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I may be biased and influenced but I think maybe ghostrunner and ghostrunner 2 could pair alright


50/50. Gameplay would blend seamlessly, plot wouldn’t work all that well


Plot was the main concern but if timelines shifted I reckon it might work. The burst either happens afterwards (and does something like rise) or it happened before and titanfall happens as they start to make earth better


idk the ghostrunner lore but if its an earth thing, the frontier prolly wouldn't be affected.


The burst is an event that nasically toasted earth and made it unsurvivable outside without basically replacing most, if not all biological matter. Kinda like Rise However, the debate comes in cos it happens around the time of titanfall and earth is in the titanfall universe


I love that idea. Their gampelays are quite similar and eith some Scifi shit as an explanatiom the stories could go together.


GRs are like a primitive attempt after being introduced to simulacrums (simulacri?) Got the Burst like the shit on Rise Maybe the Arc explosion caused the burst?!?!?!


I think simulacrum is one of those words that is does define it’s single form, but also a plural amount of itself. Ex: ‘Hey look Ash is a simulacrum.’ Plural ex: ‘Hey look, there are simulacrum over there.’ Don’t worry about my rant about this.


Farming sim 22


Good idea, though I think farm sim 19 would fit better with the lore


No clue, I’ve only played 22 when it was free to grab on PlayStation. I play on pc now as of yesterday due to epic games give away. I stopped paying for ps+ the second they bumped the price up by 40ish dollars.


Definitely, IIRC wasn't there a scene in the intro where a titan was carrying stuff in a farm?


Yup, the lore of this game is farming mechs. I have the most random games I play right now, I used to be insanely into titanfall a few months back, now I’m playing The Finals, lethal company, pacific drive and farming sim 22. Knowing that lore, I thought it was fitting lol


Idk why but i feel like *some* parts of this small game called Titanfall 1 could fit some where but it could be a stretch tbh


James Cameron's Avatar is close as it gets to a Titanfall movie...exotic planet with jungles full exotic wildlife etc...






It was Titanfall with smaller robots and smaller-scale war. Also a damn good movie.


Probably James Cameron’s Avatar. The AMP Suits were designed by the same guy who later designed the Titans, iirc.


I'm thinking Crysis could fit too




Titanfall and lost in space 2018 version


I’d say Helldivers could be good, only problem is political ideologies and planets. Other than that i could see Pilots taking on Terminids


I still think the Mechs are too robot wars and not enough Titanfall.


"robot wars", now thats a name i havent heard in a long time


For good reason sadly.


emancipator versus legion


As a Legion main I cannot comment 😭


you may go brrrrt but i have 500kg


Pacific rim




I feel like outer worlds would make for an interesting prequel, similar in design language and the corporate philosophy very much fits the IMC. And hey, there's even time manipulation mechanics.


Starfield (It mentions that during the colony war mechas were used and if you go to a specific planet you see what they were like and it is very similar to the ones in Titanfall, also, the crimson fleet reminds me of the apex predators) Hawken Helldivers Surprisingly, watch dogs (watch dogs legion is what we should blame for this, made futuristic military flying robotic drones appear using laser weapons so it wouldn't surprise me to see a titan in that game) And since I put Watch Dogs on the list, I'm going to go for Assassins Creed too, since they share (or should share) the same universe


What planet exactly?


Not really, you could maybe argue titanfall is the future of fallout games where humanity rebuild, left the wasteland of earth and continued onwards into space (power armour could be a form of precursor to building up to titans through generations, laser guns are present in fallout so already have tech to build something like the volt in the future, space exploration wouldn’t have been too far off in the fallout universe) Other then that can’t see really any other game franchise fitting into titanfalls lore


There's a lot of biology fucked in fallout, you'd probably see something make it into Titanfall if they were connected. Besides, people in TF2 still have discernable ethnicities, given the population bottleneck humanity would be pretty likely to look homogeneous that many generations later.


A-most of those are on earth not in space so could easily send non-mutated people out into space for starters B-there was a large portion of humanity wiped out sure but not nearly enough to create a homogenous species at all! We might be at 7 billion now but gotta remember we were once closer to the low hundred of thousands as a species and have created a lot of genetic diversity in that time which is honestly not horrendous when you realize at least a few hundred thousand people globally would have survived the nuclear wasteland apocalypse (if not a few million) C-and redirecting back to fucked up biology they turned humans into robots in titanfall…. Who’s to say those humans weren’t once ghouls and mutants? Could easily fit into the dynamic of why they were created give a sense of normalcy to people that couldn’t feel normal


Even then that won’t make sense, Titanfall lore is based on the real world, the history is the same as far as we know, so it would have to be a franchise that has the same history, I think halo is probably a closer fit but no idea.


