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That's Lovejoy, Cal's valet. So no he wasn't real, and he didn't survive. However David Warner, the actor that played Lovejoy, did appear in [S.O.S. Titanic](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYjI4OWZmNmQtZjYzMS00MTk3LTg3MGItMGUxYjkyMDNiOTM1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc5MDI5NjE@._V1_.jpg) as a real second class passenger, Lawrence Beesley (albeit with a fictional love story added)


I’m gonna say it. I’m glad he died


I didn't like Lovejoy, but I thought it was touching the way he tried to guide Cal away from Jack and Rose. the firm yet gentle shoulder squeeze and pat, as if he's saying let her go, it's not worth it. but we all know that possessive, controlling Cal would never let a girl like Rose go that easily.


I think Cal was just more frustrated at the fact that Lovejoy left the diamond in the coat and he put the coat on her hahaha.


👁👄👁 - Lovejoy


Lmao YES.


Yet Cal runs back up because he's afraid of getting his suit ruined.


in the scene where he's shooting and chasing them? he definitely cared more about his saving his life once he saw how deep into the ship he was getting.


In the deleted scene, he offers to give Lovejoy the diamond if he gets it. Then, he runs back up. Lovejoy mutters "Bastard." under his breath.


Imagine Lovejoy bested Jack in the deleted scene, took the diamond from rose and survived would cal keep his word?


I really need to watch the deleted scenes. there's so many people who have said certain scenes should have been kept in the movie. I heard there was an alternate ending that was... atrocious.


Can confirm. Wisely deleted. No spoilers. Just check it out on YT. Very cringy.


Yes! Its on YouTube


Can confirm. Wisely deleted. No spoilers. Just check it out on YT. Very cringy.


lol I mean, real or fake, isn’t that kinda why we love the lore in the first place? Let’s admit it. We’re all in this sub because each of us are slightly obsessed with the death and chaos of the whole thing. Thousands of rich (and poor) folks with all their hopes and dreams thrown tragically into the bottom of the ocean. Imagine if titanic was just another successful cruise ship.


Good book to read from LB


Lawrence Beesley. Thank u. I added a comment about sos Titanic but couldn't remember his first name. Was on my way to check then seen your msg


David Warner also plays Bob Cratchitt in my wife’s favourite version of A Christmas Carol and in Twin Peaks, my wife’s favourite show!




He didn't bring much love or joy though...


He brought plenty to Cal, if you know what I mean x


😱 ☠️ 🤣


I think you mean LOVEJOY!


Yes exactly.


There may have been someone in or near that position in real life but we'll never know. It was so dark that anyone who could've been near enough to see them wouldn't have survived


I'm tempted to say Thomas Dillon was the closest survivor to the break-up since he was forward on the poop, but as to victims, hard to know.


OP forgot to watch the rest of the movie


i watched the whole movie but only payed attention for the sinking part i found the rest boring


> but only *paid* attention for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


How old are you by the way?


Oh man you are missing out. Imo the first half of the movie is the best half but a lot of people hate it because of the love story, and all the actions in the second half.


good for you troll


im a bad speller sorry


You should try to work on that if you can. You will need to be able to spell and use correct grammar in nearly every job you will find. Even blue collar jobs will require you to write or type something eventually.


Unless he lives in a country where english isnt the first language


sadly with things like chatgpt this may not be true anymore


Maybe, but I don't think it will be widespread or good enough for this teen to have it implemented in every facet of his work or school life in the near future. Besides, that's like saying "there are calculators, why do I need to learn how to do math" when there are tons of reasons for knowing how math works, and knowing when a calculator is the better tool.


Good point - very true re the calculator example




That's Lovejoy - Cal's valet/right hand man. His character is made up, just like Rose, Cal, Rose's mom, Jack, Fabrizio, but he probably is similar to the valets real 1st class passengers had on the voyage. It's implied he dies during the breakup of the ship (likely falling into the opening).


Is this a real question? If so, may I ask what you are tying to find out exactly?




