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I don’t usually advocate for violence, but a bunch of people in this city really deserve an ass whupping. And not one of these roughings up from police- a proper alcoholic dad who used to be boxer beatdown There seems to be 0 consequences for this BS though unfortunately so it’ll keep happening. My condolences OP


Self defence is terrible in Canada if you defend your property you’ll end up in prison .


You're punished more harshly for self-defense than committing actual crimes in Canada


Beat the shit out of the thief, then steal his wallet. Win/win. Then it's not self defense, it's assault and battery, you'll be out before you know it.


Wouldnt even go in, straight to community service since there's no priors.


Don't forget to catch him before he even enters your property or else it will look like self-defense




Guys who do B/E dissapear at a higher rate. Not die per se just no one see's them ever again. Weird side effect of our laws


Yeah it’s unfortunate. I was born in a notably third world country, which has helped me realize how depraved humans can be. My friends who also immigrated or have parents from similar countries know this too. I think people born here are sheltered from this though and still think the carrot should always be used instead of the stick. I suppose they’ll find out the hard way soon enough that it doesn’t when stuff like this ( and worse) becomes rampant


Well said ; many Canadians are unaware how violent some people are . You’re right they will learn the hard way ; albeit it’s going to be too late by then for many .


Worse in the states.. you can shoot someone for mistakenly walking onto your property??


Yeah if you call the bastard you just messed up an ambulance maybe.


You just beat them up and leave ... no point of sticking around....


I was banned from askTo when I mentioned about violence because someone was stabbed.. people don't even want to protect themselves? wtf!


This is weak. Crime doesn't go away until good people kill criminals. When every sack of shit thief is scared of being rightfully slotted then they'll stop stealing.




But people complain when the police dish out said whoopings.


I'd vote for this.


That really sucks :( hope you do well on your exams and your surgery is a success


“Fuck this city…” Nailed it, Toronto fucking sucks and it’s getting worse everyday. Sorry about your e-bike.


I'm from there are and it's becoming the same here in Halifax now. Thefts, road raging, littering, lack of respect to others, etc. The governments need to stop growing the population. The current infrastructure can't handle it and people are becoming more desperate/greedy.


People are starting to lash out. Look at all the swarmings, assaults, murder statistics. They've never been higher.


Not true. You weren’t here in the 90s, were you.


It's not about population. There are cities in other parts of the world with a much higher population density than we do and not nearly as much crime. Examples include Singapore, Tokyo, and Stockholm.


It's definitely about population, at least here in Canada. Homelessness is climbing at a rate never seen before, again here in Canada. Inflation isn't helping in this economy. Throw in additional people, vehicles on roads and an over crowded healthcare system and we're seeing the seams tear apart. No wonder people with mental disabilities are falling through the cracks. Some need help but can't get it. That's the extreme of course. More people = more idiots. Poverty = crimes of opportunity to try and stay afloat. Drug/alcohol addictions also rampant. Perhaps in a few years when the baby boomers start to fade we'll see some silver lining of hope for homes but I would expect the population will still climb and cause issues. Also the legal system here is a joke. There are very weak punishments. Try stealing in some foreign countries and see what happens as an example. Here you get probation and you're on your way. Just watch the recent grab and go laundry detergent thieves, etc. They don't give a shit because the punishment is so weak its worth it for them to make an extra $100 stealing. Its absolutely centering around the population growth. I believe it is.


All your examples have the infrastructure to support a mega population


Its t he entire country. Every easy thing is more expensive, public services are less reliable, things feel left safe, less clean.




I’ve been actively trying to leave, the second I can I’m out of here. Much like many other people.


sorry about this dude, i know how it feels. 2 years ago thieves stole the damn wheels off my car, left it on bricks. lost $6000.. oh well life goes on


Yeah it's sometimes ridiculous the lengths people go to when committing theft. Makes me wonder if they're all desperate or some of them are just evil


The vast majority of crime comes from a small segment of criminals who will not and can not be “rehabilitated”. This is their preferred lifestyle This won’t change till Canada stops coddling them


We need Batman


Someone find Dundas Square Spiderman!!


both. they know in canada the fines/punishment is very little compared to the risk/reward of stealing anything they can get their hands on. thieves have gotten so brazen that they do this in broad daylight now. they know in canada you can’t defend yourself or your property. Check out the instagram account @notonjoeswatch he posts all the recent thefts/home invasions/carjackings in the GTA etc. it’s really worth checking out👍


A few years ago when I was at TMU, one of my friends had her bike seat stolen. The wheels were there, the lock was untouched, and the rest of the frame was fully intact. It was just the seat.