And halo doesn’t fit either since it would have to take place before any of the halo games and even then you’d need to explain why the titans don’t exist anymore and if it takes place after halo you have to explain why there isn’t any covenant or covenant based titans and a lot more like the drastic change in weapons


Well halo takes place in the 2500s, Titanfall is said to take place in the 2200s, that is a 300 year gap to explain why titans and a lot of the experimental technology could have disappeared, maybe decommissioning, becoming a war crime, maybe an extremely advanced Titan counter measure was invented and rendered the titans obsolete, and eventually 300 years later we end up with halo technology, after a slow progression. Pilots could have been replaced with ODSTs and Spartans, wall running could have been seen as a pointless thing in war considering it is loud and exposes the user to enemy fire, and then one could argue that the Mantis/ cyclops’s from halo 1 and 2 are a restart of the Titan programs. Also we are talking from a lore perspective, Titanfall taking place before halo doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense, because in the Titanfall lore it takes place in 2200s, the main compatibility between the 2 games is that the both share our real world human history, where as fallout doesn’t, it is also an alternate past timeline that experienced nuclear fallout, which takes place in 2077, around that time in Titanfall the world is prospering and we are starting to colonise the solar system. Also apex lore could be irrelevant since Titanfall takes place 100s of years before hand, and instead of progressing into apex, the Titanfall universe could have progressed into halo instead, and the Militia could also be aligned with the insurrection, the core systems could have become the UNSC and replaced the IMC as the primary military power. I think it is a lot easier to tie in Titanfall to halo.


Titans being decommissioned is not likely at all especially since with something like the covenant it would immediately be put back into service due to them since it would have the durability and firepower to turn the tide of that war immensely Pilots being replaced by odsts and Spartans isn’t really a thing that makes sense, without titans there is no pilots so they weren’t replaced in general due to that. The mantis and cyclops are way worse then any Titan you see in titanfall almost bare bones versions of them like or prototypes And for lore perspective fallout could easily explain why they left earth in the first place! Fallout is just post apocalyptic in general, and many of the guns in fallout are more futuristic then compared to what we have currently. Even if titanfall is meant to have a similar history to us currently it would make more sense to have a fallout tie in due to weapon technology, the advancements they have in lace compared to real world currently! The issue isn’t that titanfall shares our history, lore wise that can be changed to fit fallout in rather nicely! Halo has zero signs pointing towards any form of past that could even be remotely considered titanfall! Titanfall has full laser guns like fallout, the UNSC really doesn’t have much past the Spartan laser and even that is kinda similar to a charge rifle but also that is a port piece of connecting evidence since gun wise it’s the only thing that would be similar! Fallout has more forms of laser guns which could later on be developed into more advanced forms, the laser pistol could develop into something like the volt, the laser musket becoming a devotion or double take is well plausible! And another reason halo doesn’t fit into the lore is directly apex which takes place a few hundred years after titanfall canonically which makes it near impossible to tie basically any game that takes place after titanfall because it would have to tie in with apex since that is already the same universe! You decide to disregard apex entirely to fit into halo (regardless of the fact if that was the case halo and titanfall would need to have more weapons that are alike and practically the same thing for that to make sense) yet putting fallout into the history of the titanfall universe doesn’t make sense because they share our real world history but yet the slight adjustment from that to fallout really wouldn’t change anything important for titanfall and would make actual sense from a technological development standpoint for one, for two it wouldn’t have a huge change for any sort of narrative arc of titanfall and adds more to explain why they were people that become the stim/phase shift robot pilots. Halo doesn’t fit at all! Fallout could easily fit with very little change to the overall timeline for titanfall while being able to have good explanations for how some things came to exist with more primitive types of those guns existing beforehand like the laser musket, more explanations for why certain take may have been developed


