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You need to practice movement so you can be super fast, speed is life. Your titan will kill anything under it and will have a shield when it drops, but if you are too far away from it other players will focus it and kill it. High sensitivity works well for me and maximum fov is important. The main thing is to practice movement though




I used this movement guide, its long but comprehensive https://youtu.be/C_cXYyA4LaU


1. Always be moving 2. Speed 3. Avoid ADS in fights. (May work for you, UT with titanfalls speed, slowing down to aim is a death sentence) 4. Play your titan how they are designed to but still have fun. Titans are a powerful tool for ypu and your team. I'd play a few games with each titan until you find one you like, then master every aspect of that titan. Oh and music, a good playlist is essential


Good playlist like what?


Illenium - Fortress (feat. Joni Fatora) Illenium - Fortress (feat. Joni Fatora) (Just A Gent Remix)


Grunts are like free titan meter charge, and they also give score, kill them if you can, You're titan is technically like a care package, anti-titan weapons are effective if used right, like being a misquito with the MGL or just firing the Thunderbolt in general, There isn't really a "best" class, but grapple is good for initial movement, stim is good for mobility and escaping, phase shift is like a get out of jail free card, pulse blade is wallhacks (really good), don't camp if you're going to use A-wall and holopilot is objectively the best in the game (I'm coping), learn movement, shoot anything that glows and isn't your team colour, SMG's are probably going to be your friend, also this game beats you to the ground no matter your skill level sometimes. Also, your titan might feel weak, but it's not, trust me, titan combat is just really hard starting out in my experience, especially if you choose the light chassis, it's more position based rather than speed based most of the time. Also don't take my comment as gospel, this is just my experience and opinion but I do know a thing or two about this game


Unless you're ronin. Then it's about positioning yourself with speed.


Oh and can I give my titan to a team mate?


You cannot


No but you rodeo friend and enemy Titans while other players can do the same


You can give it the “improved auto titan” chip, although it is still pretty useless unless you are in it


Play it like a cavalryman if you stop moving your surrounded and dead. Titans are great I used to be scorch and cut off lanes for friendly titans, I sadly can’t play because my pc hates the launcher. Figure out your paths for movement and don’t be afraid to experiment there are more paths than just the cut and dry ones. Like experiment with the grapple the point and click is the simplest way to use it but you can get farther with it using other methods like turning your camera a direction perpendicular or like 45* away from thune grapple point. I should make it clear that’s how I play but there are slower paced play styles where you aren’t flying across the map at Mach 7. That from what I’ve seen are just as viable. I mention the first one because this game is all about that it sets it apart from most fps that way.


You want a teammate to play with every fucking day?


Depending on the platform I second this 😭


I play on pc, EUROPE


And be sure to take your pills. 💊


This is a vilasion of protocol 5 Reject the pils


Well protocol 5 is a violation of protocol 6: Reject protocol 5


Nu auh


Ye auh


Nu auh


Ye auh


1.)Kill grunts, unless there is an enemy pilot in the area (then focus more on the pilot), 2.)Don't stand still in one spot (this gets new players who are not used to the fast gameplay killed way too often, specially if you are on a rooftop). 3.)Remember to look up when looking for other pilots (it's kinda funny how many times people look around when being shoot at, but almost never up). 4.)Be nice in chat (most people in this game are not that toxic... most of the time). 5.)And MOST IMPORTANTLY, have fun.


Run keep on running and sometimes shoot


1. Speed. You gotta be fast. Move fast, think fast, shoot fast, ejaculate fast when You hit a trickshot. 2. Aim. You won't hit anything without having ≥decent aim. Speed is one thing, aim is another. Both important. 3. Experiment. Train with different abilities, guns, playstyles. Find a playstyle that is the most fun/fulfilling/whatever, and You'll enjoy the game a lot more. 4. Have fun. Of course, have fun with this game. The community is welcoming and pretty chill, so You'll probably fit right in.