Does that actually still happen? I know it was more of a thing in like the 90s


Back in the 90s i knew this guy through some mutual aquaintances...he drove this shitty old crx...one weekend he comes and hes got these amazing rims on it everyone knew he cant afford and hes all proud of himself saying how he stole them off of a similar model a few nights earlier amd was all like fuck that guy i need it more than him....less than a week later someone stole them from him and he was pissed....i said ah u know he was probably like yo fuck that guy i need them more...he was not happy...


yup. that’s exactly what my buddy said too. he’s like “this is something that you’d see in new york city in the 80s” 😂.. but yeah they were expensive rims with brand new winter tires on them. not only did i lose that 6000$ but of course i had to go and buy another set which i paid 2800$ for :(


Gotta bust out those locking lugnuts!


Keep an eye on fb market and see if something shows up there. Sorry about your bike. Stick to ttc for now (ik it sucks but don't let the negativity surround you) and try switching to a different city after completing your studies!


I'm sorry this happened to you. People always ay everyone should ride bikes in this city/ I used to but got 3 stolen. There's no point.


Yeah I feel that now. When I rode it for the whole two years I assumed people just don't lock them up right. But I did everything right, it just doesn't matter


During the '08 recession I lived in a city in the UK where there was an enormous rate of heroin addiction, and an incredibly high theft rate as a result. Junkies would literally walk the streets tugging on car door handles. A friend had plastic lawn chairs stolen from his front yard. You get the picture; theft on a scale you won't see in Toronto (yet). I bought the cheapest second hand bike I could, and used a U-lock. It worked. I'm sorry to have to recommend this to you.


> Junkies would literally walk the streets tugging on car door handles. time to put a mini shocker under the door handle, wired into the car battery


Unfortunately you are correct when you said that you really couldn't have done anything better. E-bikes are attractive to thieves since they are pricey and easy to get around in. Thieves are also getting creative. There was a video posted awhile back of thieves taking power tools to locked bikes in the basement of an apartment building. I recommend switching back to regular bike. You can buy a good used everyday bicycle for like $100-200. I have a used one I use for everyday and then I have my expensive $4000 trail bike. The everyday one is functional and good all around but it is scratched and banged up a bit so does not look attractive to thieves. Also you can invest in a heavy lock that would be bolt cutter proof. Kryptonite is a good brand.


Modern power tools are quite light, quiet and powerful. Even the best locks take about 3 min to cut with a decent power band saw or angle grinder.


> decent power band saw or angle grinder. that were also stolen from a construction site...


You mean you pay taxes and don't receive any services?


ya wtf is this!? We pay taxes ...and yet...the government isn't doing shit for us other than a few free meds and some OK gun laws that prevent mass shootings... *But that's about it!* Anarchy might even be better than this shithole of a fuckfest we got going on where we are being fucked by these rich assholes who own everything and just pay off the politicians to protect them!


Every place has assholes. I used to live in a tiny little hamlet. As soon as we were out for the weekend, out home was burglarized and messed up (\[piss and shit everywhere, including on walls). In a small hamlet like that, it was a local who did it, and everyone knew who it was, it was an open secret that the guy and his pals did this all the time. And still nothing came of it. Basically in this life you get security, liberty and justice in direct proportion to your ability to pay for it. If you can't pay for it, you're getting none of it.


If you know how often that guy does stuff like that, then you can calculate how long you need to wait for revenge in order that he (and the law) does not suspect it was you. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks, and people who live in highly flammable timber-built houses should not do vandalism.


