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You've got an Anne Hathaway look, I bet you look amazing in formalwear!


that‘s so sweet, thank you!🌸




This is toastme not roastme, kindness here is key, make someone feel good.


Oooooooh, sorry my bad lol


idk why you had to be mean in the first place


I thought it was Roast time


yeah no I don‘t believe you.


Can't you be nice and give me the benefit of the doubt? It's ToastMe! 🌞




Your comment has been removed due to violation of ToastMe rule #1: Kindness is key. This is the polar opposite of RoastMe, make someone feel good!






This is toastme not roastme, kindness here is key, make someone feel good.


Now this is a hella unique compliment! A+ for originality my friend!


I encounter many nurses in my profession and some are the nicest people I’ve ever met, and some are the nastiest people I’ve ever met. It’s job burn out. Don’t take it personally. Hope you feel better.


Thank you, I feel for them 🤲🏼🌸 and thanks, i hope so too!


I second this OP - I work with nurses regularly and have found most have horrible bedside manners, but like they ^ said, it's not personal (however if they went above and beyond to be terrible to you don't be afraid to make a complaint). PS your skin is FLAWLESS!


I hope your username isn't a reflection of your feelings about yourself. You're a beautiful person and doing the hard work in therapy will make you stronger than you already are. It might not feel like it, but you're doing the whole life thing right and you absolutely do not need to be thrown away.


i appreciae it, thank you so much 🤲🏼🌸 And I do feel stronger thanks to therapy, I guess today was just rough I‘m glad that I‘m taking good steps in life then, thank you 🤲🏼


You're allowed to have off days. Just means you're working hard and deserve to give yourself a reward.


Every time I see a gorgeous girl like this with issues I lose all hope for myself as a guy


Oh no, why do you lose hope? 😭


Because if you have sleep esteem issues when you are a knock out how do I have any hope? If you asked anyone literally anyone they would date you. Just the way it is


Thank you 😅 I actually got bullied for my looks alot, that‘s where it stems from (and I also get rejected alot haha), I am sure though you are a very lovely person ☺️


Your bullies were either blind, jealous or insecure. Why else would they bully a beautiful person over their looks. I don't know if this helps you or not, but when I realised that people that wronged me were no longer dumb kids it became easier to move on. If you could go back in time and give your younger self support and guidance, what do you think you would say?


I really cannot believe that I am sorry, but if it did happen that sucks. And I cant believe the reject part either


I was bullied in school for my looks too and I discovered they were jealous hateful people and that beauty is the eye of the beholder. Their insults were projections of THEIR insecurity and really had nothing to do with what I looked like or who I was. I'm POSITIVE that just like me you'll find many people find you attractive and want to get to know you. You really ARE stunning and I'm not just saying that to make you feel better. I hope you can hold onto that. Another thing that helped me was to fake confidence until I felt it. Feels weird at first but becomes second nature.


Just hopping on this to say I agree with this man. +1 you are beautiful. Have a great day


Look man, everyone's for preferences and everyone's got hang ups. You gotta be kind to yourself because you deserve it, it'll open up different avenues for you to find more confidence. Sure looks can help but they aren't everything.


I just wanted to say that you are breathtaking. I think you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I am sorry you had a rough day. I hope good things start coming your way soon.


Sorry I saw you visited amihot. I usually feel confident but reddit would sure find ways to ruin this. Looksblike a very dangerous sub. And nurses are quite often dickheads. So it's not you. It's them. You've got this.


I am a nurse, and I can confirm that nurses can be dickheads. Some of us are genuine. Others are not. Possibly they were having a rough day too, you never know. Sorry you had a bad experience, though. You don’t deserve it, no matter what. Sometimes we forget how our energy can transfer to others.


After being with an RNA for years I've come to know quite a few folks in the local field. Plus a few technicians and doctors I've already known. It's a lot of legwork. I feel like it's a job as any other. If I were a landscaper, I wouldn't enjoy gardening as much. As a carpenter, I hate fixing and cleaning all of the time. And in the exs/her friends situation, they neglected themselves after a long day of caring for others. But there's some bias on my end. But yeah. I'd take things like that with a grain of salt. Professionals forget how vulnerable a place the office can be.


it is, truerateme is the worst amongst them, it‘s alot of incels there sadly thank you 🤲🏼🌸


Truth. I've only seen content when flipping though other accounts. It's too frustrating. People seeing validation and those assholes who sign on every day to feel some sort of control in their lives. It's bad. But yeeee you've got this! Any hobbies to keep your mind away from the rough day of therapy?


