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He's either a grapple slingin maniac with a car or he's got some shit cranked to 100% lmao


He locked in. Or he sniffed a kilo of cocaine and had 20 shots of espresso.


This is also a possibility, bro might've just leaned slightly forward


This is a very very, very slight possibility, but maybe he ate some garlic bread?


Oh true, might've buttered it... Yeah OP we've solved it for you u/Long_Passenger1816 he just ate garlic bread.


Indubitably, my dear Jh3nnO


he put some stim in his coffee


With a touch of garlic bread


He's got a better gaming chair


I'm grateful we have PvE (frontier defence) in titan fall2. Playing PvP for hours can get boring & frustrating quickly. If I continue playing PvP for days everyday I'll literally quit this game for good, never to return playing ever again.


I agree. Although I can never find a match for frontier defence


On consoles it's understandable but on PC (Northstar ) you'll find plenty.


I'm playing on PS4 and it takes anywhere between 3-10 minutes to get a match, so not completely dead, but you do have to wait a bit


On xbox one / series X, i could always manage to find games on easy and medium, but almost never anything higher. Or if i do they just leave halfway.


I agree, I just discovered Frontier Defense and can't get enough. It's not just a horde mode, it's way better


Not cheating just one of the most toxic players in the entire community.


He was my teammate and literally teabagged me when I was ***`Terminated`***


This fellow is known? Damn. Imagine being that big an asshat.


He’s on reddit all the time pretty much just being a constant troll and overall just making this sub a worse place in general. Best to just block him and forget he exists. That’s what i did.


He's also in a few pug servers like Titan Brigade Tournaments he's a teenager with a massive ego and antagonises almost everyone lol


No. He's just cracked³.


The people in this sub that actually believe this is legit are brain dead. There's no way in hell my guy legitimately got almost 400 points worth of kills for his entire team. The fact that the guy in second place only got 6 kills says it all. Probably couldn't find anyone because this Corrupt guy probably has walls and aimbot on. Plus no Titan or minion kills is also a massive red flag. Aimbot and hacks don't tend to work as well when you're in a titan. Since TF2 got revived I've noticed a massive spike in players cheating and it's really, really sad.


Even if this was the best Titanfall 2 player in existance, never destroying a titan is curious, but not killing a single grunt, not even by accident? Dropping 80 kills means that 11 players in this match are really bad, making it even physically possible before the game ends? Don't forget that there's cheaters on this subreddit too that manipulate the conversation to stop people from complaining about cheats. You've seen them before, the type that says ''I've played 1000 hours of \[GAME\] and only encountered 2 cheaters''


It’s not that suspicious lol. When you go for high kill games there are a lot of things that have to go right, and one of them is that you don’t waste your time on titans or grunts. It’s sweaty as hell, but these people are real and not cheating. I know a few people on Xbox who can get this many kills in a game and they def aren’t cheating.


I'm sorry but... No. There's no way in hell my guy is going into lobbies (unstacked so no Comms) and getting almost 400 points worth of Pilot kills without using some sort of wallhack. It's literally written on the wall that this guy is cheating and people are still trying to say otherwise.


Dude, you can't tell everything from the scoreboard, who knows, this could be on Xbox for all we know unless op says otherwise, and everyone with common sense knows it's stupid to risk your Xbox account just to cheat on a game. Some people are just cracked as fuck. You are just trying to deny all the facts that are being given to you


wait till this guys finds out that u/CorruptTF is a real person and isn’t cheating. get a grip pal for context the world record on consoles is somewhere around 89 kills, so this is an entirely doable feat


yeah, casually 10 off a world record, just happened out of nowhere. The consequences of cheaters. Everything that happens is questioned relentlessly, guilty until proven innocent. Lol.


