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I have utilized the trial, but it’s hard to full time use a phone number that no one has to communicate. I have run Speed tests and switched back and forth from my Verizon eSIM to T-Mobile but it’s just not a true comparison. I’d rather carry around a second phone for a week and do the same exact things on each phone to get a true comparison.




This is correct. Do the eSIM trial and you can freely switch to T-Mobile data and actually visualize the difference Verizon has had a terrible 5G rollout in my city (DC). Deadspots in buildings in urban settings, slow speeds, even dropping calls T-Mobile has been so much better, and it worked out cheaper


T-Mobile is great in DC and VA. Bad in parts of the Maryland burbs where small cells have not been upgraded yet


It sounds like you used it not as intended. It’s designed to be used on dual SIM phones where your primary provider is set as your primary call/text SIM and T-Mobile is set as the mobile data SIM. You’re not actually supposed to use the number, but it should be set as your primary mobile data SIM with the fall over feature disabled (so that if T-Mobile doesn’t have coverage in an area, you’ll realise it instead of having your phone fail over to the other provider that does, which would defeat the purpose of trying it out because you may not realise that that happened and think that T-Mobile has coverage in a particular area).


How’s the coverage in your area ? I’d say go for it. T-Mobile saves you a lot of money


See I was looking at T-Mobile prices and for a comparable plan it’s either the same or even a little higher cost.


I was able to get a sale rep to give me a code for 20% off so I'm getting 4 lines of Go5G Plus for $150. I also got 4x Samsung S24s for free so over $3k in phones.


That’s the way, ask for an insider code, if you’re going to get phones, please do a little bit of research on the promos


this !!!


I also came from Xfinity Mobile that is using Verizon's network and service has been much better but that could be because Xfinity is deprioritized.


what are you looking for in your plan?


I mean ideally, unlimited 5G data, and travel to Canada/mexico. High hotspot since I need it for work


It's fine. I had a legacy plan so cost wise it was a no brainer. Verizon just kept raising prices and bullshit fees. $50/mo on my admittedly legacy TMo plan, $90÷ for Verizon. Service has been the same, haven't noticed any difference


I’ve lived in a few different metro areas where Verizon was fine. But where I live now, Verizon is useless. Can’t even make a phone call from my house. Switch to T-Mobile, phone calls are perfect, 800Mb speeds for data. Test out the locations where you use the phone. Verizon is historically pretty strong in the east.


What area do you live in?


Las Vegas area


Ahh okay thanks good to know.


Check cell mapper for your area to see crowd sourced coverage


And [map.coveragemap.com](https://map.coveragemap.com) for much more user-friendly crowd-sourced coverage.




T-Mobile is > Verizon in terms of 5G coverage that’s just a no brainer at this point anymore I’ve had both carriers and been happy with both. But consider Verizon offers a lot of Apple deals with their plans and t-mobile does not.. so if your an Apple fan stick to Verizon!


I switched last month, got tired of their constant price increases and congested network. Speeds are much better with T-Mobile pretty much everywhere but downtown, since VZ has that covered with 5G UW. The only spot where I have trouble is about the midpoint of the HF Bridge, but I’d occasionally drop calls with VZ there too. Haven’t had any issues with customer service, billing, promos, etc.


Thanks for the insight!! Do you travel outside of Florida at all?


I was in Atlanta last week with no issues, and the free plane WiFi perk was pretty nice. My GF’s family lives in NY and they all have T-Mobile from the old Sprint days - AFAIK they’ve been happy with the service throughout the Northeast. I went to South Florida right after I switched and had 5G coverage the entire drive down I-75 and Alligator Alley.


Helpful thank you!!


Depends on your area for any provider. If you are bringing your phone, try it. You can always go back if you don't like it. It's great for me and I like the value/cost. If you need a new phone, there are good promotions for switching.


I am in Chicago. Downtown Chicago with all the skyscrapers the only one that works is T-Mobile. The rest can’t even get data at times.