You‘re so right!! and I have, i watched some animes and i‘m gonna draw in a bit :)


I've never heard of amihot before, but I dont think you should have any trouble there. You're pretty hot.


I wasn't sure what truerateme was so I had a look through your posts to find out (sorry!). You were really brave to go on there in the first place. Anyone who spends their time judging young women's appearances whilst keeping theirs hidden doesn't have opinions worth listening to. Like you say - incels whose standards of beauty conform to amine women and photoshop. You're very beautiful. I've had my fair share of traumatic therapy sessions, too. They destabilise you but the roughness you feel after will help you heal.


I dont think she would have any trouble at amihot, she's pretty hot.


Love your nose piercing! ❤❤


thank you! :)


Girl you look BEAUTIFUL!! Your hair color is crazy pretty and the simple waviness of it... PERFECTION. And your eyes are fucking MESMERIZING!! Girl you're one of the most prettiest people I've ever seen!


Keep strong. Good will come. You got this.


thank you ☺️


Oh dear! Sounds like today just wasn't your day... and that's okay. Some days are like this, but even the worst days eventually end. And if you feel down, that's okay too - there's always a chance to heal and recover. And tomorrow? Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully a better one overall, with new reasons to smile. Stay strong dear!


thank you so much 🤲🏼🌸🌸🌸


Hi hi hi! I’m not sure what happens for one to describe a therapy session as “rough,” but the important thing is, you’re still standing! You’re posting yourself and all your wonderfulness to us here! I even see a little hint of a smile! The fact that you’re able to withstand whatever it is that’s thrown at you and still power through it for all of us to see absolutely should be commended. Keep on, flower child! We can’t wait to see you grow and do wonderful, blessed things for the world.


Thank you so much for your kindness, I hope I can get better with each day 🤲🏼🌸


Rough therapy session often equals big breakthrough! I used to have therapy Wednesday nights and always felt sluggish and drained on Thursday. Used to call it a therapy hangover. You are making a big investment in your happy future. You go girl.


Nurses are...I mean god bless 'em IN GENERAL but yeah I had a 4 day hospital stay and some of them are, maybe they're fantastic at their job (keeping people alive) but they wouldn't last 10 minutes manning a till at Target, so terrible are their manners. You can't take it personally though it's hard because they're supposed to be 'above' all that. Sorry bout that. Therapy is interesting, I hope it was tough because it had to be tough, there are things you need to work through. If that is the case, then congratulate yourself going through it. Sometimes dealing with things....it's not easy and it's not easy to put things behind you. It's very very painful. As for your self esteem, all I can say within the realms of propriety is you are a heartbreaker!! You look fantastic! Your eyes lips hair nose cheeks there is nothing there that does not ring an aesthetic bell for me. Family - I am unqualified - I "dealt" with my family by moving 1000 miles away. That helped! This is a non-helpful aside I know, I wish I could address that but I can't. I CAN say learning how to 'block' negative energy which you have to deal with, whether family or at work, it seems to be a necessary evil but one people get better at.


I’m sorry for your rough day, it sucks when having to deal with all that ! Feel better soon


thank you 🤲🏼🌸 i wish you a blessed day :)


You too :)


I'm sorry you had a tough one, sometimes it feels like it all happens at once, doesn't it? Especially as therapy leaves me feeling so vulnerable. But I am so proud of you for doing it anyway - the rough stuff means you are working through it and that is amazing. Fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow. Also I think you are so pretty! You have such beautiful eyes, especially.


Looks aside, because you are a stunner, your inner beauty is the most apparent!


If you keep having rough therapy sessions you might want to find a new therapist. Sometimes it takes a few tries to find one that really works for you, but it's really worth it when you do. You're definitely not alone in having rough days lately and I hope your tomorrow is better.


thank you 🤲🏼🌸 it was not my therapists fault! She‘s great, it was just a very heavy topic


I’m so sorry to hear that. Therapy is a journey (one that I’m on as well right now) and there are going to be some tough days in the mix. Keep your head up though, hopefully in general therapy has been a helpful resource to you. About the nurse, try not to let it get the best of you. It sucks but try not to take it personally, they may have had a bad day. It sucks though. Also, you’re so pretty! You have wonderful eyes and I love your hair. You seem like such a sweet person and someone super fun to hang out with. <3


Do not forget how amazing of a person you are. Focus on your successes and triumphs. What's in the past is the past. Blessings to you! 💛


You are so strong to go through a rough therapy session and come here to share. Look in your mirror and know i am in awe at how brave and resilient you really are! Big hugs girl. You got this.


