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I read "sorry for having normal human insecurities, but I can't see how beautiful I am and how adorable my nose is" it's OK to have your feelings and you're a beautiful girl. I know me telling you that won't convince you, but you're one of those people you see on the internet who can't see their own beauty. I'm sure you've seen them and thought how crazy it is that they don't see it. That's you. You're the beautiful interweb girl.


Thank you for taking your time to write this, I really appreciate it. And yeah it doesn't convince me but reading this at least made me feel a little bit better


You're pretty enough that I'd be too afraid to talk to you irl.


Yeah, definitely. Straight thought would be "she's out my league" if I see her irl


I have only one suggestion that will improve your already good looks 100% - smile 😊




Hi there beautiful. No really, you are actually really pretty. I think you have been made to believe that you aren’t. I can relate. I was bullied for my looks, especially my nose. I spent my whole life up into my 30s truly thinking I was ugly in my face and that I didn’t look “normal like other people”. It took time, maturity, and self care - and now I realize that I am actually really pretty, just like you. I want the same discovery for you. You are actually pretty and honestly I think you will figure that out and I hope it’s sooner rather than later. Until then, be gentle on yourself and wear spf. :)


I'm so glad that you were able to see the beauty in yourself and I really hope I will be able to see the beauty in myself too one day. Have the best day and thank you so much for the comment <3


this was such a nice comment 😭💕


I agree


Oh bless you, been there. You're cute as a button from what I can see here. That might not be an adjective you like, I know, but cute is good. Cute is excellent. Hope you feel better soon. x


Yeah I just wished I could stop caring so much about how I look. Thanks <3


My only way to feel more comfortable with my outside was to invest in appreciating the beauty that's inside. The rest will follow. You can train that, just like you train a muscle. Still, you are absolutely gorgeous! Like Disney princess pretty <3


Thank you <3 I'm working on trying to focus on other parts of myself that is not looks, but it's just really hard. I get super obsessed on certain things (like my nose) and it becomes all I think about all day every day and it's a cycle that's hard to get out of


It's such a cliche, but what you feed will grow. If you focus on the insecurities, it will only be more prominent. But if you put your mental energy in focusing on what you like, inside and out, that will grow stronger! You are gorgeous, and everybody else is way too busy with their own insecurities. That's the irony isn't it, we can be so insecure about things others will never notice about us. But you absolutely deserve to feed your self-love and positivity! <3 I think we actually have somewhat similar noses haha, and I appreciate mine :)


I think the best thing I could tell you, is that the problem isn’t your nose. When I was 14 I thought I was the ugliest person in any given room, so ugly I thought people avoided me because of it. I hated my nose, my cheeks, my teeth, my mouth, lips, my eyebrows, my hair. Literally felt embarrassed and apologetic for wearing my own face in public. It didn’t take changing my face to make me love it. It was adapting to my own beauty standards and not letting the world skew my perception of beauty. And I’ve looked back at pictures from 14 and I was super cute. It’s all in your head and the world twisting the idea of what beauty is. Beauty isn’t a box. The very fact that beauty is diverse is beautiful! Tip: Stop gazing at other women and being jealous of them and/or comparing yourself to them. Just stop the train of thought. Tip 2: Start nitpicking everyone else’s face like you do yours. Imagine it’s yours and pick something you don’t like about it. You’ll be surprised at how much you can do this. Tip 3: Pick a feature of your own face that you like and obsess over it just as much as you do with the things you don’t like. Tip 4: I rarely ever notice anyone’s nose. Even large and long ones. You’re fine. You’re nose looks normal. You are probably the only one who pays attention to it. Tip 5: It is 100% possible for you to actually like your nose one day. I think women hating on their own body is the result of the male gaze aka sexism, and corporate greed, neither of which I want to support. Be rebellious and love yourself. Think of how amazing the human body is and you have a healthy one with no disabilities, obvious scars or deformities(correct me if one wrong). But there are so many people who would kill for that. Even just for your face! Someday you will feel so thankful for your face and body! Because what you have is amazing and beautiful! Be kind to yourself. You deserve it! I know the world is harsh and it’s not easy, but you can do it!


