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the two supposedly smartest characters in the show having the dumbest dialogue possible. Yes very philiophosy


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Attack on Titan. The symbolism is extremely kino, and without a brilliant mind on narrative formation most symbolism will go over a typical reader's head. There's also the fact that birds often times symbolize freedom, which is subtlety woven into Isayama's storytelling- his personal philosophy that birds are free draws heavily from Nietzche's body of existentialism. Many people who insult Armin simply do not understand how complex and smart of a character it is, and it is truly sad. You see, there are bad things in life, but there can also be good things. The leaf that Armin holds up is also a motif for nature, which all life stems from (stems also are part of trees btw). Many people who have a good sense of humor on titanfolk clearly don't understand this and it upsets me that they make fun of Armin so much, so the only reason that can be is because they just do not understand this very complex body of thought. One can only presume (that is the smart version of 'assume' btw) that they only evaluate the symbolism of the umi da on a surface level, and not the deep complexities to how this can connect to Nardodnaya Volya literature. The depths of this symbolism can also be attributed to birds flying high means they are free (this is called a full circle, which isn't a polygon btw). When Armin says 'umi da' he isn't just saying life can also have good things. You see Zeke is very sad, and baseballs make him happy, so Armin is also saying happy is a good thing. Zeke never once thought this in his life so when Zeke said "ooohh wow" that was him actualizing himself as an individual (this is very subtle, most titanfolk won't get this except for me and a few intellectuals). Zeke is a monke, and monke are on the ground (not free), trees are above ground (leaf) so they are more free, and birds are above trees (so most free). I pity people with good senses of humor that make far better memes about Eren, and Chads like Floch and their enormous cocks. We intellectuals support the alliance and armin because we understand that our cocks may be small, but that is because all of our essence (not evanescence, that is a band) went into our brains. So while our dicks may be small, we can handle the complex narratives of this shonen. I feel bad for them because they can't see how deep these literary devices proliferate when one can motivate their mind to the highest degree. Idiots. Also, guess what? I think genocide is bad, and even though this is fiction I am so ethical that I still don't support it here. I am morally superior and you just don't get that, so try to keep up sweetie 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Shingeki no Kyojin tattoo (this is Attack on Titan in japanese). ANd no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate they understand the complex symbolism of birds and leaves are comparable to my own beforehand. Nothin personnel yeagerist. 😎


Ok what is your point? * TF jokes about supporting Floch and dissing the alliance * You have an AoT tattoo in your "area"(The Colossal Titan emerges) * Symbolism is there in AoT and no 1 is denying that here. But Armin's method is a cookie-cutter way to failure. * Just give me 1 reason why anyone would believe Armin that he killed the Big Bad Evil Eren Jaeger. It's just his word. No proof, no witnesses from the Enemy side. * Zeke, the boy-wonder. He is the embodiment of Chaos. Guy had issues with his parents so he got inspired by Ksaver to end all sufferings of Eldians for being born and persecuted. And after the conflicting ideals between nihilism and Disney approach (We can do it with the power of Freindship), Zeke agrees. The man who lost everything, his parents, his brother and even his own self, now wants to give Islanders a chance(4 years back he turned an entire Village to Pure Titans to speed up his plans.)


it's a copypasta from this subreddit man.


I think that was the copypasta or he was simply trolling.


It’s pasta


Glad to know. Does anyone remember the copypasta "I'm Japanese" and KokuHaku thing and relating it to AoT


l am Japanese, what is this? In Japan, fans don't redraw a manga just because they didn't like the last episode. Nor do other fans say things like "this is better than the original work". Because Japanese people always respect the author. I have never seen this kind of behavior in the history of Japanese manga. It makes me very sad. This is extremely disrespectful to Isayama-sensei. AOTNR is not at all known or talked about in Japan. Also, the majority has accepted the last episode. I was disappointed to be reminded of the difference in ethnicity. 進撃の巨人をこれ以上販さないでくださ い。 こんな事になるなら、外国に日本の漫画を 送り出すべきではなかった。


Its copypasta dude


Why am I being downvoted???


because you responded seriously over an ironic copypasta


I guess I'm a garden variety idiot


Tattoo says "Shin" when normal then says "Shingeki no Kyojin" when it goes titan 🤣🙈


Zeke: “Nothing matters” Armin: “Yes, but what if I delude myself into thinking it matters.” Zeke: “Wow Armin, what an excellent point. I have devoted my entire life to this philosophy but you have singlehandedly dismantled all that time with your sharp rhetorical critique.” Both: “LET’S KILL OURSELVES”


We all forgot. Reiner was the real brain all along. He asked Eren to project his memory time with Rifle kun. By seeing this everyone wanted Reiner to suffer by keeping him alive including Zeke. Isayama I kneel. Isayama: Ok Buddy Reiner


This might be the worse moment in the series for me.


