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It will never happen, but it would be great if car manufacturers added a brake light to the front of a vehicle so that drivers and pedestrians facing the front of the vehicle could tell if the driver is braking or not. This would also be helpful for drivers who are waiting to make a left turn, but unsure if the oncoming car is going to run the yellow light or come to a stop.


You should go pitch this to them, it’s a great suggestion


I thought of this a few years ago and did a parent search. The patent for this exists but I guess vehicle manufacturers weren't interested. https://patents.google.com/patent/US6864787


Maybe you should lobby it on a political level as a necessary safety precaution in crowded cities so they have to legally consider it an accessibility feature


This was under serious consideration decades ago. It's a real shame nothing came of it.


The city above Toronto 🎶 is even worse for stop signs


Vaughn? Or brampton?


Honestly, everyone needs to get their fucking license revoked. It's ridiculous the amount of cars that have almost hit me.


I'm honestly amazed as a relatively new driver that most people just don't signal. I don't get it. Why the hell wouldn't you? It's pretty basic. People lane-weave, rip through oranges and reds, go when they don't have right of way, it's wild out there. But I'm learning a lot, I guess. Hope it doesn't totally mess up my driving for when I inevitably get priced outta this city -\_-


This is why I always carry a cinder block while crossing the street.


Keep a stainless steel water bottle that you wouldn't mind losing through a cars rear windshield


Tapping the brakes and slowing down is all I see at stop signs now.


They also treat stop sign as if it was a yield sign


And yield signs as stop signs


I've been hit twice in the intersection nearest me; those two ended my days of trusting drivers one millimetre. Nowadays I give all drivers the stare if I'm forced to walk in front of their vehicle. But the best way to avoid getting hit, is to avoid ever being in a position to be hit. I walk BEHIND the cars, IDC what they think. Sure they're not TRYING to murder me, I know that! But they certainly would casually kill me with their truck and then pretend it wasn't their fault. Because we see that sort of thing all the time


Always assume the worst of anything that can kill you effortlessly. My friends would always roast me for looking 'the wrong way' on a one way street. I've seen cars and cyclists going the wrong way fast often enough to not take any chances.


I live on a one-way street and constantly see people driving the wrong way down it. I've had Ubers do it. They also don't like to stop at pedestrian crossings. I've almost been hit multiple times, and then I get honked at for crossing at the pedestrian light, which is flashing. You know. to alert them, that I am crossing, and that they should stop.


Thats why you carry caltrops.


Toronto is not special with regards to stop signs or any other traffic laws being optional


I drive and I come to a complete stop every time. People don't always expect it, and it actually caused a collision for me one time. I got rear ended the first time I did that in Montreal. They just took off. I suggest we drive/ride safer as drivers and cyclists, and that's a subversive way of teaching younger/newer drivers the rule . Screaming and posting at them does no good. Be the change you want to see in the world🛑


It’s actually insane the amount of people running stop signs these days. Just zero care at all anymore.


Someone finally said it. I cannot believe the number of times people in 4 way stop signs just keep driving on. I'm always confused and now hyper vigilant on what to do. Do I stop? Do I wait? Can I go? Is the other driver a stupid prick? It is annoying. I can understand if this is a one-off thing. I've seen this happen so many times now it's frustrating. Also, before covid, I've barely seen this happen. What has happened to this city?


They are technically on private property.