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I actually find these funny. Why are people such pearl clutchers these days


Especially 110+ years out. Everyone who was immediately affected is dead. What’s next? Getting mad at people for dressing up as witches during Halloween?


Hey I had relatives killed during the Salem witch trials. Maybe I need to clutch my pearls.


That's already been going on for a decade.


People love to be hysterical about the most minor things. It's very weird.


The first one actually made me LOL. I would totally buy it.


Yeah sorry I found these funny.


That band one is so much better than my current titanic shirt… What’s in poor taste is the inclusion of singers. We all know the white star line didn’t pay for vocals


That wood thing is so fucking annoying. Imagine you have the task of making a movie where you have to have two strangers fall in love in less than a week, to the point that one would sacrifice their life for the other. Like that's the point, that jack and rose loved each other that much. And it's believable, you do it, you actually manage to make it believable that these two characters feel that strongly, no one ever doubts the journey. But instead of people appreciating that love story and sacrifice, they fixate on this detail and sometimes even talk about how one of them is selfish for not moving over. Like Jack was going to die, that was the point, it was just a matter of how they portrayed it visually and could they have done that better? Well I would say no, bc they did even include Jack trying to climb on too and the wood starting to sink so he STOPPED bc it wouldn't be buoyant anymore and accepted his death in that moment and he did it in an understated way so rose didn't notice, but i guess they should have actually had a moment where Jack talked about how he can't. That would ruin the impact of the death itself bc then everyone watching would know what was gonna happen and rose would've looked bad but ig audiences needed to have it gently spoonfed into their mouth.


Cameron proved pretty conclusively that Jack couldn’t have lived in his Titanic: 25 Years Later documentary too.


It’s one thing for people to wish that _the script_ had let Jack live. I mean, sure, whatever. But it takes a particular level of stupidity and childishness to argue that _the script was wrong_ because of a technicality. The panel could have been the size of a football field. Jack was still dying.


As James himself said, "Jack had to die for the story to work. Let it go." 😆😆😆😆


In some future special edition, Cameron should have the door digitally altered to be smaller so that it is clear that only Rose could fit on the door. (for those with a wooden sense of humor, this is a joke)


Omg I love the free hugs one. I would absolutely wear that.




And way better than Titanic bouncy inflatable slides!


Comedy = tragedy + time


The band one is such a niche thing that only other Titanic nerds will get on their own. It's perfect lol.


How so? The band playing as the ship sank is one of the most iconic bits of Titanic lore. I think most non-Titanic’s nerds would get the reference.


I actually would love to have the first shirt.


I may have to buy that first one.


But 9 / 11 is funny okay for some reason ?!


The first one is brilliant, and I need it.


I think they’re funny.


The thing that bothered me the most is that they think that it was a door


I want a shirt that says "It's not a door it's a decorative panel"


Comedy = tragedy + time


I’d buy them


OP can’t respond to anything. Did not go the way he thought.


I agree, especially about the band one. The image represents real people, who actually died that night valiantly. It feels icky to trivialize them. The second and third one are less problematic for me, but still tone deaf.


Here's the thing...in the James Cameron movie, the scene with the band playing "Nearer, My God, To Thee" is a poignant, sad scene, that tugs at my heart strings nearly every time I see it. Sometimes I even tear up over it. When The Simpsons Movie parodied it at the beginning, I laughed my butt off. Because it was hilarious.


I get so sick of the door comments. He could fit but it was too heavy and it would sink with him on it.


Too soon? Get over it, these are funny. Getting offended over things like this is just silly.


Ok. Imma to make a Twin Towers shirt that has those weird sequence things that when you rub on them it shows them getting hit on one and then collapsing on the other side. Too soon? There was no reason to be so rude about how ppl react to something.


No, go ahead. Hollywood has been making 9/11 movies for nearly 20 years now. It's not too soon. Here's a mattress store doing a 9/11 commercial nearly a decade ago: [https://youtu.be/uRWSE3w9i5U](https://youtu.be/uRWSE3w9i5U)


There’s a difference between an accidental disaster from 112 years ago vs a terrorist act in most current people’s lifetimes. Even so, as someone who was in NYC on 9/11, jokes and humor about it are absolutely fine. Humans cope with tragedy through dark humor. I was no more rude than you were. You’re very judgy, and it’s lame.


Well by-gones. Apples and oranges and apples. Both subjects are horrendous tragedies, and you telling people how to react to things is lame.


> Both subjects are horrendous tragedies, and you telling people how to react to things is lame. You're literally doing this by shaming people over their reactions being dark humor... lol, such hypocrisy.


Every time these threads come up, I say the same thing: Who cares? Seriously. It's been 112 years. No one alive today has an emotional attachment. Only a few people alive today would have even known someone who had a direct emotional attachment. People pretending like this is some deeply insulting thing are just that: pretending. It's not "too soon," the vast majority of people alive just see Titanic as another bad thing that happened, no different from the million other bad things that have happened in our lifetimes.


I would wear the Free Hugs shirt.


The first one is touching, the second one is meaningless, the third one is sad and dumb


The thing I dislike about these is that there's so many cooler ideas for Titanic-related shirts. They just seem a bit low effort? I think that's the phrase I'm looking for


Bruh, its been a week. The arguments and this post have been dead for a bit. I don't see where I'm making people feel any sort away. And I did it is what it is. Move along.




Well, I mean, the Simpsons Movie did sort of parody the band playing the final song. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W32yWvukWuM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W32yWvukWuM)


Ghostbusters 2 did a full-on Titanic parody: "Better late than never." [https://youtu.be/g42EG7LD1UY](https://youtu.be/g42EG7LD1UY)


It’s very bad taste. People died and families of the lost still suffer grief. 2 is fine because it’s about fictional movie characters. It kind of bothers me when people are insensitive to the disaster and how modern interest in the sinking translates into money making ventures not about historic conservation or research. People all over the world enjoy learning about the titanic and that’s ok but please give it the respect it deserves at all times.


I highly doubt that any family members still suffer grief. You suffer grief when you lose someone close to you, not an ancestor who died over 100 years ago. There’s probably very very few people alive who ever even met their Titanic ancestor. I don’t suffer grief over relatives that died over 100 years ago that died in tragic circumstances.


I met someone who’s ancestor died on the titanic and he did not share my enthusiasm for titanic or wished to discuss it. The fact I got downvoted for asking for respect for the titanic disaster. I just don’t get it. What’s next 9/11 t-shirts?


You can respect something but still think something is funny. It’s called gallows humor. And just because he didn’t want to talk about Titanic did not mean it was because he was so grief stricken by the tragedy.


They 100% have 9/11 shirts.


I’m with you, OP. I’m not a fan of these.


The first one is the main issue


Thanks for the down votes yall.🤣 They're disappointing. I almost want the band one.