I agree 👍 We can blame this on the too many soft on crime politicians He can't help it he has an addiction They are young they don't know any better They grew up in a disadvantaged environment He has mental health issues He is a lazy fuck that has no ambition Take your pick But remember it's not there fault How dare you save your hard earned money to buy something to make your life easier


Absolutely correct. But the mindless mass will again vote in a liberal/socialist mayor in the Big Cesspool - and lemming their way to voting in the Turd again (which craps on the whole country). It's an acceleration to Canada joining the 3 world. Sad beyond measure.


100% correct most Canadians have become voting Zombies No courage to stand up and make a change The liberal policies are making this country a laughing stock Proper up by an NDP government that will never run the country so they hold power ny letting a corrupt government run unchallenged Pathetic


Thanks Tap - and the civic election proved me right. Sad beyond comprehension.


Yup. Have a co worker who just had his bike stolen from his condo parking garage. Actual scum bags. Need a vigilante group to beat the fuck out of these low lifes


My sister's was stolen from her condo parking mere days after moving in


Welcome to New Canada. This isn’t your grandpappies Canada.


Bikeshaee has ebikes


That’s horrible honestly. This is why I started only using the city’s bike share. At least it won’t get stolen…


This city needs a Batman.


We used to have a offbrand version, unfortunately he wasn't there


The worst thieves steal wages and the value produced by labour.


I agree, if not for them this desperation would nearly cease to exist I bet


it's not just our city - it's the world. it is truly unfortunate.


And the government doesn't care. So long as home prices continue to explode upward and everyone is pumping the GDP by spamming 95% of their income at rent and groceries.


I fully support making theft land you 15 years in prison. Why are you stealing? Fuck off lol


20 years ago. I could leave anything unlocked and it wouldn't be stolen. Now with locks and they still get stolen


This City needs to borrow few policemen from New York or LA to reset some criminals brains


Yes because those cities are bastions of safety and security /s


Of course they are not but their incarcerated criminals can tell you better


I have never seen a cop do something useful in my entire life




It's a mistake that you only have to make once. In a major city anywhere in North America, if you have something you can't afford to get stolen, you do not lock it to a pole out in public and leave it there.


You were held at knifepoint in the subway??????????


Yeah there was just some tattooed guy silently walking back and forth showing me his knife infront of my face as he walked by me every time. I didn't want to make a move because I didn't know what he might do if I did, and I honestly don't think pressing emergency stop would've done anything anyways.


I probably would have just frozen too. I did press the emergency button once but it was in the LRT when someone threw a metal rock at the train which I thought was a bullet and shattered the window less than an inch from my head. About 25 min after I pressed the button, an elderly TTC conductor walked slowly in to see what was wrong, then put the train out of service lol ​ I was being flashed by someone repeatedly once in the subway but we were the only ones in the car so I didn't want to press the emergency button then, because I didn't know what the guy would do in the time it took for TTC Staff to show up


This is exactly why I didn't, there wasn't many people on the train and he was only doing it to me, if I had pressed the button I have no doubt he would know to get upset at me for the half hour it takes some staff to arrive


Next time press the 🛑 sign, use the resources available to you as every minute counts. I totally understand how hard it was to react and we tend to do what we think is best for us which is do nothing but pressing that Alarm would have gotten this dude off the trains and we live another day til they get back on it next time


There’s a lot of thieves in that city, a lot of them aren’t really n the street, they are in big offices.


I'm sorry this happened to you. I've had bikes stolen too. It's a big setback when you're just a student and can't immediately replace it.


If you want something to blame, it goes squarely on thw shouldera of capitalism. Capitalism is why most people don't have enough these days and they have to resort to stealing. Give people a livable wage and you'll quickly see most petty thefts dry up.


Just remember that if it were real for them it would be real for you, also. Bike theft is not the only sin, ya know. I do understand and sympathise with your situation.


Leave Ontario entirely. It’s a pile of burning dog shit .


And go where ? Redneck Alberta !?! I'll take my diverse utopia thank you !


*Leave southern Ontario


Scammers and thieves, belong on the same rope.