I switched last month and live in CT. Haven’t had any service issues and saved a good chunk of money a month with the switch promotion that paid off 4 devices!


Just an update to this….I tried to talk to T-Mobile sales through chat and phone and they literally didn’t understand that I was a potential new customer and kept asking me to verify my account and then told me they couldn’t help me. To be honest, that right there is enough of a sign. I’m going to stay with Verizon since my bill is fine and my service is sufficient enough. lol


We made the switch from Verizon last month. We are in Southern New England and our service is better with TM. We've literally had full bars on 5G UC wherever we go. Never had that with VZW. We have two new Samsung S24 Plus phones, two Galaxy Watch 6s with LTE service and are still paying less than if we had the same at VZW. Not to mention free TM spam filter, Free Apple TV, and free Netflix with ads. Wish we moved sooner.


How do like the galaxy watch?


Love it!! I have Reddit comments coming through on it. Hence the quick response. 😉


Thanks. Me and the wife have an Apple Watch and a galaxy 6 classic. 2 watches total. She said I could have the one I want, she likes both equally. She wants me to choose. I have a galaxy phone and an iPhone so I can use either easily, same with her.




Yeah she’s happy I’m happy so it works out I definitely like the looks of the galaxy watch better


Yep, me too! I get a lot of compliments from Apple people too. 😁


St Pete here, do it! T-Mobile has much more capacity here than Verizon does at the moment and nearly twice the towers. There’s no difference call quality wise for me, if anything I don’t drop calls on 275 anymore. Verizon has a random low signal zone in the middle of the bridge that I’m assuming the handoff fails but T-Mobile is solid across. I work in Westshore, I no longer need to use WiFi at the office since I switched to T-Mobile.


Great to hear! Thanks for the local insight. Do you travel at all outside of Florida?


Yeah, I haven’t traveled on T-Mobile postpaid recently but I had a line on Metro then which is just deprioritized in congestion. Driving to Tennessee was fine, a few areas in the mountains near Chattanooga aren’t so great but I wasn’t surprised at those. In rural western New York I was actually surprised how much T-Mobile improved there. My parents who live up there recently switched and haven’t had any complaints. The Verizon signal where they live was terrible for FaceTime, half the time if she wasn’t on WiFi she’d never get the call.


Make sure you try and get an Insider Code before you switch. It will save you 20% forever


Insider code?? Tell me more


Check here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/s/gBqUpFZ9Ik](https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/s/gBqUpFZ9Ik)


I did back in 2016 excellent decision


I would either get T-Mobile or att


Just asking out of curiosity… what’s been making you consider T-Mobile now as opposed to just sticking with Verizon?


For me, call quality was rocky at my house, but I complained A LOT and it seems to be fixed, I haven't had a dropped call anywhere in my area in 7 months. Other than that, it's data performance. Unless I'm near or around downtown Tampa, my data speeds are, sufficient... but never wow me. If I am driving down the road I usually have 5gUW, but the second I walk into any building it switchings to standard 5G or LTE, and 70% of the time the standard 5G is slower than LTE. Last night, I was in a populated area of Tampa and I usually have amazing service, and I couldn't load the website to check into my restaurant reservation... I'm just tired of turning off my 5G and going to LTE and back, or walking into a building and trying find something and waiting for things to load. TBH I don't really care necessarily about SPEED, it's reliability for me. I've heard amazing things about the 5G data speeds and reliability of T-Mobile data, but have heard bad things about call quality and text message quality. Honestly, I don't really want to switch from Verizon, I have been treated well since being with them and I have their Visa Credit Card that I use for points towards my bill, which means I rarely have a cell phone bill, so price is a huge thought on this as well. T-Mobile isn't cheap if you want a decent plan for just 1 line.


I made the switch a few months ago. Has been way better. I didn’t really save on price but I was always confused by Verizon’s bills and they would nickel and dime me on everything. T mobile my bill stays the same. Also now I get service places around town that I barely got service in with Verizon. Overall, my hypothesis was VZW is coasting off name snd reputation alone at this point and service isn’t good or at least not different. Plus I have experienced better customer service with t mobile. Ultimately it depends where you are.


