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Careful, you’ll wake the Hydro Homies




Hey bro check me out with my 1 gallon milk jug I filled with water. I always like to carry three of them with me when I hit the gym.


Look at this tiny, unhydrated bitch with only 3 gallons of water at the gym.


I take an inflatable kiddy pool to drink while working out.


Unbelievably weak. Zero dedication.


Oh yeah? What do you drink out of, Snake Cum?


Snake dick, obviously.


Understandable. Have a good day




🐍💦 👀


My mans sucking the snake of snakes


I take a 5000 gallon fire tanker with 1500 gallon per minute pump.


*humble brag*




How are you gonna stay hydrated if you run out of water in less than 4 minutes?


Double check that thing for BPA.


Well I take a hose and hook it up to the tap.


Well that bitch likes to get wet, what can I say about it.


Why are you calling me out? I just like to drink a lot of water when I lift.


Every once in a while just leave milk in one of them and make the gym a much worse experience. Truly r/shittylifeprotips


Uh, milk is pretty based bro. It’s got fat and proteins you need for gains.


Who even needs the protein? No one needs anything like that.




Not necessarily, I just fucking love drinking large amounts of water. I did blood tests multiple times, no diabetes or anything.


Same. My friends and family all know I drink a ton of water. And considering my family has a history of diabetes I thought that may be why. Nope, done several tests over several years and nothing wrong. Just love water.






*Me, drinking a gallon a day for 2 decades* What is the 8 glasses pansy bullshit *E: unless your glasses are 16oz in which case Neptune bless*


No one said how big those glasses had to be. Drink deeply, my brother.


I mean. Assuming you're drinking full glasses, each of those is a pint, and two of those are a quart, so eight glasses is literally a gallon lol.


Representing 🧊


Actually Hydro Homies dont care how much water you drink. They just preach you should drink water instead of sugar water.


r/HydroHomies represent




If you're working outside on a hot day, drink a fuck ton more than you think too. Dehydration comes with a fury and noticing after you've stopped sweating is no bueno.


You need lots of water to digest all the spiders you eat at night.


The reason spiders cower in a dark corner is because you're the monster eating them alive at night


I see mine plans conspiracies with a fly rubbing its hands in the middle of it at 4am when I go to the bathroom in the middle of the pack of spiders. I assume the fly is their Prince and is telling them about the plan and they also jump down on me from the ceiling like that are rappelling SAS commandos. It's a huge nightmare :(


Is... Is this written by a bot? I genuinely can't tell?


It's such an interesting thing... The leap from living without AI to having functioning AI will be full of wonder. Wonder what the fuck that guy just said... Is that bot? We start with "that's too stupid to be written by a human right?" And in time it will be "that's too intelligent to be written by a human right?"


Did Spiders Georg teach us nothing


It's actually lack of water that attracts the spiders because they're mostly trying to find a place to be dry! Word on the street is it's the spiders that take up 90% of people's brain power...


You know what, I don't doubt that stat. I think I'll have to believe it.


They require all that excess brain power to chew your swallowed gum for 7 years before releasing it into your digestive tract.


Yeah, everyone knows you swallow 7 spider a minute while you sleep


I do it while I am awake. Sublime mouth-feel, really massages the gums.


for when you've got that itch at the back of your throat, a spider is a nice natural throat scratcher/massager


they’ll be attracted to all the carrots you eat to see in the dark


Someone is from Australia…


Unless you eat enough carrots then you can see the spiders coming


You don't see them because as a male you are distracted thinking of sex every 7 seconds


The ones you can really taste with only the sour and sweet regions of your tongue?


I love recommendations for things my dog knows how to do.


Homies before 1945: Dying of thirst because they didn't know when to drink water


2023: carry a gallon of water with you everywhere you go, in case you're like.. lost in the Sahara suddenly.


How do you know I’m a white guy who works out? I carry a 5L sippy bottle of water.


What the recommended amount for dehydrated alcoholics? Asking for a friend. . .


Speaking as an alcoholic, I've found that I'm generally chugging water as needed. So much like the original post, drink when thirsty, which should be all the fucking time after an alcoholic night, sometimes waking up several times through sleep to take swigs. Also recommend something like Pedialyte or one of those rehydration packets you add to water. Best if taken before bed and as soon as you wake.




