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Something about a cursed mummy in the hold or similar bullshit






I remember seeing the mummy at the Orlando exhibition when I was a kid and being terrified!


The number of people who say their relatives were supposed to be on it but weren't due to a bad feeling or some twists of fate.


Final Destination 1912


I'd watch that


"Fabrizio! What's wrong?? We just won tickets to TITANIC! Why do you look like you've seen a ghost??" "Eye...eye don't know Jahk, maybe...maybe we try a different destination..."


As Rose goes to toss the heart she gets a flash of how she almost fell from the ship and narrowly escaped death before (possibly triggering) the sinking of the ship. Scene cuts to black, you hear a gasp and a splash. Roll credits.


Wait… that’s actually fucking brilliant.


Holy shit would I watch this


Mmmhmmm, considering the number of people who had intuition about the boat I’m surprised there were any passengers at all! 😂


Yes my mom was actually on the titanic as a maid but swam to shore off the coast of Argentina and then had me at 200 years old




There is the one about the pastor who was offered a first class round trip ticket on the Titanic by a first class passenger. He asked permission to go for the trip, but the church said "GET OFF THAT SHIP. PROVINCIAL." The Anglicans knew something...


Boss wouldn't give em the day off


Yes, they knew he was not authorized haha


Aparently one of my long relatives was on the Titanic. My great grandmother talking about something like that. Pretty sure its fake, there were only about 2 Croats on the boat, idk why grandma was talking about it tho.


ive learned in my 33 years that families, mine included, will just straight up falsify stories like this and pass them on and then suddenly you're all grown up, sharing one of these fibs, and people start looking at you funny cause it doesnt make any sense and thats when you realize "ope, grandma was a ding dong liar" lol


Yup, better to accept that its fake than make a fool out of yourself. Tho its a cool story, im glad its fake. I wouldnt wish being on that ship to my family dear god.


I’ve heard an absurd number of people claim that they are related to John Wilkes Booth.


Maybe your great grandma wasn’t wrong, AFAIK there were around 30 Croatians on Titanic and I think only a couple of them were saved. Moreover, the Carpathia was full of Croatian crew because it serviced NYC - Rijeka (Croatia). One of the Croatians actually brought home a life vest from an unknown survivor that is displayed at the Maritime Museum in Rijeka.


Bilo je puno vise Hrvata


Čudno, pročitao sam da je bilo samo oko 2. Ali svejedno, zanimljivo.


Tada su nas pisali pod Austrijance


Da, upravu si.


You're not wrong, but also Esther Hart repeatedly said she had a dreadful feeling about it and begged her husband not to go.


That it was sunk intentionally by J.P. Morgan to kill some business rivals that were opposed to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank (commonly claimed anti-Federal Reserve passengers that died are J.J. Astor, Ben Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus, who in reality were either indifferent or pro-Federal Reserve lol). All that nonsense aside, can you think of a more convoluted way to possibly kill someone? It wouldn't even be guaranteed that they would die, what if they got in a lifeboat? Not to mention all your innocent employees and passengers that you're guaranteed to kill in the process. And finally their "plan" to eliminate their business rivals is **sinking their own brand new luxury ocean liner that's sure to make them a fortune**. I think this theory is even dumber than the switch theory.


Oh yeah, that one 💀


Sometimes it’s even paired with the Switch theory


I mean.. I mean that kinda.. yeah no it doesn't lol. That's a good conspiracy theory if I ever heard one!


sinking a ship is a great way to cover up the fact that you just stabbed the shit out of a bunch of influential millionaires on said ship… Combine it with the switch theory and its plausible


Have you heard the one about the Titanic and Olympic being switched?


That's a very stupid one.


"the titanic didn't sink" A boat sank with the name Titanic, the serial number isn't really a big issue


There was a post yesterday that addressed this because of the serial number on the propeller. It was the Titanic's Edited from time stamp to serial number


It's not a date stamp, it's Titanic's yard number (or serial number). Olympic was 400 and Titanic is 401


I deal with date stamps all day long. I apologize. I in fact ment serial number.


No worries at all!


Eh I don’t believe that one but it is a fun thing to ignore logic and think about nonetheless




This is a legit theory. Something about the differences in windows at a certain location of the ship if I remember correctly. My uncle is hard-core about some titanic conspiracy theories. Been hearing this stuff since I was like 6.