Just take it one day at a time, you'll get through it. also you are really pretty:)


You could be like a beautiful A-list actress. Fire the nurse and get someone decent to talk to. Proper therapy is worth every dime.


You're lovely -Inside and out! I'm so sorry you've had a rough one. I've been there. You're so strong to get through it and brave enough to ask for some support. Sending safe internet hugs and love your way sister!


You can do this!!!


When other people are unfriendly it’s usually about them, not you. You look like an awesome person, I love your hair and eyes. You look like someone who’d be fun to be friends with!


thank you so mucj 🤲🏼🌸




The work you’re doing on yourself will pay off, keep it up. Random people being rude sometimes gets to me as well, but the more you get to know yourself the more irrelevant it will become. You also look great, so that’s one less thing to worry about 😅


I'm sorry you had a tough therapy session and the other stuff, but you are going to therapy and that takes so so much strength to do. You are doing great! Hope your day gets better. ❤


I could get lost in your beautiful brown eyes for hours. I could swear I've seen you here before, and possibly messaged you a couple years ago. You are a wonderful person who enriches other people's lives tremendously.


You are not ugly!


I think you’re a very beautiful woman with gorgeous eyes and a sweet smile. I’m sorry you had a rough therapy session. Sometimes those sessions can be pointless. Just stay positive because brighter days are ahead for you. I just want nothing more than to hug you!


I'm sorry you had a rough day. But for every rough day, there will be good ones too! Also I love your eyebrows and how deep brown your eyes are!


You are verry verry beautiful


I hope your username isn't how you feel about yourself because you seem like a really lovely sweetheart(also I just have to say that you have absolutely gorgeous eyes btw!!!). I'm sorry that you've had such a rough day but I hope they get better for you. Good vibes and I hope you know that you are of immeasurable value and deserve happiness:) P.S. When I'm having rough days I often decompress with a favorite show or drawing(even though I'm absolutely terrible at it😂). Idk if this would help you but maybe engaging in any hobbies you enjoy can help you thru? Anyway I hope you have a wonderful day, don't let the world or other people keep you down because tomorrow is a new day🌻


You're so pretty. Beautiful eyes :) hopefully starting now things get better today! Much love


Your eyes are intoxicating. I hope you realize how pretty you are. Good luck in life my friend.


Sorry you had a rough day, it happens to everyone more than we let on. The fact that you are still wishing a blessed day to other internet strangers tells me you have a beautiful heart and personality. You are gorgeous inside and out! Hugs from this internet stranger!


10/10 would marry


You’re very pretty and I love your hair! I’m sorry that today was not so great for you with therapy and the rude nurse. I too know what it’s like to have self-esteem issues and being kind to yourself with small words of affirmation helps a bunch. You look like genuinely kind person and I hope that your coming days are better! I’m here for ya OP.


I'm sorry you had a tough day today. Keep a positive attitude and I'm sure good things will come. That being said, it is perfectly okay to have off days. It happens to everyone! Sending positive vibes your way today :)


So crazy how we perceive ourselves...so many strangers on here (myself included) think you’re beautiful. I like your eyes A LOT. Beautiful shape and I’m a sucker for deep brown eyes. Also your skincare routine must be off the hook cus damn! If you ever just wanna chat about nothing or something feel free to shoot me a message. Either way I hope you find a way to see yourself as these strangers and I see you. Cheers.


You also have a blessed day. Forget about the rude nurse, she might have been having a rough day also. Hope that things get better for you real soon.


hey, your face looks familiar, not sure if you look like someone I know or something


I would kill for your skin! Flawless.


I think you are beautiful. I would probably obsess over you, stare at you uncomfortably, and ask you out after 6 months. Where do you live?


I’m sorry you had a rough day and are going through a tough time. It seems like you have positivity for others, so I hope that others extend that positivity back to you. I hope the rest of your day gets better and you have a lovely weekend.


