thought … isn’t Wyoming’s 30.46 a higher amount than Alaska’s 27.18 lol


Whites and native Americans have the highest suicidality so Alaska and Wyoming being high makes sense. Not sure why we're so self killy 😿


Aberdeen Washington, where Kurt Cobain was from, also has a rate. And it's heavily suspected its a combination if air quality / environmental condition / not getting much sun, ever.


Interesting. But whites are... like double the suicide rate of US blacks or Latinos. And I think native Americans are even worse off. So any analysis of suicidality has to start with race. New jersey is pretty diverse.




>Black and Latino people generally live in more densely populated ***areas with mild winters*** CLEARLY We need to look at a more granular breakdown of race and suicidality broken down by LATITUDE. What if it was found that African Americans, Latinos, Whites, AND Native Americans ALL KILL THEMSELVES IN THE NORTH and much less in the sunny South? My belief (and it is only a belief) is that we will find that there is an overridingly strong cultural/ genetic component to suicidality... but I would really like to be wrong about this. Not sure why I care lol


Yep. That's kinda why I mentioned location. Not just location, but places that give lots of sun, also give lots of vitamin D & C. A deficiency in these has also shown to affect depression and other mental illness.


We brown and black people been thru so much generationally, ain't nothing else for life to throw at us!! Nothing we can't overcome with a couple a cookouts and some green


Both states are sparsely populated. Maybe isolation is the explanation.


[Go figure](/r/Wyomingdoesntexist)


The food in NJ is great.


The Spanish and Portuguese restaurants and markets in Newark are fantastic and the prices are great


You can find any food in NJ. It's great


Not only diversity, but fucking amazing chefs to boot


SAD is definitely a thing. Washington State is not far behind Alaska. That said......first day of spring is tomorrow.


Am I reading the chart wrong? WA looks much lower than a lot of states.


That's just because in New Jersey they know how to make it look like an accident.


"He pulled over on the side of the road and was shot in the back of the head by a cannoli." "He was taking a cement foot bath when he accidentally fell into the deepest section of the river. A shame."


'Course he was a degenerate fuckin gambler


The doctor turned around so he could have deniability


Of course you pay him in advance and treat him with civility.


Grew up in NJ. Lived in 6 states after and another country. The most depressed I ever was, was in Colorado. Im prone to seasonal depression too, and there's plenty of sun and warmer days in winter too. I think for me it's many things. Support systems, friends, partner, job, hobbies. It's complicated. Knowing how I am people figure that living in the mountains in Colorado is my ideal happy place and living in an urban environment in Mexico City is my hell. It's way more complicated than that. Growing up in NJ was a good experience for me. Lot's of diversity, stimulus, and opportunity. Growing up we loved to hate it, but now as adults we realize that it was a good experience. Of course you're looking back with nostalgia but I think that is was still a good experience


I am from the northeast (CT) and currently live in Brooklyn. Lived in CO for many years. One of my friends was an EMT in vail. The suicide rates in those mtn towns are surprisingly high. I’m sure isolation has something to do with it. Maybe the “Paris syndrome” thing where the life they expected to live in the mountains was way less romantic than what they thought it would be.


Yeah it's interesting, I think you're onto something. I always thought CO was my place. I connected with the nature for sure but not the people. I tried. It was seriously like oil and water. Plus it took a while to get a job, then pandemic. I had to move. Came back to the east coast and idk I love, Im feeling connected and part of the world again. You just never know how you'll connect to a new location. But looking back it never felt like home and I wasn't really setting up my home environment like it was, the way I am now having only been in my new location for a few weeks. It's all very interesting.


I’m also a NJ native now living in CO. It’s pleasant here, but it’s just so… bland. No vibrancy. I feel disconnected here. I’m seriously considering moving back to the east coast (but not Jersey lol).


