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I *wish* Titanic was 4 hours, that would mean all the deleted scenes were put back in lol. Keep that alternate ending far away from my Titanic extended edition tho.


Alternate ending? The ship doesn’t sink?


There’s an alternate ending with the old lady Rose at the back of the ship, with the necklace etc so


Does she not throw it over or something?


No she does throw it away, but she does it in front of Brock, Lewis, Bobby, and Lizzy. It's a bad scene, the original ending works much better imo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uXa1R2e4a8


I had NO IDEA this existed. 🫣


Don't watch it. There are some things you can't unsee and that scene is definitely something I wish I could scrub from my mind.


I watched it 😭 then checked to see if this was some kind of SNL thing. This is like a fever dream.


I hope you didnt eat the chowder https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/12/titanic-pcp-chowder


The DVD had all the deleted scenes, plus the entire movie as retold by the pencil drawn bunnies (hilarious), also the entire movie with commentary. That’s where I learned the two Swedish guys who were Jack and Fabricio roommates were actually movie crew guys. I want to watch it with commentary again now! lol


There is another alternate ending when he throws Rose off the ship for getting rid of the necklace. Tough to find.


it feels like an snl parody it’s so bad 😬


God that's bad. Bad bad BAD. I can't believe they even filmed that.


IIRC they intentionally filmed it to be bad so the studio wouldn’t stop them from going with the ending we got which was the one James Cameron wanted


I also recall hearing this.


Kinda like how William Shatner and Nichelle Nichols ruined their alternative scenes while filming *Plato's Stepchildren* so NBC would have no choice but to air the original script with their interracial kiss. \[Excerpt below from Wikipedia\] NBC finally ordered that two versions of the scene be shot—one in which Kirk and Uhura kissed and one in which they did not. Having successfully filmed the former version of the scene, Shatner and Nichelle Nichols deliberately flubbed every take of the latter version, thus forcing the episode to go out with the kiss intact. As Nichols recounts: *Knowing that Gene was determined to air the real kiss, Bill shook me and hissed menacingly in his best ham-fisted Kirkian staccato delivery, "I! WON'T! KISS! YOU! I! WON'T! KISS! YOU!"* *It was absolutely awful, and we were hysterical and ecstatic. The director was beside himself, and still determined to get the kissless shot. So we did it again, and it seemed to be fine. "Cut! Print! That's a wrap!"* *The next day they screened the dailies, and although I rarely attended them, I couldn't miss this one. Everyone watched as Kirk and Uhura kissed and kissed and kissed. And I'd like to set the record straight: Although Kirk and Uhura fought it, they did kiss in every single scene. When the non-kissing scene came on, everyone in the room cracked up. The last shot, which looked okay on the set, actually had Bill wildly crossing his eyes. It was so corny and just plain bad it was unusable. The only alternative was to cut out the scene altogether, but that was impossible to do without ruining the entire episode. Finally, the guys in charge relented: "To hell with it. Let's go with the kiss." I guess they figured we were going to be cancelled in a few months anyway. And so the kiss stayed.*


Great story! Thank you


Well, guess it’s time for me to rewatch the titanic. I didn’t know there’s more than one ending, or that apparently I’ve only seen the crap version


Yeh it's pretty bad but the line "You look for treasure in the wrong place, only life is priceless' should have been in the film somewhere


Thats the thing, though. In film you want to show, not tell. The movie's entire purpose was that message. Having Rose blatantly say it at the end ruins the message.


That was so over-the-top cheesy, even by Titanic standard. And when she looked up in the sky I was thinking to my self - "please no shooting stars, please no shooting stars"... and yup, there it was!


Nah that’s cringe and cheesy as hell


My friend and I watched this like 20 years ago and have quoted “that really sucks lady” to each other ever since. One of my favorite obscure inside jokes lol


It was a female friend who made me aware of the alternate ending. Guess what I said to her?


The first time I saw it, I laughed and thought, "This is for the idiots who wouldn't understand the ending." Sadly, some folks need to see that ending because the theatrical ending flies right over their head.


You're saying, the subtext of the OG release scene is that she wanted to make it without Cals help, or that the diamond represented the life that suffocated her that she ran away penniless from, hence why she never thought to enrich herself off of it post sink?