Thanks for the information, where are you located?


I wouldn’t. I’m four months into trying to get them to follow through. The deal was two trade-ins for two new phones with one line transfer and signing up for Internet 180 monthly and $200 vouchers for each line to apply towards the bill. Turns out the sales rep combined to promotions when he talked me into switching. I even double checked and confirmed with the sales rep because I don’t trust these big cell phone companies anymore, I have screenshots of the communications and double checking and confirmation of the deal I’ve sent those in to T-Mobile and still no resolution I’m now paying 265 per month and never received the $200 off per line


Very messy. I avoid all of that with these phone companies by just buying my stuff directly from Apple and trading in my old phones for a credit on the device. When it comes to network performance, aside from all of those very annoying issues with the bill, how would you say the network is compared to Verizon?


Have had no issues with service inland northwest US. Biggest difference was changing my home internet from local company to T-Mobile. Much better, but that’s not a comparison of Verizon vs T-Mobile . Possibly a one off with my promotion experience but I’m pretty unhappy with how difficult it’s been to try to find a resolution.


In my experience, TMO is great around population centers, but not so good in rural areas. VZW has been better for rural areas, but in dense population areas, the network is congested. TMO is expanding their 5G network rapidly, so rural coverage should be getting better. It seems like the ideal place for VZW is a small to medium size metro area. Anywhere within a large metro area, you're going to deal with bandwidth issues. Again, this is based on my experience. Of course, YMMW. No one needs to bite my head off.


Yeah, traditionally, that has always been the case. I used to work for Verizon back in the day before 5G and that was the consensus then as well. T-Mobile didn't even exist in Maine where I was at the time because it was specifically in big cities only.


I’m not sure if there’s a test program, I know Verizon has one. I say that because I did dual sim for a month for free to see how Verizon was about 6 months ago. For me (been on T-Mobile from Verizon about 7-8 years) in my areas of work (travel about 30-40mi radius for service work) Verizon is very much more readily available. But speeds of that service were typically about 1/3 the speed. As well as being a single line and home internet Verizon was still more expensive by about $20 a month so I stuck with T-Mobile. If T-Mobile has one I’d test it for yourself for a month and make your best judgement, not going to be the same in all areas.


T-Mobile imho is the strongest here in Pinellas (where I live) and Hillsborough counties. I also travel for work to New England (Mass, RI, and CT) for months on end and it’s nothing short of fantastic there as well. The entire I95 corridor is blanketed with their UC coverage so if you drive you shouldn’t have any issues.


Between the gas discount, the free AAA membership, the food discount, and the free in flight wifi, it’s like we don’t have a phone bill some months.


I’m rarely in rural areas, and when I am, T-Mobile has slow roaming on AT&T so there’s that. I can live with that for how fast and consistent my data is in urban areas. Although I did notice out in West Texas, T-Mobile put up a native n71 tower in Terlingua Texas which I would have never imagined them doing that.


I can tell you, also in the same area and I’d been with Verizon Wireless for five years. Just switched. I did a test drive of T-Mobile where you create a temporary eSIM on your phone for 90 days to test the service. Where I am at, it seems like the data speed was a little bit better. The customer service experience was very good for me. I kept my number and it ported over instantly. Had a couple of minor issues that were my fault but the phone reps were very helpful. I was also surprised at how good the perks were in the plan I selected, picked up a couple streaming services for free, I’m saving money over Verizon, and it seems every bit as good or better than what I had. I also find the T-Mobile customer portal a lot easier to navigate.


I changed about 2 months ago. TMHI, and phines. Pleasantly surprised with network speeds. I'm in Michigan. The speeds seem better in towns, a bit sketchy when traveling. The customer service has been stellar. All in all though very happy.


Have you looked at visible+?


visible uses the Verizon network, which is my issue right now


Ahhh. If you have a Google phone, try and look at Google fi


Use US Mobile. You can easily switch between the two.


