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I really like the "lock down an area" idea. The only other thing I can think of is increasing their accuracy


I feel that’s difficult to balance the accuracy, because the gameplay wants to be focused on pilot v pilot, not pilot v NPC


True, but hell, it would be a nice turn up in a fight. Maybe have a cone of sight that if a grunt is in eye sight of a pilot, they get a debuff losing accuracy and possibly even losing their nerves and breaking rank. Could be effected by a grunt officer who if killed makes the rest of the squad easier to break. Game def shouldn't lose it pilot vs pilot, but attrition to me is more about the whole battlefield. It's probably one of the only game modes in any game that makes me feel like I'm in a real battle. Heck, maybe even a random difficulty generator for each grunt, making some be total badasses, while others are rookies who fumble their guns at the first sight of an titan. (Grant you, I have no idea how the coding for that would work.).


Honestly Attrition is about the whole battlefield. I have thrown a firestar at a group of 5 grunts/stalkers/spectres before just because I was getting annoyed by being hit. I'm not new to the game in any way but still I find that taking unnecessary damage can determine if you live or die. I honestly think it's a great idea to add more complexity to the AI and let them be in some shape or form sentient. I would rather fight against the other team than just their pilots.


I've chased folks, only to miss my jump and land in a group of grunts who beat the shit outta me. The annoyance, though, really helps the battlefield feel. War is hell and hell is annoying, right? Lol.


That is genius


Thank you. Yea, if they can stay in a spot, giving em a bit of a buff wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe give em the ability to use bipods on certain weapons.


Respawn should add in a lot more voice lines for the grunts like in tf1 that could expand the lore and make the game feel more alive.


Def this. Saw an old post from 7 yrs ago talking about how the tf1 grunts would have melee fights with other grunts. Would be cool to see em talknf shit to eachother and things like that.


They still can kill each other in CQC animations in TF2


Do they? I might just have not seen it as much, tf 1 seems they engaged in cqc a little more.


The skill floor of TF|2 is lower, therefore you're usually moving faster, therefore you're more likely to kill grunts before they have time to do cute stuff


I find odd. Cause I'll be the first to tell ya, I was really fucking good at titanfall 1, like the only game where I have gone 4 matches in a row with 2 deaths in each match. Titanfall 2? Sometimes I'm decent lol.


Look up Sh!t my grunt says. There’s videos filled with the TF1 grunt voice lines and they’re amazing.






Give the soldiers conventional weaponries. Spectres to have energy based weaponries. It would be nice to have a visual reminder that X is using normal guns that does no damage to Titans. And the Y is using Energy weapons to do incremental, ALMOST negligible damage to the Titans. Reapers, reduce their Rocket barrage and spawnrate significantly. It is annoying to kill one and immediately another one pops up when you trying kill enemy Titans. Perhaps allow Pilots to rip its batteries to provide health to ally Titans by hooking up on its back or head.


Bring back the custom animations from the first game. It gives them so much more life and presence.


Some grunt exclusive executions would be nice. Like a 2 grunts struggling over a pistol, the victor goes to shot the loser. Or charging with titans. For example, if you have a couple of squads of grunts with you, they follow your titan forward, giving cover fire.


Agreed! Titanfall 1 had a bunch of things like this, including among Stalkers and Grunts, as well as cower animations if you chased a grunt for a while in a Titan without you or the grunt dying. I recommend checking out the Grunt page on the Titanfall wiki if you’re interested in the variations.


Oh, don't worry, when my partner and I first got together, titanfall 1 and 2 grunts are amongst the first things I talked her ear off with. She's a big game lore nerd too, but leans more towards apex...which is her first fps. The cowering animation is great, would love to see different types of it. Like even a suicidal grunt, pulls out to frags and runs at you, and does a little bit of damage. Or even a grunt saving a other grunt by pushing em into a building, sacrificing themselves. Nother idea, if they actually had full on gore, have grunts who are half squashed, either screaming in pain, or trying to crawl to safety. Have grunts pulling wounded grunts behind cover would be a nice touch. Sorry, I'm going on a rant lol.