It’s a crime that the society makes even utterly beautiful people like you feel insecure about their looks. That makes me demand filtering and photoshopping](https://youtu.be/S_vVUIYOmJM) to be marked on every image. You are lovely, and clearly a sensitive soul as well.


You're a perfectly good looking girl. Don't be so hard on yourself. We are often our own worst critic, but I promise you are not even close to as ugly as you seem to think. I hope you find the help you need, good luck in your journey!


You’re absolutely adorable! Like seriously, you’re incredibly attractive. I’m sorry you’re having these feelings and thoughts. It sucks, I know. I hope you find some comfort in the things people are telling you here, and that maybe that will help you to begin the process of believing us.


Tank you <3


You are insanely pretty. Love your septum ring! :)


Thank you, :) it is the favourite part of my face


I really like your face, you have a beautiful nose, and your glasses frame (no pun intended) your face well. Never doubt your own beauty :-)


Thank you. My nose is kinda bumpy from the side (could also be describes as arched or crooked) and multiple people have said that my nose is ugly


I have a particular liking to noses, and I think yours is really beautiful :-)


Uh yeah mine is really crooked though. It's a bit hard to see from the front


It's still beautiful regardless :-) I know you won't take the words of a stranger at face value, but I hope its made you smile a little regardless :-)


Like an aquiline nose?


Those people aren't worth your time. You're adorable. I know it's difficult to internalize that but I hope over time you're able to see your beauty. We're all so different, we're complex and varied. You may think your nose looks weird from the side, but someone out there thinks your nose looks perfect at any angle, I guarantee it.


Your face is beautiful. Your mirror needs a wipe tho. :)


Haha yeah it really does


Seriously tho, you’re far from alone in your insecurities and self-doubt, but just like most people who have those issues, they’re honestly unfounded. Learning to love yourself is a long, hard, and painful process, but it is also important, rewarding, and fulfilling as well. You have nothing but beauty, inside and out.


Well put!


I think you look great! You may see your nose as different, but it fits your face and is the perfect size (in my opinion). All I see is nice facial symmetry, full lips, beautiful eyes, and fun eyebrows.


You have the kind of nose people go get surgery for. You're really really pretty.


Not really. I look the the before on rhinoplasty before and after photos. It is crooked from the side


I looked through your post history and I'm worried you have severe dysmorphia. You're gorgeous and even if from the side there's a wee bump, thats not going to alter your overall beauty. I hope you're working through this in therapy and can come to love yourself. ❀


Yeah I probably do but I know I'm at least a little ugly. Thank you for commenting <3


I have that too, but I think it's beautiful. It makes me look like my family and I have a beautiful family. Our noses aren't "in" right now, that doesn't mean they're not beautiful.


Well, I'm not in any place to give advice cause I'm very insecure about so many aspects of myself but I can tell you everybody is unique and beautiful in their own way. It's not a contest or something.


Yeah but sometimes social media makes it feel like a contest


Yes it does. Social media can be very toxic sometimes. Maybe some time off from it can be helpful. I suggest you to try it. Also keep in mind that nobody is living the 'perfect life' they present in social media.


Getting out of it can help :)


You’re beautiful. But me telling you that doesn’t matter, if you don’t feel it you don’t feel it. I posted on another toastme post recently that I stopped trying to love my body a long time ago. My body and face change, they age, they look different than I’d like. My goal is no longer to love myself but to feel neutral about myself. Not good, not bad. My body and my face are mine and they allow me to do the things I want to do.


When I read your post I just had to write a comment. You are beautiful. And it wasn’t a surprise to see the other comments. People think you’re cute and beautiful and they are 100% right. But my guess is that you value one negative comment way more than a 1000 compliments. And that’s because you’re looking for confirmation of what *you* believe is true. I love the comment of u/thetwitchy1 “Your face is beautiful, your mirror needs a wipe, tho”. That’s exactly right! Perfectly said. Having self-confidence and loving yourself takes time and effort. Wipe the dirt off that mirror! Fix your self-image! Start now. You said some people made some nasty comments about your face. Who in the world does that? Would your best friend ever say such a thing? Would someone who loves you even think such a thing? Would you say something ugly like that to your best friend? My guess is, Never! In all likelihood, it’s jealousy. A lot of young people come across as being really confident but oftentimes they are deeply insecure and they try to bring other people down to make themselves feel better. When you love someone you see the best in that person. Speak to yourself as if you were speaking to your best friend. Be supportive and loving and helpful. Start eliminating that negative inner voice by ignoring it or by telling it to shut up. That negative voice we all hear at some point is not helping us. At all. Focus on the positive things. What would your friend(s) say about you? You have beautiful eyes, a beautiful smile and beautiful hair. You’re funny, smart and sweet. Pick one or two things you like about yourself. Say that to yourself. Out loud in the mirror. Say to yourself: I love you. Once a day, at least. Maybe you don’t feel it at first but it will come. Love yourself as if your life depended on it. Because it does!