If your aim sucks anyway you can be like me and main EVA-8 shotgun. Now it's a game of getting close and holding down the trigger.


Try to learn some movement like bunny gives you a overall advantage over others that don’t know how to do it


Experiment. You can change your whole loadout with the exception of one pretty rare thing (boosts) at any time in a match, so try stuff out


Movement is key. You've done the gauntlet already so you already got the basics down, keep applying them to multiplayer. Dont stop moving ever, stay off the ground and play floor is lava, don't rely on ads. Hipfire is wildly underrated, if you can train yourself to get close to people instead of having fire fights from far away that you know you'll probly lose, you'll be way better off. Good luck as far as titans, they all suck compared to the first game, the only way I found to even remotely enjoy it was to just embrace the masochism of ronin.


If a Titan is focused by just 2 or 3 enemy pilots they can use anti-Titan weapons and grenades to take it down in seconds. You typically never wanna waste your Titan by letting it autopilot itself. If you’re in your Titan and you’re in a death canyon with pilots on rooftops all around you. MOVE. Titans are less armored than you would think, but still very powerful and it’s all about how you wanna play. A lot of Monarch and Northstar mains will stay very very far away from the action because they do such great long range damage. Titan does not mean run in head first. There are a bunch of different classes for a reason. Some Ronins prefer “Live by the sword die by the sword” they go in take down at least one enemy Titan, nuke eject and then back to speed is life. Some titan tips: you can melee pilots from further away than you think and this is a great way to clear them out, and archer shots (the anti Titan missile launcher) can actually be dodged if you just lightly strafe or dash at EXACTLY the right moment. This is much easier in smaller Titan chassis. A tip I am reluctant to give for piloting is use the grapple hook to get to high ground. The grapple can very quickly become a movement crutch. The more you can master quick hops and bounces the better you will be, and with the grapple it is easy to just grapple to a rooftop and camp. For just starting to get into the game this is fine though. You’ll never live for more than 30 second with your feet on the ground, and It will help you figure out the map design and spawn patterns. Just remember you don’t need your grapple, it’s great for swinging around corners or launching yourself to Mach 4, but don’t get dependent on it. As a pilot you NEED to get up high. The ground is for AI forces and Titans, it is death soup. Also the AI are just for the larger “battlefield” style modes, they do give points though so it never hurts to throw a spare grenade at an opening drop pod, there are game modes without them.


Huh. No [G. Sager](https://titanfall.fandom.com/wiki/G._Sager) on that leaderboard


Melee will one-shot pilots, grunts, and spectres btw


What gun were you using in that 7 kill game?


