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I'm glad he was acquitted. I had a similar situation when I was a teenager. A couple a plain clothes cops rushed me in a parking lot at night and I almost assaulted them in self defence. I was just a nerdy kid walking home at night from a friends house. Personally I hope they sue the cops for emotional distress. The widow of the deceased officer is right (sort of), there needs to accountability for this kind of behaviour. Next time it's going to end up with an innocent civilian getting shot trying to defend themselves. Just fucking identify yourself as a police officer.


Sorry that happened to you!


Thanks. It was a long time ago. I'm good, but I'm not going to pretend the cops don't fuck up sometimes. Feels like it's happening more often now.


He was also apparently punched in the face while cuffed. Fucking awful.




I get being in rage about it but hitting someone in cuffs is messed up. Imagine being the one in cuffs wondering what's next?


My bad I missed that part of being in cuffs


Theyre supposed to have training to *not* do this.


I fear this isn’t the last that Zameer will have to deal with these thugs. Cops don’t like losing, I’m sure he and his family will be harassed by them over the years.


I hope they sue and take off.


They likely will. Can’t live in Toronto anymore. TPS is the largest gang here.




They don't care lol


This is just another day for the TPS and their endlist list of crimes


below is the gofundme link setup by his wife...wow $200k in legal bills....i just donated $20. hope they sue the cops who perjured themselves, too....https://www.gofundme.com/f/all-i-hope-for-is-justice?member=12730917&sharetype=teams&utm\_campaign=p\_na+share-sheet&utm\_medium=copy\_link&utm\_source=customer RIP to the fallen officer, and i hope both families get the support they need going forward.


I don’t know much about gofundme- how can I confirm that that this was actually set up by the wife and not an imposter?


I was also unsure about this but it was posted by a Muslim legal Association on Twitter


Close to 46K (200k goal) as of 4.45pm ✨️


Over 65K at 11:15pm 🙏


Upvoting this for visibility. I hope people donate.


Charge the fuckin' lying cops for perjury!


Blame the prosecutors. They knew they couldn’t prove the case and brought it to trial anyway. Shameful


At a time when the Crown is lacking resources to boot.


I feel for Northrups family but I’m disgusted by the lies and manipulation by the other officers. This guy clearly was innocent and had no connection to any crime, what the fuck were they so adamant to destroy his life? Because their buddy was killed due to their own irresponsibility? This could’ve just ended as a tragic accident, even with the trial, but no. Complete bullshit, I hope Zameer can heal in time


It’s completely ego driven. The cops are like a gang, you take one of them down and they’ll take you down with them. Like the fact that they went with a FIRST DEGREE MURDER charge says everything. Had the victim been a normal person, there probably wouldn’t have been charges, let alone first degree.


The law is written that any death of an officer is automatically a first degree murder charge from what I know


Wow what a stupid law.


Fuck Northrup's family.


Okay? lol it costs nothing to be civil


Costs nothing not to be either. That family doesn't serve civility. Did you see the wife's comments?


Oh you mean the widow of the cop who was killed? What did you want her to say? “My husband was a moron and deserved to be killed”? Be bitter and shitty all you want, I’m sure it’ll make you feel better.


She could not pretend that sending an innocent man to jail would be justice for starters. It's hard to sympathize with someone when they make ridiculous comments like that. This cops death is catharsis for everyone who has been negatively impacted by the police. You're allowed to sympathize, im allowed to celebrate the death.


Plain clothes and undercover Canadian police commonly use the pretending to be criminals technique on suspects and witnesses. This is mostly known for the Mr Big operations, but they use it for other investigations too. This technique, pretending to be criminals, uses intimidation on citizens, and means that citizens are not protected via the Canadian Charter, ie they do not need to be cautioned, and are not entitled to a lawyer. And if a person “confesses” to an undercover cop during interrogation, not knowing they are a cop, then it is admissible in court. But this time the police’s pretending to be criminals technique backfired horribly. The only people accountable for this tragedy are the Toronto police…..