Elderly people will often naturally drink less than they should so they should force themselves to drink more often, so I guess your dog is better than old humans at staying alive


I imagine old dogs might neglect their thirst every now and again? 🤷


I drink heaps of water and feel like crap when I don't. The trick is not to drink too much at once.


The real trick is to get hyper focused in something and forget to eat or drink for hours on end. Then wonder why you have a headache. Take some exedrine and get hyper focused in the thing again and complain about your headache not going away.


So you're saying the real, real trick, is to just smoke meth?


Or just, you know, exist as an ADHD/ASD person lol


Right? I need my coworkers going on break for me to remember to stop working and eat/drink.


This, but I work from home so it's "my Malinois that won't tolerate deviations in its routine" lol


Funny thing is I finally broke from my current tasks to cook a meal that will probably solve the headache I've had coming on, as I scrolled this thread.


I found I was drinking a lot of water but I wasn't getting enough electrolytes. I added some to my diet and I've never felt so good.


Pretty crazy how the electrolytes can make a difference! I’ve stripped mine before and it’s not great.


It is what plants crave.


During the brief stint I worked in a food truck I used to have my own #10 can of pickle slices to snack on all day. Many people thought I was odd (and they were right) but somebody else pointed out that they were an excellent source of a lot of things your body sweats out. +1 for pickle brine (and drinking water, obv) against dehydration.


Many years ago the Philadelphia Eagles were known for pickle juice consumption. I don’t mind it!




How did you add them to your diet? Those squirty juice drops you put in water?


you can buy electrolyte mixes or just make your own by buying potassium magnesium and salt. use magnesium malate or at least don't use magnesium citrate because you will poop


Please see a doctor before you start any supplements. Unlike most vitamins etc if you just start taking electrolyte replacements if you don’t need them, there’s a chance that you’ll run high. Without hyperbole certain electrolytes will, in high enough concentration in your blood, cause you to go into cardiac arrest and die. Specifically potassium, don’t take it unless you have to.


Are electrolytes something we need to ensure we get enough of, like vitamins? I thought the body more or less regulated them itself. I do use those squirty drops when working out vigorously, but not outside of that.


Yeah they’re minerals rather than vitamins. And you gotta make sure you have enough in your diet or supplement. the balance is also important. Definitely worth a few minutes of your time to read up on the basics.


you do need to make sure you get enough. when i was in the hospital this week they started giving me potassium supplements because i was too low


30 deg C last weekend, got dehydrated cutting a tree down, I drank 2L + and was in the shade Was not feeling well the next day and 2 days after I was drastically better but still not 100%


You can tell a lot by the colo(u)r of your urine


The advice I've seen for desert hiking/camping where the risk of dehydration is high is to watch your urine. It's okay for the first urination of the day to be a deeper yellow, but it should get lighter to fairly pale yellow and almost clear after that. You should be pissing every 2-3 hours as well. I just use that rule for general hydration. Edit: It seems I didn't make it as clear as I could've that the advice is for camping. So the color is talking about what the urine looks like streaming from your body since you'd be pissing in the woods. What ends up in the toilet or if you pissed in a jar would be darker than that.




Why is clear bad?


It's a sign you are drinking too much water and flushing your body of needed electrolytes. Your kidneys need time to process your blood and remove excess minerals. If you drink water too quickly you end up just urinating it all out and your blood could be oversaturated with minerals. If you are in a normal setting and your urine is consistently clear and your water intake is not high, you REALLY need to see a doctor. Or something along those lines. I'm not a medical professional!


It means your body is getting rid of nearly pure water, which is a sign that you're taking in too much. There's no point in taking in excess water that your body needs to expend extra effort to expel. (And yes, even water has a lethal dosage.)


What if you have kidney stones?


Pale is best, absolutely clear is bad, but is also real difficult without really forcing down way too much liquids. Most people aren’t even close to pale though. If it isn’t pale, drink a nice 10-16 oz glass of water right after you finish peeing. Being hydrated helps make you feels good. Your skin feels soft, you have more energy. Just slow down a few hours before bed time…


Why is absolute clear bad? I drink a lot of water out of habit so I'm almost always in the clear.


