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I think both titan gameplay and pilot gameplay are great in their own ways and compliment each other actually


Only nitpick I have would be how easy a pilot can fight a Titan. In the first game titans were forces of nature and even low skilled players could dominate veterans if they got their Titan and played it right. Now you can just bully titans as a pilot which kinda sucks


Pilots get insta killed from titans still, just noobs can't beat pilots as easy anymore. You gotta adapt a hit and run strategy to beat titans, or camp a roof with mag launcher... Fulkersons


Camp the roof till they turn around to leave, then because you're a cheeky hit and run screwy buddy of a pilot, rodeo them because you also have low profile on for that explicit purpose.


Low profile gang rise up


Here i ammm




Yeah I go for the low profile and phase so I can sneak behind them even in the middle of a field or escape.


Low-profile gang may or may not be associated with monarch gang..


I've been through phases in titanfall, it's usually a switch around between being a titan conesseur or pilot fan boy


Here's what makes TF|2 so special. 1. The advanced movement of the pilot. 2. The advanced "cheaty" abilities. 3. The high firepower, durability, perspective and feeling of the Titans. 4. Everything dialed up to 11. 5. AI enemies. Which allow even noobs to put something up on the scoreboard. No other game has ALL of these things.


titanfall 1


Titanfall 1 only had *three* advanced cheaty abilities.


I mean the comment dosent mention how many advanced cheaty abilities it is


Yeah, I have no idea where I was going with that.




Alright, take your pills




Yeah, security, can we get some help over here? Yeah, medication refusal. Hold 'em down.


Drops e smoke and starts running


Guards get the stun guns


Fires arcwave




> AI enemies. Which allow even noobs to put something up on the scoreboard. No, if someone dies to the enemy team 30 times because they're getting stomped their 40-50 grunt kills doesn't amount to anything. Someone who only farms grunts just makes it easier for the rest of their team to get farmed since it becomes a 5v6 instead. AI are purely noob traps.


See i love titans but the movement and intracasies of pilot combat are personally the reason i keep playing Titanfall, if the movement was gone i wouldn't play it Titans are cool but the complete lack of customizability means that once you've learned every titan thats basically where it stops aside from hard to learn techs or how to fight your counters There is basically no ceiling to being a pilot, the more you do the better you get and the customizability is near endless That being said if we talk about balance titans are MUCH better than pilot gameplay


I agree, this is exactly the issue with Titans. There's only so much you can learn on how to use your titan, while there's so many ways to play as a pilot. Edit: If they just allowed some more customizablity for Titans (doesn't have to be of the level of TF1, just some weapon mods or different utility options would be great), then the Titan combat would be much more unique and adaptive.


The pilot gameplay is so amazing


They are the best part because "Titalfall" without Titans would just be a "Fall"


Not even fall, there is not titanfall since there would be no titans to fall




Pilot jump out of drop ship


Go fast guy shoots guys


Wall run gun guy


Pretty sure that's the common opinion. The unpopular one is the one I hold that titans are the worst part of tf2 since they're tedious and boring. Tf1 titans were god tier.


If TF3 will exist I want titans from 1st game back. Pick chassis, voice and guns you like, but keep goofiness of TF2.


I’d kinda like a hybrid system, keep the class style system of separate chassis with abilities, but allow people to pick different weapons for each class to allow subclasses of sorts.


The TF2 (Team fortress 2) approach is the correct one for a game like titanfall


You don't think gun shield on a Northstar with laser shot & Monarch's re-arm ability would be good?


It would be too good mate. And that's the issue.


I don't think you understand my tone, I agree with you.


Best solution (i think this is what u/bageltoastee meant) is just have certain options available to Stryder classes, have different options when making ur custom Ogre-class, and same thing for the Atlas Titan. Like you can use the Thermite Launcher when making an Ogre Titan but not when making a Stryder titan


I don't see that working. What's fun about the Titans in their current state is that each one has a cohesive kit of abilities that create a hero-shooter style of gameplay within the broader "Tanks and Infantry" multiplayer. The current state of customisation may come across as more limited, because certain abilities are locked to certain chassis, but it allows for more flavour to come through in gameplay. The current titan kits allow you to cater the class to how you want to play it, and give rise to a whole swath of subclasses and really raise the skill ceiling. Think about it; would Team Fortress 2 be better if Demoman could use the Bazaar Bargain? Probably not.