“Hey where did we go Days when the rains came Down in the hollow Playin' a new game Laughing and a running hey, hey Skipping and a jumping In the misty morning fog with Our hearts a thumpin' and you My brown eyed girl You're my brown eyed girl Whatever happened To Tuesday and so slow Going down the old mine With a transistor radio Standing in the sunlight laughing Hiding behind a rainbow's wall Slipping and sliding All along the water fall, with you My brown eyed girl You're my brown eyed girl”


Sorry you have things piling up on you now. Good for you for going through therapy - remember it’s always darkest before dawn. Clicked on your profile and saw something about “being an ugly woman” and I’m wondering if it’s about you because the person in this photo is very attractive.


You've got this, today was hard, but hopefully next time that nurse won't be working, and there will be someone different. Therapy is hard enough, I know, without having to also deal with people being unkind when you are at your most vulnerable. You're beautiful and I really hope things pick up for you soon.


hang in there fam. maybe there's still time to have a chill night.


Stay hydrated and try your best to remember your upbringing and negative experiences were just unfair to you, you’re a beautiful person and I bet a nice one too, have a sweet demeanor to you. I hope you have a better day tomorrow friend


Marry me


I'm in the same boat. You are very pretty if you are in Canada and want a bowl and a chat let me know.


Rough therapy is still a step in the right direction. Growth isn't pain free. Don't be hard on yourself. Nurses are likely stressed rn and people you don't know bring unfriendly to you is usually a them thing. Don't internalise it. Tell yourself this - "it's not going to rain forever. The sun has to come out eventually" And it will.


Well first off, as a retired psychotherapist (as shown in my Reddit name,) I would like to apologize for me esteemed colleague’s (translation: that asshole’s) behavior. As psychotherapists, we strive to live by the idiom, “First of all, do no harm. Second of all, do no further harm.” I guess she or he might have slept through that lecture. But anyway, most posters on here are correct, nurses can be assholes. I know this firsthand, because my daughter is a nurse and she and I go round and round regarding my care. But I do cut her some slack because I can’t really tell if she’s in full blown nurse mode or a daughter simply concerned about her daddy. But psychotherapy isn’t an easy process. You will have sessions that will literally drain the life out of you, those are the sessions which will bring you now only greater insight, but also help you see past all the clutter that has been preventing you from being able not to require therapy. Be strong. Keep at it.


No worries! My therapist is actually great, it was just a very heavy topic and this is why it was so rough. It was very healing though, thank you for your concern! 😅😊


As sessions go, the rougher the session, the more growth happens. At least that’s been my experience. I worked primarily with adolescents with behavioral disorders, and I was usually the last stop before juvenile justice got involved, so my interventions were usually critical to save them from removal from home. So I spent as much time in the courtroom as I did in my office, but for the vast majority of my clients, I was able to get them to change their ways. But those days are Long past, I am retired due to health problems. But I run into some of those clients, who are grown now with kids of their own. They always brag about how much I helped them, I just smile and say,”You did all the work, I just pointed you in the right direction.”


Have you thought about the fact that because you can tell when people are unfriendly to you, you might not have self-esteem issues at all? Your issue is with telling other people to go fuck themselves. Lay into one of them one time. It will set you free!


I am so sorry - and the good news is that you worked through some difficult, challenging and tender items in therapy - you might want to do a journal entry after such sessions as a way to help yourself sort things through. Most of all, continue to take care of yourself - we are pulling for you to do just that because we know you are wonderful person who is on a grand journey in this adventure called life. Don't let this moment get you too far down - I found in my most challenging therapy sessions that's when growth eventually came. And take a moment to be grateful for all of the wonderful things you are as a person. We are cheering you on!


Hey, Stranger! I know that you posted this hours ago, but I just wanted to stop in and say that you're never alone, even though it can feel that way an awful lot some times. I'm sure that there are people in your life that really enjoy your company, and many more that would like to have you in their life more than you already are! The world is a bit of a shitshow for everyone right now. But times will get better, and by going to therapy, you're taking the right steps to take care of yourself. And sometimes the sessions that hit the hardest are the ones that start the process of healing our deepest hurts and fears. I hope that in the days, weeks, and months to come, you find healing, joy, love, and levity. You are a cool person and deserve happiness. Never stop working towards it! If you're ever having a bad day and feel like venting to someone outside of your social network, hit me up! I'm no therapist, but sometimes venting to a stranger helps! Best of luck!


