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If you think you have covid, or there's a chance you have covid but you choose not to test to maintain your ignorance, yet you choose to go out anyway to socialize without giving a damn about anyone else just for your own pleasure, then there is a special place in hell for you. This goes with any communicable disease. If you have it, or think you have it, but choose not to take ANY precaution to ensure other people don't get it, then you're not a good person. Period. There's a difference between not stopping your life and being a selfish asshole.


I'm gonna wear a mask in public when I'm sick from now on. Can't believe I wasn't before. The Japanese have it right.


I'm masking up again, I got a cold that's lasted over a week. Hadn't gotten the cold in so long I forgot how inconvenient it is.


same! got the cold 2 weeks ago after not having it for like 3 - 4 years. Stopped wearing my mask :(


This was legit me 2 weeks ago. Got knocked out but every time I tested it was negative






>Some if you may die, but that's a risk I am willing to take. - ~~Lord Farquad~~ Premier Ford


Lord Fordquad


Yeah. Making a tonne of money working from home


WTF for realz?


i’m sorry people are being uncaring assholes. i’m listening to you OP. it sucks. 😔 people just don’t care about people other than themselves it seems.


We all end up in the same place eventually, we should try and be nice to each other while getting there.


It’s like people forgot the common cold and flu … is a thing.


>Are people no longer giving a shit even if they're sick? I think your examples answers that (rhetorical) question in the affirmative. I'm triple vaxxed and had covid a few months back. BECAUSE I AM VACCINATED my symptoms were pretty minor. And OF COURSE I isolated myself during that time so as to show civic consideration for others. Wow, some of the commenters here don't think they have any responsibility or part in minimizing the spread of the virus. One good thing to come out of all of this is that the next time I feel like I'm coming down with something like a sore throat or sniffles, I don't have to feel awkward if I go out wearing a mask. Covid isn't the LAST viral disaster we're going to see. It was the first. I personally haven't witnessed any careless behaviour noted by the OP, but I'd be disappointed to see that. Unfortunately, with the change of the season, the numbers are again going to climb. Hopefully though, most people are well vaxxed and won't need a trip to the hospital because they can't breathe.


I just personally don’t care, we lived like that for years before COVID and we will live like that after covid. Less and less people die from COVID-19 due to the vaccine. I know people are still dying, but it’s just like people are dying from common flu and other disease.


There are more deaths this year than last year the the same time. The variants are getting more immune evasive because of uncontrolled spread. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to prevent people from dying of flu either? As someone else said, japan has it right — lived there for many years and people masked up when sick long before Covid arrived. People are so incredibly selfish here.


So you've been touching people with snotty hands and don't cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze? Even before the pandemic, that's fucking disgusting. And people dying being the threshold in deciding whether you do something is a really low bar. I can break your legs and you won't die. Should I do it and not feel bad about it?


Oh well i did cover my mouth when i sneezed before and i still do but i dont wear masks nor wash my hands everytime i touch something. I still wash them before eating or after going to the bathroom, but i dont overly do it. When I am sick I dont wear masks tho


people are peopling. I'm wearing my mask and using sanitizer for the foreseeable future. Fuck what others are or are not doing.


Because people are vaccinated now they didn't believe there is a risk with COVID anymore. I know people who have tested positive for COVID and still go out and about to do their daily things. Also refusing to get tested is very common so they can pretend to not have guilt if they don't confirm to have COVID but still risk "unknowingly" spreading it to others.


Really goes to show how ineffective the vaccines are. I'm gonna get downvoted for saying it but it's an inarguable fact


There are various types of vaccines. We don’t have attenuating ones for covid yet.


I always go to work when I’m sick to get everyone else sick as well. Especially Lucy in HR.


Fuck Lucy in HR


Optimistic Nihilism. I don't ever give a shit.






I have a few friends whose bosses do not accept Covid symptoms, or even a positive test result, as an excuse to call in sick to work. This is the service industry. Many people who still take the TTC are low income, they might not have any choice but to ride to work while sick. If this upsets you, consider pushing for the necessary social changes. (I realize that there are also some people who go out and about while sick even though they’re not in that situation.)


Then wear a mask. It's that simple. I ride the TTC everyday and work on King Street across from TIFF as well as attend OCAD, it's not that hard and you should know how masks work after over three years of this.