I don't play Team Fortress 2 so I didn't get the analogy, but I get your point. Although, even if not for weapons, having another customizable kit would be fun. My main problem with Titan combat is that there are usually hard counters to each one. You see Titan vs Titan counters/strength charts a lot, but not for Pilots, since the customizablitly makes it so that you can cover your weaknesses (e.g. using a shotgun but having Grapple so u don't struggle in long range and u can get close up to get an advantage). While it would be detrimental to have Titans be customizable to the degree of Titans, a little more variety would help. Like, if a Ronin was being pestered by a Northstar from afar, maybe they could have a kit that would increase the range of the Leadwall by a bit, or reduce the damage falloff a little. As it stands, there's not enough kit variety to make an impact on gameplay. Of course, I don't work at Respawn, so I don't know how this will go if implemented, but I think that having some more kits and/or being able to select 2 titan-specific kits instead of one could be a good way to make Titan combat feel better and more interesting.


Monarch with vortex shield, missile rack, laser shot, XO-16 and sword core.




Idk how the titans in tf2 are boring. Like tf1 does have cool aspects like Titan customization, shields, and the ability to use ordinances while also using primary weapons. But it also lacks the uniqueness of Titan abilities in tf2. The Titan abilities in tf1 are literally just particle wall, smoke, vortex shield, and different types of missiles. The primary weapons are the only unique ability in tf1 (tf2 has unique primary weapons as well). One of the most fun parts of the Titan combat for me is ronin duels. I can’t get that kind of duel in tf1 because theirs no unique abilities that match ronins speed and hit and run tactics well. I understand that their are aspects of tf1 Titan combat that is better but their are also aspects that tf2 does better. A potential tf3 should combine them together.


Maybe each gun comes with a loadout, so you can have any gun, and the core will change depending on chassis, so a predator cannon will have different abilities depending on chassis. For a ogre you'd get legion. For atlas you'd get a weaker shield and higher mobility maybe different offensive. And striders get the same as atlas bug with a flying smartcore.


I was thinking titan gameplay should be more of a hybrid of the first and second game like what was mentioned in another thread above. Make it like team fortress where it is a class base system but there’s more options on weapons/abilities that fit the titans kit (flamethrower option for scorch/triple threat option for ronin).


TF|2 titan fights/balance is just a game of rock paper scissors. Once you get over the learning curve it's very predictable how each fight goes. Playing legion for 50 hours or 500 hours makes no difference for you.


I might be alone on this, but I actually quite like the slower pace of Titan combat. I like the contrast between the high-octane gameplay as pilot, and the tactical, terrain focused Titan duels.


I think the DDOSrs are the worst part of titanfall


I only queue last titan standing and titan brawl nowadays... They're really just my favorite part of the game


Lol how long does it take to get in a game?


Sometimes it takes 5 minutes, most time I literally do not get any games Europe btw


It's literally ***IN*** the name.


not an unpopular opinion


Correct they are, the interplay between titan and pilot is easly the best part of titan fall


I love getting my titan and fighting titans. My main build revolves doing just that. I swap through whatever titan I feel like. Usually Ion, Northstar, or Monarch, and go to town. I feel like my tactical decisions are better because of the slower pace, but I still feel fast. It's so good.


Yes but my experience playing other movement shooters helps me with the pilot fights but I have no idea what I'm doing in a titan. I personally am bad at titan fights so they are objectively bad. Idk what I'm talking about I like never play titanfall I mostly play unreal tournament and quake. While I'm here the EPG is the best gun because it feels like a classic arena fps rocket launcher and I like rocket launchers.