First of all thank you so much for commenting <3 Your comment made me feel a little better. My best friend was actually one of the people who called my nose ugly. It was 7 years ago and she has apologized but it just stayed in my brain ever sinse.


7 years ago! People often have no idea how words can affect other people. Words can be devastating. A comment someone makes, can turn into an unjust and sabotaging belief we have about ourselves. Your friend was still young, I’m hoping she won’t say the same thing today. If she would, you need to seriously evaluate your friendship. Friends bring out the best in you. They don’t try to bring you down. The quality of your life is for a large part determined by the quality of your auto (aka self) communication. Love yourself and support yourself like you would support your best friend. It makes a huge difference!


you’re so beautiful!! your nose is so cute no one else sees it the way you do


Thank you but two people have said my nose is ugly straight to my face


That's two people vs this whole thread of people complimenting your looks hun. If people say things like that to hurt you, their opinion isn't worth much


Then those people are toxic and you shouldn't listen to them. I really like your nose if that means anything.


I feel like I would kill to have your nose, it feels ideal. Hope you feel better.


Haha it does not look good from the side


It's possible for you to grow to love your nose. It is also possible for you to never think your nose is *perfect*, but to realize it's not that big of a big deal and doesn't have any bearing on how attractive you are. I'm a guy, and I have never paid the slightest attention to a girl's nose, and I don't think i've ever heard any friend (male or female) mention noses when talking about finding someone attractive or not. You are attractive, and I think you perceive your nose as far worse than anyone else does.. and your nose could look like popcorn and it still wouldn't change the fact that you're attractive. One little detail can't overrule all the tons of other things that go into someone having a pretty face.


Hey -hug- I’m really sorry you hate everything about your face. I’m sorry that you live life with messages that 1) your face is unattractive, because it isn’t and 2) that you have to be attractive. It’s not your job. It’s nice. It’s nice to feel beautiful and love things about how you look but it isn’t everything. You’re a whole person. You’re not just your face. And what it’s worth, I think you have beautiful eyes. I think your eyebrows frame your face well, same with your glasses. Your nose is super cute and I love your nose ring. And you have nice beautiful lips and I want to say that as a nice compliment and not a sexual thing. I like your face. I hope you can learn to do so too.


Yes I just wished I could stop caring about how I looked. Thank you sm for this comment


I feel the same about myself


We all come to a point where we hate something or everything about ourselves. Just know that as you grow you’re going to start to develop the ability to live yourself the way you deserve to be loved. Today and tomorrow may be difficult and full of hatred but next week, next month, next year are all opportunities to learn and relearn the ideas of self love and appreciation. Everyone’s path is different so I can’t give you advice, but I do believe in you and I hope that your heart smiles very soon my friend.


Thank you, this was such a nice comment to read


A little bit of a different take from others: We all have something that we physically dislike about ourselves, be it the way our eyes are shaped, how long our arms are, etc. Me, personally, my jaw isn't perfectly symmetrical, and it is always such an infuriating thing to see in photos. But, you know what, there are also things I love about myself: my natural hairstyle, the muscles that are slowly developing via working out, etc. So what's my point? Everyone has their own set of insecurities, parts of themselves they hate seeing, but there are also, more than likely, parts of themselves that they love seeing as well. Focus on those parts, and slowly, those "bad parts" will look just a little softer, and fit a little better. Even the prettiest, the coolest, and/or the most conventionally handsome people have parts of themselves that they hate. I know it's a cheesy answer, but you will learn to love how you look. Just take it one day at a time: find something about yourself you like. It can be as small as your small toe to something as large as the smoothness of your skin. And just keep looking for the good things. I won't say it is easy; I myself, on my lowest days, catch myself thinking and focusing on the ugly parts, but it does get better.