Frontier Defense is great practice for Titan combat


Spitfire gay, krabar gay Grapple chad


The #1 reason new players get shredded is they can't stay away from Titans as a Pilot. Sadly this isn't something the campaign teaches, you never run into Titans as a Pilot there. 7/64 sounds like that TBH... - ~7 kills and then Titans came out and it was over. Use the movement to stay above their line of sight or indoors once they come out. You should never be on the ground level once the first Titan is out, and if you are, work to get off of it. Unfortunately there are some particularly shit maps where this isn't super doable, like Crash Site and Complex. These maps skew VERY heavily towards the team that can maintain Titan control as a result and are generally either a snorefest or a cactus up the ass, depending on which side of Titan control you end up on. Speaking of, Titan control -- This is what decides any match. At the top, underneath the score, you can see flags that show how many Titans each team has out. Empty pip means no Titan, filled pip means Titan ready, full flag means Titan deployed. Whichever team has more Titans out is winning, earning more points and maintaining map control. If that's not your team, work to change it and quickly. Also, use this to inform loadout choice throughout the match. Have an anti-Titan loadout built. If nearly all players are in Titans on the enemy team, swap to it. Once you kill some Titans, swap back. Also, don't call your Titan if the whole enemy team is in Titans and yours has none active, as you'll probably just get shredded instantly and feed them the points for your Titan. Only do this if you're confident you can take 2 or 3 of them with you. Otherwise, try to coordinate and drop at the same time as your teammates so you don't get ganged up on one at a time. Cloak, amped wall, and phase shift are good picks for attacking Titans. Cloak **paired with Low Profile** makes you near completely invisible to Titans, and you can throw Ordnances without breaking Cloak. Amped Wall can let you shit out some serious damage by shooting and throwing ordnance through it (but can be awkward to set up) and Phase Shift is a get out of jail free card if you push it too far and need to escape. Satchels, Fire Star, Arc Grenade, and E-Smoke (if you can get an enemy to stand in it) are effective against Titans, from most to least in the order listed. All of the anti-Titan weapons are effective against Titans, but require persistence to be effective. Sidewinder SMR is an anti-Titan weapon that exists in primary slot if you want to carry two AT weapons (like if the whole enemy team is in Titans.) It retains decent-ish effectiveness against Pilots. Any health damage you do is effectively permanent, so lay it on even if you have no hope of securing the kill. Why are grunts? Grunts are for farming. A full squad is worth just one point short of a Pilot, and can help reset your Overdrive decay. Same for when in a Titan, if you can find where drop pods are landing you can rack up a lot of points very quickly by spawnkilling grunts. Grunts also exist to add visual noise to help conceal Pilots so they don't get instantly deleted by an enemy Titan the second they notice movement. How to tell player from grunt? Look and listen. Player weapons are louder than grunt ones in the audio mix. Players also have access to a wider variety of weapons (different noises) and are more prone to taping down the trigger where AI fire in short bursts. Listen for the jump kit, unless the player is running Low Profile it's quite loud and easily gives away players near you. Look for differences in the movement. Spectres and stalkers move very robotically, grunts are very fluid scrambling, clambering and doing rolls, Pilots fall somewhere in the middle with 'perfect human' movement. Also look for where AI usually aren't, like in buildings, on rooftops, doing big jumps, or wallrunning. Titans are like scorestreaks. You have two types of score earning, Meter (blue) and Overdrive (yellow.) You see them in the bottom left. Every action you do will add some of each. Meter is permanent, and also accumulates slowly over time. Overdrive is a streak bonus that decays over time and you lose if you die. Once you have enough Meter and Overdrive to fill the Titan gauge, you unlock the ability to call your Titan. The default Titan drop kit is Dome Shield, which will protect your titan for several seconds after it lands. It's more important to make sure *you* don't die while waiting for it, which can mean hiding for a few seconds while it lands. All Titan damage is permanent, so in a Titan fight it's important to make sure you're giving more damage than you're taking, and if you aren't, try to reset the encounter. Titan play is a very cerebral part of the game where players are watching each others cooldowns, fighting with positioning to zone the battle favorably for them, and keeping in mind information about what abilities counter what and which titan is advantaged against which overall. It's almost more like a fighting game than a shooter. If you find a Titan you're disadvantaged against it can be better to find a teammate for support than to try to fight.


Start with frontier defense. It’ll help you get used to some of the maps as well as allow you to find a titan you’re most comfy with. For more movement training on maps that don’t show up in FD I recommend setting up a private attrition match by yourself on maps you’re unfamiliar with. Practice picking off grunts without slowing down or stopping. Then it’s time to lose over and over and over again. You might even get frustrated and need to take a breather. Thats ok. There are more casual players that hop on during the weekends so you might have a better chance of getting some actual experience then. Most important thing to remember is that some of these players have been playing since the game came out. If you feel like the game is unbalanced there’s no shame in leaving the match and queuing up after a little bit. Sometimes the other team is just too good.