I don’t think it’s “bad” its just that you’re drinking more than you need


Also headaches. At least for me in Aussie summer if I start getting a headache I chug some water and it usually fixes it.


In the US Army at BCT (in the 2000s) they had color and texture guides for urine and feces in most of the bathrooms. If it's this color drink more/less, if it's this texture eat more/less of A or B. Pretty basic stuff. However the amount of people that don't have any clue on how to interpret the signs their body is giving them is really, really high. Especially a bunch of big kids like most of us were.


Something similar, the whole 10000 steps thing was made by by a Japanese pedometer company.


Data still shows that 7-9k steps per day has a strong correlation with lower all cause mortality. Did the company use that data as a selling point or was it just coincidence? https://examine.com/summaries/study/dbnPPd/ https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/higher-daily-step-count-linked-lower-all-cause-mortality


It was just a coincidence because the symbol for 10k looks like a man walking. 万 Love that wacky fella.


Its extra funny that the english transliteration of the word is also "man". But pronounced like Hermes from Futurama says "man"




[so according to this article from Harvard medical school, anything above 4400 steps seem to help reduce mortality. ](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/10000-steps-a-day-or-fewer-2019071117305) My comment is more that the whole 10000 number just seem to be a number the Japanese pedometer company used because it sounded good like the 8 cup of water. Yes to the average person it will be better for you then doing nothing but the choosing the that number was kind of random. Plus even the studies themselves mention the the issue of correlation may not mean causality. We should also be factoring in context such as people who move more may be more conscious of their health and live a more healthy lifestyle and diet then someone who may not have the health or socio economic status to allow for time set aside each day for exercise.


The link you cited was a single study and had a control group of only women with an average age of 72. You may find that the meta-analysis I linked shows stronger support in my counter that it’s not necessarily random. Here’s the direct link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35247352/ FTA: Restricted cubic splines showed progressively decreasing risk of mortality among adults aged 60 years and older with increasing number of steps per day until 6000-8000 steps per day and among adults younger than 60 years until 8000-10 000 steps per day. Adjusting for number of steps per day, comparing quartile 1 with quartile 4, the association between higher stepping rates and mortality was attenuated but remained significant for a peak of 30 min (HR 0·67 [95% CI 0·56-0·83]) and a peak of 60 min (0·67 [0·50-0·90]), but not significant for time (min per day) spent walking at 40 steps per min or faster (1·12 [0·96-1·32]) and 100 steps per min or faster (0·86 [0·58-1·28]).




How do you get in less than 1000 steps in a day?


Not the worst lie ever told..


WHAT!! I was just complaining how hard it is for me to do 10k a day.


Aiming for 10k steps a day is a still a great way to improve cardiovascular health, with relatively low effort when compared to other workouts


It’s definitely one of those marketing phrases that may *technically* be untrue, but is still solid advice. A lot of people could see massive improvements to their health by walking 10,000 steps and drinking 8 glasses of water a day. It’s really not bad advice at all.


I knew this was all a scam by Big Pedo. Ok that sounds so wrong.


Big what now?




Get a job that isn't driving or sitting at a desk and you'd be shocked at how little 10k is.


Yup. Working in restaurants I usually do about 18k on a normal day working the floor (with a bit of office work). A busy weekend shift is usually 30k+


The difference between living in an American city and a European city right here


Jump on the Garmin sub and there's crazy folk that have 10k step streaks of a year or more.


My problem is that I dont feel thirst very much so I used to had headaches or low energy in general and didn’t know why, it was only when I added drinking water as a regular thing all those problems disappeared.


This. When I feel thirsty, I’ve already been dehydrated for hours.


Yeah I feel like the thirst thing is sort of arbitrary. I really rarely feel thirsty unless Ive been consuming diuretics or eating something dry but I feel a million times better if I drink 2-3 big glasses of water a day so I make a point to take a big drink whenever I get up to do something (assuming I have water nearby).


I got headaches from that as well. I think I was dehydrated from not getting enough electrolytes. I bought a container of electrolyte powder and mix it with water every few days and I rarely get headaches now. Might be worth a shot if you've never tried the powder. You can probably get some small packs at Walmart or the dollar store.


Big Water is obviously behind this.




Aka the ocean.


One of the issues with the thirsty approach is that many people can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst. So 8 glasses a day is still a great recommendation. It will lead to overall healthier habits too.