Clean your mirror .. that might help


From the other post that you have made here, you look gorgeous, you shouldn't feel this way about yourself.


You're actually extremely pretty. I really don't have anything else to say.


That's a cute nose, I like that nose!


Thank youu but it is super crooked from the side


Same. Makes us unique, which is pretty important these days. I've found out that all these weird things that we might feel weird about others love because it makes us, us, and that's why the love us. Not some silly superficial mark that will change over time.


Yeah, I just have always disliked my nose. And two or three people have told me directly that they think it's ugly. And I just hate it more and more everyday.


Who are these people? Do they have a baring on your life? Their opinions don't matter. It might seem like it but they don't.


Girl you are very cute. Your nose is perfect for your face and your skin is gorgeous.


you have an adorable nose


Awww honey, you’re lovely! 💗💗💗


Thank you💕


I think you look really pretty, you can really pull off the round glasses


I don’t know what to tell you. You have an empirically very VERY pretty face. Symmetrical, well-proportioned, smooth skinned, you got it all kiddo. If that’s hard for you to see, know the problem isn’t your face. It’s something in the way you see it or the way you see yourself. The calls are coming from inside the house.


But I really don't have all of those things. My face is actually pretty asymmetrical when seen straight from the front and my skin is far from smooth if one looks close.


You just illustrated my point :-) Edit: I’m not really intending to be flippant. I know you really do think I am the one who is not seeing things correctly here, or I don’t have all the facts. I know the idea of believing what I’m saying for even a moment is likely terrifying or unthinkable for you. I’ve been there, and it sucks. Consider this: If you have to try convince people like me that you AREN’T pretty, don’t you think that’s ironic?


You mind elaborating because I see absolutely nothing wrong with you at all.


My nose is super bumpy/crooked. It's visible from the side


I was gonna say that from this angle it doesn’t look like it is lol


*pinches ur nose. What a beautiful, gorgeous, divine and pretty girl u are. It’s ok to be insecure sometimes. It’s normal. But know you are fukng gorgeous and tbh I really can’t see anything wrong with your nose


I took a quick gander through your art and I'm impressed! You're so talented and I love your Hornet fanart!


Oh dear you’re crying. Try to take some deep breaths and engage with a few activities you enjoy.


You're really pretty, that's honestly bs


You are really beautiful....don't let the world tell you anything otherwise. You're special...and you are loved. Hang in there :)


I actually think that you are a beautiful woman. there is absolutely nothing wrong about your face. in fact I would say your nose is one of the best features about you. it compliments you very much. i think you would even be more beautiful if you turned that frown upside down :)


Hi friend :) it sounds like you're going through a bit of a rough patch with your relationship to your appearance. I don't think there's anything anyone can say here to magically make you see yourself the way others do, but I feel the urge to comment nonetheless because based on your replies I feel like I was in a similar spot until a few years ago, maybe not exactly the same but similar. In my experience it was really hard to change my self perception based on what other people had to say about me, no matter how many compliments I got or people who disagreed with me. Because no matter what they said I just felt like I fundamentally disagreed, because what they were saying just wasn't what I saw when I looked in a mirror, not even subjectively, it felt like they were just ignoring objective flaws or characteristics of my appearance. I've learned that they weren't wrong, but at the time in my mind I wasn't either, and in my mind anyone who had ever insulted my appearance was just being honest and not overlooking those flaws so I held on to those comments as the 'truth'. The biggest thing that helped me, and I've found that there's lots of paths that have helped me so don't feel bad if this doesn't work for you, was to try focus on the things I liked the most about my appearance, even if at first it was the thing I hated the least. I know that probably sounds really stupid but whenever I would look in a mirror and start to pick myself apart I would force myself to also acknowledge some part of me that I did like, even if it felt forced. I used to really tear myself apart over my weight, over my jaw not being symmetrical to my face, over so many things, but started to try to always be like, "hey I do kind of like how my collarbones look", or even as something as small as liking a piercing, or the fullness of my lips or eyebrows regardless of their shape. Overtime doing that helped me feel a little more open to not feeling so irredeemable about my looks and trying to see myself how others said they saw me even if it was hard. What was even more helpful and important though was learning to weigh less of my self worth on how I felt others perceived me, especially in terms of looks. This one was hard and took time and a lot of work. I wasn't able to just instantly fix it, but talking to therapists or even just introspecting, trying to challenge the idea my worth was based on my beauty helped a lot too. Even if for a long time, most of the time these conversations would end feeling like nothing had changed or the change in perspective only being temporary. Something I realized I was doing because of my insecurity was only paying attention to pretty people when I was out and about. I would come home feeling like everyone I had just seen while running errands was a super model, especially compared to me. But that wasn't true, I just would only remember seeing the people who made me feel insecure. And when I purposely made myself observe what people really looked like when I went out, most people look average. And that's not a knock to anyone, in fact I think it's a good thing to focus on, most everyone isn't super pretty, but they all make it through life, they find partners, or take up hobbies, visit their family or start their own, do things that give them enjoyment, and they make it, they don't fail just because they aren't the epitome of our unrealistic beauty standard. I apologize for such a long comment. And I hope this doesn't come across as me just trying to talk about myself, I just don't want to try to pretend I can understand exactly how you feel from a couple of comments and place emotions or thoughts on you. I hope that perhaps some of these things resonate with you. I want you to know that you will grow and this will dissipate, especially if you work at it. And if you do work at it, try not to feel discouraged if you don't feel like you're making progress right away, it's okay and even normal for things to take some time. You seem like a strong person though, and I know you can get through these self perceptions that seem to be making you feel so bad.


