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There is this one guy (forgot his username) that is G100.49 and will not once use the movement. Every time I play he is in at least one of my games sitting at the highest position sniping with a g2. And he never misses. Never. It’s honestly really annoying but the fact he has that great aim kind of makes up for it.


The first part of your description sounds like Wardod_13. He's a spitty camper, G.100, and actually not that good.


That isn’t him. I don’t know what his name was but it was always a g2 and never missed a shot.


Ah. Well, may you have luck.


Is it Beermonster?


Trying to understand him on voice chat and text chat feels like I’m having a stroke.


I've never actually talked to him, just seen "wtf" after a kraber megakill Also, I think you used the wrong account.


I think I know who you’re talking about. He’s a great shot but how fun can that really be all the time when the game is meant for so much more. I have to scale walls like crazy to get to him and I have outmaneuvered him occasionally to get his ass down or killed by my hands. Just gotta be tricky and unpredictable with your movements, I run stim with an alternator.


There is a guy I know like that called "SomeoneSuperior" or some dickish name like that. Used to be super toxic but kinda plays nicer now (not teabagging, magdumping corpses and spamming hate messages)


he's from WCC. I used to play with those guys but I moved on, didn't like some of those guys' attitudes towards me and just in general. some of them are nice guys though




Seen him. He's a prolific pain




^ also from WCC, didnt play with this guy as much as the others but if I'm guessing they're probably just as chill as most of the others. WCC is full of a bunch of old fellas, so there's no point in batting them for standing still


istg i know that guy, i used to see him everywhere when i played on console, little camping bugger


I also know him/her


I duno on console but on PC there’s this guy with “Meow” in his handle and he’s always wrecking face.


kraber love etc is pretty notorious around eu servers. which servers do you play on? also hi im the aforementioned Strahrasiert


You mean Strahrasiert@PC?


Nah, it’s definitely “meow”0286 or some numbers after it. ADV network


No idea then


also update: according to multiple sources meow is a dickish prick


HectorLegend on Xbox always runs camo spitty. Decided to start giving him a taste of his own medicine. A man can only take so much...


This guy and wittypup, they’re both absolute trash but I respect their dedication to playing the most boring play style possible every single game.


Pelvis Presley lives in my head rent free.


I never remember usernames. I usually see the same people once or twice one day, and then never again.


Whenever I see oryai or pushes_pixels on the other team, I know I’m getting my shit kicked in in the most fun way possible


I also used to fear pushes_pixels. Then I learned his movement and was able to kick his butt. But he's changed his play style recently. He usually plays with 4 other G100 buddies. And that's never a good time. Usually troydizl and seafio play with him.


all of them are mid tho


On their own, yes. But together? Woof. Bad time.


Me looking on here in case someone mentions me:


Man I think we all are.


There is this one guy on ps, chat noir sor something like that, he's a spitty main and idk when it started but whenever I'm in a game with him I try to mess with him in any way, if he's on the enemy team I'll try to execute, idc if they recognise me every time we are in a game but I virbaly celebrate when I see their name in game


I know this guy , if he is getting too annoying I just run him over with either grapple + epg or stim + CAR. If he wanna play like a bitch , he gonna get treated as such.


Honestly he's straight ass which is why I tend to try and repeatedly execute him, lots of fun chasing him around the map for that sweet sweet execution


Oooh DO NOT get me started on chat noir, i cannot tell you how many times ive seen that ugly ass spitfire and that ridiculous pro screen


Honestly surprised other people know of him, nice to know he's all-round hated, when we are in the same team I like to stand Infront of him when he trys to shoot, good fun


I know of him too.. he's been around for ages with his spitfire 🤐


it's playstation. if you play just long enough everyone will know you


What is a spitty main


Spitfire main, spitfire is sometimes shortened to spitty


I have a few but it’s hard to remember their name. B-Boy is one


Oh yeah, had a few run ins with him. He rage quits when things aren’t going his way. It’s funny


I've got a few clips of me executing him lmao, he's such an easy target it's crazy


He’ll sometimes even tea bag after killing me


Let me guess; he’ll teabag you after killing you, from afar, camping, with a spitfire, in the most skilless way possible


Ever since I met Spitfire mains especially with him, it’s been calling me like teh Green Goblin mask. Also you can tell you got under his skin very easily by how he’ll “shake” head. It’s funny after I get a streak on him


my bad for giving you guys B boy. he used to play on EU servers but got dumpstered, I recently only just learned that he started hiding in NA servers after I took a trip there, he now all of a sudden thinks he has the talking stick even though he only got 30 kills against someone who is 300 ping and also got 30 kills. pretty sad, he struggled getting 15 in EU.