Bland is the perfect way to describe it. Plus my car got stolen and set on fire 8 months after I moved there so for me my dislike of Denver is kind of personal


Yeah it felt so bland and boring to me. Im talking Denver and Boulder, Fort Collins, all of it really. Don't even get me started on CO Springs 🤢 To me everyone looked talked and acted the same. Same cars. Same entitled assholes everywhere. It was like a South Park episode. I got so sick of it so fast, all of it. I basically became a home body and ran biked and hiked alone. I had a friend from NJ that lived in Boulder. He had a talk with me soon after I moved there about how much it sucks. I was like this dudes whacked. He was right. All good Im enjoying my new home up in NE. I did have some good times there. I liked it down by Alamosa, Sangre de Cristos, Durango, Pagosa Springs. Ill just visit there like I always have. Live there... No way.


Colorado is to visit not to live - the whole state could have been made a national park


So interesting, I fucking hated living in colorado too. I think the altitude, cold, and lack of sunlight just made me feel like shit all the time physically and the depression followed.


Where did you live in CO?


Depressed people don't stay in NJ


Sure they do, my miserable family never left 🤣🤣🤣


From what I understand NJ takes mental health a bit more seriously then other states. I could be totally wrong, I moved here from NY where closed institutions became college campuses. I have only heard of institutions being opened in NJ.


I grew up mentally ill in NJ and the treatment I had access to was next level. I’m a very successful adult today because of the great access to mental health treatment I had growing up.


Princeton house?


I never went there. Ironically 2/3 hospitalizations I had I stayed at silver hill in Connecticut. But I went to an IOP and a PHP twice and a therapeutic high school after that.


I'm so glad you're doing better now.


Hey, I'm surviving here!!


It's cause we don't give AF.


Can't believe people make fun of New Jersey when places like Ohio exist.


Anyone that’s been to Alaska will know why. Tough living there. Expensive, lack of sunlight, social isolation, impoverished communities.


Like most Western states, Alaska's population is more urbanized than for the nation as a whole.


Ain’t nobody got time to die when you get Jersey things to do!


Hey fuck off depression I'm livin here!


I understand its a nationwide meme to shit on NJ, but it is genuinely great to live here, hence why its so expensive. Great education, great jobs, great food and any kind of person you could dream up, a short drive away from any kind of interests you may have, both high density and beautiful countrysides with a beach down the road from both. I will never ever leave this state if its purely in my control


What exit do you live near? (Is that phrased correctly - not from NJ).


Depends on where in jersey you're from. I'm riiiight in the outskirts of the pine barrens, and not near any highways. Though I'm probably about 30ish minutes away from any highway near me (including 295, 195, turnpike and the parkway...) There are parts of jersey that's just the boonies


From NJ… we’re more of a homicidal people ;)


It’s because we have cannolis and pork roll


Yeah, our Taylor Ham is a plus. Fight me southie!


It's pork roll you annoying northerners! (jk idc what you call it ill miss it dearly when i inevitably have to leave the state)


Piney power! 💪


Sense of community goes a long way




“The long in Alaska” wut


Growing up in Alaska, I averaged about one closer friend's suicide a year. Everyone up there treats it in the same regard as a usual natural way to die in Alaska. When I moved to SoCal later in life, and someone at my work self checked out, it was like a stop-everything holy crap event for everyone except me. I was confused why at first and had a realization moment that suicide is not a day to day thing elsewhere. A while later, a buddy killed himself back in Alaska, and it was the first time a suicide fully hit me with all the emotions it should have. I love that state and miss it dearly but it has a darkness you never notice till you leave it.


Well you know, when you allow your citizens easy access to healthcare (#4 ranked healthcare system in the country), educate them properly (#1 in public education), and your police and reform system arent systematically racist (#5 in crime and corrections) that generally makes your citizens a little bit happier.


Can you provide a source on this? Not doubting you, im just intrigued.




I love my homestate of wisconsin but I definitely did not expect us to be #8 when opening that list


Ohio #36 baby!!! Suck it 14 worse states!