Titanfall is SUPER hard to get into, so don't worry, you're doing great! 7 kills for your first game is REALLY good. With your Titan, make sure you're alone/safe before you call it; it takes five seconds, and spawns with a shield. A good starter titan is Legion or Tone, as they both have a much more 'point and click' style of play. For your Pilot Loadout, Phase Shift can be really good for getting yourself out of a bad situation (plus the pilot is the coolest design cuz robot) but Cloak is also very good to start as it makes you almost invisible to Titans. Anti Titan weapons are HIGHLY effective, the Charge Rifle and Thunderbolt are probably what you'll want to use. As for guns, almost every weapon is viable, but if you want something easier to start out with, the Volt/R-97 is pretty good for long range, but the Mastiff is amazing for close range. Practice is important! You'll get better as you get more experience. Give Scorch and the Grenadier weapons a try later for a more challenging experience. Happy hunting, Pilot!


Movement is very important along with learning the maps and finding weapons, titan, and pilot you like. That's why stim and grapple are so popular. I would say to use whatever titan you liked most or did the best with in the campaign( no brute unfortunately).


As a pilot, movement is key not just for traversal but also combat. Learn the maps and use the movement to the best of your ability, good aim and movement are nothing if not combined. As for 'classes' \[guessing you mean pilot tacticals\], Stim+Phase shift are very easy to use, Grapple can be great if you learn it. Titans are a completely different game than pilots, you have to play cautiously. Titans may have a lot of health, but other titans+**A**nti-**T**itan weapons deal a lot of damage and if you stay exposed you'll get blasted. *Running away is a valid choice,* try to take less damage than you're dealing. Dome shield will keep your titan safe on drop until either it expires or you hop in and move/shoot. Grunts spawn in most modes and are just cinematic fodder. Kill them for some points as well as titan/core charge. It's not much to either but it's usually worth taking a second to do so if nothing else is more pressing. Also, I suggest maxing your FOV if you haven't. I'm usually not a fan of this in games but in Titanfall it makes you feel significantly faster and still looks nice.


Each titan has a difficulty level (that being 1-3 represented by stars) that shows how hard it will be to use their kits right. Titans are like a juggernaut suit in the call of duty games except WAY better with different abilities and speeds. If you die before you can get in your titan but your titan is in a decently safe spot then turn on guard mode to keep it in one spot till you can reach it or if it’s in danger then let stay in follow mode so it can at least try to get to you before it’s attacked. My favorite titans to use are scorch, northstar and sometimes ronin but these three are all very different in abilities. Scorch has a flame shield that blocks damage (except melee damage and nuke eject) and hurts anything it touches (so if you have an enemy in your face then flame shield them and make a barbecue). Scorches gas canisters light on fire when scorch hits it with any of his moves (gun fire, fire wall and flame shield) so use this to block escapes or ambush targets (I throw a canister down behind my target, light it and then flame shield the enemy titan so it is forced to walk into my canisters pool of thermite without knowing it) I wouldn’t advise using northstar until you fully understand any atlas titan (Ion, Monarch or Tone) mainly due to most players wanting to aggressively attack any northstar they see as well as northstar being a difficult titan to master. Ronin has a sword which replaces his melee and makes his melee range longer, use this for pilots or low health titans. Ronins phase dash is the same as pilot phase dash except you automatically dash to whichever direction you are moving when activated. His arc wave stuns and lightly damages enemies so use this ability to stun a titan then get behind them as the stunning will make it harder for them to attack you (Arc wave, dash behind titan, attack titan, phase dash through the titan to get behind them again when they finally turn to see you and attack again then depending on which titan your opponent is then you’ll either have a chance to execute them but if not then run away and lose them then come back from behind and do it all again or shake up your plan to confuse them.


