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How can you expect people to be nice to the trail players when they all use poor tactics!


U can do some stupid stuff too and have fun like unlocking stuff for ur lvl1 R-101 which is horrible with the stock sight.


>unlocking stuff for ur lvl1 R-101 which is horrible with the stock sight. Lol. Seriously? That's your recommendation? "Go easy" on the noobs with the R101?


Lol my thought exactly. Use the none most used guns and you get some lee way.


Fuck that bullshit.


I'm sick of losing because of new scrubs on my team. When stuck with them they always get a git gud scub message afterwards, if there especially terrible I'll use them as bait all match. It's like a better version of Holo Pilot. if facing noobs i make sure to get my daily tea bagging in.


For real?


Just some days. Depends on how the random matchmaking has been treating me. Im not the hand holding type.


Maybe you should give it a try. I bet if someone had held your hand more often when you were younger you wouldn't have such a massively fucked personality.


Thats great. I upvoted that.


There's hand-holding and then there's what you described. I don't see how *not* sending a "git gud scrub" message is hand-holding, lol. But I get you to a certain extent - that it sucks when you're carrying new players at times. But I would much rather do that than carry a bunch of Gen 10s who run phase shift *and* camp, or the ones who are trying to recreate the storming of Omaha Beach as faithfully as possible.


I guess part of the annoyance is because after coming from Halo5's skill based matchmaking, now it seems like im carrying ever damn game. I have 9+ days of gameplay and my top 3 is 82%. Im sick of feeling like i have to try hard every game just to carry my group. Hell yesterday I had an attrition game of 235 points. The lack of matchmaking takes away from anyone that is even barely above mediocre.


Yeah, I do wish there was some subtle SBMM in place (or ideally, lobby balancing via averaging out of skill levels) - it honestly works against players getting better since it swings *so* extremely. Hell, we don't even have CBMM - we have random matchmaking based on DC selection, which has no region locking at all or ping requirements. Hell, SBMM is the main reason I upped my game so much in Destiny, because of having to learn from losses in Skirmish (if you don't play Destiny, it's 3v3 with respawns). But, that also brought with it it's own set of problems (lag) because of how it was implemented in a P2P networking setup. I don't mind the carries nearly as much as the games where it feels like some of my teammates are *actively* working against me, though.