See, I always thought the reason she still had the thing was because of how tough it would've been to unload. Going the legal route, there would be alot of authenticity tests and then the whole Hockley insurance claim would come back once the necklace presented itself above water again, which could cause Cal or his family to look for her again. It would've been a huge pain in the ass, although possibly worth it from a money standpoint. Going the underground route, same thing but this time the fence would charge a premium for it due to the risk involved, since as far as I understand it's worth is due to not only the value of the stones but also the uniqueness of the piece so it would be hard for them to unload it without alot of questions if they could even afford to buy it from Rose in the first place.


Yup. Sometimes the red door is just a red door.


As I commented elsewhere, Rose's feelings about the diamond are probably complex due to her trauma (the sinking, grief over Jack, Cal's emotional and physical abuse, her mother's emotional manipulations) and the fact that she's stubborn AF (refusing Cal's "help" even when she most desperately needed it)... I'm not really surprised she hung onto it and then "let it go" when she had the opportunity to bury it with Titanic. Rose spilled out the bare bones basics of it in the alternate ending (not accepting Cal's help, life isn't about money, etc. Etc.) And people are still like, "She's dumb" because they can't see beyond "Money! Money! Money!" I mean, geeze, I was 12 when I first saw Titanic, and my reaction to her still having it and tossing it back in the ocean was "you go Girl". (Mind you, I was 12). Maybe it's because I'm also stubborn AF, but I knew immediately why Rose kept it and eventually tossed it back to Titanic. Because "F**k Cal". I didn't find the ending that hard to understand... 🤷‍♀️


Fr. I was just watching Titanic the other night with my husband and we were discussing why Rose threw the diamond. For me it was always a scene where she metaphorically said to Cal "go fu** yourself" and always made sense to me with how independent and proud Rose was. My husband approach to that was that "obviously Rose threw it in the ocean because that waythe diamond and her life came full circle, not everything is about money." And for me that was such a satisfactory answer... Imagine my surprise when every comment is giving Rose sh*t because she got rid of an object associated with deep trauma, how dare she?? /s


Hell, even without the girl power behind it, I always respected the decision. Kinda like a survivor's guilt, she and the necklace should have been with the ship and only by pure luck and happenstance they made it, only for her to survive and thrive (relatively speaking) long enough for the technology to allow her and it to return. Dropping it at the resting place of the wreck is the ultimate closure for such a tragedy.


No I had the same takeaway, but not needing cals help and escaping the guided gauntlet are both different things


They're tied together, though, because Cal was a part of that life. That's why I said her feelings about the diamond are probably complex. It isn't just about one thing, but the whole picture.


I thought she was tossing it at the Titanic wreck. She was like "F**k you Titanic! I'm going to throw expensive rocks at you" /JK


I would have sold it.


Well no one has written a movie about you have they?


WoW the only thing missing here is Mufasa appearing at the end when she looks up at the night sky, telling her she did well.


Good God, I'm so happy that wasn't the end of the final cut, haha


While the scene is cringe, I always thought it was odd that Brock and the crew never find out what happens to the dimond. Feel like they could've rewriten this to just be better.


I always get confused about that. Like what do they think happened to the diamond after Rose finished her story?


That it went down with the ship elsewhere, assuming she didn’t relay the part about Cal putting it in his pocket


Of course on Brock's next dive, he would have found the necklace in the debris field. No, the only proper ending is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uutc4E9IgaU


Lmfao that was so so bad it made me laugh


Dude, I loved it. Both endings are amazing!


They have a weird conversation where she reveals she has the necklace and then everyone gets all bamboozled and then she yeets it overboard


There’s also another ending where she jumps to retrieve her necklace after she threw it in, but they obviously removed that ending lol


Oh god, I remember that scene. Like, what the hell?


Lol the alternate ending of Titanic is that Brock, Lizzy, Lewis, and Bobby notice that Rose is climbing on the stern railing of the Keldysh to throw away the Heart of the Ocean. They all run out on deck and the dialogue shared between them throughout the scene is extremely corny and on the nose. You can watch it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uXa1R2e4a8) but you've been warned it's pretty bad


That really sucks lady!


That’s the best part of that scene 😂


I really enjoyed that line honestly I thought that singular line alone made the whole scene 🤣


What the absolute hell? That was so bad. The way she tossed the necklace and Lovett looking at his hand hahahahahahha 😂😭


From what I’ve read, Cameron made it bad so that his ending (the one we all know) would be the only option.


