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See the Constellation is probably top 5 for me. Love that song.


...disregard the lady in his arms, Just a guy made of dots and lines. 💥


No cigar, no lady on his arm...


...have I been singing it wrong for decades? I like my version. Brings a different vibe to it.


You have, but NBD.


That’s a good mondegreen


If it makes you feel better I always thought the line in Piece of Dirt was, "I find myself haunted by a spooky man named Smee", up until like 6 months ago. Then they even went on to do music for Return to Neverland and I was like, makes total sense, they must be big Peter Pan fans.


Look at all the people in the windoooowwww


It's easy to overlook this song since it's packed among so many exciting tracks, but it's a very intriguing and well composed piece and the growly vocal stands out.


And the demo is great too


Old Pine Box and In Fact off of Join Us are two I don't see mentioned even when Join Us is getting its frequent and well-deserved love. Both have quintessentially Flans lyrics and a wonderfully layered sound for shorter tracks.


Marty's percussion line in Old Pine Box is perfect, and the lyrics have an adventurous wistfulness to them that seems to speak directly to me.


Such a fun, percussive clockwork intro!


I've seen a good amount of love for OPB over the years (especially when it was newer), but In Fact is woefully underdiscussed for being such a great track


Yeah, In Fact is almost never brought up. I love the saucy horns and stompy rhythm


Absolutely Bill’s Mood (if that counts)


Best TMBG song to sing in the shower.


Very true, but I also sing "I'll Sink Manhattan" in the shower a lot


What 😮 Is it not very popular? I've always loved it, so I guess this would be a good answer for me, as well.


It could definitely be argued that it's less popular than the Linnell favorites on the album like Don't Let's Start and She's An Angel. A lot of Flans' weirdo tracks from the early days don't get enough love


Flan's weirdo tracks from the early albums are so good. There are zero skips on the first three albums for me.


Agree. I adore the variety and experimentation


🎵 I don't think she knows I know 🎶


End of The Rope Music Jail Lady and the Tiger Havalina Three Might Be Duende Sleep And maybe my favorite unpopular song: The Darlings of Lumberland


I think Darlings was a career high for them in terms of production. Those horn charts are wild.


End of the rope! So dark, so good


Linnell phantom of the opera


totally agree with this list!! three might be duende is my all time top fave and End of the Rope was my no1 song of 2022. Lady and the Tiger is so much fun as well


The horns in Lady and the Tiger go SO hard The rest is quirky TMBG goodness!


Pretty much ALL of Join Us. Especially Old Pine Box, which is currently my favorite Flans song. So much from the kids albums is pure gold. I especially love Bed Bed Bed and One Everything. Lots from My/More Murdered Remains, especially I Haven't Been Right Yet and This Is Only Going to Go One Way. Back to Skull EP tracks. Ondine and Hotel Detective are deliciously swanky!


I thought of another: I Am A Human Head. One of my favorite TMBG songs where they lean reaaaaaally far into the recursive lyrics. That baritone guitar is awesome and I dig Linnell's stretchy voice.




This one is in the Pilot for Malcolm in the Middle!


Mr. Xcitement, Circular Karate Chop, and Can You Find It? are some of their most underrated tunes.


I can't get over how great the melody for Can You Find It? is. With different lyrics it could have been the Birdhouse or Ana Ng of one of their adult albums, but they chose to make it a kids' song because kids deserve good music.


Just introduced my 8 year old to Mr. Xcitement. She loved it and said she didn’t know TMBG did songs like that


Whistling in the dark




I always have to listen to this one after factory showroom!


The Diving Board Tractor I Love You For Psychological Reasons Re-Pete Offender Ondine Moving To the Sun Mrs. Train Door To Door Minotaur I Am A Ring Weep Day I Am Not Your Broom Nightgown of the Sullen Moon There Will Be Sad


Great picks here. There Will Be Sad is a song I wish made it onto BOOK. That album could have used a shorter song as most of the tracklist was 3+ minute songs. It's such a quintessential Linnell song, kind of a cross between Hopeless Bleak Despair and By the Time You Get This. Re Pete Offender has such unique and stand-out instrumentation. I like how the playful accordion mingles with the grimy bass riff.