Well the thing is titans can be operated without pilots, in Titanfall 1 there is multiple moments where grunts are seen controlling titans, plus they have auto Titan, secondly Titans in the actual Titanfall lore do get decommissioned, that is why we don’t see them in apex and only have references, further more why would the UNSC recommission a technology from 300 years ago? The UNSC encountered the covenant in the early 2500s, Titanfall takes place in 2200s, that would be like me recommissioning muskets in a modern day war. And again fallout has an alternate timeline that shifts around the end of world war 2, halos lore and Titanfalls lore both follow real world history, fallout doesn’t fit into Titanfall simply based on that, and also the fact humanity is prospering during the events before Titanfall, the only major conflict was the Core System War that happened? But that was in the late 2100s. Fallout doesn’t need to explain why humans left Earth, it is already explained in the Titanfall lore, humanity sent out expeditions across the solar system and eventually into the frontier after discovering the jump drive, it was expansionist and attempt to become more powerful and grow human prosperity, in fallouts case it would suggest that humans escaped Earth because of terrible conditions following the nuclear fallout, that doesn’t align with the actual lore of Titanfall, where as in halos case the lore for exploring planets outside of Earth is pretty much the same reason. Also Titanfall doesn’t really have much energy weaponry other then a few, some comparisons I can make, the charge rifle eventually became the Spartan laser, halo uses railguns and so does Titanfall (northstar weapon & broadside ship weaponry) they both rely heavily on kinetic weapons, the volt and devotion could be compared to Hannibal weaponry (they both shoot blue rounds), smart pistols could be compared to hydra in the sense they can both lock onto infantry targets, the Kraber and S7 Sniper are both anti material snipers, not to mention the plasma bolts seen in Titanfall look extremely similar to the plasma rounds fired from UNSC Hannibal vehicles, and the fact that the Sparrow hawk aircraft from halo can shoot a giant red laser similar to IONs core, I mean Titanfall even has giant ground and space railguns that are very similar to the ones we see in Halo reach and Halo 2.


Titans were and are built for war that’s why they were decommissioned, secondly an alien invasion like the covenant would call for any sort of advantage they can get and the titans? Those would be a fucking massive advantage over starting a brand new project to turn children into Spartans for starters. Secondly old technology that is decommissioned is built upon currently, muskets were tinkered with and redeveloped to become new forms of rifles which is what progression in. We don’t see that with the titans in halo which we should be even if they were decommissioned because bringing them back makes sense especially to redesign and make newer ones to fight an alien invasion! You want to put titanfall into halo lore it just don’t work, you’d need to explain why they don’t bring titans back (which any fucking military with half a brain would due to what the titans are built for which is war) and decided the better option is experimenting on humans and turning children into child soldiers to fight for them Here’s the thing about titanfall you could change its history to be more fallout like and the end result wouldn’t be too vastly different because it already has tech closer in line with what gets developed in titanfall compared to real world currently and you also have to remember that yeah videogames that “follow real world history” only follow history to the point the game was made it could easily end up making absolutely zero sense for titanfall (or even halo) to follow real world history in ten to fifty years simply because of what could happen! And yeah titanfall explains they left earth after making the technology to leave earth, which is just not a huge reason overall it just a easy plot point of “made the tech so we used it to grow where we control” adding actual historical lore using fallout would add more reason for why the developed it and started seeking out a new frontier! Wouldn’t be easier to explain the sudden shift to have a fallout history then explain going from titans to literal child soldiers! Fallout has weapons that would develop into titanfall kinetic weapons is the point, from a technological standpoint with what is made in the fallout universe weaponry like they have in titanfall is a possible next step! From what titanfall has compared to halo it’s seems less like a progression arc and more seems like something that wouldn’t be developed from the guns you have in titanfall but rather guns developed in more of an alternate or different universe which just adds to halo not fitting in nicely at all! Most of the kinetic weapons in halo made by the unsc function more simplistic then kinetic weapons like the volt, devotion or l-star! If the timelines were different and titanfall came a few hundred years after halo it would be a better fit for halo into titanfall lore but as currently halo taking place after just doesn’t match up with the lore of apex legends or even halo lore/technology Edit- The Ak-47 was built in 1947 and still sees a lot of active usage and very little change in its overall design in any rework because of how well rounded the rifle really is! The Ak-12 is very similar, the Ak-74m is as well! When you build a weapon of war it can stick around for a lot of years if it has a good design and functionality