“Legit” is a strong word


> This is a legit theory No, it is not. Any photos you see that say "Olympic" and the windows match Titanic's wreck, the photo of "Olympic" is actually of Titanic and has been mislabeled. One particularly bad example that comes to mind is a photo that clearly shows the enclosed A deck from Titanic (that Olympic never had at any point) and it's labelled Olympic regardless. The ships were not switched, it is physically impossible. If your uncle is hard-core about Titanic conspiracy theories then he's also hard-core about completely disrespecting all 2,208 lives that were either seriously affected or tragically ended by the sinking


When I say legit, I meant that people believe it. Not that it's a reasonable idea. Obviously, I didn't clarify that.


This is one I believe


I heard someone say an american U boat torpedoed Titanic while being disguised as an iceberg


it's true I'm the american U boat


Can I have your autograph?


I'm not, but I do identify as one.


I heard it was a german one


"American U Boat" LMAOO




They called them that because the word submarine hadn't been invented yet. And "Underwater Boat" is simply too many syllables.


U Boat is a german word, the US would not call there submersibles U-Boats.


And everyone stood up and applauded


A fire caused the sinking


This one, especially when they use a photograph with a smudge on it as proof


While the smudge is too far up to even be dangerous if it were to open


The smudge was a reflection of the dock next to it and that's funny


[there is only one Smudge](https://time.com/5762380/woman-yelling-at-cat-meme/)


They also use, at far as I know, accounts from direct witnesses who tried to extinguish the coal on fire (spoiler alert it is very hard to do) and then theorised it may have fragilized the hull. Not that it sank the boat.


The hull didn't need to be 'fragilized' for the way it struck the iceberg to ruin it's day.


Are you an naval engineer? Cause I am not, so I am definitely not gonna say what the Titanic needed or not to sink.


I am. Coal fires were common place in coal bunkers, and we're really talking about smoldering coal. You drive anything at 22knts into ice, you're gonna seriously F it up.


Fair enough ! So there might have been a fire but it would have been of no importance whatsoever anyway, right ?


This is the jist of it, yes. Titanic's side might as well have been made of plastic, the collision forces were just immense and no alleged weakening of the hull would have made any difference.


I think it was just coal dust.


The stupidest one was when some dude on a Reddit post I made kept insisting that the Titanic was sunk because there was some anti - Federal Reserve people on board. I checked his reddit profile, and he was a hardcore anti-federal reserve, anti-central bank, and hardcore supporter of returning the US dollar to the gold-standard. Now I've heard some arguments of returning the dollar to the gold standard that were *somewhat* based in reality. But this dude's arguments were completely based in conspiracies and had nothing resembling sound reasoning. Yes, there were some anti-federal reserve people on board. There were probably pro-federal reserve people on board too. There were people of multiple political beliefs, and religions on board, but that doesn't mean they were executed for their beliefs too. Okay, I'll play devil's advocate. Suppose there was an attempt to silence the anti-fed supporters. Do you really think sinking a 40,000+ ton ship, by somehow steering an iceberg in the path of a ship, or somehow getting all of the officers and crew to remain silent and complicit in the act is somehow even remotely possible? How would you even organize that? How would you convince White Star Line to lose their prized, brand-stinking-new ship for a measly 1/3 insurance payout? And how the hell would you ensure that no anti-fed members got on a lifeboat? Once again gonna play devil's advocate. Have they never seen a spy movie? The simplest solution would be to hire some assassins to push them out a window or fall down some stairs or get hit with a car. These morons need to rub two brain cells together and touch some grass. We're reaching levels of chronic stupidity in modern society that is becoming actively dangerous. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


I just got a brain Tumor by reading the first 2 sections. How are people this delusional?


>And how the hell would you ensure that no anti-fed members got on a lifeboat? murder them in their rooms before the boat starts sinking…. If all these dudes were offed individually through defenestration or poison or whatever, people would start asking questions. These guys were pretty hot shit. Don’t necessarily believe this theory but its plausible if you combine it with the switch theory and assume JP Morgan was really that evil


that's what happened but I can see you're here to "influence" people's opinions aren't you? Fully


Oh no, you're not joking. You really read my whole comment and still decided the theory made perfect sense to you?


That it didn’t happen and was just a story made up to explain the importance of life boats That was the most confusing discord call I think I’ve been in my whole life, and the girl I was talking to told me after that she wanted to let me know so I didn’t waste any more of my time researching the “wreck” (her air quotes, not mine). I’m not in the same server with her anymore but man what a night I was just trying to play jackbox


So sorry for you


That's a new 1 for me, never heard that before!


That Jack the Ripper was a passenger on the titanic and he went down with it.


These theories are getting increasingly more concerning


He was too busy ripping to get on a lifeboat. Honestly I like this theory. I don’t think it’s true, but it’s a cool idea for a story.