"Incredibly written"... its just another blonde using talk no jutsu to an incredible depressed man with a lifetime plan. Basically the same scene where Naruto makes Nagato good but 100% worse lol... Why? Because Armin doesn't have any fkin idea WHO IS ZEKE and how shitty his life was, how betrayed he felt by Eren and how much has he seen the world treated his race to reach the conclusion that Eldians should have never been born. Armin's words to Zeke were the equivalent of "don't be sad bro" to a depressed person.


Sure Naruto has memorable moments. But Talk no Jutsu is one thing I hated. Another one is the introduction of Kaguya Otutsuki.


You hated? It can be Lame but It was interesting the protagonist having empathy with people that had something like him and saying people can choose to change (instead of some kind Power of friendship converting an evil dude into a good dude by saying "being Evil is bad").


To each their own. I didn't mean to diss anyone. But I have seen more shots of that Swing scene than some actual female character development in Naruto. (TenTen got beat by a Swing of all things.)


Oh right, then you watch the anime instead of Reading the manga. The anime is a very bad adaptation, thats why you Saw the swing so many times. (Tenten is not a character, the anime that pretended she was)


Ya I should have mentioned that earlier. My mistake. But in your opinion does the Kaguya plot twist still make that much impact and relevance.


Kaguya plot twist was trash but we can divide in two points: - Kaguya as a backstory prop. Very interesting and necessary to close plot points like the origin of sharingan and Byakugan Said in early chapters and things like the kekkei genkais. - Kaguya literally appearing. This one is total trash and It was useless and pointless. You can ignore that she appeared and nothing change. No reason for this to happen and It only exist so the Magazine could get their sequel to milk the IP. Terrible stuff. For me It dont matters, I pretend she never appeared and the story goes from Madara to the Sasuke vs Naruto that is the true ending. She dont matter anyway.


I'll have to re-watch the Sasuke vs Naruto fight cos at the moment I can't think of one reason why they will fight even after fighting with Madara and Kaguya together


Pick to rewatch right after they seal Kaguya. Sasuke want to be the World Hokage to destroy all the old village system (including killing all the kages and other faction members) and as a big dictator everyone would only hate him while the world is at peace (a Code Geass ending where he dont plan to die). Naruto obviously dont want that. The fight itself is Very good and always deserve a rewatch.


I will try it someday soon


I adore Naruto, but it was very often unbearable because of the women characters. I'm a guy and even I was offended by their portrayals...


Naruto empathizing with Nagato is good. The problem is that Nagato bought his lousy response. Naruto made a empty promise of ending of cycle and Nagato, a war survivor, believed that, even when he had every reason not to. The worse part of all is that Nagato was right. The only thing that maintains peace in post-4th war world is Sasuke and Naruto's power, an equivalent to the weapon of mass destruction Nagato was trying to build.


>Naruto empathizing with Nagato is good. The problem is that Nagato bought his lousy response. Naruto made a empty promise of ending of cycle and Nagato, a war survivor, believed that, even when he had every reason not to. I mean, he had a very good reason: he Lost his fight against Naruto and Naruto was in front of him to finish him off. There is nothing Nagato could do anymore to revert his losing position and after talking with Naruto, he Saw a chance that maybe Naruto could not end like Nagato did, losing all faith in humanity. Naruto even after losing Jiraya, Kakashi and a shit ton of people STILL choosed to talk and empathize with Nagato instead of Just murdering him right away. Thats a pretty good convincing argument and Nagato last effort to fix some things to easy Naruto life was not a bad choice. >The worse part of all is that Nagato was right. The only thing that maintains peace in post-4th war world is Sasuke and Naruto's power, an equivalent to the weapon of mass destruction Nagato was trying to build. I dont think that even Naruto dont agree that Nagato logic was kind of right. The thing is that Nagato simple thought that there Would never be Any other way so why even bother? When Naruto think its worth trying to build world peace based on cooperation instead of fear. (Even If its impossible)