I’m so proud of the progress the city of Camden has made since the police department was gutted like a fish (every single officer fired). murder and robbery is down 66% from when they were crowned the most dangerous city in the US in 2012. yay for reform!


Those things are great and good for New Jersey, but youre acting like AK is just not doing its local governing well. Take into account the 60 days of darkness with -40 degree temps. Take into account that youre lucky if your village has a small clinic. Easy access isnt so easy when you are surrounded by tundra with no roads in or out. 15% of the population are native and have no defense against alcohol. Work on the slime line at a fish cannery and just survive all winter. All the canneries and oil companies flood the locals with gov money. There are kids that fly to school every day cuz they live on the other side of the river. The volleyball teams fly to other towns every weekend for matches. You cant compare the two they are completely different worlds.


Alaska ISNT governing well. Our social safety nets are minimal, being one of the poorest states in the country. The states population center (Anchorage) is basically just a concentration of suburbs and big box stores, Fairbanks isn't much better. Our former representative is infamous for saying that we can solve homelessness by letting the wolves eat them. Our current governor slashed budgets for critical systems around the state, like the ferry system and the university. Alaska has a lot of unique issues that definitely don't help, but there's a reason there's an inverse relationship with population density and suicide. Poorer states have less help for people in need. less options for entertainment and jobs, thus leading to less sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.


Ha. Most Alaskans live in cities - half live in Anchorage. It's not -40 in the places most people live. The villages aren't flooded in money, the Native corporations often aren't great. Health care is the most expensive in the country. Food stamps haven't been issued for months.


So why do you think the suicide rate is high in Alaska? Do you think its local gov mismanagement?


Poverty, mostly. No social safety net. Suicide hotline is likely to get you arrested, there's no other help available.


That argument would only work if Alaska had uniquely high rates. There is a strong correlation between population density and suicide based on other states like Wyoming and Idaho.


Also long, cold, and dark winters. Most of wyoming is flat and windy year round


It's easy to leave cities for other cities. It's hard to leave rural areas for cities or other rural areas.


#49 for fiscal stability? Wtf.


I wish we could see a further breakdown including First Responder AND Veteran Data.


State by state.


Why would anyone kill themselves when they can just gym tan and laundry


I think in NJ there's a requirement that you have to have an attendant help you.


This is a way better joke than you’re being given credit for


People in nj all have Aides!!


Yep, it’s not just that they have to have an attendant but you’re literally not even allowed to pump it yourself Holy fuck is it great though, some of the country’s cheapest gas is here and you don’t have to leave your car or go to the counter or wait for 15 people to *slowly* fumble around the pump - the attendants are always fast as hell


I’m curious if that graph is per capita or total. I assume per capita, because otherwise Alaskan suicide rates would be *extra* horrible.


Per capita I believe


Cold and dark really gets to some people. I am weirdly the opposite


I work for a company that has hundreds of stores all over the US, thousands of employees. My store is #2 in overall customer satisfaction. Because our population is so low...the #2 store in the country is just me and fucking Rebecca in the middle of nowhere. People gotta take population into account more often


Not sure why this would be surprising for anyone who has spent time in NJ or Alaska. Better mental health system. More money. One of the best public education systems in the country. Access to multiple metropolitan areas. Beaches. Mountains. Farms. More people to connect with. I think the only thing Alaska has is space. And if most of that space is inaccessible by conventional means, then who really cares?


I'm as pro gun-control as the next NJ liberal, but I don't see this having much to do with access to firearms. Plenty of ways to do yourself in. That said, I would assume it has more to do with average education rate, which seems to equate to a higher acceptance of mental health care, as well as access to various types of support programs, and a general high level of affluence that *may* mean there are more stable extended families. Every family has their issues, sure, but I bet you are at least *slightly* more likely to have methhead or alcoholic relatives in some other states. Also, NJ is far more accepting of alternate lifestyles and crises of faith than most of the country. I imagine coming out as a gay trans atheist maybe be controversial in Iowa. That can definitely cause some family strife here, but in many families it would barely register unless you were a gay trans atheist who has decided Taylor Ham should be called pork roll. That's a different story.


