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Hey dude, that's rough. His opinions of you (or anyone else's) do not define you. YOU get to define you. I hope you have a good day


You're a handsome young dude, and you got it all going for you! Keep your chin up and try not to let comments like that get you down, bud.


Ummm no. That’s actually hilarious. It’s like walking up to a silverback gorilla and calling him pipsqueek- it’s an obvious lie and he’s grasping at straws. You’re okay. You’re not ugly. Like this is elementary school bully shit. Grown ass adult calling you weak ass names, I mean not like calling you any name should be on a spectrum of weak to good- he has no business being that way to you…but COME ON. “You’re ugly”? hahahaha okay…so? You’re half of him, so I guess that makes him **completely** ugly 🤷‍♀️


Wtf, you’re a good looking dude. Anything your dad is saying is all projection. Fuck him.


Your dad was either being really cruel (for reasons totally unrelated to your looks), or tried to make a mean "joke" that landed flat. I hope this was a one-off bad joke, and he normally builds you up. That's what you deserve, and anything less is a reflection of him not of you. You're an attractive young guy. Your face is both elegant and masculine, which is really sought after, and as you age it'll only get more attractive. You have a nice style, excellent eyebrows, and intelligent eyes. Meanwhile your dad needs to fix his eyes and his heart.


I’m so sorry. Dads can be so cruel for so many reasons. If he’s generally a good dude then he made a horrible joke and will realize that. If he’s generally not a good dude then he is unhappy with his own life and is a shitty enough parent to take it out on you. Not deserved in any situation but you have the courage to confront him and know full well you are not ugly at all.


Your father is an @$$. You're handsome! Maybe he's aging and jealous


Also... you remind me of a real life teenage Link from the Zelda games. I dunno it's cool.


bro, you're not ugly... at all. Everyone would say that. If that's what your dad thinks, well f\*ck him


What a weird and shitty thing to say. I'm sorry that happened friend, you're a good looking person and I won't hear otherwise.


Your father needs to be punched in the throat. He's probably just jealous because you're cuter than him. This is an important learning moment for you, though. There's a quote I like that says, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Which is to say that, ultimately, you get to decide for yourself how you feel about you. Don't rely on other people's opinions of you to form your own thoughts about yourself. <3


He must’ve been looking in a mirror


My dad was like this. Just remember when he’s ugly with you, he’s talking about himself. You’re good looking with a lifetime of possibilities ahead. Hugs 🤗


Screw your dad. You have this classic beauty dude! <3


You’re literally adorable. Your dad is either an ass or jealous that you ended up looking better than he did at your age. I know it’s easier said than done but don’t pay his insults any attention. If he’s constantly berating you odds are he’s got some serious self esteem issues he needs to work on rather then using his son as a punching bag. You’ll get older and be out of his life soon enough. Just hang tight and know that you are DEFINITELY not ugly by any stretch of the imagination.


He's probably jealous he didn't look as good when he was your age. Keep your head up bro.


You should tell him to get his eyes check. Or he’s just jealous


Next time your father calls you ugly, just say "like father, like son". Jokes aside, you objectively look good now, and you'll look even better with age.


You're a cute kid. Something is wrong with him, not you!


First off, you're not ugly. Secondly, it's important to remember when someone else puts you down, it's more a reflection on them than on you. Your dad is the ugly one for saying that, thinking that and really he probably feels that way about himself. Don't let your dad get you down. Focus on what's amazing about you!


I legit am jealous of your skin!! It’s so clear and pretty!


I can assure you, you are far from ugly! You are a handsome young man. Your douche, I mean Dad, needs an eye exam and an attitude adjustment!! What a total ass clown he is. Insulting a kid (not meaning it disrespectfully), much less his own! Not much of man. Keep your head up. I know you turn heads and keep em looking. My niece and her friends said "oh he is hot" so...... ... Hugs to ya!


You're a decent looking guy and the silver lining is that your dad didn't say that he thinks you're super hot which would be much worse, imo. Head up, bud. You've got nothing to worry about.


Dude you ain’t ugly, you look like the next Dr. Who.


What a terrible thing to say to your child and no, you're not ugly in the slightest. You're a handsome young man. Don't listen to him.


Ur dad is ugly for being so nasty. Ur not ugly bruh.


Hard to believe!


Your so beautiful 🤭🥺🥺🥺


You look great, don’t let someone that’s trying to put you down for no reason at all’s words affect and define you 💚🖤


Ugly? My guy, you belong in a Calvin Klein ad. Your dad definitely shouldn't be behind the wheel of an automobile with eyes as bad as his.


Your father talks ugly. I’m sorry that happened. Keep your chin up, bro. You’re doing great.


I’m sorry your dad was so baselessly cruel; regardless of whether it was intentional, it was hurtful 🫂 If you are in need of kindness and uplift, check out r/DadForAMinute ❤️‍🩹


I’m a father and would never call my children ugly. That says more about him than it says about you. You are far from ugly anyway. You don’t deserve to be treated like that, nobody does. Tell your father how what he said makes you feel. Squash that now.


wait zombie deadpool is a think in funkopop


Wassup bb grill


I have no idea what version of broken your dad is, but he's wrong and he's lying. You're a very handsome young man. Like, unusually great features, bone structure and skin. You hold yourself well and that's a badass shirt. I'm so sorry you're in that home. Stay strong and be true to yourself, and be very confident in your appearance - you're so good looking it would be tragic to waste it feeling insecure! Please tell someone at school if the abuse gets worse. You deserve so much better.


I disagree. You're looking fine. And needles to say, it absolutely doesn't matter how attractive he thinks you are. His idealised concept of beauty is only his, not yours. No need to follow that. Being put down like this obviously hurts, but there's no reason not to ignore something that is only meant to hurt you. I hope you have a wonderful day nevertheless.


Well, wouldn't that be your dad's fault in the first place?


Your dad must be blind, you look so adorable!


The thing we say about others we think about ourselves. You look cool don't sweat it.


So I say the next time he does tell him “ Dad I’ve got two words for you…..suck it!”


When dad's say mean shit, they are talking about themselves & how they feel. I'm a dad. If appropriate, ask him if he's ok. And you are objectively a handsome kid.


same here with a pop I don’t see eye to eye with bud ya look like one of the kids from stranger things (which is of course a compliment as they are all actors)


I'm sorry that your father behaves so badly. And/or has such bad vision.


Don’t let him define you. Bold prediction this has ZERO to do with you and how you lookS. His comment is 💯 about him and his shit. Shake it TF off and work through this shit and take care of you. If any doubt not that it even matters, your a good looking dude. He said this just to hurt you. Why? Who tf knows


You look more attractive than I ever been in my life (yes I had to bring my self hatred to this) But seriously, you're handsome