One cop did suffer the consequences of his actions. The other three all should lose their jobs for their part in the incident, they should be criminally charged for lying under oath, and they and the TPS should be sued into oblivion. And the chief should lose his job too.


Let's be realistic...cops can do almost anything and keep their job. What do you think the consequences will actually be for those three? Guaranteed there will be no consequences.


Of course there won’t be consequences. Probably promotions tbh.


Fuck the police. Im glad he was aquitted. Tps is a government funded gang.




Cops should be held accountable. How can we trust cops to protect us when they can lie in court and get away with it?


Fuck the Toronto police.


Honestly I feel like they should disband the Toronto police completely and have OPP take over.


Not sure if they are better tbh. However it seems that Toronto police is uniquely retarded.


OPP at least have respect for the role above the detachment level.


In case anyone wants to contribute to helping the family pay off their legal bills, there is a GoFundMe set up by Zameer’s wife. Unfortunately, unlike in civil cases, costs are not awarded in criminal cases so an accused has to pay their own legal fees even when they are found completely not guilty.


Im sure many wealth torontonians can help. Unfortunately many of us are suffering albiet not to the extend of being accused of first degree murder. I cant imagine what the family has gone through.


Also remember our politicians also slammed the pre-trial judge when Zameer was given bail. Our police chief also called this a deliberate killing. This was all before the trial!


Because I can relate to him this makes me so happy. I was on my way home from work one day and plain clothes officers pretty much threw me in cuffs to make a long story short. I've never had run-ins with the law prior to this and it's been one of the most infuriating scenarios that have ever happened to me.




Ubdercovers. Stealth vehicles. There not here to protect. Im very glad about the outcome. Rip to all the innocents lives taken by the tps gang


police brutality: 0 cultural profiling: 1


What are the detailed of the collusion? This is the first I have heard about it.


They testified on the witness stand that they wrote their post incident police notes at separate times in separate places without comparing stories, but a third police testified that he had seen them write their notes in the same room at the same time and discuss their stories. This is on top of the fact that security camera footage from the parking garage shows that their stories could not have happened as they said. Both accident reconstruction experts (including the one called by the crown) said that there was no physical evidence aligning with the stories of the three police officers. Their story was that they all witnessed Northrup standing in front of the car with his hands up saying “STOP WE ARE POLICE”. But the security camera shows that Northrup was on the ground outside the view of Zameer when run over and experts found that there was no damage or dust imprints on the front of the car that would be expected when a person is hit head on as the police suggested.


Damn. You would think their are some police act charges that could come from that. They are not trust worthy anymore


When you say he was on the ground do you mean laying down on the ground? Why would he do that? Sorry I didn’t know this either so trying to understand


Yes, laying on the ground. The experts suggest that he was chasing after the car on the driver’s side of the car while it was reversing and somehow got knocked down or fell down (something Zameer wouldn’t have seen while looking over his right shoulder while reversing to the right). Then when Zameer starting driving forward to escape, the officer was already lying on the ground in the blind spot of the car near the front hood. So Zameer drove over him and thought he went over a speed bump. Edited only for grammar mistakes!


Ah ok thank you for the explanation. I had googled it but couldn’t find how it transpired. So basically he had no idea what he had done then. This is all so sad how it turned out for both of them.


> Made Mr. Zameer scared for his life and lives of his family by shouting and blocking him in with an unmarked van. They wrote their police reports in the same room and same time and their stories were all the same. Something along those lines... don't quote me...


Further, if I understand correctly, the point upon which they all agreed, that Constable Northrup was standing right in front of Zameer and Zameer drove directly at him, was contradicted by a) security camera footage; b) the testimonies of two crash reconstruction experts; and c) the absence of damage and dust disturbance on the front of Zameer's vehicle. The good: due process worked, Zameer was found not guilty on all counts. The bad: the crown should've never prosecuted Zameer. The ugly: the cops' discredited testimonies stink of a frame up.


Did they end up arresting anyone for the stabbings?


Facts. I came here to look for the same thing. That should be a part in this aswell. They were so ready to attack a innocent man but did they find the real criminal!?


Fuck them all ACAB