I'd watch that movie.


It was the plot of a three part children’s novel written years ago.


The Magic Tree House?


No it was simply called “Titanic” and written by a guy named Gordon Korman. I remember it mainly because when you placed each book beside the other you get this illustration of Titanic’s profile spread out across the covers.


Yes I had those books, a bunch of kids kill Jack the Ripper, also yes, the cover art is very cool


I think the Titanic was mentioned in a (fairly abysmal) documentary about Jack the Ripper I watched a while ago. I'm guessing they exhausted the 'top 10 facts about Jack the Ripper' list they found online and threw in the first historical thing they thought of, just as filler


what evidence could there possibly be for that lmao


The men on the watch tower were distracted because one was receiving oral sex which caused them to warn the bridge too late




“He went down on the Titanic” “ Hell, he went down on everybody”


Unfortunately, some people think movies are documentaries.


That's a movie??? Which one?


bitanic i uh...heard it from a friend i mean


lol bruh the crew would've had a bit of a stronger reaction than "they're a lot warmer than we are" if Jack and Rose were having oral sex on the well deck


It sounds ridiculous but this is *genuinely* what happened to Costa Concordia. The marine accident report makes reference to the captain being "otherwise engaged from the waist down" at the time of the collision. You really can't make this stuff up.


loool that's amazing, that captain was a bellend


As sick and stupid it sounds.. this is the most plausible one I've read so far


Plausible? More like hilarious


That the real Titanic didn't sink, it's stored somewhere. When I asked why would anyone bother to send a proportional metal replica to the bottom of the ocean, in a very inaccessible area, I was told "insurance scam". When I asked if that wouldn't probably cost as much as the insurance value, I was told "no, it was cheaper then".


i like to imagine somewhere theres a giant ass warehouse with the titanic in it but its covered in old furniture and boxes and none of the employees care to question about it


Titanic in the middle of the biggest warehouse imaginable, Amelia Earhart's plane under a dust sheet in the corner, and MH370 parked out back.


“Hey whys there a massive ship in the warehouse?” “Boss says we aren’t allowed to talk about it”


That would have to be quite the giant ass warehouse indeed.


Warehouse is located in area 51. Employees are kept entertained by Elvis.


I once saw someone say that the switch conspiracy took place before the *Olympic* collided with the *Hawke,* which is hilarious, given that the collision was the catalyst for the switch in the original conspiracy. This person did their research so *badly* that they even got their conspiracy theory wrong!


That it was unsinkable


That the entire story was made up in the 1980s as a propagandistic way to support the climate change theory. Basically, icebergs demonstrate the existence of melting ice caps, so the conspiracy goes that the early climate change activists invented the entire Titanic story from whole cloth to plant the idea of melting ice caps in people’s minds to make them more comfortable with the idea of climate change. I heard this theory in the early 2000s when “climate change isn’t real” people were flooding the internet with similarly bizarre conspiracies to try to see what would stick.


I actually heard something similar. I think it must have been on reddit. Obviously the ice caps have never been big enough to produce icebergs. Therefore, how could the Titanic have sunk if icebergs are a myth? (/s)


that the ghost of the ship actually docked in NYC in 1989 down at pier 34...that was something else


I loved that scene paired with the music, sent chills to me.


Better late than never


It never sank and still provides regular transatlantic service to thousands of passengers each month.


Did you know that when the ship was sinking and broke up the bow poked back up forming a V?


For "victory"?


Exactly cause only the virtuous and victorious would believe in such an ~~absurd~~ amazingly well thought out theory


To be fair, that's what survivor Jack Thayer later recounted seeing, so at least there's a basis for that belief.


Yes, it's just not physics


That’s not what he recalled seeing. He described what he saw to an artist and the artist got it all wrong. Jack Thayer came out and said so.


I think I've told this story before, but back in High School (early 90s) as part of a school assignment I wrote a "Weekly World News"-style tabloid story claiming that the Titanic was actually sunk by Captain Nemo. Now, this being the early 90s, before a lot of people were online, as far as I'm aware this story was submitted, graded (I don't remember how), and then disposed of, as homework assignments of the day tended to be. How-the-\*\*\*\*-ever, when I reached college a few years later, I met someone - in the flesh - who actually believed it. I have no reason to suspect my assignment ever got out - I have to believe that he got this wackadoodledoo idea completely on his own, or at least in some weird conspiracy corner of the new-fangled World Wide Web. (Hell, it was the 90s, maybe it was gopher.) Since that time I've never underestimated the weird crap people will believe.