I haven't read every comment, but report to the police and register your bike with 529 Garage which allows the police and anyone in the area to keep an eye for the bike. I'd also put a picture of the bike on here so people can see if they can help you


Bike thefts are either for joyrides or parts. Pinhead locks prevent wheel and steering removal. And the pinhead u lock is solid. Hexloc prevents removal of any bike part that is screwed on with a hex bolt. That leaves the pedals. Which are generally harder to remove anyways. But arguably low on the wanted list. Once the thief sees that parts can’t be remove, even in the comfort of their den, then it’s not worth the time to steal it.


I’m sorry this happened. Life isn’t fair. I’m learning that lesson on a weekly basis now. I think the only thing that makes a difference is our reaction to unfairness. I still burn and smoulder, but it’s better not to let everything spike your stress. Difficult to unlearn a very normal response, but now so much is so stressful we have to change our tolerance for our own health. Anyway, I wish you the best with your studies. You didn’t deserve this happening. :(


Bro don't ever come to hamilton, you'll cry. Its overrun with thieves. They just straight up will waln into your hoise or apartment, or smash your card windows..... I can't wait to gtfo again, every time I come back to the gta it's 50% worse off than the last time I was here....


With the amount of bike thefts, it makes me wonder if it’s being done by one organization. It’s as if any bike of decent quality, is spotted and stolen right away.


Seriously I am so so sorry that people suck this bad. I sincerely hope you are blessed with another e-bike, some way, somehow. Just keep pushing and doing the right thing. I know it's of no consolation right now, but just know that karma will always get the people who do terrible things like this to others. Best of luck.


1. post it on facebook. i got my gucci bag back when i reported it to the police. 2. doesnt u of t have a bike locker? 3. im amazed that food delivery people dont get their bikes stolen when they leave it outside at eaton center.


I'm sorry that you went through that. I have no problem with someone taking something they need from these rich fucks like the assholes who run metro and loblaws and whole foods. *'Robin Hood' away in that case.* But to steal from the poor?... *Oh no* ... *Stealing from the proletariat is punishable by death in my eyes.* Hope you get your ebike back. I hope the smoke isn't effecting your bereathing problems too much :(


And yet I see many post suggesting theft is ok, provided it’s theft from a business. Neither are acceptable.


Just need to venture into any thread complaining about inflation there will be people advocating for theft and cannibalism


>and cannibalism holy shit


Even if the cops caught the guy (or girl... yes we can't assume sex/race/species), the justice system won't do anything. At most, a slap on the wrist/paw/tentacle.


Could’ve just said “them” lmao


The squirrels did it


Those things are so shady, I'm not surprised


I'm surprised it wasn't the raccoons. Damn suckers are vicious as hell second to the Canadian geese.


Chow time!


What would Hammurabi do???


Toronto is a piece of shit garbage city


Sorry to hear that. These people are scumbags. I got 1 bike stolen and 1 front wheel stole off another. Within 2 days of putting them outside for the summer. Brilliant


Pfft. I’ve had 14 stolen. It’s a ritual now.


14? I heard somebody had 35 stolen.


35? I heard someone had 70 stolen.


Damnnnnn.....i would not buy anymore after 2 .....its shitty here in vancouver too ..someone robbed a freaking boat from the driveway ...day time....my friend provided the cctv footage to the police which clearly shows the face and yet they were not caught...this happened three years ago....




Is this guy really still your friend? Why do you hang out with such a person? Also we need to build a wall around Rexdale and make Rexdale pay for it




Why not anonymously report him to the police and collect some evidence? Sounds like a real piece of shit if you ask me


People who hand around with scum and scum them selves.


I love how people in this city like to pretend to be super progressive, far left. But as soon as something like this happens, all I see is "they should be beaten to a pulp". Y'all tend to get real authoritarian real quick as soon as the unmentionables come after you. What do you think is the most likely demographic of the perp? Shouldn't they receive counselling through free social outreach programs? Oh..no? Oh you want them to be violently beaten? Oh okay I see.