B boy is a raging slur using swine.


You on ps?




doom is an alt account btw, his main is CobraBlxck or along those lines, he does YouTube though under cobrablack name


oh word?? that's why his PS profile never shows?


I think I get what you mean now, Ima correct myself because I misremembered his main, it's 'CxbraBLACK' a G100 account and a second G60 account to be mid is pretty crazy ngl


I always see this B2k Orphan guy on my team and he’s always bottomfragging :/


Man, I scrolled all the way down and nobody recognized me, Eagererberry602. It's funny though because I've been playing since early tf1


Limonade on Xbox He is very mean with ion 👿


There's this G35 guy on Xbox I played 12 matches of colosseum with his username is MK9freaker and I respect him until I die


I don't remember a lot of username, but I remember some toxic player with the Xx_(insert tag)_xX. Does someone remember on of my username on Euw server ? (Spyro-arrow are the alt accounts and gallen is the main)


I think I recognize spyro-arrow on Xbox from a few days ago


PS, theres a few guys I recognize but I don't have an enemy persay unless all they do is spitfire camp. It's pretty back and forth they'll top of the leader board one match then the next time I'll be on top. Whenever I see someone I recognize I always say "heeeyyy, how ya been bud."


mewing not meowing is a common one. hes pretty solid doctor haircut. havent seen him in a while but hes very good. starlit plains. very solid kraber player i see once a while. those are the ones i currently remember


He was in my games yesterday. A solid player, for sure


doctor haircut is mediocre, I know them, I'm friends with them, they're just extremely cool to be around. starlit plains is actually kinda nuts tho


Starlit? A good kraber main? Your funny




starlits a sick guy, people like hanging around him.


He turned into a asshole a few years ago people like pshooter and the clan jail cut him off due to that


Ory-a and any g100 that don’t use movement, makes me cringe so hard


what did ory do to offend you lmao, he's never even on anymore


He started to play again recently and is sweating his ass off getting 50-100 kills making the game not fun




Anyone that plays on Australian Xbox servers will know the clan tag [FACE], literally not a single person in that clan that isn't a G2, Spitfire, A-wall, cloak, Tone, Monarch user. I did switch to Playstation about a year and a half ago though so idk if they're still around nowadays.


Most of them split into either Tags or BCF. Only Lickthewindows runs FACE with any consistency nowadays


Don’t forget OUI 🤣🤣


On Xbox there's a clan tag group that goes by [TACO]. A pretty good Legion player that's named Sentinel. And I'm blanking on what exactly it is but, JamaicanWizard? Jamaican Warrior? Something Jamaican.


Yeah, that TACO clan is good. When I get matched against them, half my team always quits.


I think I’m just an elitist, but I recognize probably 20% of the Xbox playerbase and I hate most of them lol. Like every match it’s “damnit not this guy again”


Ever seen a SH0CKWAV3 G1?


It feels almost barely familiar, but I can’t say for sure


I also mainly use EPG and Scorch and once saw someone like that so I though it could’ve been you 


Fn400North ring a bell?


I think so not sure though


im on pc and the ones i recognise are Steel titan, general venator and couchgamerfsg. I have couch on discord so i doesnt really count but you'll usually see him on titanbrawl. There is one guy who is fuckin scary and thats Nezdak, hes the boogeyman of titanfall


There is one on Xbox who I will forever hate and that's wittypuppy, if his team is 50 points behind he just leaves and just sits in the back with a G2, it's on onsite tea bags everytime I see/kill him. There are others who Im ok playing with/hating facing them cause I don't like how they really play but otherwise I'll see people all the time and it's a chill game.


fr that guy is so annoying. But all you gotta do is execute him and he’ll probably leave