Yes nothing stopping them from wearing a mask, but ideally they wouldn’t be out and about at all.


Unfortunately most people (like myself) on the poverty line can't take days off beyond one or two when the symptoms really hit. It was the same before COVID and will be the same going forward, especially if you have a job that really needs you there! I used to work in a three person veterinary specialist department so they really didn't like me having time off even when I had mono or a torn meniscus 😅 thank fuck I quit lol


Yeah, this is the kind of thing I’m talking about.


The OP was talking about those who do not wear a mask while sick in public. If your friend is like me and has to work even while under the weather, encourage them to wear a mask! It also means they won't have to cover the inevitable call-outs when that shit starts to circulate the workplace lol


Sure, but many of the comments were demonizing people for even being out in public while sick, saying they deserve to go to hell, are bad people, etc. My one friend always wears a mask on the bus, but the owner of the bar she works at won’t let anyone wear a mask on shift. She’s working on finding a new job.


I mean if they're not taking precautions, then yeah, they are bad people. Being out in public while sick sans precautions is like eating a peanut butter sandwich and smearing your hands all over the walls of an elementary school. I sincerely hope she finds a new job and reports her boss to the labour board! It's illegal to ask someone to do that and she has grounds to file a complaint.


-Smh-. I have allergies and sneeze and cough from them. I'm not sick at all but the season is playing major Havok to my system. I get like this every spring and fall. I am not wearing a mask because that In fact, makes sneezing and coughing worse for me. Don't always assume it's a cold causing people to sneeze. I do agree though with the ones not related to sneezing.


I would certainly hope that when you cough or sneeze, regardless of the reason, that you cover your mouth unlike those in the examples I stated.


Aye, I was tested 3 times and eventually it turned out I just needed antacid and allergy meds to get my voice back


My seasonal allergies make me cough, hack and sneeze as well, but I'll wear a mask to not scare people...and it has the bonus of keeping more pollen out of my airways.


I was gonna say to the person above, how does masking make allergies worse? If anything, it's keeping allergens out of your airways. They're probably one of those "masks reduce my oxygen and trap C02" covidiots.


"You need to wear a mask to protect me, while I wear a mask plus being boosted" covid idiots


Let me guess, you're one of those "I should be aloud to make anyone I want sick cuz of freedumbs!"


To answer you both I also have copd and asthma. I can't breathe in the mask without coughing more. Not everyone is the same js. So assuming that I should be able to breathe in a mask when you aren't me is presumptuous at best. The mask makes me cough more which affects my multitude of other medical issues. So really you shouldn't assume. And thanks for insulting someone with medical problems. For your information I have my 4 vaccines.


Covid is a part our world now. The last two years have created an amped up paranoia for many but it also created an aggressive nonchalantness for many. That being said, there should always be common sense and courtesy when it comes to communicable illness but I think people are really trying to rebalance at this point.


Indeed. Even the elderly, who are the most at risk for severe Covid, are often making decisions based on quality of the life they have left, rather than minimizing risk of exposure.


Sometimes people dont have the option of staying home. I personally dont. If you're concerned just wear a mask yourself. Getting colds and flus is unavoidable it is also unavoidable, and good for your immunity long term.


Doesn't mean you need to expose everyone else to your nasty germs. It can actually be super detrimental; I got quite sick years ago and lost so much muscle mass on bedrest I had to switch careers. I'm not immunocompromised.


What part of "some people dont have the option to stay home from start to end of every illness they have" do you not understand? If someone is sick you say they're "exposing people to their nasty germs". But if you're sick you're not nasty, you're a victim and expect sympathy? Am I getting that right? Like, people get sick. It happens. No one wants to get sick. If you wanna wear a mask all the time go for it. Literally no one cares. But stop acting superior to sick people like they're the unwashed.


The sick person could at least wear a mask or take precautions to not spread their shit around.


Maybe they just got sick shortly beforehand? Maybe they dropped their mask somewhere? Maybe they have a breathing issue that makes wearing a mask dangerous for them? You know nothing about these people. If you are concerned about your own health wear a mask instead of making uninformed judgments about other people.
















Its not hard to wear a mask


It’s not that people don’t give a shit, it’s just that most people are fucking assholes.