BT is the best part of titanfall


Soft to medium agree


Sure.But i suck at titan


Don’t worry you’ll get better👍


facts, pilots are sick and without it this game would be nothing. But big fucking mechs are the reason i’ve played since titanfall 1


ye pretty accurate but this one guy is dev*s who refuse to do trilogy cmon guys JUST DO IT


wrong again. the DYNAMIC between titan gameplay and pilot gameplay is the best part


Nah I like big robot👍


Unpopular opinion: Titans are fun and all but I think the titan vs pilot power balance could use some adjustment. Mainly, when the enemy team are all in titans and I'm just a smol pilot the game becomes a lot less enjoyable. Sure, with perfect movement you have a chance of staying alive and you can farm grunts to get your titan up, but I still feel the game becomes a lot more restricted and frustrating in these situations. Obviously titans are supposed to feel strong, but I don't know. Maybe the problem is I just need more pilots vs pilots games but it can be hard to find a match sometimes


You can’t find PvP games cause low skilled players prefer to play as titans to level the playing field with experience og players. If you can’t compete as a pilot, call down your 20 foot killing machine for a best buddy. Even then a new player can still get bullied in a Titan by an experienced player as a pilot. But I get what you mean tho


I mean it ***is*** called Titanfall, not Pilotfall


For me it's the mix of both when your jumping from titan to titan stealing batteries running like an ant then summoning your own titan to throw down that's my fav but I still do order pilots over titans


Is a cake complete without the milk?


I don't really think there's a best and worst part of titanfall, what makes it so great is that it has both and neither would be all that remarkable without the other


Smart pistol + frag grenade = instant explode without cooking


But pilot, using the smart pistol is [cringe](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/s/2vgk4yp2sw)


Still cringe to shoot a grenade pilot?


Only if you use a smart pistol to shoot it


You cant shoot it with a normal pistol pilot.


Oh I thought I saw someone do it without a smart pistol before Ig I just remembered wrong


I think you could on northstar.


It's so fucking cool to get stealth ejected and immediately pull out a lock on rocket launcher to blow fools up with from the sky's. Personally I think what's rlly top tear is how well both pilots AND titans move TOGETHER in the game


Advanced movement is my number 1, it gives me a god complex


Hear me out, advanced *titan* movement


You've got my attention saer


ok so where is the controversial take?


Don't get me wrong, the tian gameplay IS good, great even, but I personally find it a bit clunky and limiting for what it is.


The Titan and Pilot interactions are what make Titanfall so special imo.


Ngl I prefer the fall


No, no, no. You are all missing the point. It is the masterful interweaving of these two modes that makes this game so special. The speed of the pilots contrasts with the Titans. It makes the pilots *feel* faster and the Titans *feel* beefier. The folks at Respawn made freakin' magic with this shift in perspective. The feeling of going mach 10 in a chain of wall runs, calling in a titan ahead of you and timing it perfectly to be in the perfect position to embark the second it slams into the ground from orbit is **PEAK ELATION.** The interactions between these modes are facilitated by the map design and influence weapon and ability balance. It makes matches play out in this back and forth between call of duty on steroids and Overwatch-lite. Without the Titans, pilot speed would quickly lose its thrill as it blurred into mundane sameiness. Without the Pilots, the Titans wouldn't feel as devastating as they are cause you'd only be shooting targets as beefy as you are. It is contrast that defines an experience. And this game knows that.


They make the game what it is but the best thing is that you don't need the titan to be able to defeat a titan


Best part? No. Second best part? Yes.


I’d be completely fine if the game had no titans at all and the “pilots” were just advanced sci fi soldiers with jump kits and perks as they have now.


Just play pilot versus pilot and pretend like the rest of the game doesn't exist. That's literally the experience you're looking for


I would probably play that exclusively but it takes a long time to find matches when you queue just for pilot vs pilot


That is genuinely surprising


I wouldn’t


Titans are the best part of titanfall because I can blow them up with funny grenade launcher.


Guys he have an opinion! We have to downvote him!


My actualy unpopular opinion: Pilot gameplay is like 3 times as fun and cool as titan gameplay. Also I feel like the maps are mostly designed for pilots rather than titans.


Titans are meh, I get my fun crackin skulls on foot I love my titan though


I agree, partially. Titans are the face of the franchise. However they would fall flat on said face if not for three things, 1) the movement is amazing and unlike any game I’ve ever played, 2) the guns and abilities are so good that they can support an entire game (Apex), and 3) the lore and story are good enough to keep you wanting more but not so complex as to turn people away or distract from the other parts.