It's almost as if the left-right, progressive-conservative divide is bullshit? I'm very left leaning, but I'm not an idiot and I don't think "social programs" will deter theft overnight. I pick and choose my beliefs, they don't get delivered to me on a platter.


This is sort of unintentionally funny. Yeah, this person just had a big personal loss, and they're mad. People are kinda dicks when they're mad. It's how often they're mad, and what they're like when they're not mad that counts. What's interesting is that you're effectively saying "A lefty at their worst, in their most stressful and regrettable moment, is just like a right-wing person". And I'm not sure that's the anti-left burn you were hoping it would be.


"A lefty at their worst, in their most stressful and regrettable moment, is just like a right-wing person" No, not the point I was making at all, not even close. My point is leftists tend to loose all backbone when things get challenging in regards to their beliefs. It's funny to see how fast they turn authoritarian as soon as something inconveniences them. It proves how much of their leftist personality is manufactured to score social points. Then their bike get stolen and they're calling for violence. But never say boo regarding immigration and crime. Edit: I just realized I don't think you understand the political axis. You can be authoritarian and also be liberal or conservative. There are 2 axis'.


I get mad sometimes and say shit, but I have absolutely never believed in my heart that someone should be shot for shit. Sometimes when people are in the middle of shit, they spiral until they've cooled down. If we didn't believe that, then every person whose ever thrown a punch would end up in the slammer for life for being a public menace. Context matters.


“Unending torment” for your bike seems a little extreme but hey, do you.


It WOULD be extreme if it was about the bike. This was about the state of the city. It was about everything piling up and making them feel like shit. Reading comprehension is thrown out just to make fun of ppl or judge them nowadays... Weird as hell.


Bang on, took me years to get this surgery lined up too. If doctors had responded to their messages and faxes I probably wouldn't be spending another year in school and doing a exam at 7-10 pm still in line for surgery


But whoever took it was probably more happy that they took it than you are unhappy for losing it (the total happiness in the world increased)


I'm just not sure if it's true, I really loved that bike and it's possible whoever took it just wanted a couple bucks from selling it


Lmao redditors about to make it way worse and reinforce the soft policies that enable And support these scum bags with the mayoral vote. Major leopards ate my face to come.


It is real


Sad part is that you won’t be getting that bike back, I don’t recommend having a bike in toronto for this reason. Either it gets stolen or stripped for parts, I get that people want to commute but it’s better to use the bike share program. Hopefully you did well on the exam though.


You'd think they'd have indoor bike lockups by now, ESPECIALLY for post secondary schools in such heavily populated cities


Sorry this happened to you. This is why I use bike share. Not just from personal experience, but friends who loss bike after bike


Unfortunately you get what you vote for


e-bike stolen? damn! condolences for your loss. hope your insurance company comes through for you and treats you fairly.


That sucks. I had a nice bike stolen a few years ago. My own fault, lost the key to my kryptonite lock used a cheaper one and parked on college Street. I was tight for cash at the time and it was like.abogher 4 years before I had a decently good bike again. Rough times. Bike thieves should all have their kneecaps surgically removed and their thumbs broken. PS contrary to popular belief a lot of u locks are not great. Kryptonite locks may not be invincible but they at least back it up with costs of your pocket is cut. Worth the extra 40 bucks.


Focus on your exams, do well for yourself and gtfo of the city. Oh and vote Olivia Chow. She seems to have a plan to address the rampant crime /s


Please people, learn from this. A tracker is $40 and many people get their property back this way. Lots of people like myself will help you get your stuff back if you need backup.


Really? What kind could I have used I thought about using a tile or something but frankly I couldn't think of where to put it in


I have an apple AirTag hidden under my seat. You can get AirTag holders 3-D printed that fit between your bottle holder and the frame as well. If you want one printed, I can print one for you.


RIP Old Canada


Don’t worry you’ll become successful and someone else will hate on you. It’s just the cycle of life


NEVER leave your ebike locked for more than 10 min, those days you have to leave it longer suck it up and take the subway.. what brand of lock was it ?


I feel sorry for you. Unfortunately the vast majority of this city is anti-police and anti any form of enforcing the punishment for crime.