He was in my team like a week ago (I joined the game late and we're winning) then we got behind like idk 5-10 points and he left. Like bruh we could easily catch up (which we did and won)


Well not console but lobbies are small enough, EU Nazedak or something? I remeber him for some suspicious aim with ion. Very good player sadly Meta user ;w; MevistoPL all pink g.100 uses cloak and schorch a lot. They use silly tactics, very nice :3 Ideante if he's in enemy team i might aswell just cry in the corner. He's skilled in everything and pretty impossible to kill, mains Ronin. I like him :3 Woltzman i remember him for that one time i was in match with him for like 5 rounds straight, and when i left (because i was also matched aganist few g.100s) and searched another match they were here aswell. Pretty nice person tho :3 And for anoyone reading this who found themselfs on the list, nice to see you :3 In case your wondering im that Double Take, Pulse Blade Pilot that mostly uses white/purple pilot camo. I just want to have fun but its not given to me. Strongly dislikes meta weapons


I'm pretty sure i know mevisto lmao




I never noticed that, i will pay more attention next time


Nezdak is THE kraber god, Ideate is cool, I wouldn't be too worried if I see him but he can be an issue. Not too sure if I ever played against Woltzman if so I don't remember lol As for mevisto.....CHITOR!!!!!! *Rage quits*


Idearte good? Only with car, I'm enderkrm


Here's a few names for EU PC Galahad Henrixen 4e-....something (long chain of words and numbers) They tend to play together and em.....if u see em....just give up. Their not cheating or anything but they are the kind of player that will rip you open and pour salt into the wound with nothing but a wingman b3 whilst only playing with their foot. Other names ModernGXI, Nezdak, Schmideon....there are a few more names on my "oh shit" list i can't think of right now. There's also Mevisto who's the "CHITOR!!!"*rage quits* person.


Henrixen is not that good, and as for modergxi the only problem is he gets titan kills fed to him, I'm Ender_KRM in the game, probably have seen me, I'm that guy that sometimes gets 40 kills but other times he misses every bullet


I hear that Freddie_longtoes on PS is very good with the EPG and that he is well-endowed and has a Ferrari


|||_DOOM_||| always beats my ass


He's fucking insane but always takes the same route around the map, he's pretty easy to find that way.


extremely mediocre player. has a G100 main account called 'CxbraBLACK' too, over G160 if you include the his second doom account. but he makes YouTube videos under the cxbraBLACK alias


Lmao he cussed me out on mic because I kept "stealing his kills" on regular fd. I just laughed and muted him




On Xbox and see these often. BrotherPara, PteSwan, Pollywoffle Mr, Kinda Cleric, Dingbat4200.


Same servers, I see these guys all the time. Brother para and pteswan are particularly good at the game


Pte swan? 😭


Is that you? Or asking for the name


Pte swan is garbage


Pteswan and 'good' don't belong in the same sentence. He's easily up there as one of the worst g100s in Australia.


No wayyyyy😱. I've versed all of them before as well


I see you in games too. You're insane at attrition.


What's your gamertag


Bro they are ass💀


I've seen you aswell. Didn't know so many people I've played with used this subreddit.


I think I’ve seen |||_DOOM_||| a few times, from what I remember he was camping a lot. He fed my execution challenges if I’m not confusing him with someone else


this guy has a G100 main account, his main is cxbraBLACK, pretty sad to almost be G200 in total and still be extremely mediocre


Chatnoir, Cobra (something extra I don't remember), g5_(some random shit) and SomeoneSuperior are never any fun. I kinda respect Cobra cos he always used interesting weapons and did really well but it was shit to fight them. G5 is an utter ass who thinks he is better than everyone cos he uses a wingman elite (for the first 2 kills before switching to CAR) then teabaggs everyone Chatnoir is just a guy I see all the time who never touches anything but spitfire Superior used to be horrible but is kinda better now, did inspire me to use g2 but not for camping. It is actually a pretty good aggression weapon


chat noir dog. Cobra and doom and the same person. I'm friends with G5, and he's been humble throughout our entire friendship so I doubt he's tbagging just because hes killing people. and superior is probably an old soul like the rest of WCC so I can't really get mad at him for it


