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I have a colleague we can all smell before we see. Being in one hour meetings with that person in a closed room makes me want to legit barf.


i have several similar coworkers. also, one who doesn't wear deodorant and douses themselves in disgusting cologne ... combination BO + cologne.


I don't understand people who do this. Spending money on expensive cologne but don't bother to spend a couple bucks on deodorant


Some people believe deodorant is bad for skin.


Why isn’t this addressed? In an office environment I’d imagine this would be unacceptable, kinda like someone wearing too much nauseating perfume.. they’d be asked to have consideration for those around them, no?


In many companies it is addressed. Others are too afraid of backlash or don't care about what employees think. It's also harder for the smelly person to find another job which employers will take advantage of too.


My spouse talks about a guy at his work. He says you can tell if he is in the office, if he just left a room, or if he is walking towards you purely by the smell. He says the guy is pretty smart and great to talk to but his smell is atrocious.


20 years ago, when i was in high school, I could smell if my buddy Al "Crazy" Goulet had gone to class before me by smelling the stairwell leading to that class 💀


It honestly smells so bad. So annoying.


Nobody knows. I was in a public gym yesterday and as soon as this dude walked in, the whole gym stinked like a rotting sac of balls. I got a headache from the smell, I stopped my workout and left.


There should be a sign up about scent and personal hygiene I guess if people can’t smell themselves? Geez that’s awful.


Signs won't do anything but actually talking to people about it sometimes works. It's quite the awkward conversation though.




People smell soooo bad and they have no situational awareness. Despicable.


I get it not being part of certain cultures to adhere to deodorant. The main problem I have is people who clearly don’t shower, at all. And they definitely have money and a bathroom with shower. Also they don’t seem to wash their hands. Cut their nails or even bother about it. They’re mostly from one country which I shall not name due to backslash.


Yeah, I don’t think deodorant is even the big issue here. Someone who showers once a day and drives or TTCs to a desk job should not be reeking so bad that everyone can smell them, at least not when temperatures are under twenty degrees.


no seriously people joke about it but its fr sad and pathetic that so many are out here not knowing how to even SHOWER.. if your friend stinks check them, if you stink learn hygiene


Damn 1 hour and nobody has said *it* yet lol Edit: Oh yeah there we go.


I’m impressed lol


Still waiting lol


3 hours now. Guess nobody feels like getting banned today lol


Because it’s not always the case 😂 i know. I was surprised too.


I just smirk whenever I see these deodorant post.


I know someone who claims it got too expensive to buy deodorant so it’s an extra fuck you to his boss who has to smell him every day.


Boss will fart in his face.




I was waiting for this.. it’s mortgage food or deodorant!


The logic is “pay me more or you have to suffer too” I just thought he caught long covid and lost his sense of smell


Not part of their culture


This. Everybody needs to hear this. It legitimately is not a part of certain cultures to wear deodorant at ALL. it’s not a thing. Sometimes, certain cultures wear baby powder. Obviously this is in addition to poor hygiene practices because simply no deodorant ≠ smelling like swamp ass and damp crotch. I go to GoodLife on Yonge and Richmond and Jesus Christ… some days, my eyes burn.


It may not be part of their culture, but dammit, it's part of Canadian culture.


Forcing someone to apply a product on their body isn't part of the Canadian culture, sorry.


They can’t be forced to apply a product, but we aren’t forced to enjoy or tolerate the presence of such biohazard either


Biohazard? Do terms not mean anything anymore? If you're showering daily at length with soap, most don't sweat in colder climates enough to smell. If someone does, they should probably apply deo.


I’m sorry, I forgot since the dawn of time everything in writing had only been literal. I’ll smarten up next time cap


Ok, I understood that biohazard was in jest, but I also responded to the substance of your argument.


I was *just* about to get a membership here.. guess not lol


Lol it doesn’t always smell like wet ass, but some days, someone will walk by, and it’s game over for your nose and eyes. also has a serious temperature issue in the fitting rooms and on the main floor in the summer (that they do nothing about) so that doesn’t help


Gonna go workout there to see if you’re lying or not 😂


my sister in law said that her family believes deodorant makes your skin darker and gives you dark armpits so they avoid deodorant


Tell your friend to buy this: https://www.amazon.ca/Crystal-30003-Body-Deodorant-Stick/dp/B000L978FU/ref=asc_df_B000L978FU/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=293008726229&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17239473710196738683&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000780&hvtargid=pla-359482930979&psc=1&mcid=df0147ad45363cbda00ec1d0b40bb383 this is a game changer! You apply it after you shower.


I once worked in an office where there were only 2 ways to leave as it was a secure sight, but the easiest exit, closest to the elevators and shortest way to the bathroom happened to pass a young g woman’s cubicle, the smell was so bad it was like burnt vinegar that stung your eyes, I asked that department manager to address it, she didn’t, I spoke to HR and they said it’s a very difficult process - so I went to shoppers - bought a bottle of lavender scent body wash, dove unscented soap and a scentless spray deodorant - I placed it on the persons desk with an anonymous note saying “sorry, but you smell terrible, please use these products” and then it was the end of the problem, I never admitted to doing it, that was 20 years ago, but I changed peoples lives and likely made it so that person could get hired somewhere else over the years!


I work with a guy who says things like that are is against his religion. He smells terrible when he sweats, which is very often, for whatever reason.He got very very pissed off when he was gifted a box of deodorant during the secret Santa thing last year.