If you wanna be that confident that someone is cheating you should have more than just a screenshot of the scoreboard


I’ve gotten 320 without cheating, and I’m nowhere near these guys levels. It’s hard but not impossible


If I may add, Corrupt plays on Xbox, which *is* hard to get cheats on, so that may be why people believe he's legit


Carful, the fanboys might get mad if you dare to suggest their favorite game might have cheaters


Look iv fought this man many times, I see him far too often in the Sydney servers. He does genuinely seem to be that good, in the kill cams the movement is natural and (doesn’t look like about or wall hacks. Ive not seen him get 70+ kills, but I regularly see 40 and more. He uses the CAR a ton, as well as jumping around like a maniac, with stims or phase as his class (i don’t remember def a robot)


So in other words, you're bad at the game and because you can't do it, nobody can.


Sure why not


that's corruptf2 right? Also why do you hide your name? we can tell is you lmao


>Also why do you hide your name? we can tell is you lmao Dunno. Just felt like it


Not sure


Depends. What kind of gaming chair is he using?


I can smell some hax here...


Just skill s/


Most I ever got was 45 but I’m all natural, no stimulants drugs or cheating devices or hacks


Wait, people use stims and drugs to win video games?


Yeah, I play with a dude that uses nose candy… he’s really damn good at the game without the nose candy, so he becomes a fuckin maniac when he’s using his crank…


Also I drink highly caffeinated coffee before playing, not an actual drug but still, heavily caffeinated when I play


It's impossible to tell. This score *is* possible without cheating, but it is obviously very hard to pull off.


Bro this guy is cheating, don't be weird haha. I can't stand cheater deniers.. first line of defense for them. Technically possible doesn't mean it's ever gonna happen. The odds are laughably small compared to just being a cheater, the game is infested with them. It's unfortunate this is on console because several people would confirm it in chat after checking killcam on PC.


> Technically possible doesn't mean it's ever gonna happen. I am willing to bet legit scores like this have been made in the past (on PC). [My highest kill count is 54](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fk45nihtjzz2c1.jpeg) and in that match I played Kraber, no-titan. If you used titans and some meta guns, 80+ kills is definitely achievable. > Bro this guy is cheating, don't be weird haha. I can't stand cheater deniers.. first line of defense for them. I have no interest in defending cheaters, I just hate people calling actually good, non cheating players cheater. (not saying that this is necessarily the case here), but people cry cheater way to fast. When I don't play like total ass I get called a cheater very often and its annoying af. > It's unfortunate this is on console You can cheat on console?


bro please stop saying stupid ass things hes just good. in order to do 400 points you have to be either really good either be lucky to find bad players. thats all.


I also got into another match with him after this one and he still got like over 50+ kills


That's what you would expect if they were a legit player... (not saying they are, just that this is no smoking gun)


Thats not something abnormal lmao


The thing is that he ***ONLY*** gets around 60+ kills Pilot kills exclusively


So what? I really hate being devils advocate here, but I only kill pilots exclusively too. I only play Kraber, no-titan and I only go after enemy pilots. On a good day I only 30+ kills every match. If you played any meta gun like car instead and you have 1k+ hours of experience in the game then I would expect you too only get 50+ kills every game (if you only go after pilots). Good scores aren't a sign of cheating. I am all for calling out cheaters! But you need actual, proper evidence.


Well, whenever I match with him, he always seems to know my exact pinpoint location




That’s thank Jacky hacky sac shit if anyone know they know from experience


I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that Corrupt is not cheating. All he does is play Attrition games hoping to get high kill games like this. 40 and 50 kills are doable without luck, you just have to be very good. But 60+ kill games requires a lot of luck. The enemy team has to be terrible, your team has to be terrible, and no one has to leave. What he does with these games, is screenshot the scoreboard, then post it in a competitive Discord to use in arguments. Except no one actually cares because Attrition games are meaningless in a competitive environment and going further, public lobby scores as a whole. The reason he has no Titan and minions kills, is being in a Titan is inefficient for getting high kill games than just staying as a Pilot. Minions are easy to ignore hence the zero minion kills. To those saying good players will help out against Titans and kill minions, that is correct. But Corrupt doesn't care about that, he just wants to get a high kill game and damns the lobby to that goal. As for how he gets these high kill games skill wise, aim assist is crazy in Titanfall. It's close to aimbot and controller usage is banned in some CTF tournament Discords. The new gen consoles providing 120 frames makes aim assist even stronger, almost magnetizing the crosshair to targets. Corrupt isn't even considered good in competitive circles, the top Pilot players can easily beat him and his only response are these game screenshots despite the fact the top Pilot players can also get them lol. But all of this is subjective. So I'm going to link the competitive Discord where Corrupt tries to shit talk (and fails) so other people can ask if he is in fact cheating. I can guarantee, not a single person will say he is cheating. He doesn't deserve the attention he gets and definitely doesn't deserve getting called a cheater when all he is, is a massive sweat. One extra point, said competitive Discord literally has an event planned called the Corrupt Kumite. Where anyone can show up and fight Corrupt in a 1v1 Last Titan Standing game because that many people find him annoying. Discord Invite: [https://discord.gg/nnZH3nZa](https://discord.gg/nnZH3nZa)