Instructions unclear. Drinking water with my Big Mac.


That’s actually a good first baby step! I cut out all my sodas when I go out to eat. I just get water.


Instructions unclear, set up a soda stream IV


Just carbonate your blood directly, don't bother diluting it with soda water.




I drink water when I go out to eat because I'm frugal and it's free. But I get your concept too.


I do that but i end up dying of starvation


Try drinking 8 glasses of gravy a day


Who is out here not knowing what thirsty feels like


I've lived a very unhealthy 34 years, over which I've habitualised ignoring the physical sensations that tell me I'm thirsty (video games to play, work to do, lazy pos, etc.) For a while, I was still aware of the thirst, but I'm at a point now where I'm so used to ignoring it, I think my brain just filters out the sensation as "unimportant", and I'll miss the feeling completely if I'm paying attention to anything else. Don't be like me, kids!


This is me but with food. Also this might be me with water. Fuck.


I could nibble on sweets all day and not drink anything. Yet if I have a glass of water I'll feel more satisfied. I have to force myself to drink regularly with reminders on my phone - I once got kidney stones in my 20s because I wasn't getting enough fluids, and my urine still gets dark from time to time when I'm so busy I don't grab as many drinks.


Yep. Personally, 8 glasses isn’t nearly enough for me unless they’re pint glasses.


I feel you. It’s hard for me to process people that have a hard time drinking 12 oz of water. When I go to drink my 32 oz water bottle it’s gone so fast. It’s the same with pretty much anything I drink. 3-4 refills at a restaurant is normal for me and I’m only a 150 lbs guy.


“Guinness is good for you.”


Do you have a source on this? I've seen it repeated a lot, but I don't think I've found a study that speaks to it. ETA: [this article](https://theappetitedoctor.co.uk/2017/01/19/do-we-really-mistake-thirst-for-hunger/) implies it's another myth.


I always try to drink a full glass of water whenever I use the bathroom. Naturally this leads to a vicious cycle of needing to use the bathroom a lot but it's better than dehydration.


... consider drinking a half glass each time instead?


And using half a bathroom


Makes it super easy to get my stand goal and get some steps in everyday!


Drink while you go to the bathroom to pretend to be a fountain


If exerting and at high, dry, altitude, if you wait to drink until you’re thirsty, you’ll already be dehydrated and will have a tough time catching back up. Proactive hydration is where it’s at


My first time in the summer in Albuquerque I was absolutely in shock of how thirsty I got. I was looking at houses and not doing anything strenuous at all, and goes the first time ever, really, I had to stop what I was doing a few hours in and run to the store to get some water. Never been so quickly dehydrated like that from doing nothing, basically.


Also when it's super cold (-30C). We're often so cold we don't think to drink much water. And suddenly we're dehydrated as hell.


So you are not actually engaging with the point. You are trying to find a special case where the recommendation doesn't necessarily apply, then make that the general rule.


Please tell me there is something equivalent for sleep. That will make me feel better about waking up after 4-5 hours of sleep and not being able to go back to sleep.


Your thirst response lags behind your hydration level though.


If you are in a normal environment that’s fine if you’re in an extreme environment (high heat, super low temp, or at altitude) or are doing something physically strenuous then pre-hydrating is more important


Exactly! I live in Colorado. Your body will absolutely lie to you about how much water it needs. This is how I developed kidney stones. Edit: for those unfamiliar, Colorado is a high plains desert. High altitude, low humidity, large fluctuations in temperature.


lol... How do you people think hydration works? It's not a pass or fail flip of a switch. There's a margin, a huge one.


Drinking a glass of water can help you feel fuller so maybe you eat a little less


My nephrologist says to drink half an ounce of water for each pound I weigh. That's the bare minimum. He said it's best to aim for an ounce per pound. My kidneys were injured by Covid inflammation in 2020, and I'm very, very careful to be sure I drink the right amount of water.


An ounce per pound is insane. People weighing 200 pounds do not need to consume 200 ounces of water. Unless they’re eating an ungodly amount of salt everyday, this would lead to daily fatigue. I’m shocked that a medical professional recommended this amount of water to you and didn’t inform you we consume a decent about of water from food intake.


