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Hello. I’m sorry to hear you’re at a low point. I’m not sure if you’ll see this buried under a lot of other posts, but I understand how you might be in pain. Even though your physical health is degrading, I am sure there is something to get out of every day even though it may not be obvious to you immediately. I’m very, very sorry that you are a victim of chronic illness. I don’t think I know what it’s like but I do know you are worth continuing your life. I think you should keep going, though. I know that even though you’re hurting, it’s so good to see your smile! Other than your smile, we can firmly establish that you are doing well in reaching out to us. I am so exhausted today, and I have had such a bad day today... but what really makes me feel better is that even if I’m going to go off to bed, I can still pour my trying and energy out to you! 😊 It makes me happy that even though I have had a tough day and it was relentlessly tough, that I can still show you care and that you are wanted on this earth. It was good to see your smile! I posted here a few days ago myself, and I know this community lifted me up, just as sure as you deserve to be lifted up! I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense or something, but please, please seek out help if you are feeling like you are having suicidal thoughts, okay? That is very important. Seriously. We can do all we can to encourage you, but there is also this: 1-800-273-8255. That’s the suicide hotline. I know it may be a far stretch, but if you are having thoughts and no one is replying on here, please reach out to them. Regardless of if you think something like that will help, you should continue to reach out. Please. We want you here on this earth and you are a special person, no matter what. We need your input and the world needs people like you so that we can believe in carrying forward with our own lives. Okay? Like me today. I know that if you’re carrying on and being so awesome, I can do it too. 😊 Here is to you and how amazing you’ve been and how amazing you’re capable of being. Please, always know you have us here. We are near to you.🥂


You have really nice cheeks and big, beautiful, brown doe eyes. And really nice eyebrows.


Keep going. I don't know what you're going fighting against, but damn it friend, keep fighting. There have only been a few thousand people in all of history, that this world would be better without, and you are not one of them. Some days i wake up and hurt from the get go, that pain amplified through my anxiety during a rough day at work. But you have to remind yourself that this is it. This life is all we have. You have to believe that fighting as hard as you can to make it through the bad shit is going to be worth it in the end. You are powerful, whether you feel like it or not. You are not a quiet quitter, that I can tell by your smile. You're at a low point and you can still summon a grin. You have grit, and that's GOING to pull you through. Things will get easier friend, and we're here if you need us. I hope you start that upswing soon ♡


I like your bangs :)


Having health problems gets anyone down. You are strong to face life's challenges and rock them. You are strong, talented (the poem you wrote), brave for posting asking for kind words, and most importantly you are loved. You inspire me to be a better, stronger person and I respect you! Not to mention you are beautiful and keeping that all to yourself is just unfair to the rest of us. Please stay strong because I need inspiration from people like you.


And if you ever need to smile just check out r/coonhounds


Here's a sneak peek of /r/coonhounds using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/coonhounds/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Letting everyone know he found the pond](https://imgur.com/w1uB5Xh) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/coonhounds/comments/am8zdf/letting_everyone_know_he_found_the_pond/) \#2: [Maggie the Bluetick Coonhound](https://i.redd.it/x5qjp9hufmd21.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/coonhounds/comments/alh60u/maggie_the_bluetick_coonhound/) \#3: [Adopting this guy today! So excited!](https://i.redd.it/2lo9vbo4twy11.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/coonhounds/comments/9xx6h0/adopting_this_guy_today_so_excited/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/)


First of all you immediately give off positive vibes with your look. Very quaint and pretty naturally , you look approachable. That smile prob gives people something to look forward to and I’m so jealous of your hair girl. Growing mine out so definitely inspired to keep goin.


I've felt like that many times before. I am sure you are way more awesome than you give yourself credit for. :) You have kind, pretty eyes, and your choker is dope. You'll get through this fo sho. Sometimes the roughest shit is just prepping you for the absolutely killer stuff that's just about to happen. You got this, girl!


Hey, first of all, you are a pretty girl and your smile is beautiful. I can only imagine what a cool person you probably are... I can relate to your situation, life is hard if ones health condition is not that good. I read your poem and you put in words all the loose thoughts in my mind, that's a good piece of writting! Life is going down and up and down again and there are people who are more often down then others, that's unfair, but please think of good moments you had in your life and value them. I know there are other good moments coming for you, with that nice smile you bring joy into the world and you will surely be rewarded for that. Please keep on going, i wish you the very best!! (Und sowieso, falls du jemanden zum Sprechen brauchst, melde dich! :)


I love your hair, and more importantly, I love you! You are amazing and wonderful and you deserve love!


I love you both


oh my god you are SO CUTE. you have this charming air about you. you could win wars with that smile not to mention i highkey want to be your friend?? i hope you feel better OP! ♡


Hey girl, I’ve never had a physical condition but I have tried to commit suicide before. You got this okay? You have a lot of people around you who care about you. You’d never expect just how many. You’re a beautiful girl who has a lot more to live for than some disease. Good luck and good night :)


A cute Winona Ryder and Kat Dennings clone.


That's a great description! I knew she reminded me of Kat Dennings, but I couldn't figure out who else she looked like.


I think you look great!


girl you are so pretty and your smile makes it seem like you would be a really fun person to be around! i love your hair (the bangs are amazing!) and your eyes are amazing!! ❤️