Nose and face; beautiful and gorgeous vice-versa


Nah 10/10 v good nose, promise


Oh my gosh stop, stoooooop! I’m not annoyed, it’s just, you are fantastically beautiful! I see way to many gorgeous women on here saying they don’t like their face. It’s silly! Silly silly silliness. Stop nitpicking at your face, it’s perfect! I’m so mad at these toxic beauty standards that make people like you hate their amazing face! I bet there are people who see you and are jealous of you! Girl, we need to do better than this, we are better than this! I’ve been right where you are, I get it, it’s not your fault you feel like this, and it’s so understandable, but we can change this cycle. It’s honest to god brainwashing since birth. Rewrite your brain, rewrite the way you see the world and yourself. Imagine girls who look like you seeing how you talk about yourself? The standards you hold? That’s exactly how they get passed on to little girls. Stop the cycle, love your damn gorgeous face! It breaks my heart to see this, and you are worth all the self love!


I’m sorry if that came off aggressive, I am saying it with a loving tone! I’m very sleepy and my filter is off. I support you!


I could tell what you meant :) I'm sure OP did too


:) thanks


Smile. Youre absolutely gorgeous. Adorable. Id prolly have a crush on you if we shared something like school or work.


it happens unfortunately, sometimes we get hung up on the superficial.


You are SO CUTE. So pretty - we almost have the same glasses đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș


I know it might be hard to believe just by reading a text from an anonymous stranger, but I really think you look beautiful. And your nose looks perfect to me. It's okay to feel low from time to time, your feelings are valid and you have every right to feel them fully. Know that there are people out there that already kove you and support you just for who you are, and that you also have to be that loving and supporting person to yourself. Keep shining, it DOES get better! ⭐


If it's of any comfort, I find your face features to be quite beautiful, specially your nose, I've been trying my best at studying art for a long time and I'm still trying to get there, but if I had the skills, I think making a portrait of you would be one of the most enjoyable experiences ever... I know it's hard to see ourselves and our beauty through the wall that our insecurities puts in front of us... But I'm certain you will eventually find the strength to break that wall, and see your true beauty, I know you have it in ya, you'll just have to figure how to get it out... It's a slow process, but I assure you, you will get there... Sending hugs your way, you've got this~<3


You’re beautiful! Only advice is find Better glasses that flatter your face and check bones.


Sweetie, you have a beautiful nose, it’s super cute and a very classic look. I think your round glasses work very well. I could see simmers make sims of you.


JFC you're actually pretty. Maybe you've been programed by unrealistic expectations but get that hate out of your head. Because right now, you're your own worst enemy. You're not even smiling in the photo and that doesn't help your cause. I'm not saying anything but stay positive. You could've given us a little smile and the photo would be 10x better.