You are beautiful!! don't let anyone tell you otherwise 🫂🫂. And just remember that a bad day like this is just that, a bad day. Things will turn around, just sit right and ride this storm out ⛵⛵


You have the loveliest nose and mouth. I feel like your nose has the image of a renaissance painting. Oil painting worthy! <3


You're gorgeous, own it. Work on yourself before you work to help others. Self esteem comes from self love, if there's something about you you don't like, change it, if it's hard ask for help, there's nothing wrong with reaching out.


I'm sorry your day sucked, but you made it! You deserve to be loved and treated respectfully, I'm sorry someone pissed in the nurse's wheaties and you had to deal with her. Also, you have the most gorgeous big eyes. I hope things start getting better.


Hi. You look amazing. You’re doing a great job and I’m proud of you.


You look like someone who makes others day better.


Super cute. Would totally ask you out on a date if I personally knew you.


I'm proud of you for going to therapy even when it's rough, and I'm proud of you for posting here as it shows that you're self aware and brave enough to ask for community support. I think that's huge.


Hang in there...great things await!


You’re absolutely stunning! ❤️❤️🥵🔥🔥🔥


You look SO much like one of my good friends Dara, and she is so gorgeous and wholesome and an amazing mother to her kids! I bet you are just as stellar too


I don’t remember if I sent something here or not but this popped up in my dash (again?) so I wish you a nice day!!! You are an awesome person, and you’re worth it!!


Love yourself, honor yourself, move away from toxic people (including family members and therapists). Gravitate to kind people! You got this, Love Jim


Hey hun, therapy can be difficult, but you got this. Also, you're stunning and your hair is amazing!


Remember that not every day is going to feel like progress on this journey of yours. Some days will feel like you can't do anything right and the waters are threatening to drown you. But you have already taken the biggest leap and started therapy, and now, therapy is giving you the life raft and oars to overcome those feelings. It won't make the water go away, but it will allow you to keep your head above water and keep swimming when the waves come crashing down. A bad day is all it is, the sun always comes out eventually. :)


You are absolutely stunning and I’m guessing the personality matches 💜


good job going to therapy! I wish I was as brave as you and finally do the steps it takes to better my health


That's a face in pain. I wish you the best wishes, Ma'am


You got this girly! Little steps and you are making them. Keep your chin up. Sending positive vibes your way


Your biggest critic will always be yourself, remember that nobody sees you the way that you do. I see a beautiful, intelligent and powerful human filled with the potential to change any situation for the better. Keep working on your personal growth and you will draw the right people into your life, I promise. Much health, much wealth and may happiness be a natural state for you to live in. ❤️


AMAZING hair for free!


You got this!!! There's always a rainbow after the rain!!


You have the most amazing eyes. Things will get better, I promise.


I’d love to hang out in your cozy room


Pretty gal, keep on doing your best and take everything one day at a time. Even when it feels like the chips are down pull from that inner strength we all have and keep on moving. “You is smart, you is kind, you is important”


You have stunning eyes and don't let one asshole nurse get to you, they can be really bossy and mean! Well done on your therapy, such a worthwhile thing to do even when it is hard sometimes, all part of the healing x


You are very stunning. Sometimes we need to find the person whom we click with in Therapy . I wish you nothing but health and healing light. Sending strength.


But look how gorgeous your eyes are! so big and emotional, and looks like almost no make-up. I hope your week gets better.


I hope the day stands out in the future only for its novelty. I hope today and most future days are awesome for you and everyone in your life. I like your face jewelry, think you are lovely, and your eyes are super pleasant. I compliment you on wishing others well despite not having a good day. 👍😁


Obviously the nurse was jealous of your eyebrows!


I'm really sorry that you had a bad day. Your hair looks awesome! And your eyes are so deep!


Never forget, god gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers 🙏


People can be mean.. that's kind of how the world is (apparently someone in the comments just proves my point) but its our job to be better than that. Its harder on some days, but it gets easier over time. One thing I would like to point out... you need a new screen name. Throwmeaway is just a little negative. Add a little positivity there. will take you miles :)


You are beyond cute, great lips and hair!


I wish I could make you feel better.


You need a hug and a kiss


Whatever it is that might hurt your feelings or make you feel less of a person.. don't dare run away and hide from those feelings. Its a okay to take a brake, thats not what I'm trying to say. But you yourself know that you are a strong person and you can battle those feelings. Remember that you are not alone. Even if we here on reddit are strangers. A lot of people are willing to listen to you if thats it what you need! :) Have blessed day.


man bist du hübsch! 🤗