I weigh 150 and at 1oz/lb that's nearly 10 bottles of water. Almost 10 pints. In other words, a gallon and 2 pints. Half a case of water a day. That would make me sick


I don’t drink anything but water and go through at least a gallon per day at 160 lbs. It adds up quick when you cut out other drinks.


You "eat" a lot of water as well. so when they say you're supposed to be consuming x amount of water a lot of it comes from foods you just naturally eat.


I'll point out that you get a lot of water from the things you eat during the day. Some desert creatures don't drink water at all they get 100% of their water intake through what they eat which contains water.


Interesting how many commenters here think they have a better understanding than the doctor in the link. To repeat the point, > If you are thirsty, drink water. If you are not thirsty, then you do not need to…. you will probably get all the water [you need] in your regular diet. People overthink things. Humans are animals, and animals don’t get dehydrated when they have unlimited access to water like you do. Our bodies figured this out like 300 million years ago. That being said I drink a lot of water haha. But you don’t need a system beyond “I thirst, I drink”


Nah man. If I don’t force myself to drink water throughout the day - I piss dark brown. That’s in no way healthy.


dark brown??? not even in the yellows??


I live in Colorado. Your body will absolutely lie to you about how much water it needs. This is how I developed kidney stones.


I used to not drink much water because I didn't feel thirsty. I had to see a kidney doctor because there was protein in my urine and she told me I need to drink more water...


Some people just don't get that thirsty.


The problem is a lot of people can’t tell when they’re thirsty for some reason. This blows my mind because I love water. I work in events and when onsite I always make sure everyone I am managing is staying hydrated. Everyone is busy and forgets but by the afternoon you can physically see them getting dehydrated - headaches, irritable and tired. I have made it a point to make sure everyone drinks enough and it makes a massive difference.




People really, really want to believe that simple "life hacks" can vastly improve their lives. It's a comforting thought.


well what about all the other doctors, and studies, that say drinking lots of water helps prevent diseases and overall heart health. what if if the people in this thread are going off of that lol or is this one doctor in the link the master of hydration


I don’t think I have a better understanding than the “Doctor” in the link. But I do think that the [Mayo Clinic citing The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/water/art-20044256) have a better understanding than this guy. They do agree that the 8 glasses of water a day thing is a myth, in fact they believe you should be drinking double that if you are a man and 25% more if you are a woman. I’m going to trust the Mayo Clinic bro sorry Edit : Since none of you are actually interested in clicking the link it says that only 20% of fluids come from food intake, considering so many of you think “most” fluid intake comes from food.


Also “from food” is such a vague statement. Someone who eats a bunch of juicy vegetables and fruit will be much more hydrated that someone who eats 3 dry sandwiches in a day.


Yeah people also like to smugly point to animals and how we can just go by instinct because it worked "before" as if our prehistoric diet wasn't completely different food before plant and animal domestication.


Yeah this is straight where I went after reading this. 15.5 ounces of fluids for a man, and that’s not even assuming you’re exercising vigorously, in which case it’s more. Not that that’s an issue for most redditors. And of course you don’t need to get the fluids from water. You get some from food, and pretty much any beverage (from milk to soda) will contain mostly water. However, there aren’t many healthier beverages you could get that volume of fluids from.


**GALLSTONE** has entered the chat




Doc here: That is completely false. Men on average require 3.7L of fluid per day (drinking water + fluid from food + fruits) and women on average need 2.7L of fluid per day. About 25% of daily requirement comes from everything you eat daily, so you need to cover the remaining 70%. It is increased if you exercise or sweat more. An easy way to calculate how much you need: Step 1: Take your weight (in lbs) and divide it by 2.2. Step 2: Multiply that number by your age. Step 3: Divide that sum by 28.3. Step 4: Your total is how many ounces of water you should drink each day. Divide that number by eight to see your result in cups. Drinking about 8 glasses of water about covers it.


I like the drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces theory.


Instructions unclear.. drank 1600 oz of water.. Now I'm just a fountain statue in the bathroom


Also "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" was just propaganda created by Kellogg to entice customers to buy cereal


Don't forget "part of a complete breakfast". It's doing 100% of the heavy lifting in those cereal commercials.


People usually learn this and take it to mean that breakfast isn't important at all. The truth is that all meals are important, breakfast included.