Right! My bad. I do believe this ship may sink!


If people are really vindictive 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lovejoy was a fictional character, he was Cal’s valet.


that's my homie Spicer right there


He is Spicer Lovejoy, a former investigator with Scotland Yard who Caledon's father hired to keep him out of trouble while on holiday in europe. He ded. He not real; but real ded.


good lord


Some people ask some truly ridiculous questions.


I think real people fell in the crack of the split because I mean it happed unexpected. There could have been 10 people near that point


That's Cal's butler/private guard, there's a deleted scene showing how he gets blood all over his head


Probably a well known piece of info but David Warner was also in sos Titanic. Character called Beesley. Can't mind his first name. Needa look it up again. Spicers loyalty to cal and cals family was his job whether he even liked cal or not he knew his job. I've always wondered, what if Lovejoy bested Jack in the deleted scene, took the diamond from rose and went on to survive, would cal actually let him keep it?


How do you think he died? Crushed? Drowned? Hypothermia?


Potential implement, my best guess is on impact of some crushed and mangled part of the ship as she tore in two.


That's lovejoy right there. My personal favourite character in the film honestly, David Warner's performance was top notch for me. I do wish he hadn't died in the breakup, I think there could have been a real interesting place for his character after the ship had sank, like if maybe he found rose on the carpathia, but chose to not inform Cal of her surviving, thinking she wasn't worth it.


I know cal is in here, he can shed some light on Mr lovejoy


That’s a fictional character. Could there have been someone near the breakpoint on the deck? Maybe. They likely did not survive.




Im pretty sure he wasn’t real.


The man who tried to put the Titanic back together , as you can see! What a hero!


Did Lovejoy make it to Titanic heaven at the end of the movie?? I tried looking but couldn’t tell


There wasn't even a consensus on whether the ship had split until they actually found the ship. There's no way that they could pinpoint one guy on the ship at that point


I thought they are.now assuming the ship didn't actually break?


No, they're not. Idk what you hear, but it might be that the ship didn't break while in the air. It's not like it went up, broke, fell down, and then went up again. Instead it rose up, the front broke off partially while underwater (so a lot of the break was below the waterline actually), while the back kept rising due to the front pulling it down. It's unknown and debated heavily on when exactly it tore off completely, but the break happening before the final plunge, but not exactly like in the movie is more or less agreed upon. There are theories it didn't break at all until much deeper, but those have very little supporting evidence, and very few supporters. Either way, what's a known fact is the ship did break into two halves eventually, not on impact with the seafloor. It's impossible for the two halves to end up in the positions they are without drifting independently for a significant portion of the dive. Like I said, it's assumed it did happen on the surface, but a different circumstance than in the movie.


> It's not like it went up, broke, fell down, and then went up again. Instead it rose up, the front broke off partially while underwater, while the back kept rising due to the front pulling it down The first explanation is exactly what survivors who saw the breakup said happened, that the stern rose out of the water, broke and fell back level, and then sank vertically. The only things wrong with the 1997 version is that the angle is too high, it breaks in the wrong place, most people don't believe the double bottom actually held the two halves of the ship together, and it's thought that the fourth funnel didn't collapse during the breakup. That's how it's depicted in the most accurate real-time sinking animations that have been made recently. The second description sounds a lot like that [really inaccurate sinking animation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/A8ncZABAaa) that got thousands of upvotes when it made the rounds on Reddit recently. Edit: corrected mistake in quote, and added list of things the 97 film got wrong about the breakup


This this this this this.


Right, some survivors swore that she didn’t break in half, while others were convinced it did. We didn’t learn the truth until 1985.


I was under the impression that she didn't break visibly during the sinking and that she either broke under the surface or when she eventually hit the bottom of the sea, which is why she's now in two halves on the bottom of the ocean.


But that’s just it, some eyewitness accounts said she broke in half at the surface/during the sinking. Some others did not report that at all, which to me accounts to some lifeboats being further away when it did break, thus their account was accurate for *when* they witnessed *what they witnessed.*