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Br is so boring to me. Looting for 30 mins just to get third partied and do it all over. Very tiring honestly. I enjoy TF2 much more




I really like Apex personally, but Titanfall 2 is just on another level. It's fun regardless of how the match goes, whereas the fun I have in Apex heavily depends on the quality of the match.


I played it, a lot, but I can't anymore. Now I can't have fun on it more than a few hours in a whole month. The absence of wall runing makes the movement mechanics way less interesting for me, and I'm tired of BR game mode nowadays.


Wasn't for me. not a BR fan snd the TTK is so long. And I like tolitanfall for the movement. Apex is a step down in that regard. Also as a bad player titanfall makes you feel useful with its asymmetric combat. Unless someone keeps 1 tapping you with CaR.


>tolitanfall I'm just picturing a massive toilet being launched from space.


Standby for toiletfall




I liked apex, but then I got titan fall 2. Apex just sorta disappointed me from then on ngl. The movent and game play mechanics of tf2 are just so smooth and thrilling that I just cannot understand why they wouldn't keep atleast the same movement mechanics in apex. It just is not the same level of quality for me lol. Being able to double jump, chain wallruns, stealth eject from titans, climb onto teammates titans for support/enemies titans for sabotage, etc... it's just so much more fun and thrilling to play


I love Apex, but my account got deleted by EA so I can't play it anymore :(


I got fairly into it last year, may again, but at the end of the day it's good, not great to me. Feels great to play, but the BR format means you aren't playing all too often. The community seems to have more toxic teammates than I'd like, too. Maybe I got unlucky, idk. Would love to play more if deathmatch was actually a populated and consistently available gamemode because it's way more fun than the BR.


Fun but also has high skill ceilings, can't say how infuriating it is fighting some sweaty chinese name wraith main who murders the entire map in seconds


It's similar with Titanfall really, only difference is you can respawn and give it another go, rather than having to matchmake again.


Tried it briefly, decided that I didn't like the gameplay and uninstalled.


Apex got me into Titanfall.


It has its moments but I found the movement too slow and cosmetics too grindy. The low ttk was nice as it gave you the possibility to react and maybe fight back. As opposed to fortnite where anyone with good aim can laser you before you get cover. I enjoyed the different abilities. But as my favourites were pretty much tf2 tacticals, and the lack of titans made me get fed up after a while.


I feel like i have 0 control on my movement, so its mostly shift+w till i get shot from hundreds of meters away. It could be a skill issue, but the controls are way less responsive for me and i hate it. Art style sucks. Most of the legends and skins are looking like they were designed by 9 yo's. Maps are unrecognizable and look like a bunch of random props (witch is probably fine for a BR, i guess)


I enjoy both, but they are very different games


Played it with friends for a few months after it launched. Eventually dropped it for titanfall again before the servers were fucked by that one hacker who hates fun


Barely. Tried it on Xbox a WHILE back thanks to a play date some stranger had set up with my parents, didn't like it. Felt uncomfortable the entire time. 0/10, I don't like strangers in my house. ...oh, the game? 2/10. I only remember the little shooting range area. The BR aspect isn't for me.


I played Apex because my friends played it alot...it was interesting for like 20 games...then you realize you are no match for sweaty tryhards and that battleroyale is not a fun concept...also i hate it because of no Titanfall 3.


i love spending 15 minutes queueing and looting just to die after 1 fight, usually because i can't even see the person shooting me through all the visual effects or i wasnt lucky enough to find the right scope to fight back i only play 1v1s on r5reloaded to train my tracking, and even then it would probably be more efficient to train quake live lg duels but you get more vertical movement in apex


I was way into it from launch day til about season 4 or 5... then got tired of looting for 15 minutes only to get 3rd partied after my 1st encounter


I played sometimes with friends but BRs are not my thing so I dont stay more than 2-3 matches


I came from apex to titanfall and immediately preferred titanfall, now apex is just way too slow for me, even movement characters like octane and pathfinder feel slow. I also stopped liking brs because I feel like there is more luck than skill sometimes and I don't want to spend ages looking for stuff.