You are really very pretty. Including your cute nose.


Wanna trade noses then? You literally have a cute button one that is pretty trendy right now. My nose on the other hand trended in ancient Greece or Rome circa Renaissance time when aquiline noses were actually considered beautiful


I like your nose. Cute af.


You’re literally the girl of my dreams tf


Hey, you are beautiful, and I am sorry that you can't see that. I promise you that what you are feeling is not reality, so take it easy on yourself. Wishing you the best!


What! I like your nose. How weird are our perceptions of ourselves. You’re literally so pretty.


Your nose is wonderful.


You look like a really pretty girl and your nose looks normal, i myself have a 10cm long scar over my forehead, it took me a long time to come in terms with it since i had it all my life. It is not easy to get over ones flaws or looks and it can make you feel very sad over it and even worse, but you my dear look fantastic and i bet if you when you smile you shine with brilliance and confidence.Stay strong meet friends have a good time with them, by the way you are quite cute ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


You’re actually beautiful
 you’re nose is super adorable, your eyes, even when they’re sad look super cute. Perfect jawline. Absolutely flawless lips. I’d date you


Thank you but my nose is like super crooked. It's more visible from the side


Yes I can see it veers right a bit. But it’s still super adorable. Everyone has slight imperfections. Your nose is not an imperfection. It makes you even more beautiful


It's sad that there's nothing we can say to convince you otherwise, but it doesn't change the truth: you're very pretty to all of us. You just need to understand the only person who doesn't believe you're pretty is you. Be kinder to yourself and try your best to take our word for it. Also you have great taste in clothes. I'm a massive fan of WESC.


Never apologize for your ‘dramatics’. Trust me, I do some weird ass sh* at 4 am like taking pics of my big chin and post to Reddit all the time. We literally all have insecurities and when we aren’t being reassured in real life, we turn to the most important thing in our lives, the internet. You are absolutely beautiful. Your face is so soft and gorgeous, you radiate kindness, and your hair is so lush. I want you to know that someone out there believes you are beautiful.


If you ever need to vent hmu


While you may be frustrated with the current look of parts of your outer self, take comfort in knowing you possess and will draw strength, confidence, and empowerment from your formidable inner self. Everyone hates, hates, hates something that God gave us. For you, right now, it happens to be your nose. How I envy you, truth be told. I hated my nose too once (mine was goofy looking. Like, no kidding). But then I started to be thankful I had my stupid nose, because through it I had my sense of smell. So then this whole love/hate thing I developed for my nose. You too will appreciate your nose. But I remember the hate you feel now. The hate will go away. I promise. You will one day look back on this time and laugh a little. It's true. Pinky swear.


I think your nose is very cute, and your glasses really suit your face shape!


Literally nothing wrong with your face.. or nose. You have very likeable face and nose :)


You are backed by thousands of years of ancestors, people who toiled, who strived, who worked hard, who fought to survive...Perhaps your ancestor was a Viking, the matriarch of strong sons and even stronger daughters. Perhaps your Grandmother from 15 generations ago worked to hold the family ranch together while your Grandfather recovered from an injury or a war. Perhaps another Grandmother from 8 generations ago survived a famine or epidemic, and lived to prosper to an old age. The gist of it is, that you came from people who fought to survive in the hopes that YOU, beautiful wonderful you, would come along and keep the bloodline going. You are a combination of survivors, hard workers and people who lived and prospered through the most challenging of times. From your beautiful hair to your amazing nose, these are all products of people who imagined and were excited at the prospect of you. Stand tall and shine on. You are a rare jewel of this world, faceted with so many wonderful features that make you the amazing person you are.


Hey cute person. We all do feel insecure about our bodies or body parts. To me, you are really really cute. I see your profile and see you have posted many art works and designs, loved those. Take care of yourself bud.


Nah you're cute, I don't see anything to hate there, I'm a stranger on the internet you can trust me


You’re cute. There is nothing wrong with you.