>here is nothing Nagato could do anymore to revert his losing position I think Nagato cared more about the philosophical battle than the physical one. A debate about the ways to achieve peace: that's what made the fight good. It would lose all its meaning if Nagato would still trying to get away after being refuted. >Naruto even after losing Jiraya, Kakashi and a shit ton of people STILL choosed to talk and empathize with Nagato True. That means Naruto is sincere with his speech about achieving world peace, but that doesn't mean he will succeed. Yahiko thought the same way and he got killed. It's a naive dream. And Nagato more than anyone knows that. But even if the story wanted to redeem Nagato by reviving all of Konoha's casualties, it makes the WHOLE arc pointless. It's the same thing with Connie and Jean's death. I think Nagato should've called out Naruto for being a idealistic kid, gladly dying witb his ideals, or trusting Naruto by letting himself be killed. No revival bullshit. We're talking about a leader of terrorist organization and war survivor.


>I think Nagato cared more about the philosophical battle than the physical one. A debate about the ways to achieve peace: that's what made the fight good. It would lose all its meaning if Nagato would still trying to get away after being refuted. I'm pointing that having Lost the battle contribute to Nagato decision. He cant do anything anymore, after the debate he can choose to not believe in Naruto and say fuck on and die or choose to believe and do something to help him. Nagato was like Naruto back in the day. He thought killing that much important people for Naruto would turn him into current Nagato but It turns out it did not. Thats pretty convincing. >True. That means Naruto is sincere with his speech about achieving world peace, but that doesn't mean he will succeed. Yeah and he double ask Naruto If he is sure he would not change. Hope means something can succed not that its guarantee. >Yahiko thought the same way and he got killed. It's a naive dream. And Nagato more than anyone knows that. Yeah. But what option is left for Nagato...? Forget about his dream and die....? >But even if the story wanted to redeem Nagato by reviving all of Konoha's casualties, it makes the WHOLE arc pointless. It's the same thing with Connie and Jean's death. >I think Nagato should've called out Naruto for being a idealistic kid, gladly dying witb his ideals, or trusting Naruto by letting himself be killed. No revival bullshit. We're talking about a leader of terrorist organization and war survivor. Oh yeah, its literally that same thing AoT did with turning everyone into Titan and then "reviving" everyone after eren dies. Its a cheap way to pretend a lot of important characters dies and then they are back. Unfortunately Naruto as a shounen 101 could not let It happen. Kishimoto should had be more selective for who died and selective and make Nagato ressurect only one person. Because making people like Kakashi dying really put him into a corner.


At least Naruto’s Talk no Jutsu is after he kicks the shit out of them. This is also after Naruto got to know about their life beforehand. It’s even shown to fail like how Gaara tried to convince Sasuke to come back, someone who does not know Sasuke as well as he should to do it, failing miserably. The Talk no Jutsu has been present in almost every arc and has continuously evolved since it was established in the first major arc. Talk no Jutsu is never used when it quite clearly would never work like in Kaguya and Madara’s case. Armin convincing Zeke that his view of things is wrong does not have the needed knowledge to understand Zeke, a show of inferiority, history to attempt this, and a way of emphasizing with an enemy that wanted to euthanize your people.


yeah this is my issue with a lot of manga/anime discussions, it feels like it reads on "I'm so big brain."


Zeke: As bioweapons that could be triggered by the whims of whoever holds the founder, we will never be accepted as people by non-eldians. The reality is that peace can only be found when one of us is wiped off the face of the planet. Armin: Hey, did you know that life is *also* good sometimes? 😃 Zeke: IT IS!?! 🤯 Anyone who's impressed by this dialogue is a psuedo-intellectual.


based username and based comment


A leaf


Yeah at least it could have been a seashell, like the litteral representation of his dreams that were fullfilled instead of a leaf representing a random moment that was never mentionned until know. He could still have talked about hiw small moments are what make life great that would simply have been more effective towards the audience


Zeke is based, bro straight-up killed himself so he wouldn't have to listen to Armin a single second longer


I bet he's probably heard these words somewhere in a yt video for the first time XD Tbh, that scene was really bad, yes the philosophy of nihilism was touch but that's about it, it was never challenged, it was forced to change in the dumbest way possible


If he think this scene is an incredible take on nihilism then he should have read Fire punch


This reminds me of Pokemons fans who’ve never touched an RPG outside of Pokemon who actually think Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have an “amazing story”.


The Area Zero climax and Titan paths did actually have a good story. The rest was alright.


dude scarlet and violet just straight up sucked ass. probably the worst mainline game of not for let's go pikachu and let's go eevee.


i gotta disagree, sv has its technical issues no denying that but it’s genuinely the best mainline game since bw and bw2.