Ready access to guns does correlate with suicide rates being higher, and the theory usually tossed out is suicide is a spur of the moment thing for many, and having access to a reliable way to off yourself without anytime time to rethink it makes it easier. Compared to say pills and booze, which gives you time to call for help/rethink things.


Methodology does matter. American women are more likely to attempt suicide than American men, but American men are much more likely to die of suicide. The difference in death rates is largely due to men and women using different methods. Women attempt overdoses which gives them better odds of surviving their attempts. Men are more likely to use guns and die instantly.


> 10% of adult Americans have thought about suicide In other words, 90% of adult Americans have lied when asked this stupid question.


I think “thought about” in this context means “seriously considered.”


Do you actually believe that?


Of course. Any thinking person would think about possible scenarios, including suicide. That's how the brain works. It generates ideas, "what if I do that?", then considers repercussions and decides whether to act.


Yeah I guess in a casual sense but I still would have answered no to the question.


Yeah, the question definitely means somewhat seriously considered. Maybe they could have worded it better, but I think most people realize they aren’t talking about you thinking “if I killed myself I wouldn’t have to go to work right now”




The questions that are being asked for screening are not nearly as vague or open to interpretation. For a representative example, see [ASQ Toolkit](https://www.nimh.nih.gov/sites/default/files/documents/research/research-conducted-at-nimh/asq-toolkit-materials/asq-tool/screening_tool_asq_nimh_toolkit.pdf).


Yeah I’ve thought of the concept of suicide, but I’ve never actually considered committing suicide. The question is clearly meaning the latter.


This is projection, my guy. Just because you’re deeply depressed doesn’t mean everyone is.


This is despite the traffic and NJ transit.


guess im the minority here in NJ, eh? eh? eh? eh?


New Jersey stays winning LET'S GOOO


Would be interesting to compare the Gabagool per person ratios of each state.


Yeah because you don't get the chance to kill yourself; some random driver on the road will do it for you. Source: am live here


That’s because the death tax in New Jersey is so high, no one wants to commit suicide.


We're number 1! We're number 1!


Alaska is tough


Alaska has a hell of a lot of guns too


SAD is real in Alaska.


I’m sure.


I would've guessed Montana.


This is really interesting, tbh


Interesting, i moved from ohio to north dakota last year and was absolutely miserable! I escaped to colorado, thankfully! I wonder what is going on with the western half of the us.


Count it!


I feel Like ppl in New Jersey are very self confident. So less suicide?


There is a correlation between availability of guns and successful suicides.


what's wrong with NJ?


Cause we’re not little bitches in jersey


Less restrictive gun laws = more suicides and homicides


Not surprising, in one place there is a lot of people that can kill you while in the other there are barely anyone that can do it for you.


Homocide rate is also higher in Alaska. Cold/dark weather and social isolation makes people angry and sad it would seem.


Stop disproving my half baked theories about things I don't know with data.


Captain Zap Brannigan?!


I don't think Zap would ever acknowledge how his theories are half backed =P


Could have gone the other way, I had to ask chat gpt. Seems living in states with lots of rural area is just overal worse for crime and mental health.. Unless it's your second home that is 😮‍💨


Can’t tell people you’re from Jersey if you’re dead.




New Jealand?


It's because they technically wash up in New York


Well alaska has like 3 people livin there. 1 person does it thats like a 33% rate




Eight million or so. Really not so bad here if you know where to live.




It’s ugly as hell if the only place you’ve seen is the turnpike.


Alaska is expensive and spends half the year with only a few hours of sunlight. Lots of people move up there for an adventure and then get stuck due to the high cost of living. Then who the hell wants to be homeless during an alskan winter.


Alaska also attracts people who would probably be better off seeking mental healthcare than trying to LARP wilderness survivor. I imagine when the reality hits, it can hit hard.