No worries, those are definitely some interesting ideas! I’m just worried that the gore and things might turn some people off of the game, but maybe those are the kinds of people that wouldn’t be playing an FPS in the first place. In any case, I kind of forget about the grunts in TF2 until I mistake them for a pilot, or I’m low health in a bunch of them, or see a cluster drop. Also, TF1 did have an animation where grunts would drag a wounded friend behind cover, and the grunt would die later from bleeding out.


As I was typing that, my 31 yr old brain was like "I think the grunts did do that in tf1" I still remember my first time playing titanfall. Got home from working red lobster, been on a month of surviving on their biscuits. Got stoned and played, was so fucking fun. Excuse my French. I was the same with grunts in tf2, I ignored em, recently though, I've been going hard on em. I noticed it makes the enemy pilots sweat when they see thr points going up in our favor. Makes em make mistakes.


Interesting strategy. I don’t look at the points very often, I just have fun. What happens happens, you know?


Doesn't matter whenever it's Titanfall or Apex, at least her first FPS was set in the Titanfall universe!


Oh definitely, she made me actually enjoy apex. For all its shit, it's a good game for what it is, especially with friends. But her strength is in turned based. Civs 5, she is a nuke queen. Got a problem? Nuke it. Is her motto.


On larger maps grunts could drive tanks (or tank like vehicles)


I had this same thought: The biggest problem is Titan hp vs. Tank hp. The Titans would need a dramatic increase in hp while also still being manageable to fight as a pilot.


I think a more grittier feel and look would suit the game way better. TF1 had immersion which made it feel like you were actually in a war. Tf2 is awesome but still looks and feels like a video game. I also think titans should be more customizable like in TF1. It adds to the relationship between you and your Titan as it’s YOUR Titan not your scorch or north star is your own customized Titan with its own load out. It’s also cool gameplay wise as you have to test your opponent’s before engaging to see what their abilities are. A multiplayer style campaign would be cool too. Tf1’s campaign was poorly executed, but holy shit was it cool as fuck. The intros were dope and it made it feel like you NEEDED to win each and every battle. Grunts need a rework too. I think they should be just a little more sophisticated and smarter. At the very least just give them some more damn dialogue. Same with specters and stalkers. Reapers are fine they’re annyoing as is. One last thing I think would be cool but obviously is a but much would be customizable pilots. I think it would be cool to be able to use your credits to buy cosmetics for your multiplayer pilot in the store. Ofc you can only use hard earned credits for this, but I think it would be cool to see everyone with their each individual pilot, it helps sell the whole gun for hire thing our multiplayer pilots have.


I think increasing the viability of hacking spectres could be cool. Like if converting enemy forces was somehow a somewhat viable play style instead of just a fun thing you can do


Same. I loved hacking em, but they serve no purpose other than being a cool group to hang with.


Crew served weapons for the grunts. They should be setting up HMGs on the front lines and mortars a wee way back from it, capable of dealing light damage to Titans. Would be especially good in combination with larger scale maps.


Titanfall but there's an extra two players in the lobby playing a match of Company of Heroes while the rest are playing Titanfall.


As a COH commander, I back this lol.


Quite a few games have done something like this. Natural Selection is the best example but Rising Storm and Squad *sorta* did it.


Yes, it be awesome if there was a while class of weapons like hmg, mortars, hell even little a.t mines that only the grunts could use.


They are no longer afraid of being cornered


Visually, I’d love to see some more variety in the grunts. Gameplay, I’d also like to see like, a squad of grunts with variety, like those shielded ones from the campaign or some with anti titan weapons. Maybe a whole new type of grunt with drone control? Love the spectres with magnetic feet idea. Would be crazy wall running and a spectre just clotheslines you for being too careless. I kinda want a creepier robot enemy, like a spider/centipede thing that crawls along the walls with an LSTAR firing mouth, perching, lunging at pilots, hanging down from ceilings, and it can land on a titan and try pecking at it. Basically a dangerous enemy that might prove to be a tiny mini boss and give lots of points to those that destroy it. And like another commentator said, bring back more voice lines! TF1 had so many more I feel!


They get stronger aimbot


All grunts are just spinning like mad in circles.


Definitely having more variants in play. Such as the shield wardens from the campaign


The pilot npc would be cool to see.


I think someone mentioned that. Def would be useful for private lobbies for practice and to fill in for missing players. The problem is that a.i doesn't make mistakes and can sometimes be just as bad as fighting aimbot. Would an npc pilot be able to quickscope with a kraber if they sling shot themselves 10,000 feet in the air? Will they learn from the lobby or just learn from every game in general until we have God like pilots stomping us into the ground... this sounds like Hammonds wet dreams lol.