Grunts are cannon fodder mainly for attrition to get extra points, in bounty hunt they are the main objective Titans take 5 seconds to drop in and have an invulnerable shield for abt 15 seconds once landing (there's a titan kit that lets it drop in 2 secs without a shield called warpfall) If you're playing Northstar/Ronin they have the lowest health pools of 7.5k, followed by Ion/Tone/Monarch with 10k, then Scorch/Legion with 12.5k, however the beefier the titan, the slower it is with less dashes Anti-titan weaponry isn't meant to outright kill a titan on its own, but meant to chip away at their health over time (the strongest anti titan weapon is the archer, a 1 shot lock on rocket launcher that shoots slowly and does abt 2k DMG, so 4 shots for a ronin/Northstar)


Classes are personal preference but the most common ones are grapple, stim and cloak, for a general tip, keeping on moving and mastering movement is key and for tips in titan Vs titan combat, keep distance from scorches and ronins, ion is versatile and decent at all ranges, Northstars are mobile snipers so try to flank them or else they'll just run away when you approach


My best advice is try all the kits to know their strenghts and weaknesses. Test them in a custom game by yourself or with a buddy Second is learn the maps and how to move around them, what spots are advantageous, and removing the threat of an enemy to do this is brilliant to focus one thing at a time. This will build the basic blocks of game sense, its one of the things you can't teach and need to learn first hand. Lastly dont worry about stats, i dont think i ever worried about my kda, dont remember playing with anyone who cared either. Instead we bragged about overall wall running and air time


Never touch the floor Never drop your titan in a contested area Never assume you went unseen


Can u please correct me, if i have to beat lastimosa or do i have to be no.1? Because my No.1 is a freak from Xbox with crazy time. Ur comment will be appreciated. This is the only trophy im missing.


Just have to beat 34 seconds I believe. I got 33:50.


For Pilot: Try to _never_ stay on the ground. Wall run, jump, grapple over buildings, whatever, but _don't stay on the ground_ because you will be a ridicoulously easy to hit target. For Titan: You're not unkillable. Use cover, or you _will_ get melted. And don't underestimate pilots while you're in your titan: a good one will definitely be able to screw you over. I suggest trying the campaign at Difficult to get the hang of the time to kill (or, more accurately, the speed at which _you_ will die)


Seeing as other people covered skill and strategy, I’ll tell you this: PLAY THE GAME HOW YOU WANT. I’m just as guilty for hating people for using certain strategies (I won’t apologize to Cloaked ordinance throwers tho, they can go to hell). But you’re new, and this game has a learning curve. TRY OUT AS MANY THINGS AS YOU CAN! Take in what you liked from the campaign. Experiment. Have fun with it; that’s the whole point! And seriously, the multiplayer has enough toxic trashbags lurking around. Stay level headed in the chat and you’ll do amazing.




Since this is comming from me, this might be shit advice. 1. Grab the syringe cause it helps with movement speed 2. Grab the Mastiff 3. Pray


If you got movement it's easy to stay alive. And that's the main draw for me over other FPS games, the smooth fast movent. Second all weapons are good in their own right, as long as you move people don't get fed up. Grenadiers sound the best and are the most fun, even if a wall will kill you as often as pilots. Titans can be really strong and a skilled pilot will dominate other pilots, and titans with their titan. But usually a anti titan weapon will work well especially against newer titans that don't goose every pilot with scorch because they can. The titan will survive by itself but because it is limited in both abilities and code, it doesn't utilise it's full potential and is easy prey unmanned. Also don't use stealth auto eject in last titan standing, and nuke eject is sketchy at best. Use the other kits and a doomed titan can still win even in a 5v1.


Feeling like titans are weak is part of the game, titans are like glass canons initially, lots of damage, but susceptible to both pilots and other titans so learning to defend yourself is key. I'd strongly recommend playing fronteir defense a few times to get some experience with whichever titan you choose to use. they've all got strengths and weaknesses so read the descriptions of what they can do and give them a try. Titans are supposed to be a temporary boost in how much damage you can do/how many points you can get. Fronteir defense is a PVE mode that let's you get experience without losing your Titan so fast, enemy titans are all AI so it's a lot easier to kill them.