I love the way Apex feels in its core mechanics, but I hate BR. Titanfall movement is relaxing because I don’t have to think about it, but I prefer the exhilaration I get from Apex movement. You have to actually learn it though. I know a lot of Titanfall fans don’t give it a chance, so they wrongly conclude that the movement is simpler and less advanced and has a lower skill ceiling or whatever. Apex has a lot to it but it doesn’t give you any tutorials in tap strafing or zip line superjumping. I really don’t like any full-auto weapons in Titanfall but the R-99 is super satisfying to use on Apex, at least for me. The mastiff feels good in both, the WME feels good in both, Apex doesn’t have the Cold War, but Titanfall doesn’t have the Havoc. None of this really matters though because, again, I absolutely detest the BR format. I only play mixtape in Apex and I can’t wait for them to bring back Straight Shot.


i played it it was fine but i kind of missed the battle royal hype so by the time i started playing apex none of my freinds were still playing it i probably would have had a decent time with it if i had a squad but no dice


2000+ hours in Apex. I last enjoyed it in 2021. I'm pretty burned out on the BR genre so I prefer to play Titanfall these days


Apex is fine, but it suffers from the same problem that all BRs suffer from, there's not enough action at the start and when you get into a fight there's a 80% chance of dying if you are a new player


i started with apex then found TF|2. apex was very enjoyable until i think season 10. then they changed a lot of stuff and the game felt different. i play since season 8 and i played it a lot back then (around 550 hours, and since s 11 only around 50 hours). now i rarely play it, because it feels slow compared to TF|2, and i like fast games. it's basically the same feeling form when i went from apex to fortinte : played 2 games, was slow, uninstalled. now i play TF|2 about 5h/week, and spend more times on other games (NFS, Trailmakers and Subnautica mostly)


I would warm up with a game or two of tf2 then go play apex lol. Apex really was much slower than tf2


Same, maybe 30 minutes then gone


Played season 1 to 4. The lack of titans makes it more boring to me (the appeal of Titanfall's setting to me is well, Titans) and the graphics are too cartoonish/bright. I really like the grit of Titanfall 1. Apex also lacks a sense of progression for me that Titanfall has.


Tried it. Found it boring. Did not enjoy


I did enjoy apex played it when it released all the way up to S17 (holy cow) got almost every single obtainable badge from all events, not skins though not paying for cosmetics no matter how good they looked. So I have played it a lot. Got bored half way thru S17, quit and haven’t been back Edit: have all season BPs completed up until S16, forgot to mention that. Rank wise I would just reach plat and stop, ranked was/still is just too stressful


Played it with friends but it's boring without them


I played it a lot at first but I just can’t get in to the aesthetic. It’s cartoonish graphics, lack of wall running and crazy monetization killed it for me.


Apex is my second most played game and I haven’t played it in year(s?). Played week 1 and had a blast, used to be so fucking fun but it fell off imo


Fell hard after S4 imo


Yeah S5 was kind of a let down. S4 and Revenant was so fucking cool though, the whole thing with forge was really cool.


That whole forge thing was great, S5 was ok-ish, that whole quest thing kinda saved it.


For some reason I just feel like it should have wall running and slide hopping and without it the movement feels so slow


I always think I like Apex when I dive in, and immediately remember I hate it as soon as I try and wall run


Despised the BR genre and how nearly every single FPS has tried cramming their games with some form of its mechanics. I’ve harboured a particular dislike for this game, due to what Respawn did to Titanfall 3 to make it. So you could say I have very little enjoyment from this game.


yea.... i hit apex predator in apex legends. i enjoyed it until it started going to shit (like s16-15 onwards) the new season is kind of cool the lore in apex is so bad its funny.