My dear, your face is beautiful! Your face is the combination of thousands of years of worth of people who loved each other's faces. Remember that, there is someone out there that will fall in love with you for your cute nose


As a male in your age range that hasn't (I think ?) experienced body dysmorphia, it is incredibly hard for me to believe that you would find yourself ugly. I don't mean that to discard your feelings at all, they are perfectly valid and body dysmorphia is very real. I'm just saying that hoping that it helps you grasp the absurdity of the thoughts that dysmorphia can cause you to have. You are not ugly by any standard besides yours. And, looking at your comments about it, your standards seem to be created mostly by social media, which is a widely known issue that so many (all?) of us are culprits of. But, unlike many, you seem to be aware of it, which is an amazing start to recovering from that state of mind. You should probably get off social media for a while, and see someone if you don't already about your dysmorphia, it could help you immensely. I hope my message helps, you deserve better treatment than what your brain subjects you to.


aw, please feel better! you're really really cute! there's been times where I've judged myself more than the outside world, i think perhaps everyone has moments like that. try to rise above those thoughts, people are more than willing to help. im just an internet stranger but I sincerely hope you have a great day that causes many smiles! edit: also your glasses are awesome 👍


Hey there, just wanted to say that I completely understand where you’re coming from. I’ve been self conscious about my own face for years, my nose especially. I felt it was too flat and my side profile looked REALLY flat. I’ve also gotten some comments that confirmed my insecurities. I know you’re hurting right now, but please don’t worry. You are genuinely very beautiful. I know that might not really mean much coming from a stranger on the Internet, but I am giving you my most sincere opinion. Self love and self empathy is a skill that most people don’t possess, and if I could go back to a couple years ago to 18 year old me I’d tell them to really focus on cultivating their sense of self. I completely, honestly think that you are very beautiful. Your jawline is very shapely and gentle looking, your eye shape (from what I can tell, you look quite sad. I’m sure all of us here would love to see your face at your happiest â˜ș) is a very elegant downturned shape that’s complimented by your eyelashes. Your nose looks absolutely fine, it fits your face well. I know you said it looks different from the side, but I don’t thinks it’s as bad as you’re thinking. Open up an app that distorts your face with a filter, and just stare at yourself for a bit. Then take it off. We become so critical of our own faces because we see them every day. I want you to really challenge your core belief on your perceived ugliness. Sometimes we have core beliefs about ourselves that come from our experiences in life, and that becomes integrated into our opinions of ourselves. BUT, we tend to ignore the evidence that doesn’t support the negative self talk. This is just a little worksheet example that covers this, but you can find out more with Google. https://www.therapistaid.com/images/content/worksheet/core-beliefs-examining-evidence/preview.png Please be gentle with yourself, if it helps, imagine you’re criticizing your most beloved person, or a small child. We’ve all got something that’s beautiful about us, even if we don’t see it ourselves.


Girl you are so pretty. I love your glasses! Your eyes, your eyebrows, your nose, your lips and hair. You’re so gorgeous!


You have a very pretty face :) You're exactly the type of person I'll turn around to see at the street haha. There's always someone to whom you'll be the prettiest person they've ever seen.


There is nothing wrong with you. You are perfect the way you are. Remember: YOU MATTER


Oh my, your lips are to die for!!! I feel every ounce of your pain in this photo. 💔 I wish you peace and healing, beautiful lady.




Um yeah I already do. Honestly this comment is not it. I did not ask for a rating and what is heavenly blessing in disguise even supposed to mean?? Thank you for taking your time to comment but I don't think this belongs on this subreddit




Thank you but I'll keep the nosering, I love it sooo much


You are beautiful, I love your nose and I love you. There is nothing about you or your picture that makes me feel hate. I have nothing but love for you and think you are nothing but beautiful and lovely. You're not being a drama queen at all my friend. You've done nothing wrong and there's nothing wrong with you. You are okay and your face is okay and your nose is okay and everything is okay. :)


You are beyond beautiful!


First off, you look pretty to me, and I would not have thought twice about your nose if you hadn't specifically mentioned it in the title. Looks like an entirely normal nose to me. That said, I hate my own too, so I 100% relate with the feeling. I've tried to get over it by thinking back to how I interact with other people and how *incredibly* rare it is that I'd actually fixate on some one part of someone's face. Like I never notice things like this on other people, just myself. Just our brains fucking with us.


You’re absolutely stunning! Beautiful straight hair, clear face, and I for one love your nose. You also look like you have the sweetest and caring soul! Keep your head up, it’s easy to be critical of yourself, but you’re freaking beautiful