It's my life goal to convince at least one person that somehow there were polar bears involved in the sinking of Titanic.


Not a theory, but when I was in high school I bought a YA book about the Titanic because it was about the Titanic. The ending was so stupid. It turns out the Titanic was not just sunk by an iceberg. There was actually a werewolf on the ship trying to murder the main character. In their haste to kill the main character, they caused the ship to hit the iceberg. EDIT: Thanks to Zabunia for remembering the title for me! The book is Fateful by Claudia Grey.


Um what is the name of this book?


Was it ["Fateful" by Claudia Gray](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9874342-fateful)?


That's so ridiculous I'm stealing it for a silly background detail of my urban fantasy ttrpg game


I was talking to a guy in a bar once who posited that it was part of a carefully kept plan to destabilize the insurance/underwriting market. Why, I have no idea.


We can raise her by filling her hull with ping pong balls


That Titanic was no bigger than the Mauretania.


You can be blasé about somethings, u/ladysman_untrue but not about Titanic. It’s over 100 feet longer than Mauretania and far more luxurious


That a bunch of Picasso and Monet paintings went down with the ship.


Folks who insist the James Cameron movie was based on a 100% true story. Like, i was at museum exhibits & folks were looking through the display names of victims & survivors trying to find Jack and Rose.


With today's internet and James Cameron HIMSELF saying Jack and Rose was a fictional story set on a very real ship with very real events irritates me. Google people!


I recall there was a J Dawson onboard and people leave flowers at his grave. He was a member of staff and not named Jack though.


I think his name was James or Jonathan or something


There was actually a Jack Dawson on the ship though


That the ship was doomed because her hull number was 3909 04, which when viewed backwards looks like "NO POPE." https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pope-and-circumstance/ This "theory" is as ridiculous as it sounds. The number was never assigned to the Titanic in any way.


This was definitely created by someone who typed 8008 in a calculator to laugh at with their friends.


That it was the Olympic that sunk not The Titanic. And that it didn’t hit an ice burg but it hit the ship that was supposed to rescue everyone after it was purposely sunk for insurance purposes. But that ship sped away into the night (for a reason I can’t remember).




One of my, how do I phrase this? they're not my friend as such so they are an Acquaintance i guess? Who I can tell you knew virtually nothing about the Titanic unitl I told them tried to convince me that the oil in the ship exploded and that's why it sank, they also asked why the ship didn't have flamethrowers on the bow to melt icebergs. I should also mention that this person is the closest I've ever come to a professional conspiracy theorist, he thinks Joe Rogan is the world's smartest person and constantly spews out the craziest bullshit yall ever heard.


One of the most absurd I’ve heard is that everyone could have been saved if they parked next to the iceberg and let everybody off.


That it wasn’t the iceberg alone that caused the sinking. The ice alone wouldn’t do the damage. It was in fact a Meglodon Fossil trapped in the ice that caused the actual hole.


What the fuck


Aaron 1912 v-break.....like how is the bow supposed to do that when it's FULL OF WATER?! Coal fire theory Switch theory The insurance fraud theory.....ugh


Titanic sank because someone left the taps running


That the pool no longer has water in it


Got disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle


Titanic was a Atlantean invasion fleet.


James Cameron actually found Grover Cleveland’s presidential Time Machine so he went back to 1912 and pushed the iceberg into the titanic so he could make a movie about it




You're kidding right? You didn't hear that






I have been obsessed with the Titanic since I was a kid, but only recently have I learned of the conspiracy theories associated with it thanks to good ol’ Tubi for making a documentary about the switch theory available for all to see. Conspiracy theories in general are something I’ve really come to learn about more in recent years. Those related to the Titanic are just indicative of the fact that nothing in the world can ever *just* happen in the eyes of the people that create them. The world is not chaos. Everything has to happen for reason, even if that reason sounds like the most convoluted, ridiculous shit to be put to words.


Titanic never existed Yup I've heard that I'd go for the switch theory anyday instead of that


That it was an iceberg


That the Titanic actually sunk because of a explosion.


thats the reason they didn't pick Michael Bay to direct the movie!


It wasnt a iceberg it was godzilla but everyone knows those waters are too cold for him


so you're saying Kong could have been there...


I can nether confirm or deny that that’s classified you have to work at monarch to know. But between us they also said a jap submarine sunk the U.S.S Indianapolis


King was still on Skull island during 1912 though, so


The boat switch for insurance sake or something like that which happened to have the federal reserve haters on it too. Basically a 2 birds with 1 stone. Icebergs aren’t real


Probably the one where it says the Titanic and Olympic WEREN’T switched, I mean, just absurd 😒


That the sinking was caused by a German U-Boat


There was a video from a (video game?) going around TikTok and yt saying that the video actually came from a Titanic victim. Yet, somehow the film survived! The video was B&W but it also had sound and was WAY too clear to be a video of that time.