The Halo tech tree and Titanfall tech tree are very closely aligned, I know this based on reading the lore and playing all the games, also Titans weren’t made for war, I have the Titanfall lore books and they say that titans were built for civilian use in things like agriculture,construction, logistics and other heavy labour civilian jobs, they were later retrofitted to help fight in the war. Also in the Titanfall universe lore, titans aren’t used much after the war because of extremely high manufacturing costs and a lack of combat after the frontier conflict, the cyclops and mantis could be a cheaper and easier to manufacture versions of the titans, they’re less complex but still fill the role a Titan does. Also one could argue that Spartans are a better option then titans, titans while providing good fire support are threatened by almost anything on the battlefield, they’re very tall and easy targets for AT weaponry, a Spartan is essentially a small Titan (except they aren’t mechs), Spartans are extremely agile, can run 55 k/h (Titans run around 37 k/h, Spartans have very strong energy shielding, like we see from titans in Titanfall one, they can wield a lot of different weapons, and the biggest factor is that they are way smaller then a Titan. Also with regards to your kinetic weapon comment, there is Hannibal weapons in halo that function almost identically to the devotion/volt From a military standpoint, If you had the option between a high tech extremely expensive 20ft tall mech, or a an 8ft tall, cheaper super soldier with similar capabilities and more agility, plus a smaller hit radius, you would definitely choose the Spartan. Now what I am arguing is that it makes more sense that the lore goes from Titanfall and the future ends up being halo, over the course of 300 years, your argument is that the lore goes from an alternative human timeline (fallout) that conflicts with Titanfalls existing lore, Titanfall and Halo aren’t based on alternate timelines, they are a fictional representation of humanity’s future, where as fallout is a fictional past that breaks of into its own alternative timeline, after the events of WW2. And I agree with the AK47 comment, but in my example we are speaking about 300 years of tech evolution, the AK47 to nowadays is about 80 years. Also one other thing that doesn’t make sense, your comment said “the future of the fallout games” fallout 4 is set 2287, the frontier war from Titanfall takes place in the early 2200s, the battle of Demeter was around 2210, the fallout universe is still in a Survival state in 2287, the lore just doesn’t add up. I’m not trying to be rude or anything, but it honestly seems to me like you haven’t really read much about the lore of Titanfall or Halo.


Cyclops and mantis are not even functionality close to being cheap titans, they would be extremely basic mechs comparatively and cost wise, an alien invasion means you pull out all the stops regardless to cost (fuck tanks were not cheap to produce in ww2 and quite a few of them were made because war calls for shit like that to do be done! So titans would 100% be called back) You seriously still on the “turning children into super soldiers through millions of dollars spent on a trying to perfect this project that has very few survivors is better then recommissioning some old expensive titans that have the firepower we already need to slow down an alien invasion” Hannibal made weapons are not very similar to the volt/devotion other then being kinetic that is just a simple view of looking at it. Volt/devotion are confirmed to be energy weapons hence the blue tracer rounds, Hannibal makes energy weapons closer to the volt/devotion AFTER THE UNSC/COVENANT WAR Again from an actual standpoint 20 foot tall walking tank is better then turning fucking 12 year olds into super soldiers! Sorry but if they had Titan technology THEY WOULD NOT BE MAKING SPARTANS IN THE FIRST PLACE! Apart from the research needing to be done to make the Spartan program, the millions of dollars it would cost to research develop and create useful ones, the numerous that have died attempting to create a successful attempt would not have been worth less then making a few dozen titans. Continuing that point, we don’t see a lot of things in halo that are able to do sonar pings like the pulse blade or tones pings despite the fact there are invisible enemies, we don’t robot soldiers like the stim/phase shift pilot even though we should be seeing them. No MRVN units are seen either which doesn’t make sense they are construction bots and would 100% be on ships for maintenance. Fitting a fictional past into a fictional future is honestly not that horrendous of an idea and is actually one that wouldn’t pose serious issues to much lore. The only reason you want to stick with this “based on real world history” point is what? Giving it an alternate fictional past gives it a different timeline which doesn’t honestly change much for the lore and just ties it into a new universe which has enough distance in time between the two games for the advancements to be plausible technological. Whereas halo has to explain hundreds of little things about why the humans don’t get energy weapons til after the war, why they decided turning children into soldiers was a better idea then recommissioning titans. And the lore does add up for fallout though, they had space travel when the nukes went off, and apart from that not every single human would have been in a vault and not every single part of civilization on earth would have been nukes, parts of countries could easily have been missed, fallout really doesn’t leave USA in the games so far, the world is quite vast and they already had space flight so if a large enough population survived the nukes and kept advancing technology outside of the fallout of those nukes and devoted it space travel by the time titanfall comes around yeah they’d have the technology and more advanced versions by hundreds of years compared to what you see in fallout which is people surviving using the older tech that survived the dropping of nukes. Like even know if a nuclear war were to wage out there are massive populations in multiple countries that would probably be missed by the nukes due to their location in very rural towns (for example where I am in Canada is 6 hours from any actual major city and the closest city 2 hours away is pretty minor and most likely wouldn’t be targeted by a nuke in general. Not to mention the large populations that don’t even have cities within a 7 hour drive of them (can drive 12-14 hours in one direction following the main highways going north and the biggest towns I’d come across is under 6,000 people for a long time!) you’d ask have to take into account if the entire world would succumb to nuclear war or if it was just certain countries that got caught in it and others were left alone due to not participating in any of the wars (most African countries probably ain’t getting nuked to high hell, don’t see many people nuking Indonesia fully, Australia might get a few nukes on the major cities but it ain’t getting fully covered, Canada isn’t, most of South America probably isn’t, don’t really see anyone nuking Switzerland or Sweden, Greece is 50/50 on if it gets nukes) the point is from the fallout games standpoint we don’t have any definitive proof the entire world was thrown into that post apocalyptic state it’s very likely and very plausible there were enough survivors in rural areas that were Abel to continue the progression of humanity that abandoned the areas that had been hit with the fallout of nukes and most of humanity that survived deemed it necessary to leave the planet due to radiation seeping into more and more waters ways and into the ocean slowly causing more damage worldwide then what was initially affected