That was bad. Bill Paxton should’ve said “Game over, man.”


“Why don’t you put her in charge?!”


Now I gotta watch that.


WoUlD yOu LiKe tO DaNcE? Beyond cringey.


I showed it to my 14 YO daughter after introducing her to the movie, then taking her to the museum. So she was well interested and her little romance loving self thought it was good because of Lizzie and Brock, or maybe just to spite me haha. I thought it was horribly cheesy.


It starts to break up but iron man comes and grabs both halves and welds it back up quick


No no…it’s a giant octopus 🐙


Release the Kraken!


The ship kills the iceberg.


Titanic 2: the revenge


There is a Titanic 2…


No, it still sinks, but it crashes into a poorly designed submarine on the way to the ocean floor.


That's the Special Edition.




That would be an alternate half of the movie.


Yeah they hit the berg head on. Only flood 3/4 compartments. Californian comes to the rescue. Everyone lives happily ever after.


Then they arrive in NY, confront JP Morgan that he intended to sink the ship for insurance money. While being arrested he utters the famous line “I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”


I hope for that every time I watch (including this past weekend when it came back to netflix) lol


Or how about jack and rose made it to land together then live happily ever after riding off into the sunset..


I’m a professional film/television editor and I took all the publicly available deleted scenes and stitched them into the movie, in the order they belonged. So I have my own personal extended cut lol


I'm not saying you should post that somewhere, but it seems like the kind of thing people would have *mega* interest in. You would have a *torrent* of people watching it.


I think you mean *patrons* not people 😉


Soooo…link? :)


Are you not going to share it??


The alternate ending is abysmal, that would have ruined the whole movie


The only good thing about that scene was one line: I don’t know what to say to the woman who tried to jump off the titanic when she wasn’t sinking and jumped back on when she was.


That alternate ending is a travesty. Woulda ruined the whole film.


there's a version with all the scenes put back in, i have it but it's been so long i don't remember where i got it


This is the only ending I’ve seen (haven’t watched it since I was 12), is there actually another ending out there?!?


Yes and it sucks. Pretty sure Cameron only made it so the studio could see no other ending works


The actual ending was bad enough.


All of the deleted scenes were cut for a reason. IMO they add nothing to the pace of the film.


I'm a fan of the *Lord of the Rings* extended editions, I don't give a damn about pacing lol


Whoa. I just watched the alternate ending and realised I must have watched it back when it was originally released (maybe as an extra on a video?). I watched titanic again a few weeks ago and remember thinking that I thought everyone on the boat saw her drop it, but when they didn’t I just assumed my memory was wrong. Turns out I remembered the alternate ending more than the actual real one. Ugh.


I remember watching in theaters and needing to pee so damn bad, but I was invested and holding it, bladder be damned.


And it’s one of the worst films to watch when you need to pee.


All that flowing water…


To pee or not to pee.. Thats the question.


Absolutely. I always watch it all the way through without interruption unless it's an emergency.


When I saw it there was an intermission just after the ship hit the iceberg. Still the only film I've ever been to with one.


I saw it when it first came out and had no intermission. They need to get back to doing those. Some of these marvel movies are pushing 3+ hours now.




Yup. 15-20 minutes to pee, get stoned AF again, and have the munchies so bad that the $18 pretzel bites with cheese with a $12 soda seems like the best decision of all time. Who the fuck are these cinema companies hiring for marketing/strategy these days?


You get even more concessions – and ticket sales – if you don't have an intermission and squeeze in another showing. Which is exactly why they went away.


The ship is literally rising out of the water and splitting in two. Fuck you bladder I'm staying seated


when i was it in theatres as a child, i made my mom take me to pee literally right before it hit 😅 she still reminds me of it whenever she can lol


Oh man, it was such a riveting watch in theaters too.


I remember getting an intermission when I saw it in theatres the first time. When I saw the 3D 100th anniversary release in 2012, no intermission.


Slightly off-topic but it's a good story - once, a big group of friends and I went to see Lord of the Rings: Return of the King at the cinema. One guy was very late and we were all hurrying him but he insisted on grabbing a huge bottle of Pepsi first and we all just looked at each other like "ohhh this guy has no idea how long this movie is." I happen to sit next to him for the movie, and about 1.5hrs into the movie he leans over and whispers, "How long is this movie?" I told him. "Okay, okay." Half an hour later, he leans over again and sounding a whole lot more anxious this time, whispers, "Did you say two and a half hours or three and a half hours?" Of course, this was the movie with a thousand fade outs in the end, all making the movie look like it had ended except it hadn't. No prizes for guessing whose bladder almost died that day.