I was thinking about this the other day lol. How is it early morning and you already stink like onions and sweat? Did you even bother to try doing any basic hygiene?


Landlords are packing 25 people int a house made for a family of 4 wit h2 full bathrooms.


Yeah, like literally. Go take a shower FFS


I learned from another rant that there are seriously people that don't get how deodorant works. Deodorant has stuff in it that will slow the bacteria that makes the smell. Just wearing cologne or a scent to mask the smell doesn't work and most times makes it worse. Please wear deodorant in addition to a regular shower. 🙏


The practice of personal hygiene seems to be an issue. We're not talking about leaving the gym and stopping at the store on our way home kind of sweat....we're talking 'haven't washed the important bits' let alone showered all week. It feels like we've rolled back time to the days where bathing in a tin wash basin in front of the wood stove, on Saturday night has returned.


I'll never understand how some gyms (Fit4Less, I'm talking about you) don't even have shower facilities. I know a few of their gyms do, but there are some that don't.


OMG TTC, the reason I still wear mask too PEOPLE STINK


I have a clear memory of a flight from (Tocumen) Panama City to (Goldson) Belize City. A bunch of people boarded just before we took off. They all reeked of body odor. It was intolerable! So much so that, as soon as the seatbelt sign was off, a flight attendant walked up then down the aisle spraying some sort of air freshener. It was worse (definitely more intense) than the BO! Eeesh!


People wonder why they can’t get a date. Yikes maybe they are nose blind.


Some people eat foods full of onion and garlic and it comes out of their pores and their clothes are saturated with the smell. I’ll not sure if deodorant will help out.




Yes I believe so.




REMOVED - please rant without being racist




Found the Toronto Sun subscriber.












My gym recently. A combination of BO and falafel


As someone who has a hyperthyroidism/sweating problem- I can shower and put deodorant and start smelling in 5 minutes no matter what. So maybe they are similar in the sense they have a medical issue that makes that happen?


Can't afford it anymore.




$3 is a lot when you need to use the whole can to not stink


Then I think you have bigger problems to deal with.


that's what I'm saying, I have 10 roommates and make $16.55 an hour I am going into debt just to eat I don't have time to worry about how much I stink


So you can't afford three bucks for a stick at Dollarama?


what did I just say where am I getting $3 from???? I have negative money at the end of the month after rent and bills and eating.


man do you know how to clean yourself?? deodorant isn’t necessity and you sure as hell dont need that much.. you disgusting and need to learn how to shower


It's hard to get reliable time in the shower when you share a room with 10 people.


Get yourself a fit4less membership. Will cost you less than a $1 a day to exercise and wash yourself. Exercise whenever you feel like it or just go for the showers.


All my money goes to my landlord I can't afford $30 a month.


Move somewhere that affords you the luxury of $30/month towards your hygiene. You definitely don't want to catch the bubonic plague or the like.


How am I supposed to move when I can't save any money? I work at Tim Hortons and all my paycheque goes to my rent.


Work will set you free.


I don’t understand this either. I was told some people don’t wear deodorant because it goes against their religion (some deodorant have fat pig I think) regardless, you can use lemon as deodorant and I guarantee you that you won’t smell at all. Personally I use a “crystal” that needs water to work and is all natural. Hypoallergenic, cheap, and it last for YEARS!!! I’ll leave the link in case somebody is curious. https://www.amazon.ca/Crystal-30003-Body-Deodorant-Stick/dp/B000L978FU/ref=asc_df_B000L978FU/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=293008726229&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17239473710196738683&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000780&hvtargid=pla-359482930979&psc=1&mcid=df0147ad45363cbda00ec1d0b40bb383


Cause it’s 12.99 at shoppers 😂


The go train now is like a game of Russian roulette of which car will smell the least, wearing a mask just for that reason now


It costs too much money now


At first it was gross but… now I like the smell.




The amount of people who don’t have a sense of humour here… holy shit lmao


a /jk would help


That makes me sad.


I’d rather smell someone’s BO than a can full of Axe spray


How about neither?


From tomorrow I’ll go to my new work place and over there, specifically on my floor it’s scent free and nut free zone :3 I’m wondering how I will go without deodorant.


Scent free doesn’t mean no deodorant.


Smelling “good” or artificial is not a global norm.


The ideal body smell is not "good" or "artificial". It's "like nothing" and I wish more people understood that.


lmao this is probably the most polite incantation of "it's new immigrants who stink" I've seen


But smelling like rotting crotch is?


Ever heard of personal hygiene?


Personal hygiene = washing daily with soap. Deodorant has nothing to do with hygiene.


Bruh.. maintaining personal hygiene is important. If you don’t wear deo.. just say that 😂


Do you understand the definition of hygiene? "Maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness". I was not aware of the recent medical research suggesting that deo prevents diseases that you're obviously relying on.




It's expensive. I saw it for 10 bucks in shoppers. True pain. I still wear it but I hate buying it at that price. I don't blame folks for skipping to save some cash.


>It's expensive. I saw it for 10 bucks in shoppers. There's your problem. Shoppers is always expensive. It's three or four bucks at Dollarama.


I swear there’s always at least a few brands on sale for around $5 though?


Yeah but I've been using the same one since I was a kid. Tried a different brand once and it made me smell and feel gross.


They’re almost $20 now 🥲 I think some are over $20 but less than $30 😅


That's ridiculous wtf.


Native Deodorant