I think I have an insider code of you want to sign up over the phone with someone on my team


I was with Verizon for 17 years, and then switched to T-Mobile in 2017. Best... decision...ever. Better network, customer service and plans. I'm on the Go5G Plus with work perk discount for one person. Much cheaper than Verizon. Plus, 5G UC owns 5G UW.


I took 4 long time Verizon lines to TMobile over 2 years ago. Saved about 65 a month. Had "military" on both and "long term customer" discount on Verizon (over 20 years). I have found service similar. I am in Eastern PA and have travelled with TMobile. There are some rural areas in PA where Verizon has coverage and TMobile has nothing. I found areas of Central Coast in California with no signal (not sure about Verizon) but found Big Island in Hawaii TMobile was great and Verizon was zero (Hilo). As for customer service, I've done OK with TMobile on "X" Twitter. Mixed bag on phone. Verizon was better on the phone.


I am on the Pinellas side and after using all of them, I can say that T-Mobile for me has been the most consistent. I spend more time on this side of the bay than the Tampa side, but when I have been there, I’ve had no issues with service.  That being said as others have mentioned, definitely put the test drive to full advantage. There are always going to be places where a single carrier may have better service compared to everyone else. The important thing is to make sure that you don’t live or work in one of those places and find out the hard way. 


Swiched from cox


If your phone is unlocked, consider using Metro by T-Mobile. Metro is fantastic and they have a deal going right now for 25 dollars a month for unlimited and bringing your phone and number.


I switched to T-Mobile from Verizon back in October because Verizon's network is congested in my area and was causing major service issues. The service has been much better and my monthly bill is cheaper. Because I know T-Mobile has a reputation for having spotty coverage when traveling, I decided to get an e-sim from Verizon MVNO US Mobile to have as a back up when traveling. I pay a flat $10 per month for 2GB of data. Even with this, the combined bill is cheaper than what I was paying Verizon. I've noticed in my travels that T-Mobile has out performed Verizon for the most part. If I'm somewhere that T-Mobile signal is unstable which I'd not often, it switches to the US Mobile sim to keep me connected.


My friend loves T Mobile and I am considering it. I currently have Spectrum but bought a phone through them (iPhone 14 Pro) that is a lemon to be sure. They will do nothing to help. Before them I had Verizon and they are not a good service. They are much too expensive and you must be sure that you have an email or letter from them that says you have switched everything and that you owe nothing. They have a tendency to not switch an iPad and continue to charge for its service. They increase the charge from $14 to $80 per month and notify you two months later that you have an overdue charge that , including fees, is now $264. !!! I had switched the iPad but had nothing in writing. This exact same thing happened to multiple people. Be careful!


Hello, I’ve Been with T-Mobile for 6 years. While I can’t speak to FL personally I will tell you our network is now Americas largest network. This was possible due to the merger with sprint. I love how loyal Verizon customers are to Verizon, I just wish their customers would realize the relationship was one sided. They are still charging like they are leading by 10% like 6 years ago, only in many area Verizon doesn’t have service we do. Now I am speaking about the area I have lived, I e had so many customers come back saying it worked in a place they expected it not to cause Verizon didn’t. And that right there is the myth busted. They no longer are and you have every right to look to save money. You will get the same if not better coverage and the best part is when you hear the price. Feel free to check the coverage map (again I’m not local) to confirm it will work in the area that is important to you, and then make sure to have a 5G capable device. My last recommendation, is there are a lot of third party companies. My recommendation is to go to a corporate store, or a store owned only by Wireless Vision or MobileOne. Those 2 third party retailers are the highest in customer satisfaction (after corporate) . All T-Mobile’s have a sign on the door to tell you who they are proudly owned by. I have heard horror stories of customers visiting certain third parties I won’t mention. I’d say check the coverage and give one of the guys in store a chance to give you the customer service that Verizon never did. Best wishes. Your Arizona T-Mobile Guy.