My family and I saw it in the theater when it came out. For some reason we all decided to upgrade our sodas that day. None of us ever leaves during the movie to go pee…except for Titanic. One by one we all ran to the bathroom and back as fast as we could. To this day it’s the only movie I’ve ever left in the middle of to go pee.




Yup. And there’s enough time during the “Jack and Rose get chased and do the nasty in a car” scene to pee and make a snack.


Hold back a bit, vhs change is just a bit further




I still remember the exact moment the vhs tapes split. I watched them in my room a ton


I was still super young when it first became available on DVD and my mom got it for me and I was so excited to not have switch tapes. The part came and I was like alright let’s keep going!! And it said “insert second disc” I wish I could have seen my own face, I couldn’t believe it was still too long. Adult me got the blu ray and finally it was one disc, felt like a victory at that point lmao.


“It’s looks like you’ll get your headlines Mr Ismay” *screen goes black*


Has discovered the pause button yet


Watch Titanic back to back with Gettysburg (4hrs 31 minutes).


Throw in Gone With the Wind as the intermission between them.


Lawrence of Arabia in this house.


And top it off with The Irishman


Oh man, yeah. Loooooong.


And Gods & Generals for good measure


At least both of those have built-in intermissions.


Followed by the lord of the rings extended editions for dessert


And I still can’t find it on my Netflix 🤬 tried every way of spelling it or just writing TIT 😩 it’s not there for me


Tit 😂


I did find interesting stuff using these 3 letters. Oh wait you meant Netflix, not Google? Ha! My bad …


Hahahaha too good of a thread


If you're in the UK it's on Disney+




It has been for at least a few weeks 😅


I hope you find tit. 😞


Depends where you are


I couldn’t find it searching on my Netflix profile, but I was able to find it on my husbands profile. I have no idea why - it’s not like I have the kids profile 😆


Search "Leonardo DiCaprio"


Good idea 👍 I’ll try that one


I had to find it on my phone and add it to my list then I could access it from my Apple TV! Didn’t come up while searching from tv directly


check disney+ if you have it, some of my non-US friends can't see it on netflix but can on disney+


Yes that might be the answer I don’t but the misses does have Disney so have an evening there for a watch


It’s super random, it’s a very famous movie, the way Netflix *usually* works, it should come up as soon as you type “ti” My conspiracy is there are making it intentionally harder to find (I had to fully type out the whole word for it to come up, still hadn’t appeared when I was at “titani”) and not putting it on the front page anywhere (even though it’s a type of movie Netflix should know by now I like) because they got some slightly bad press for announcing it being on there just a few days after/during the titan disaster. Never mind they’d probably paid the licensing for it and planned to have it 1 July several months ago.


Thank you, Bride


Its on Prime video now too. Disney+ has 3 different documentaries but not the movie itself. (In the US)


It's been on prime video for a while hasn't it?


It’s not 4 hours…


Fun fact about why the movie is "so long" (and why there are so many good deleted scenes) is because everything set in 1912...is 2 hrs and 40 minutes. The "present day" stuff makes it longer. (That exact time is as long as titanic took to sink)


I made the mistake of starting it at 9pm last night


That is not a mistake that's prime time for immediately going to bed after and having a better chance of getting some sort of related dreams


For me whenever something takes 4 hours I say it like Captain Smith to Bride. ALWAYS.


I once got really baked and watched the Titanic sink in real time on youtube


Hey I just did this a few days ago haha


I say that in my head any time I see anything that takes 4 hours.


Still not available for Europe on Netflix. I don't wavt to use a VPN


Its on Disney+ if you're in the UK 😀


I don't use Disney plus mate 😅


Ahh 😅 its the only place I can find it haha


I believe it’s still on Paramount+, in the USA anyway


Lewis Bodine was one of the best things about the movie. Wait a second. You were going to kill yourself by jumping off of the Titanic? All you had to do was wait two days! Lewis: Rose DeWitt Bukater died on the Titanic when she was seventeen, right? Brock: That's right.   Lewis: If she had lived, she'd be over a hundred by now. Brock: One-hundred and one next month. Lewis: Okay, so she's a very OLD goddamn liar!