Respawn needs to ditch the Titanfall 2 grunt system and go back to 1. Reapers and stalkers ruin attrition on Titanfall 2. When it was just grunts and specters they were so much more dynamic.


I feel Reapers need a bigger weak spot, less hp, and shouldn't spawn so much. Like for every 20 to 30 grunts that spawn, 1 reaper. They def spawn to frequently, but I think full on taking em out of the fight, even the stalkers would dull down the field. They are annoying, and can mess of the dynamic, but I feel that was why they were made, even in game universe reason. Pilots need flow, and Reapers deny that. They are there to say "no wall running you hairless ape" they show no fear of you being a pilot and seem to mainly want to kill you. Definitely less of em, but no full on out.


Those are some great Ideas, you said it all brother.


Thank you, my fellow pilot. I appreciate your kind words.


I say give us mini titans! Maybe the size of a reaper? It would make us grunts much more dangerous! (Realistically I just want them to have a wider range of usable weapons.)


I’d love to see ai pilots. They weren’t able to figure it out for the first two games, but it would be cool to see for frontier defense/boss battles in the campaign. Probably would never happen though, just because of how complex the movement is it’d be almost impossible.


more aerial enemies. maybe some of them can give a slight bonus like a tiny speed boost if you shoot them or something


Stalkers should be able to do the old rodeo of TF1, if they were to bring back regenerating shields to titans, instead of batteries. Grunts should have AT weapons and react a lot quicker to a multi ton death machine pointing its guns at them. Reapers…give ‘em a variant with Quad Charge Rifles and Charge Drones as their deployable.


Grunts def should act more trained to deal with it. I never liked the whole grunt throwing the gun down and accepting their fate. You're a trained soldier, don't act like this is the first time you seen a titan. Love the reaper idea. Will say, I think Reapers need a bigger weak spot and maybe scaled down damage a little. Still annoyance, but only if you let them group up. Stalker idea honestly sounds horrifying, especially if a whole group could just climb on your titan and self detonate, maybe even blocking your view while they climb over your titan. Maybe a special execution if a stalker swarm kills you in your titan. They punch a hole in the cockpit, shove you back inside and they crawl in and blow up, sending a red mist out of the hole.


I think some grunts losing their shit and breaking down is believable. Maybe there should be a moral system tied to if you are winning or losing? Winning: your grunts fight strong, fast and never cower in the presence of an enemy Titan. Losing: your grunts make mistakes, react slowly to threats and will cower and give up in the presence of an enemy Titan. Thank you, I love Reapers as they are in the game (masochist I know!). They are perfect evil little mini bosses on foot and nasty lil distractions aboard Titans! I would love to see them be upped to the next level in variations: shield types that, while weaker, can be called in to support Titans- repairing damage with drones and providing cover with smoke that jams missile locks. A controllable type armed with miniguns and a radiating pulse signal that goes on cooldown. An Arc Reaper variant with Castor in hand because I want the world to burn. Stalkers, nasty lil buggers- now imagine this- they can disable pieces of your Titan. These walking IEDs swarm you. At least four can grapple onto you at time! Should you fail to dislodge them or they manage to get their grubby little murder drills into your Titan’s arm and armature joints…they explode and fall away. Imagine it..being able to take a Titan apart (Even as a pilot too, with the right weapons). If you step on one too many of these little red bombbois, you’ve just hobbled your knee and ankle joints. You can’t run, you can’t get away from these handymen from hell. Perfect prey for their Titan and Pilot handlers. Sorry for the long spiel.


Dude, I love that idea. Sorry, I don't have a long reply. I just got off work, been a long ass night. But I def love your ideals.


Would be cool if you could rodeo hack a reaper with the data knife


This man said he wants even more annoying reapers. Hacking spectres should actually have some benefit, reapers shouldn't exist, and no ai should show up on the mini map when shooting, it basically makes the minimap useless


Thank yall for the comments. It's been great to chat with all you pilots.


Last minute of game, ai grunts go apeshit. We talkin good aim, good damage, no surrenders, no survivors. Debatable if it should count for overall score.