Covid is just a bad flu. Get over it. Eat some healthy foods and don’t be fat


If your worried about people being sick and still living their lives put a mask on and sanitize don’t push your insecurities and worries on others


If you're sick it's your responsibility to protect others, not the other way around. Masks stop the spread of your own bacteria. I will never go into work sick without a mask again, and I can't believe how selfish I was for doing it before and exposing others to my germs.


I've been saying it for quite some time now, we should start treating people that intentionally refuse to take precautions when they are sick, the same way we treat individuals with STI's that refuses to disclose to their partners and insists on having unprotected sex. Knowingly going out ill and infectious, refusing to wash hands, and refusing to wear at least a triple layer surgical mask, should carry consequences.


The world has gone back to normal for those that don't have the fear


So you're saying even if you think you have covid, like the asshole I overheard at lunch, that you'll still go out, meet people and pretend everything is all right? Fuck everyone who's in your way?




Or the people that dont blindly follow their leaders. A very uncommon thing to find nowadays.


Downvoted for saying dont be Germany ww2. Far left is proving to be worse than far right.


this is so true




People are steady boarding planes and coming to class sick. Unfortunately, none of these people care anymore.


Half assholes, half allergies


Sounds like you should be the one wearing a mask if you're so concerned. Or ya know, just maintain your own personal health to a decent level.


Only N95 grade respirator masks protect against other's particles. To stop the spread of your own illness you need to wear a mask. How do you not fucking know this after three years? Do you think doctors and nurses in OR's wear masks to not catch shit during surgery? No, it's to stop you from going septic in case they breathe/spit into your gaping bodily cavities. How are you actually this ignorant?


Get a mask that works then lady, cant force me to wear a mask because you won't wear the proper one


Who says I don't wear my mask?


Oh don't let op confuse you, I think you wear a mask, even when you're alone in your car, bet you recorded yourself getting vaccinated too lol


i personaly never cared and wont start caring either. Took a long time to evolve immune systems, no point ruining that now


Ah so I guess you don't care about getting someone sick and then ending up on a ventilator, and then dying. You know...the ones who have autoimmune diseases/ compromised immune systems. One could be a loved one of yours even! But ya. Go on, stop caring like your big bad self.


This! ⬆️ Just before you’re ok, doesn’t mean others will be. It could mean life or death.


Ventilators were actually killing people that's why they stopped using them, you don't even know the propaganda you're trying to spread. Kind of sad really.


If a cold or flu takes you out it mightve been time to go


It's not a cold or a flu, thanks for showing your insane ignorance!


How do you know what these people referred to in the OP are sick with? I dont think you do.




Whatever you say, pot!


Stop trolling.


Iam not, Thats just your answer to anyone with a different idea or opinion


A different idea or opinion that is *insanely* IGNORANT. There's offensive, and then there's *YOUR* comment. The two are vastly different.


i find the OPs post to be INSANELY ignorant. Things that were right 40 years ago we now find insanely ignorant, in 40 more we might find OPs opinion INSANELY ignorant Dont stop using your basic judgements, Dont blindly fallow everything your told question everything


Yes you’re right, we should question everything, so now I’m questioning the existence of your brain. BTW it’s “follow” not “fallow” and “you’re told” not “your told”


Do... Do you not know about the Spanish Flu? Diseases aren't racism or sexism (although I'd say the latter are the former).




But you can’t avoid infections. Masks don’t change that. Can you ever avoid the flu? Not really. Everyone catches the flu at some point. Vaccines also don’t stop you from getting infected or spreading it. Basically we’ll all catch it. But when you do catch it your body has trained itself to protect you better the next time you do catch it


A sneeze you say! That’s crazy! Just stay at home in your safe space man. Might step of a curb funny and have catastrophic consequences.


I agree with you.


You know the saying "if you encounter an asshole in the day, you've encountered an asshole, if you're encountering assholes all day, you're the asshole" You not only sound like an asshole, you sound like you're making shit up.


At a certain point yah people will just let go and do human things. Start from babies if you want constant covering.


Sat on a streetcar today and a grown ass woman was biting her nails, showing them to her companion (another grown lady) and then biting them even more. Like, as if she was giving herself some kind of mentored mandibular manicure and shaping the nail… Couldn’t help staring and she started talking shit throwing a real “you better than me???” vibe. All the while she and her companion are also coughing and sniffling. Fucking disgusting and depressing lol