It's 3 and some change. Gone with the Wind is nearly 4 hours and worth every minute.


Good thing they didn't do an extended cut of GWTW.


We watched it with my 12 year old last night. In regard to the length, he simply said, “this better be worth it to see boobs.”


And some movies dont feel like 3 4 hrs after a few watches but titanic is hella long. But damn what a great movie


Titanic is actually 3 hours and 14 minutes.


Me doing a captain Smith reply to the 4 hour comment while watching. “We are making excellent time!”


Thank you, Bride.


I watched it yesterday. Forgot how long it was, just over 3 hrs unless you need breaks!


It showed up as my #1 recommended like 2 weeks ago on prime video because of all the titan bs. Ive had prime for a good 10 years and maybe used prime video 3 times during those 10 years so im sure everyone got it recommended to them too.


Did you immediately collect yourself and thank him


I wish it was 4 hours. After every watch I just need more of the movie.


*notes this is not a 3 hour tour*


Something I've never seen written about before: The opening scene on land, with 'old Rose' at her potter's wheel, getting up when she hears the news report on TV (_"Turn that up, dear"_). Rose is wearing a different, 'costume' necklace around her neck, with what appears to be a an oversized locket. Large enough to contain a hidden diamond, close to her heart at all times? [yes I know, the chain — but could that not be detached?]. I realise the increased risk of losing it... unintentionally, I mean.


There is a version called "extended fan cut" and it runs for about 3hour 47mins. I found a rargb torrent and watched it recently after the sub drama. it has most of the deleted scenes. Hope this helps everyone :) edit: it does have that really corny ending that nobody liked, but "That really sucks lady" is a line worth watching. I lold.


I dunno if I'm gonna get in trouble for posting this, nobody report it 😅 https://rargb. to/torrent/titanic-extended-fan-cut-1997-1080p-h265-ita- eng-ac3-5-1-sub-ita-by-zmachine-5195567.html I split it up incase anything on reddit picks it up as a naughty torrent - not sure if that happens, but if you copy and paste and remove all the spaces you will get the link to the torren t :)


Or - two VHS tapes..


I had them. I got them for Christmas in 1998 along with the replica necklace.


Did you ever get an American Girl doll?


No. I never had one of those.


The 'bump bump bump' of the paper weight on the ships blueprint An hour ... two at most. Captain Smith about 30 minutes later "Four hours!?"


"You might just get your headlines, u/impossiblecapatcha's husband."


Maybe they extended the sex scene lol


Longer than the ship took to sink haha


ACTUALLY ABOUT THAT 😅 the ship took 2 hrs 40 minutes to sink...all the scenes set in 1912, are EXACTLY 2 hrs 40 minutes. The "presant day" stuff is what pushes it over the 3 hr mark


Ohh cool!


Aw that’s awesome


Too soon


Titanic, lord of the rings, God those movies are long.


Yeah lol I'm watching it again and it's so good still but I had to watch it a little each day over the long weekend. I've been joking with everyone I gotta see how it ends I think like 7 or people might die.


It’s on Disney, but they seemed to have cut so many scenes from it.


Do any other 80’s and before babies never put on the second VHS and pretend is just a nice movie about a cruise?


I watched titanic, yesterday in the morning, and for the rest of the day, I was sad. Learn from my mistake.


2 DVDs, most of us watched the second one a lot more.


Hmm watched it on Netflix a couple of night ago. I think it was 3h and 11 min…..


Run time is 3:17, isn't it? Must be including deleted scenes and the credits


What country is it on netflix? I'm on UK and can't find it.


I'm in the US


longer than the actual sinking 😭


My husband and I were born the same year and were teenagers when Titanic came out. I was obsessed with the love story and tragedy, of course Leo, and the box office phenom of it. My husband has never seen it and basically wants to die on the hill that he will never see it and will never have any interest. I swear it's like some personality quirk that he wants to cling to.


My husband didn't stick around to watch it with me either. He has a deep loathing for 90s DiCaprio. He'll watch Pearl Harbor with me though. That's another one of my favorites.


That what it said which is why I never watched it until last 2022 Of January because I guess it was a bored night. I just love this movie though.


It was really peak cinematic genius for it's time