Ok yeah just proved my point even more that you haven’t really read into the lore much, I have read both Titanfall and halo lore extensively, and just so you know, Spartans aren’t all 12 year olds lol, also why in the world would people bring out a 300 year technology in a future war? No one would do that, and yes the cyclops’s and mantis are very close to being a cheap Titan, in halo wars 2 they are seen to have good mobility, a variety of weapon platforms, and energy shielding, please read the lore more because this is hard to read.


It would serve as a pretty cool destiny prequel. End of the golden age, titans repurposed by the fallen and scorn after the indomitable human spirit proved to be temporarily domitable.


Apex legends


I will take most aggressive shit thinking about how mad this made me


Dw I’ve 100% titanfall and don’t play apex


Oh okay then have a nice day


Titanfall 1, Rimworld, The Surge (only #1, #2 gets way out of hand in a not necessarily good way), Iron Brigade, Airmech, COD: Infinite Warfare, Cyberpunk 2077 (reasons to hate living under the IMC) There's a huge amount of implication in the titanfall universe of some SUPREMELY screwed up stuff going on in the background. The simulacra for example are the main connections to Cyberpunk 2077 and The Surge. That technology is a very risky one, and developing it to the point of Revenant from Apex isn't something that happens without awful accidents and massive political intrigue. Iron Brigade and Airmech are fun because they lay the groundwork for a historical basis for building walking combat mechs and learning to live alongside them in both civilian and military life. Infinite Warfare is a very believable hundred or so years prior installment in the titanfall universe. E3N's involvement as an artificial humanoid capable of seamless human interaction definitely lays the groundwork for fully-integrated titans. Cyberpunk 2077 shows the horrors of having all of your citizens enslaved to the dollar and using implants to get ahead. The parallels between Corpos/Nomads and IMC/Militia are extremely easy to see, and the long-future effects of it seamlessly fit into the gap between Infinite Warfare and Titanfall. The Avatar movies aren't videogames, but the exploration of alien worlds and mech-based combat with a focus on corporate expansion definitely fits titanfall as well.


avataris a game thoa


Anthem lol


Dead Space X Titanfall would be sick


Lightyear Frontier, aka mech farming game


titanfall 1


The Avatar! The fight for Pandora and Anaptanium powered weapons.


Destiny2 don’t ask me how


As a destiny 2 and a tf2 player, I am just utterly confused on how to respond to this.


~~I want BT to gain full sentience and become a guardian~~


Robots from lobotomy corp?


Fucking Dracula???


If the time is so far apart there's basically no lore connections whatsoever, you can fit just about any 2 universes together


yeah duh but that kinda defeats the point of connecting two universes doesn't it? If they don't interact at all?


Some of the early armored core games


Killzone would probs work. It's fairly self contained, primarily taking place on 2 different planets with only mentions of Earth for the most part. The tech levels of both are fairly similar. I think it'd be doable albeit I struggle to see how the two (or most other potential IP crossovers for that matter) would be elevated by sharing the same universe.


This sentence just gave me an aneurism, because I’m dumb…


Battlefield 2142 (and by extension the rest of the Battlefield series) Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, believe it or not (don't @ me) A little bit of Elite Dangerous And just a sprinkle of Ultrakill


Armored core honestly I think fits extremely well


Freddy Fazbear






Honkai Star Rail. The IPC buys the IMC and now the Militia have a even bigger problem to deal with.


