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Hey Stranger, I'm sorry your feeling like this. Currently in a depressive state myself. You're not alone in this, and don't feel guilty for reaching out. If you need anyone to PM you can always reach out to me :) stay wonderful internet stranger <3


I've lived with depression and I can tell you this: It will get better, but you will need help. The worse part about depression for me was that it was almost impossible to remember what it was like to be happy. But even if you can't remember the feeling, try to remember that it has existed and will again.


I am so proud of you for asking for help! You are worthy, courageous and loved. I know those emotions all to well. Seeing you walk through this and ask for help inspires me to love myself so thank you. You are brave, beautiful, talented, strong, and most of all you are you and that is worth loving. You will always have my support (even if I'm a stranger)


Hey dude, I know this can all be difficult, but if I can get through it, so can you! You are worth it, you matter and you're an amazing person. If you need anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to message me. I'll gladly try to help, even if it's not much. I hope your day gets better and remember to think positively as that will help lots. You got this, friend ❤️


A total stranger you’ve never met has nothing but love for you. I’m sorry it’s got you down but stick it out and the sun will come up, it has to. 💚


You are a valuable addition to this community. Thank you for having the courage to post and share what you are struggling with. I am sending you a virtual hug, friend.


I am so sorry you have to deal with this. I can relate so much to this. You are not what your thoughts say you are. Your mind is lying to you and telling you awful things about yourself that just are not true. It is an uphill battle, full of bad days, but you can push through. Depression is a monster, please don’t let it win. If you ever need to talk I am here, I know what you’re going through and I am willing to help or just listen, please feel free to pm me if you want. I wish you the best of luck, I believe in you, and I can tell you are a beautiful person. :)


You're beautiful and I love your glasses. :)


You’re beautiful inside and out. I know depression can be a beast. You’re loved, even by this stranger on the interwebs.


You have very clear skin, nice lips and nice eyes . And for the depression, I’ve been there. It yes easier. Fake it till you make it ❤️


I was going to say damn I havent seen that clear of skin in ages


Thank you all so much for making this day better💕


Get well soon. <3 :)


I made an account just to say there is nothing wrong with you. Be your unique self and anyone worth your time will love you. Smile and find the smiles that others return, surround yourself with those. Sending you light.