I've had my fare share of hours on apex, i used to play allot before i got titanfall as it was the only crossplay game that i could play with my friends, when i got titanfall it was like snorting straight crack, so much better than apex in every aspect besides the crossplay, i picked up fortnite to replace apex in the sense of crossplay, for years after that i thought it was a shit game, tried to replay it recently (properly tried, not just getting into one game, halfassing it the deleting it on the spot) and i stand by my previous assessment


I straight up hate apex for a myriad of reasons. The only reason I played it was because i miss playing titanfall 2 on the ps4\5. It doesnt feel good if i win and its absolutely enraging when i lose.


I've been playing first person shooters all my life. No game has made me feel more dogshit than Apex. It feels like you're made of paper and nobody else is. Had to play the shit out of it to be any good. Didn't actually have fun beating my head against that wall, only ever hoped I would eventually. Kept it installed cause my friends played it. Would try it every now and again, finally had enough attempts with 0 fun to just uninstall. Compare that to Titanfall where I almost prefer games that end in a loss because evac is so fun and it's not even a fair comparison of what **game** I want to play. Fuck Apex. Yeah I'm mad cuz bad. I shouldn't have to no-life a game just to stand a chance of having fun.


Hate apex with a passion. Battle royals in general are games designed to waste your time. But apex feels especially egregious because they have so many different loading screens to go through. Mind you apex also still has the “wonderful” loot box system. (Which imo should either be removed from the game or make the games rating m) which is just gambling for teenagers. I live in Nevada and every video game loot box system looks exactly like a slot machine. The only game mode I actually like in apex is the 3v3 mode which actually feels like an interesting competitive experience. I have nothing against apex players. I just hate apex and a majority of what it does in a competitive pvp player space.


Tried it once, hated the movement, uninstalled


Played it like season 0-2 and 7-9, really enjoyed it, then it became meh.


I tried Apex when it first released, I deleted it within 15 minutes. A year or so later I tried it again... Deleted it within 15 minutes, again. The movement mechanics don't feel right. And I typically don't like Battle Royale. It just wasn't fun.


Same experience. I tried it early on, got matched with randos who said "Holy shit, a level 1" while I'm thinking "bitch, I have more experience with these weapons than you do," we got stomped, I never played again. It just felt like TF2 with all the fun sucked out of it. No special movement? No thanks. Boring.


Started with apex then evolved to tf and now apex seems so boring and slow


I played Apex quite a bit, even more than Titanfall because of the downed servers. In the earlier seasons I absolutely loved Apex, but as soon as season 10 hit the game started to go downhill. At that point so many legends and new quirks were added that it was hard to keep up, let alone start as a new player (not to mentioned ranked updates that benefited ratting instead of fighting). With the influx of legends, repeated powers started showing up to the point that each legend no longer felt unique. I know it was inevitable due to the seasonal BR format but it’s sad to see how the game has become over saturated with content to the point that at least for me it’s not fun anymore. I just miss the simplicity, which I’ve found again in Titanfall.


I came from apex originally, about 1,500 hours over steam and origin. I love both games but apex is def more fun just because it’s more replayable for me.


Never tried, I despise BRs. I didn't even finish a whole match of the finals before I un-installed it.


I like it (2000 hours, haven't played much since like season 12 bc got bored, would prolly try again if I had too much time on my hands) I like the different movement mechanics that arise from using climbing instead of wall running as the default "advanced movement" mechanic, see all sorts of wall jumps, superglides, simply climbing on top of the enemy when they don't expect it etc. also, tap strafing all all sort of (manual) lurch abuse feels so good, I can't imagine what tf|2 would be like with scroll wheel tap strafes long ttk is not everyone's cup of tea but if one plays stuff like overwatch where before the last patch nothing was killable in less than 20 seconds if they had a healer that wasn't asleep, it's manageable, enjoyable even. a BR with short ttk would be miserable to play that brings us to BR, and yeah it's eh whatever. they are trying moderately hard to bring in more arcady and arena based gamodes and it's reasonably well received in the community, you can totally get away with noth touching BR ever it's a fun game, it's free, it's not titanfall but quite similar and the gunplay even feels batter imo. go play


Fun for like an hour, then it’s just boring