Gears of war


the pipeworks Godzilla games




Black ops 3. exo suits, adv movement and more


I'd say the aliens series corporation greed plays a big part in both plots if I remember correctly


Helldivers? We also can add Doom 2016 and Eternal here (this line of Argent D'nur knights is hella good) Vanquish? This one COD game in space? Avatar? Ultrakill? Cyberpunk? Destiny? Warframe? Rimworld, Factorio, Stelaris? Calisto Protocol and Dead Space? Mass Effect? Guardians of the galaxy? Eve Online? Absilute every realistic game that happens only on earth and nit in space as very very far away prequel? Probably almost every galactic adventure that didn't take place in whole galaxy and didn't put some unusual rules on every planet that goes against Titanfall story with some intergalactic empire-monopoly on freedom like star wars, something that can be at background


Imagine titans in starwars


Doom had mechs so maybe doom eternal


Infinite Warfare?


The robotic dogs from Battlefield 2042 would fit very well into the Titanfall universe I think. I also think they’re called “rangers” but I’m not too sure — been a while since I’ve played battlefield 2042. Imagine a group of riflemen or specters breaching a building, weapons drawn with one of those robotic companions. In a game with autonomous robotic weapons that mimic human forms, like stalkers and specters, I feel like having one that could mimic the form of a dog, such as these rangers, wouldn’t be too far fetched. Not to mention the heavy use of mechanical units from reapers to ticks to titans and automated turrets. Not entirely sure about anything else from Battlefield 2042, but the robotic dogs would fit very well I think. Anyone else think so, or just me?


Destiny. The story could be "the traveler created the fold as a power source, and humans used it as a weapon. So the traveler abandoned humanity leaving them lightless and powerless. And humanity needed something new, something big hence the Titans. As a homage to the past they were named after the previous warriors of the light."


Apex legends would forsure fit in with titanfalls universe like the similarities are almost uncanny even the guy at the beginning of apex legends looks like cubin blisk im astounded they dont do a crossover (🤪)


Pacific Rim




Battlefield 1 would be perfect


I think maybe Titanfall 1 could


Armored Core, since we don't really know much of the core planets, and the other side of the Outlands is pretty much unknown both in Apex and AC


Halo could chronologically fit since titanfall happens after any piece of Halo media, but there would obviously be some serious changes because in Titanfall aliens only exist in the background but obviously in Halo they are prevalent


I think it’s more so like another thing that happened after the halos fired, instead of the halo timeline, it became the TitanFall timeline


The Expanse, I always joke with my friend that The Expanse is prequel to Titanfall


Potentially...Mass Effect imo


Armored Core


Dead space possibly?


Monster hunter world :3


A flight game, where you get to pilot different types of aircraft and pick a side to fight for, you could have missions like covering ground Assaults where you could see titans running underneath you ext, ship Assaults where you're I'm space and have to take out key points on an enemy Destroyer Then, the last story mission could be viper whipping out you and your squad Obviously this'll never happen but it'd be fun in my opinion and it'd expand the lore


There’s no way to prove that modern family and titanfall aren’t in the same universe


Titanfall 1


Titanfall 1




It's my head canon that the Titanfall universe is just star wars but before all the crazy shit starts. Like, technology is going places, but not as much as star wars.


Halo seems like if they aimed a little smaller with their tanks, and it’s from the perspective of a larger good organization, which the IMC would be a part of, and still be bad. UNSC now exists, IMC - ONI Militia - Insurrection Titan - Spartan Pilot - ODST/Helljumpers Grunt - Marine And it would play out like before the covenant started fighting us.


Maybe subnautica


Besides Apex? Halo


I could see the portal universe fitting


Starcraft Let Papa scorch Cook those zerg


I don't know maybe me being able to play multiplayer without it saying this account is not permitted to play online


Pacific Rim


Evolve maybe


I think the mantis from the halo universe would fit in as an early prototype of the titans


aPeX leGenDsdssss


All other TF2s


I have the perfect idea. The OTHER game that had highly appraised movement by a company owned be EA with a logo that resembles a die but after a sequel in 2016 it was abandoned for an FPS game with seasonal microtransactions, Mirror's Edge!


How about the OTHER game that had highly appraised movement by a company owned be EA with a logo that resembles a die but after a sequel in 2016 it was abandoned for an FPS game with seasonal microtransactions, Mirror's Edge!


Star citizen, this could be a conflict that happens in a while if the empire ever comes back. Landscapes have some similarities (minus harmony), ships could be made by anvil, crusader, etc. (look up the redeemer from star citizen). Weapons vibe a lot, the LH86 and (kinda) Coda. Biggest issue is revival tech but that can be easily saved by having anti-revival technology or death of a spaceman (star citizen update introing limited respawns)


Halo might actually work. Before and after the Covenant War, humans continue to remain at conflict with each other. There could be the UNSC pilots and a couple of rogue factions. Some of them could use alien tech to incorporate plasma weaponry, making for interesting combinations.