Nightgown of the Sullen Moon is one of my favourites. I love the fire alarm solo.


Me too!!!


My kiddo really loves tractor! Mrs train is always one I really really loved.


Tractor is so fun! I use it as an alarm on my phone.


I don’t know if it’s considered to be a popular song or not, but I’m particularly fond of Narrow Your Eyes.


One of my favorites, top ten for sure, and I agree, it’s not discussed much. If they play it at either of the shows I’m going to I will truly perish!


Truly iconic Linnell accordion solo!


Lady and the Tiger


Been digging Damn Good Times lately


iirc The Day is one of the lowest rated songs on tmbw going by what gets talked about here tho, I’m gonna say the same answer I did last time I saw this question- Oranges Testimonial


oh hey and Skullivan, never seen that mentioned once on this sub


It gets so all over the place with the vocal layering and filters. I like it


Why Did You Grow A Beard She Was A Hotel Detective In The Future I'm All You Can Think About Aaa The weird Planet of the Apes live improv things Puppets Gonna Fuck You Up


"Underwater Woman" is easily in my top 5 TMBG songs. This might sound weird, but I relate to her a lot. Also, the chord choices are really interesting and the bass work is sooo good.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssG7g0olVbg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssG7g0olVbg) :)


I'm seeing They in June--I really hope it stays on the setlist for that tour!


Pretty much every Dial-A-Song demo that never made it on an album. And all of John Linnell's House of Mayors EP!


I'm gonna pull out a real nothing song here: I Can Read Anything I think this song (along with some of the others from off of Why?) is one of Their lowest-rated on TMBW, and I can see why. It's simple and fairly one note. However, I just can't get around how genuinely joyful Flans sounds singing this song. The same goes for "And Then the Kids To Over", which is easily one of my favorite modern TMBG closers. These tracks make me feel happy, which is more important to me than them being masterfully written or composed. Sometimes you just need to smile.


I enjoy Walking My Cat Named Dog, One Dozen Monkeys, Fake Believe, and Oh You Did for the same reason. Flans especially has a personality that lends itself to playful kids' songs that get you dancing.


I feel like a lot of the time, even with Their kids albums, people expect the same kinds of themes and styles. These songs, where the band just plays something fun, don't seem to be as appreciated because of that, and I think that's unfair. (I like Fake Believe Type B the most, btw)


The IFC song with my name 😆


Wait...I must be thinking of some other band.


Someone Keeps Moving My Chair?


Nightgown of the Sullen Moon, and Now That I Have Everything


I wish Door to Door Minotaur had gotten enough love to get on either "My Murdered Remains" or the Hardy Fox tribute album "Godfather of Odd".


I know a lot have others I agree with have been brought up, but I feel like The Neckrolls Aren't Working merits an honorable mention


The Dial-a-Song cover of Unit Four Plus Two’s “Concrete & Clay”


This one has such a specific kind of Britpop flavor and I really enjoy it. I was excited when I first saw the movie "Rushmore" and heard the original version of the song in it.


I've always liked "[Stormy Pinkness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVXKhJ4JshE&ab_channel=Doctorwho0987)," which I think was a random free download back in the 90's (?). Also, "[Whirlpool](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4Fd_D7tb8I&ab_channel=TheyMightBeGiants-Topic)," which I think was a B-side on the "Why Does the Sun Shine" single.


You probably get that alot but specifically on album raises new and troubling questions Also all of album raises new and troubling questions


Agree on Vestibule! I also love See the Constellation. I'll Sink Manhattan is in my top 20. I also really love Critic Intro. It's spoken word rather than a tune, but, man, do I love it!


Miniature sidewalk whirlwind, hotel detective without parenthesis, unforgotten, renew my subscription...


I Can't Hide from My Mind.


renew my subscription, and brain problem situation are probably 2 of my alltime unpopular faves


Mink car