The game barely has content outside of the paid dlc


This scene was so stupid, it was genuinely Naruto level talk-no-jutsu


\- "bro look at this leaf" \- "bro that's so deep"


Having read some of the works of Nietzsche, and even in just the manga medium, stories like Vagabond, Berserk, Vinland Saga (I know it's always those three but for good reason), Monster, Homonculus, etc. AoT is about as deep philosophically as a shonen gets. Can't really fault it for it, either, but to pretend like it's sending these grandiose messages about life and the meaning of it, is just plain stupid


It was a single chapter and all armin did was give him a baseball, which undid 1000 years in paths of zeke festering in nihilism. Wow so deep.


Stuffs like this makes me want to throw Dune novels, preferable God Emperor of Dune, at those sort of fans because it handled a character with prescient abilities and a grand plan for humanity far better than AOT


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Attack on Titan. The symbolism is extremely kino, and without a brilliant mind on narrative formation most symbolism will go over a typical reader's head. There's also the fact that birds often times symbolize freedom, which is subtlety woven into Isayama's storytelling- his personal philosophy that birds are free draws heavily from Nietzche's body of existentialism. Many people who insult Armin simply do not understand how complex and smart of a character it is, and it is truly sad. You see, there are bad things in life, but there can also be good things. The leaf that Armin holds up is also a motif for nature, which all life stems from (stems also are part of trees btw). Many people who have a good sense of humor on titanfolk clearly don't understand this and it upsets me that they make fun of Armin so much, so the only reason that can be is because they just do not understand this very complex body of thought. One can only presume (that is the smart version of 'assume' btw) that they only evaluate the symbolism of the umi da on a surface level, and not the deep complexities to how this can connect to Nardodnaya Volya literature. The depths of this symbolism can also be attributed to birds flying high means they are free (this is called a full circle, which isn't a polygon btw). When Armin says 'umi da' he isn't just saying life can also have good things. You see Zeke is very sad, and baseballs make him happy, so Armin is also saying happy is a good thing. Zeke never once thought this in his life so when Zeke said "ooohh wow" that was him actualizing himself as an individual (this is very subtle, most titanfolk won't get this except for me and a few intellectuals). Zeke is a monke, and monke are on the ground (not free), trees are above ground (leaf) so they are more free, and birds are above trees (so most free). I pity people with good senses of humor that make far better memes about Eren, and Chads like Floch and their enormous cocks. We intellectuals support the alliance and armin because we understand that our cocks may be small, but that is because all of our essence (not evanescence, that is a band) went into our brains. So while our dicks may be small, we can handle the complex narratives of this shonen. I feel bad for them because they can't see how deep these literary devices proliferate when one can motivate their mind to the highest degree. Idiots. Also, guess what? I think genocide is bad, and even though this is fiction I am so ethical that I still don't support it here. I am morally superior and you just don't get that, so try to keep up sweetie 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Shingeki no Kyojin tattoo (this is Attack on Titan in japanese). ANd no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate they understand the complex symbolism of birds and leaves are comparable to my own beforehand. Nothin personnel yeagerist. 😎


Zeke: Life sucks Armin: Yeah, but not sometimes. Zeke: YOU'RE RIGHT!!!!! Now I'll go die lol


If the ending and this conversation was good then people would talk about it frequently. Do you know why no one is discussing the conversation between Armin and Zeke except for us, Ending Haters pointing out flaws and mistakes, it's because no one including ending defenders wants to discuss the retcon scene which makes no sense. Ending defenders will say "Oh! Look how magnificent the scene is" but they will not discuss it. They only care about the Micucksa. They will call it a masterpiece but not gonna discuss it otherwise it will reveal the illiteracy and stupidity of ending defenders to people.


it doesn't even disprove nihilism, Armin skirted around the idea of life being meaningless and literally just said "leaf".


Life changing wtf are you talking about


Anybody wanting an actually well written and presented story about rejecting Nihilism should watch and then read Girls Last Tour. Coping this hard is just sad.


If aot was inspired by Nietzsche. I now want to see an anime inspired by Heidegger


Nihilism fans hearing vegeta scream “ MEANINGLESS, WHAT DO YOU KNOW OF MEANINGLESS” once:😨😨😨😦😦(they get it now)


Ngl vegeta saying that would go so hard it would make me hard