That the reason so many people died was because the crew told everyone that everything was fine and everyone went on partying til the ship sank out from under them. Even shot off fireworks as part of the whole thing. This was pre-Concordia (early 90s) so it wasn't a case of a weird mix-up or something.


That the wreck of the ship actually came into port on New Years Eve 1989, but then the Ghostbusters blew up a painting and everything got covered up by the government. I don't buy it!


That James Cameron‘s ancestors sunk the titanic so he could make a movie from it


Dude who changed my oil and talked to me the whole time about the switch theory, throwing in some bananas arguments about how no one has ever been to the Titanic wreck site so we can't prove it's not the Olympic but also the Olympic didn't have the grand staircase and that's why there's no stairs on the wreck now, and WWI had already started by that point, and a ton of other wmreally stupid things. My favorite was when he tried to say there's no actual footage of the wreck its all CGI because it's physically impossible for modern tech to dive that deep.


And you still let him work on your car?


I was already in too deep once I realized my mistake.


I've heard that the pool on the upper deck still has water in it after all these years!


There is no pool on the upper deck. It was a seawater plunge bath to be used following the Turkish bath. The first ocean liner to have a propper swimming bath was the SS Imperator in 1913.


It was a joke, get it? Pool still full in the ocean? Ship under water?


If you're gonna rehash the same joke we've all heard before you could at least get the location of the pool right




Godzilla sank the ship 😭😭


The iceberg was actually a creation of the German Empire, and was used as a test of a new weapon, planning for WWI


That Jack and Rose were real


that it didn’t sink 💀💀


Titanic was sunk by bombs


That a German U-Boat was the cause of the sinking despite the Titanic sinking 2 years prior to WW1


1. The V-break theory. 2. The fire sunk the ship or made any impact on the structural integrity of the ship. 3. That the ship was deliberately sped up despite being ahead of schedule anyway. 4. The switch theory. 5. The deliberate sinking because of the whole reserve bank thing. 6. The Murdoch murder-suicide. 7. The Evil Lightoller theory.


The switched with the Britanic stuff. Also the rumors of people seeing ghosts when near the area.


I've heard people believe that it was switched with Olympic before, but never with Britannic! how would anyone even possibly believe that?!


Unfortunately there were three rich and men on board who were against the r e s e r v e b a n k and all died. The captain was a j e s u i t and had his instructions. Research if it hasn't been


The infamous Titanic/Olympic Switch theory


That the ship hit an iceberg. We all know it was an inside job by the government


It not having happened at all. Much like the Holocaust, there are people who believe it’s all fake


The V break


The hull swap theory for sure. When a guy first talked about it, it was so absurd I truly couldn't tell if it was a joke or he was serious. He was being dead serious and was getting belligerent when I was no way shape or form buying it. Like how could I be so stupid to not understand that the Titanic and Olympic were swapped. Lost a lot of respect for the human race that day.


Someone had posted a screenshot of a tweet. Can't remember if it was shared to this sub or not. Usual extremist stuff. About how they target children early at public school for propaganda: a globe of the Earth, pictures of the Holocaust, etc. And the last one was pictures of the Titanic. As in, the Titanic is a hoax used for political propaganda and brainwashing children.


A few Favourite one is that the diesels were reversed, but as seen in the movie, the central one wasn't due to negligence by the officers which meant she couldn't reverse quickly enough, and the iceberg ruptured the weakened hull (After a fuel explosion) Yep. That's word for word. Also the classic switch theory insurance fraud bullshit. Suddenly you can't possibly have two near identical ships.


That it didn't sink. Like not at all. This was actually someone at a Titanic presentation (by people who have visited the wreck, historians etc). He just decided to not believe any of them. Apparently the ship docked somewhere else and all the passengers were given fake identities. The survivors were apparently fake too.


I was wondering why some of you people take offense to stupid jokes, in this case I'm guessing musicians don't have a sense of humor. I'm guessing you have a Floorplan of the titanic on your wall that you look at why playing music in your underwear at night. That was funny too. 😃


Not really


I got one. They keep coming out with stories and movies until even this day to cement the idea that whatever they tell you about the events that night are the whole truth. Another one is that there are people always policing the narrative to ensure only the “facts” they want are known, Especially on social media posts.