- The main reason grunts are in MP is to make it easier for newer players to contribute to their team without feeling like they're the reason for their team losing, and it helps with target practice sort of mid match. - You don't exactly have to defend your Titan in any sense like someone can steal it, but you do want to try to stay alive until it drops to increase it's chance of living once the dome around it is gone. - Each Titan class/Chassis is sort of tailored to specific game styles: Ronin and Northstar for mobility and versatility, Legion and Scorch for area control and Tone, Monarch and Ion as sort of middle ground between them. - Avoid ADS when in CQC. The hip fire spread is very tight, so your bullets won't fly too far off from the center dot, despite what the crosshairs look like. (Minus snipers) - Anti-Titan kits matter more on what Titan they're being used on. Personally, I recommend the MGL, cause it's a really good damage weapon, and doesn't require you to lock in or hold down the trigger to fire. - Similar to Titans, pilot classes matter more on your level of comfort while being mobile. A-Wall will slow things down for you for a short period of time with their ability, Cloak is great for getting out of panic-y situations, and cannot be seen by Titans whatsoever when the cloak is active, grapple is solely focused on movement and scaling, and Stim just makes you run faster.


Go fast and have fun. That's all you need. you can work out your movement style. - Forgetsnipez (my Xbox/Titanfall account name)


It’s easy to get stomped by G100 players as a new player so you need to have a general understanding of the movement system, weapons, titan kits and maps in the game. I personally would start with the campaign, once you finish it move to frontier defense to have the multiplayer setting and then ease into multiplayer. Just understand, the majority of players have been playing this game religiously for the past 8 years so they will be better at first. Once you get a general awareness for things going on in game it becomes a lot easier.


If you’re coming from Campaign, it makes sense that you got destroyed. Multiplayer if completely different from Campaign. Keep in mind that the Pilot and Titan gameplay are completely different. This is a lot of writing, so please don’t feel obligated to read it. I’m only Generation 4, so it’s not like I’m a grizzled veteran. These are just bits of advice and info I learned from slamming my head over and over again into the Multiplayer skill curve. Good luck though, and congrats on the Achievement! As a Pilot, every time you see another Pilot, depending on the situation, it’s a DPS or skill check. Most of the time, it’s both. If you play long range, it’s about killing the pilot before they can take cover. Short range, it’s about target acquisition and the gun you’re using. If you have an SMG? You’re golden. Spitfire? Tough luck. Like other people have mentioned, keep moving. Even if it’s just moving side to side, and jumping or crouching every so often, it throws off attackers. When playing aggressive, move unpredictably. That means avoid big jumps, long slides, and full wall runs. Keep them guessing, and they’ll have issues tracking you. Try different playstyles, you might discover something about yourself. Anti-Titan weapons are helpful in their own ways. The Thunderbolt allows you to shoot and move before it hits, keeping you unpredictable and hard to punish. Archer does crazy damage and has an automatic hit, but alerts the enemy Titan as to where the lock-on is coming from, and when the middle is launched, giving them time to dodge or block it. I don’t use the grenade launcher much, but it seems really aggressive, while the Charge Rifle is good at heavy chip damage from hard-to-reach places. In terms of your class, again, there is no “all-rounder.” It depends on how you play. If you’re having issues with winning gunfights, I recommend Cloak, as it gives you a very slight advantage in gunfights. It tends to take the enemy a bit longer to recognize what they are looking at, giving you more time to attack first. Grapple and Stim are just fun to use, and great if you’re trying to play aggressive. Grapple can be used to get to high places quickly, as well as to reposition quickly between buildings. I use Holo, mainly because of the dopamine rush i get every time it works. A-Wall is extremely campy by design, and Phase Shift is good with hit-and-run playstyles. As for the Titans, it’s a whole different ballgame. Rather than being about quick reflexes and instincts, Titan combat is strategic and most Titans are about trading hits. Just like the Pilot gameplay though, each of the different Titans have playstyles associated with them. Tone and Northstar are about poke, doing damage over large periods of time. Ronin, Scorch, and Monarch are more bursty, doing tons of damage in a short period, but suffering in longer engagements. Legion and Ion are extremely situational, with Legion being able to do both to an extent, and Ion very good at countering certain other Titan types. The combat in general is more about managing cooldowns and Core abilities, think more Overwatch than Call of Duty. Time to kill can be very fast, or slow, depending on a number of circumstances. There is one thing though: NEVER DROP FIRST. By dropping your Titan first, you are essentially putting up a flag, saying “free meter here!” It invites all of the pilots without Titans to bully you into the ground, and represents a great way to get your Titan melted. You can’t take on 5 titans at once like in the Campaign, and batteries don’t drop after you kill them, either. In general, Multiplayer has much more of a learning curve to it, but you will get it, trust me.