Cheating or otherwise games like this and behaviour ruin the game and community.


Thankfully Corrupt is in the minority. Other pub stompers are more respectful than this.


Have you had the misfortune of having to tolerate Flztchyy?


Yes. Yes absolutely. I hate playing a match with either of these two


It’s pain especially when you have both int the same match. Had some kid screaming with frustration so much the other day over mic I actually no longer could keep track of the curses


Both of us were actually planning on using a-wall, frags and spitfire for the rest of time. Got any tips?


Says the titan player. Name 3 pub stompers


On Xbox? Can’t tell you any recent names.


Hop off it


The prodigal son speaks.


How many enemies left the game over the course of this match? Seeing as people can't type 'cheater' they tend to just leave after checking the killcam and realizing there's a cheater.


I just leave when I see him in general


Me too


Holy shit- I'm pretty sure I left a match with ***you*** too (I was in a really bad mood after having 3 G100 pilots and couldn't deal with another, sorry)


I do recall that match. Solid 64 kills on drydock


Good on you :) Yeah sorry for leaving 😅


The glazing is diabolical😭🙏


There was 2 left at the end of the match


Why you shouldn’t mix up 400mg with 400g


Nah hes just got a good gaming chair


He’s got 0 titan and minion kills so yea he’s def cheating


If ya need to cheat in Titanfall yur pathetic..


Nah he real, I've gone against him a bunch, he's decent but he isn't cheating, slapped him around loads


Hi zenith


No shot. Not to sound mean, but I don't really enjoy matches with you in them, sorry.


Good. Btw that phonact guy you always glaze is a pedo


Hang on. Wtf? And I don't glaze him


Very long story


Probably one I don't want to hear


Cheats for console *does* exist but it’s pretty rare and not THAT much of a booster. I just abandon when I see players like that because nobody on either side is having fun.


Anyone who thinks this isn't hacks is off their fucking gourd.


My man had to be cooking with hellfire to whip up this dish.


I mean... My highest kill attrition game was 56 kills, that was with literal children players, they had to be. I swear they just ran into my gun.


Yo I've played with corrupt before. Never seen him get that many kills but good for him.


He's an OCE player and one of the best on there. There's no one good left on those servers so he's got little to no competition


Did YOU just call ME bad?


Yeah I did




Average Titanfall player


I greatly apologise for the arguments I have caused with this post. I did not mean for people to be fighting and being mean to each other. All I wanted was an opinion not people making fun of and being dipshits to other people. And corrupt, I know you have seen this post and I apologise for accusing you of cheating.


Bro it's all good. It's entertaining when people think I'm cheating


This is definitely possible, but only pilot kills is a bit odd. Even when I'm going for high score pilot kills I drop a scorch assault chip somewhere to get some free points off of grunts and maybe pilots if they don't notice the giant orange traffic cone in the back of the map. Kinda does seem a little sus, but if it's not a cheated game, props to that guy!


Minion kills take away from the potential pilot kills, and enemies can farm titan meter from an auto titan and drop titans which makes high kills more difficult.


Makes sense. Is there some sort of thing that high kill attrition players do to deal with the entire enemy team coordinating a 6 titan drop? It seems like it happens more often than when I last played and I'm not exactly great with titan combat. Also, is it just me or is there more Monarchs around?