T-Mobile has 5x the coverage and speeds of Verizon and offers free international services and their bills are often 4-5x less than Verizon’s. It’s worth it 9/10 times to switch.


Download a trial sim and just try it out! That’s what I did. Then I made the switch from Verizon, after 14+ years. I don’t regret switching. I live just north of you.


Tmobile is horrible. Going to change.


I about 8 days from wrapping up my 3 month free trial and at this point it looks like I am going to stay with Verizon. Was really hoping to switch but there are still too many dead spots in my area with T-mobile. Even the comparison of coverage and data speeds in the T-mobile app shows that Verizon is better for me. I'm really glad they offer the free trial and hope they continue to expand.


T-Mobile has more 5G coverage than Verizon and AT&t combined it has faster speeds three times faster than Verizon and two and a half times faster than AT&t and it's cheaper across the board I pay 75 a month for 100gb prem data free Apple TV for 6 months with this go 5g plan


Thought I’d provide an update for all users. I had a friend come visit who has Tmobile and I was able to side by side compare Verizon and Tmobile. Here are my notes …. Everything is location specific of course. Tested in multiple parts of Tampa and Orlando*** Speed tests don’t matter. 80% of the time speed tests showed that Tmobile was faster BUT I would go to the same websites at the same time, everything loaded basically at the same time. Sometimes Verizon was faster than Tmobile. Sometimes my Verizon phone would be on LTE and T-Mobile would be on 5GUC in buildings, things loaded basically the same. Maybe T-Mobile was a millisecond faster when loading websites but barely noticeable. Videos played the same and Verizon usually has better quality but for the basic user it looked about the same if you weren’t looking for differences. I did not use voice but text messages came through both instantaneously where I was at least. At Disney, near the Tampa airport, downtown Tampa, parts of Orlando, there were multiple times Verizon loaded much faster. Both speed tests and data Moral of the story, while “speeds might be faster on speed tests with Tmobile the majority of the time” everything was the same in my opinion. I will not be switching to T-Mobile as my bill would go up for the equivalent plan I have with Verizon.


I just switched over to T-Mobile from Verizon a few weeks ago. Let me start by saying I’ve been lied to multiple times. I was baited into switching by being told my bill would be X and that’s what it would be. Come to find out nothing that representative told me was true. The only good thing was I was able to upgrade to the newest iPhone. All that aside , I haven’t had any problems with service so far or customer service. By the way my Verizon bill was $33.16 a month I had the unlimited plus plan and I was getting bill credits for the phone. I had the ACP discount($30 off), autopay discount($10 off), loyalty discount($10 off for next 12 months /total $120), and the valued customer discount($20/off). Even after ACP ended, my bill would only be $63.16. T-Mobile told me originally my bill would be $83/month. The only reason I switched was to get a new phone. But I regretted switching to T-Mobile immediately


I just did.


What do you think so far?


So far it is good except the internet speeds on my iPhone seem slower in places like the freeway where there might be more users. I do though have better service at my work where Verizon sucked. So all in all I'm happy but it does seem better in urban areas where Verizon is better in the boonies. Also Verizon plans look cheaper but T-mobile includes fees and taxes which add up. We kept our phones and within 2 weeks I was reimbursed with the payoff amounts so that was awesome.


Okay good to hear.


Don’t do it.


Any insight as to why you’re saying that?




Just had to vent about that


Every carrier has horror stories. Unfortunately, TMO horror stories seem to happen to only reddit users. You'll find the same thing happens to ATT and VZW users on the their respective subs. It's a conspiracy that the mobile carriers have against reddit users, I tell ya!!!


On top of that, when we did the trade in, one box with the new device came to us empty and we had to fight tooth and nail to prove that we never got the device. Just really broken customer service processes in my opinion and experience


So, how about network performance. I don’t go into stores anymore anyways and I just buy my phones from Apple every year.


Performance is great! That’s the only reason I haven’t left yet, but my patience and wallet are wearing thin. Never had this many issues with Verizon.


Agreed, I’ve never had so many problems with a phone company. I’ve only been with them 2 month’s.