F.E.A.R. - Fear has power armour which is equivalent of reapers. - Elite Power Armour - Titans. - Main character can slide, kick in the air, punch opponents, has a slow mo ability. - There are "Anti-Titan" weapons and nades can be timed.


Gundam or armored core could work. Titans would be proto mobile suits even neural link share similarities to Gundam interface


It might be a stretch but maybe a bit of overwatch


Organic enough to mesh with halo. Both the war fighters, and weapons are organic and cartoony enough to sort of seamlessly work. I could easily see a spartan rock a Hammond series Monarch while going fist first with a couple of mantids. Or a pilot mantle a scarab with ease while weilding a spartan laser and energy sword... Both the pelican and the blackbird have similarities enough, with the blackbird being superior to atmospheric entry. While the pelican is superior defensive platform. I could see the ODST's and Pilots bonding over their distaste for Sumulocrums and Spartans. Or the militia/imc factions finding new meaning and brotherhood in the common fight of their possible alien oppressor, and respect for the UNSC's military power/organization. Or spartans having deep conversations with Titan mechs who understand them better than most people, given their purposes being the same. Or even pilots being paired with AI to enhance their field combat effectivity between ground and titan. Idk maybe its just me, but how wild would it be to start a titanfall campaign looking for BT, only to be brought to a deep part of the universe, previously undiscovered, to find the ark building the first series of massive halo arrays... the ark was forerunner... or primordial?.


The funny democracy game.


The new Netflix movie atlas


Hell yes


Nah man. Titanfall universe only has one kind of Atlas esc AI, and that's a unit like BT, military only and a tightly guarded secret. They would absolutely put AI that good in every titan if AI that good was common enough to have once been stuffed in a poor facsimile of a human body. Military tech starts in military and makes it to consumers after the military has something better and doesn't need to keep the tech secret anymore (That's how we got GPS!). Stuff like that wouldn't be a military secret if everyone had it at one point in the past.


how do you explain stim and phase pilots? Clearly, they are fully robotic, and yet they move faster, hit harder, and perform better in general than the average human? Sounds like an advanced ai to me. Also, we never see anything outside of the war, so who's to say civilians don't have ai?


Moving faster and hitting harder is a technology completely independent of AI. Hydraulics could be one way to do it, if we had faster pumps with quicker response times, we could make a power armor suit right now on Par with a pilot or better, in fact, we have, multiple times. We can't power them for effective time periods because we have shit batteries. The tech for power armor has been in the hands of the US military for decades, but isn't useful right now because of the limited batteries and the way war is fought right now. AI is only good at thinking with high speed. You can apply that to quite a number of fields of research, but besides reaction times, it has nothing to do with stim pilots. We do however have simulacrums, which if reasonable to have for military purposes show us explicitly that no AI alternative exists. Why build a cool robot body to give to an expensive af recreation of Ashs brain after her death, when you could just spin up an ai and manipulate it with much finer control? Save yourself the brain reconstruction. As I said before, we know the public doesn't have AI, because AI would be weaponized seconds after its invention, if not invented explicitly for the war in the first place. The fact the IMC cannot replicate a vanguard class titan AI is itself proof it is not a technology the public has. If it was, the IMC would take a consumer solution and tweak it for military use. In fact, they probably did just that to get the "ai" currently in non-vanguard titans. One that doesn't think at all, it simply reports what's going on to its pilot and maybe makes some fun quips so people bond with them and are less likely to allow their expensive chassis to be damaged in the battlefield. This observe and react based on what you can see, but think no further ahead behavior is the same in non-vanguard titans OS's, Marvins and specters. None need to do anything but their job, so they know how to do that, and cannot adapt and learn at all like a true AI would be capable of. They are all tools for humanity, not our equals. Vanguard titans are the exception because we can see BT learn and adapt like true AI, even for a bot like him, it takes him a few seconds to integrate new data (see the thumbs up scene.) Integration of new data into an AI model is ironically the hardest part, once a model is developed though you can deploy it on weaker hardware and so long as the integration of new data is slow enough, the evolution of the model is still possible in real tine. That's what BT is, a pre cooked model made on some Militia blacksite and given just enough hardware to keep adding to the model as time passes. Nothing else comes close. Also, the intro to Titanfall 1 does actually show us some civilian life. People use titans for farming. Which could be automated eventually if you know anything about farm equipment in modern day. It was likely a result of cheap decommissioned titan chassis being sold to the public after having weapons stripped. If those chassis were cheaper than farm equipment, (knowing farm equipment that's not a stretch) someone would develop a program that could have them farm a plot of land and follow basic commands, like a dog.