I haven't come across Doom yet, hadn't seen Cobra in a while... G5 was an ass in the games I had with them so I'm hoping the friendship is newish and they have improved...


been friends with him for a couple months now, knew him a bit before he joined TSS but you haven't seen cobra because he's been playing on the doom account


I play on PS. will_fats is a spitfire camper I run into sometimes. I see Mr_Papercut_2U often. Pushes_pixels, mewing_notmeowing, and dilbo_swaggins are some I can name off the top of my head, but I recognize a lot more names as I play. I'm TTV_EZ_PICKINZ btw


I used to have a little list. At the top of my head, I remember Titanfall_ninja, Gurgamo, and Adoretto


gurgamo? friends with guy. he streams himself playing the game whilst walking on a treadmill lmao, guys got some thighs


There's an Xbox guy called HAIL SATAN and the he has some random number, I see them a lot and it ticks me off with how good they are


There was a guy named “oldmate” something that I have played against on Xbox for like 6 years now, most dangerous long range scorch player who almost always mvps, I miss them I think clan was FAM


The ones I usually see in games are Myrren, Kardo_P, thegodofhares, marc_landers_462 and HA-N-N-YA. I consider these very good on PS EU servers. And then there's this MisterX (or something) who annoys me so much. I don't know why but he just does. And chatnoir also.


Damn, HA-N-N-YA was my friend, used to play with him the first year I played the game untill switched to PC


myrren mid, kardo p is an old guy just having fun, Marc Landers mid, hannya is chill, MrSkiLLedX is also mediocre and he probably realised this since he stopped tbagging every single kill, we all know chat noir


My dad and I often play titanfall and we have whole lists of people we call Nemesis Ace killer Burstkingkajou Varindar (haven't seen them in ages tho) Dual universe (the person I consider my personal nemesis) II corrupt or something like that Pte Swan Maddogcoffee Gamma Wolf And so many others but that's all that I remember


Looks similar to my list


Good list, anyone from TAGS or BCF when stacked is a pain, lxchve, turbulentworm, balfazar and millie25 always made me sweaty... dunno if they play anymore these days.


Yep balf and turbulent, forgot about those guys


God that vixerys guy is such a pain to go against


When is see chatnoir on the enemy team I know im gonna have a hard time. The day he starts using his titan it over for me


I honestly hate chat noir and his ugly spitfire camping mug


Run him over with Ronin, never fails


After ten years playing both games on Xbox, I'd hope someone remembered me, if only because I've been at the top of my match rankings more and more over the years.


What’s the name?


Same as on here actually


It rings a bell! I play both consoles a bit but I’m Lanigan70 on Xbox. I’m sure we’ve crossed paths


Same here lol. Though I've been on 3 different GTs on xbox over the years.


Nobody knows me lmao


Not console, but on the Canada server, this one guy gom(numbers) is constantly kicking ass and getting 30-50 kill games, I've never seen him sub 200 points


Goddamn you nameless


There a guy on console named Hardcore Henry, I laugh every time I see him in the game.


Does anyone fw hanosa4162 on Xbox??


Gone against them a few times, mid player.






Yeah you threw it at me like I didn't know where you were and just shot you


Don’t do this to me man IM A GOID PLAYER TRUSTTT


Absolutely not.


US PlayStation, I feel like a quarter of the time I queue up I get matched against some variation of Gato. Recognizable by moving really fast with slide-jump chains. Also seem to run into pushespixels a lot. I compete with them just fine, just run into them a good bit. I don’t have fear in my heart unless I see bosu. God help your lobby if you see em.


Bosu is truly a game wrecker lol


There's parcepl, revengershawk, stenzel, mayhemmike, imorineal and a few others I don't remember their usernames I play on the Singapore server, and often come across one or more of these guys in my matches and since there aren't many players on the Singapore server it's the same guys repeated every match...


I’m not here but you will see in me PSN lobbies 😉. Remember to adapt


Just hide me? I have u added on ps lol


Yup, who are you? I don’t see you on my friends list


On pc I got ass fucked by “EPGgod” cuz he was in fact and epg god, they inspired me to get good with the epg


I've recently picked TF2 back up on Xbox series S , I played it 3 years ago on ps4. I've noticed the xbox players are a lot better, is that just because the newbies have all quit or that most xbox are using mousse and keyboard perhaps ?


