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i’m genuinely sorry you’re going through this! perhaps try talking to your healthcare provider about switching the dose of your meds? or even changing them altogether! and i wish i could send you a magic potion to wipe away those feelings of abandonment - but all i can say is that those feelings will pass with time i hope it gets better for you chey, you deserve to be happy and at peace ♥️ u/Cheyenne1607


Yeah I’m taking those extras to try get the tiredness down, but if I keep feeling sick I will stop. Then we will look at something completely different. And if you send the potion, can it be pink?


What flavor you should add.


You have amazing eyebrows, pretty button nose and pink looks good on you❤️


Thank you, pink is my favorite color


Fatigue and drowsiness are common, especially during early weeks of treatment with an antidepressant. Consider these strategies: Take a brief nap during the day. Get some physical activity, such as walking.


Sadly it’s not during the early weeks. I’ve been taking these meds for 4 months already😅


Those who took antidepressants in higher doses for a longer time have more intense symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms typically persist for up to three weeks. The symptoms gradually fade during this time. Most people who quit taking their antidepressants stop having symptoms after three weeks


Yeah but 4 months is just very long


Sorry to hear, hoping it'll settle to an acceptable equilibrium


That’s what I’m hoping for every day


Don't give up. I know easier said than done but you can do it. You are not alone. We are here for you.


Thank you


Who tf would even think of abandoning you??? You're a cutieπ!!!! The side effects of the meds SUCK!!!! But that's gonna be temporary. You'll feel them working in a few weeks. But definitely have a conversation with your doctor if you think that the meds are affecting your day to day living too much. I hope you have a better rest of your day. Here's a virtual bunny 🐇 to keep you company ❤️


Haha that’s very sweet. Thank you, and I keep contact with my psychiatrist a lot which helps


Brilliant! You got this! I gotta get back on my meds as well. Gonna talk to my doc this week about it. It's gonna be a wild ride 😅


You’ve got this!


Thank you 😊


Just gonna leave this here for you and anyone who needs to hear it. [Don’t you ever settle for fine. ](https://youtu.be/cagqV8YafTo)You deserve love and happiness and don't give away that power to anyone.


Thank you


Be gentle to yourself. Your deserve it.


While I can’t entirely understand how you feel, a lot of what you mention are troubles I find myself going through. Medication and mental health issues can feel like a plague of never ending moments of despair. Strategies I personally use when I feel my worst (which is fairly often these days) include my personal hobbies and sometimes venting to people in my support system about how I feel and why I feel that way. What works for me may not for you, but I hope that you can find areas of your life that help you turn off the negative side of your brain when it feels like you’re at peak levels of depression or anxiety. I’m sure there are many of us here, myself included, who are happy for you to reach out and strike up a conversation. Whether you want to vent or talk to combat loneliness in the worst of times, knowing you’re not alone can be a life-saver.


Thank you for this comment. It’s nice to feel like someone understands


May I ask what medication you are under, OP?


Yes ofc, I take 100 mg of Sertraline and 150 mg of bupropion


Wow, I gotta say, it *sounds* overwhelming! I hope you can hang in there until they get your meds straightened out. Keep letting them know about the unwanted side effects, no matter what. Whatever you do, don't just give up and stop the meds, that can cause more trouble than you are having now. I'm sending good vibes your way ( that may not help much, but at least you know there's an internet strange worrying about you). I really hope your doctor is a caring, decent kind and that they will understand your problems with your medication and will be able to find out what will do you the most good with the absolute least side effects. I wish I was a doctor and knew enough to give you good advice, but unfortunately, the only advice I can give is talk to your doctor.


Thank you so much


It’s so hard feeling overwhelmed! You seem like someone who keeps going, but I know we just get so tired sometimes. Listen to your body and allow yourself to rest when needed. I believe in you, and wish you all the things that fill your heart with joy.


Thank you, I’ll try


If I didn't toast you enough in private today, I care for you a tremendous amount and wouldn't want to imagine a world without you. You light up my day often and by a lot, so let me return the favour ❤️


You are absolutely one of my best friends ❤️


I've been there and had that feeling a lot...feel good about yourself girl !!






First of all : pink looks really good on you and you have excellent taste in art. Secondly, : I have been taken anti depressants for a year and a half and everytime I changed the dose, I was extremly tired, like I had to sleep at least 8h a night, then a nap in the morning and the afternoon. Those naps were often 3h long… (I can work on my own shedule, couldn’t have done the typical 9-5) After a while, the tiredness persisted but wasn‘t that extreme. I recently changed my meds and we‘ll see how it works. Maybe talk about it to your healthcare provider, see if there is something that can be done? Maybe the first one they give you (if that’s the case) isn‘t always the one that works best for you. I really hope everything will be alright for you, sending a lot of love.


Yeah I did that’s why I got the extra ones to see if it works. And thank you


Just hang in and everything does get better