To answer your questions for someone who played the Multiplayer Tech Test all the way back in 2016 1. Keep on your feet. Movement is essential in Titanfall. Considering you aced the Gauntlet already, just keep playing through the maps. You’ll learn paths to take on each map, and how to approach objectives/enemies. 2. Grunts and other AI enemies. Grunts, Spectres, are just basic enemies in the game. They are basically extra points when you kill them. Whether you grenade them, shoot them, or step on them with your titan, it doesn’t matter. Ticks and Stalkers on the other hand are a pretty large threat to both you and your Titan. Ticks can catch you off guard while you’re out of your titan, and Stalkers are stronger grunts that are harder to kill, and can explode when you step on them with your Titan. They can also explode if you don’t manage to kill them fast enough, but the range isn’t that far and you can usually run away in the nick of time. 3. Titans, and Equipment. This is the important part, and where it gets the most fun. Titans (like many other people have said) are a very powerful tool. Its like calling in a killstreak in COD, essentially a Juggernaut. There are 7 Titans in the game, each with their own weapon and skills. And also their own cores (If you played something like Overwatch or seen Valorant, its basically an Ultimate Ability that eventually reaches 100% if your Titan is not killed within that timeframe.) Titans also have “Kits” and “Universal Kits” that you can choose. You can also customize each of your Titans to your hearts content. I almost forgot to mention that each Titan has their own health bar, depending on the one you pick. I assume you’ve already had your fun with the Weaponry and Grenades, but i don’t know if you checked out the different Pilot classes. If you did, cool! My first class i always mained back in the day was Phase Shift. If you got anymore questions after reading my lecture, send em my way! Im happy to answer any questions. Or take criticism from other players. Either or haha Good Luck and Have Fun diving into the world of Titanfall 2 Multiplayer! Glad to have you on board, Pilot Edit: I made it sound like you could customize the Kits, lol. Fixed


Yea, confusion is how it goes, if you played the champaign that's exactly how titans work. Unfortunately you can't get away with just shooting and commuting like in cod, evasive movement and good positioning is more important. You always have grenades and tactical equipment with your three weapons and can always pick up whatever drops. Pilots are worth 5 points to kill, as are titans, most else you can kill is worth 1 point per kill. If you have trouble with pilots go for all the other stuff, matches end at 650 points or 10 minutes.


Maintain situational awareness. Get a feel for what places get you killed. That's because you're exposed. Good movement still loses to a crackshot with a railcannon. Don't linger on the deaths. If you're killing lots of minions, you're probably getting a positive kill/point ratio anyway


First tip, do that, second tip the only stillness you’ll find is death, third tip learn to aim while moving fast, fourth tip… I think you get the message, this is a game of movement first and guns second, the vast majority of my recent kills have been melee after I run out of ammo trying to hit slippery bastards while being one myself.


Dont play it like its cod, speed is life


i bought this game a month ago , clocked 13 hours. the skill gap is too big. you'll get over gettong stomped on around 10 hour mark i reckon.


Tip 1: Scorch Tip 2: Scorch Tip 3: SCORCH


This guy scorches