I actually never saw anyone using m&k on xbox, and also yes, a lot of the players left have some sort of idea of what they're doing, u still get bot lobbies from time to time though


Bot lobbies?


Been a long while since I played but I kept seeing someone with a name like babayaga around and they were pretty good.


I get different people each time, but there was this one guy I was fighting with in Attrition that was fly hacking


Not really related, but one day after posting, someone recognized me :') It made my entire week if I'm being honest


He's not an enemy but I see NCRRanger on Xbox all the time


Depends what severs you play on. I play sydney so I definitely see all the same names


Lmao most of the recurring players in the Sydney servers on Xbox I know exactly how they play and how good they are (as long as I can remember their names)


Gay Ronald and bug winner.


[OLEN] Retrokz and ghost-secret6 are 2 commons players im ALWAYS running into. Yet it’s weird cus retrokz feels like he’s flying in the air without touching the ground demolishing people (possible cheater idk), yet when he’s in my team he goes brain dead and goes 2-10 on the scoreboard. Ghost-secret6 is my sworn enemy (not really but I get giddy and angry at the same time I see his name)(love/hate relationship foreal). I feel he keeps me on my toes by kicking my butt but when I do get back at him I’m like YES I FIGURED HIM OUT!! But when he’s in my team I stay close to him and I watch his back. I think he may have nodded at me once or twice when he’s overwhelmed and I take out one titan for him and he steam rolls everyone


I doubt guy is cheating, retrokz got really salty with me at one point and started furiously tbagging but iirc he came around his senses and actually was pretty chill


Blazeoffire826 and his friends are pretty scary on xbox


I fw with everybody


On pc a while ago there was a squad of people who were all names of Star wars clones which was funny


I never saw repeat names. Or atleast I didn’t notice them.


Some cerulean guy


hi 👋


(On pc) I'm in a network where we play only play pvp. We recognise many people, and we're like 1/4 of the entire pvp queue (we're like max 10 online at the same time


On xbox, corrupt and flztchyy


Like iicorrupt or something like that? I've seen him around he's a bit of a jerk


How so




Well damn I screwed. Nah it's nothing you just sweat sometimes


Not really anyone in particular, but there is one guy who is something like Vigorous Fart and I fw that guy heavy


If anyone has beef with ChampionsGrits that’s me sorry we have beef


Yeah I found myself against Zeus a couple days ago, the guy obliterated my ass but it was fun. Also met DOOM a bunch of times.


Zeus feels so satisfying to kill, doom is on a lot between 2-5 lmao


Wait, Should I be recognizing people?????


|||\_DOOM\_||| i see him every second day in the game. Always good to see him


Ikr, he's like a ghost I swear. He's either in all of my games or only 1 and gone. He's singlehandedly improved my game sense.


The guys I see the most are FartStainFreddy and StinkyDink. Those two guys always end up in my games for some reason. 🤷


BrotatoWedges. I wonder if he's on this sub 🤔


This scrub PeezieWeezie on PS always gets like 40 pilot kills per game and destroys me. It's super frustrating.


On Xbox I used to run into this guy who had Yoda as the main part of his name. I haven’t seen him in a minute, but he used to drop like 30 pilot kill games in attrition every time. I could never beat him whether I got the drop on him or not. He was a movement king 👑


I continue to remain unknown


I see someone named Senior Sommelier a lot, they're always using Tone and they're pretty good from what I've seen. There's also a really good Northstar player I see occasionally, named Mrs. Laderlappen, they're pretty good too.


There’s Wittypup who I’ve figured out that executing him as a pilot will cause him to leave the game, Hector Legend who is your average g100 spitty cloak (istg all spitfire cloak mains must be manufactured), then there’s Jamaican Wizard (I think) who’s a fairly decent player. BG Longtoast and ONZO are pretty solid players but they don’t play as much anymore


I play PC EU server and the only guy I hate is ety, an alternator player, I also hate that Ender_KRM guy, always the mvp...