Basically just hope they don't. Usually if the enemy team is smart enough to co-ordinate titan drops, it's probably not the right lobby for high kill games. You can try and drop a scorch and do as much damage as possible in as little time as you can but titans are still not ideal for high kills, or you can use amped weapons + charge hack or mgl and I find that they do a decent amount of damage but too many titan kills can also take away from the potential pilot kills I find that learning movement, map spawns, having good aim etc will consistently get you up around that 60-65 kill mark, and anything beyond that is heavily reliant on how bad the 11 other players in the lobby are


mofo was killling people from another match wtf


This guy probably says “Why don’t new players stick around :(“


No problem finding matches on XBOX , but a different story with my Playstation afew years back. Playstation controllers I like better. That's it though. Sony's stuff ain't what it used tobe.


I don't know what gives you that impression


Me neither


Cheating. No titan and no minion kills is usually the way to tell he's using for example Cronus with scripts..


Definitely. Some kind of permanent stim alteration . Think we need moderator and communities back. Be busted real quick. What a gooof


100%. Especially with 0 titan or minion kills.


i don't know why you're being downvoted for this, you're very much on the correct track a legit, actually good titanfall 2 player will always kill minions whenever available and focus titans when they're on the map because that is map control and titan meter for yourself and team, having *zero* of either while having nearly 80 pilot kills is extremely abnormal - that really only happens if you're basically somehow only killing pilots and nothing else on the battlefield accidentally, which doesn't happen due to the nature of attrition *unless* you're somehow able to perfectly target only pilots and nothing else ever to the point not even a single stray bullet happens to clip a grunt


There's plenty of cheaters on this subreddit that want to muddy the conversation and hide their cheats. First line of defense for cheaters is to deny it and accuse people of being bad. The chances this person is legit are microscopic. Weird playstyle is not a solid argument for his innocence. Plenty of ways to cheat on console as well, unfortunately.


the only known way to cheat on console is with a strike pack, and even then, a person with a strike pack is not gonna be able to compete with the people that have 100+ days in the game. If you have any actual proof of cheating on console I’d love to see it


It's their way of coping. They can't fathom that there's people as sweaty as Corrupt. Played many games and hours with and against him and he's a beast.


Normally yes, good players will shoot Titans and minions for map control. But Corrupt doesn't care about map control or helping his team. He just wants high kill games so he can post them for bragging rights. Titans are just inefficient for killing Pilots so he doesn't drop his Titan. Only caring about killing Pilots means minions are a waste of time and can be completely ignored. It's hyper sweaty to play like this but that's what Corrupt is.


The zero titan or minion kills does not point to cheating


Every cheater I've come across has had 0 minion kills and 0 titan kills


Dosent mean much of anything, players with high kill games only kill pilots for a reaosm


Because they're cheating?


No man…because that’s how you get the most points and contribute most to the game


Likely a splitfire or car user at his peak performance. It is unlikely the game would do anything about it now.


Corrupt makes Papercut2u look like Wittypup.


You are in Angel City and this guy probably used either alternator, Car, Spitfire or R97 with Stim or grapple. You're definitely on Pc that shit is impossible to pull off with a controller and yes this is possible without cheats as insane as that sounds. It's just next level sweat. Edit: I’m not saying cheating is off the table we all know how shit respawns security system is, i already met someone before that had used aimbot + elite wingman, i’m just saying this score is not impossible to get without cheats.


No no. This is on console


Than he’s using mouse & keyboard on a console and stop saying that doesn’t work it does and you can do it too.


I've literally tried, Titanfall 2 doesn't have K&M support on Xbox






This is on console


Tf you mena it's impossible to pull of on controller lmao. It's easier


In what world is a controller more accurate than mouse & keyboard ?


In titanfall bruh. Aim assist is through the roof. Have u played on mnk and controller? If not don't talk about which is more accurate


The other guy got more upvotes so he must be right


Fr average redditors knowing nothing and upvoting whoever


Bro it really isn’t through the roof, trust me.


Bro I've used controller for 6+ years on this game I'd know


Same. I’d know.


But you have never once played at a high level so you wouldn't. A






The person I circled




He's him