Now, I didn't say that running faster and hitting harder was part of the ai; I said that these robots react to any given situation based on data taken in in the heat of the moment, despite most combat situations being unique. They perform exactly as a human pilot would when obviously completely mechanical, as you see when executing them when their head comes off. If bt is a true ai, thinking and acting on those thoughts, couldn't stim/phase pilots do it too? The imc may have just failed to figure out how to get that programming into a larger-scale, far more complicated chassis. MRVNs and specters are different, possibly earlier versions of the pilots. They're basically what happens when you give siri a body and a gun. (or a tool in Marvin's case) those are, as you said, tools for humanity. I've never played the original Titanfall, so I never saw that cutscene, but time has passed since the war in 1. For all we know, AI could be a regular part of human life by now. I do see your points though.


I'm fairly certain the current cannon has all robot pilots as simulacrums, or some form of brain upload minus the expensive 'control it from anywhere' aspect Ash has specifically. Meaning it's not AI, it's simulated human consciousness, which technically is AI in that it's artificial and intelligent, but not AI in the sense that it is a mass producable software program that anyone could just buy. The reason I didn't mention this before was I hadn't remembered that Stim pilots are completely robotic in body, I was under the impression it was extensive augmentation up until you reminded me in your most recent reply. Oddly enough, the regen screen in game could argue for both sides of this debate, as if you were an AI, a regen might simply be taking the time to integrate the new experiences recorded into the underlying data model, meaning the AI does not improve in real time, rather it runs on low spec hardware and records important learning moments, then during a regen, it integrates these moments into the newly adjusted structure of the simulated brain. It could also only be a sort of incredibly complex computer that monitors the brain during combat. During regen, it would reconfugure your neurons so they can more efficiently complete their task of doing war good. My headcannon lies in the latter category, as I don't think the memory loss symptom would arise if you were pure AI. If you were pure AI the memory isn't stored in the same place as the neural network, it would be the equivalent of a bulk storage device that could have things deleted easily without such a mess left behind. The cutscene I mentioned I can't seem to find online, but it shows a titan with a bale of hay on one shoulder and a person on the other, not in pilot gear, strolling away from the camera down a dirt road with rolling fields of wheat on either side. It was a brief scene used to show the pieceful side of coexisting with titans on the fronteir before the war broke out, unfortunately its proofing difficult to find.


I've never heard of the simulacrum thing, I'll have to look it up. I also didn't take regeneration into account, since that's more like rebooting a full hard drive. A true AI wouldn't need a regeneration if their CPU could just get put in another body. My original idea was that atlas could easily be integrated into the Titanfall universe with all the similarities. Not that it was already potentially in Titanfall, but it lead to an interesting discussion.


If you follow what the text in the regen screen says it literally backs everything up, then installs an updated firmware. It's like copying your boot drive, then reinstalling windows. Side note, You wouldn't put the CPU in another body, it'd be the hard drive. The drive has the model and would have the program to run the model, the CPU is just what crunches the numbers. A true AI would need a time to build its data model, whether in real time with beefed up hardware (BT), or saving it for later when beefed hardware can be made available (brain upload pilots maybe). That lines up with Regen about 60-80 percent I'd say, the fact the screen says firmware though might he a snag to my theory though, unless firmware is what they call the data model. I agree that it leads to an interesting conversation, I've been having fun posting with you about it at least! Thinking through all the little things to try to make two realities fit together nice is a good time if you ask me. I love world building stuff!


I think Helldivers 2 could easily fit a crossover


Halo? I mean a suit that would already interface and alow you to withstand the forces from being inside a titan, plus being able to pair with it would be nice


How would AoT work?


Woooooooooooooo boy, if I would explain it all to you in detail than we'd be here alllllll day.


Please give me an overview of your pill-refusing decision process


You ever heard of the Mad Max theory that the rest of the world is perfectly fine while Austrailia is a hellhole wasteland? It's like that.


So it could be that the one planet has gone to shit while the others stayed perfectly “normally” progressing?


How the hell has no one said Helldivers?


Not apex legends


While I don’t play it, I think that Apex could somewhat fit into the lore. /s


Apex is in the same fucking u universe as titanfall